I escape infinitely in the mirror world

Chapter 136 The Black and White Train to Happiness 77

Chapter 136 The Black and White Train to Happiness 77
"It won't increase any more. Only the first bite is useful. It's like after someone finds the game treasure chest, the treasure chest is still there and the contents have been taken away." Yun Luo explained.

"So that's the case." Shen Qianwei replied.

The three of them sat for a while, and after a while, Bai Mu came back and said with a big grin, "Okay, the test has yielded results!"

"You really know?! Niu!" Miao Chengsheng was instantly excited.

Shock was evident in Shen Qianwei's eyes, Yun Luo looked at Bai Mu and said with a smile, "Say it, say it!"

Bai Mu looked at the three of them and said seriously: "That's right, in this game, the various transactions and behaviors of the players on the train can all affect their current happiness value."

"We also believe that the current happiness value that players can obtain by trading with NPCs is also strictly calculated by a set of formulas, and it is not completely random."

"We also mentioned just now that this is related to the life happiness value of players and people, and the result I calculated now is indeed the same."

"Moreover, the lower the happiness value of a player's life, the higher the current happiness value they can obtain."

"And it's just like the system notification sound you heard, the system has another judgment before judging your preference for the trading item."

"This judgment is to judge whether the player likes this thing, divided into likes and dislikes."

"After determining whether the player likes or dislikes this item, the player's likeness or dislike for this item will be judged."

"So the current happiness value that the player needs to obtain through this trading method, in addition to his own life happiness value determines the value he can obtain, the love level of the traded items is also an important factor."

"As far as I get used to it, the love degree is divided into six levels in total, which can be regarded as reaching the bottom line of the love value, going up to three levels, and going down to three levels."

"That is, A-level, B-level, and C-level after being judged as favorite; and A-level, B-level, and C-level after being judged as disgusting."

"Grade A is the first level, which is the heaviest feeling; level C is the third level, and the last level, which is the lightest feeling."

"These three grades represent different values. A is [-], B is [-], and C is [-]."

"And after many experiments I have just done, it has been confirmed that there is indeed a calculation formula for the current happiness value that can be obtained by trading with NPCs."

"One calculation formula is: the price of the product purchased by the player from the NPC x 1. (the happiness value of the player's life) x the value represented by the player's preference level for the product."

"The final value obtained is the current happiness value that the player can obtain through this transaction."

Shen Qianwei frowned, caught the point of the words and immediately asked: "One formula? Does that mean there are other calculation methods?"

"En." Bai Mu responded lightly.

"This formula can only be applied in one situation. This situation is the game player who trades with NPC. His life happiness value is negative, and his feeling for this product can be judged as liking."

"That's a total of four situations that will occur. Each situation should correspond to a different calculation method?" Shen Qianwei asked.

Bai Mu nodded, "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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