I escape infinitely in the mirror world

Chapter 119 The Black and White Train to Happiness 60

Chapter 119 The Black and White Train to Happiness 60
"At least that's what that NPC told us." Shen Xiwei added.

Bai Mu glanced at her, "So the result is that you all lost the game, and your consciousness entered another world together, right?"

"En." Shen Xiwei nodded.

After thinking for a while, Yun Luo asked, "Is the game style important?"

Shen Qianwei shook her head again, "It doesn't matter, it's just some common games. There are all kinds of games in that game car, and there are all kinds of games. Players can choose by themselves. It's really just a choice."

"The main reason is that both Miao Chengsheng and I lost the game, so we had to accept the game punishment together, and let that NPC take a stick that I don't know what it was made of and hit our foreheads."

"Stick?" Yun Luo repeated curiously.

"Well, but it can't be called a stick at all... the size is about the same as a pen." Shen Xiwei continued.

"It's much longer than ordinary pens, but it should be thinner. It's like a magic wand in the hand, and it still has a thin head and thick tail."

"It looks like wood on the outside, but I can't be sure of the real material because I just glanced at it."

"After the NPC took out the stick and tapped it on my forehead, I felt like I lost consciousness within a second, and I didn't see the stick after I woke up."

"Then how did you feel after you lost consciousness?" Bai Mu asked.

Shen Qianwei frowned, and took a deep breath, "This loss of consciousness doesn't seem to be complete, it's just that... suddenly a white light flashed."

"I felt like I fainted for a while. Although I'm not sure if this fainting is real, but after fully waking up, the scene in front of me has completely changed."

"However, Miao Chengsheng is still standing next to me. My personal feeling is that we have completely entered another world, because that feeling is very real."

"It's not at all like entering a dream or illusion, the sense of emptiness imagined by human beings. It's as real as everything I feel sitting here chatting with you now."

Yun Luo listened, recalling everything he saw when his consciousness was brought in by the black area, and felt something was wrong.

Although she was in that scene at that time, her own feelings must be true, but it must not be like now...

Everything around her when her consciousness is in the illusory world is completely different from what her consciousness perceives in this unrealistic "real" world.

A person whose consciousness has entered the illusory world, if his consciousness is outside the illusory world, must be able to feel the difference between the two.

So, the problem will only be in the so-called "other world".

She thought silently, put away her thoughts, glanced at Shen Qianwei and Miao Chengsheng and asked, "Then what did you two see later? Did you see the same thing?"

The two nodded in affirmation, and Miao Chengsheng responded directly: "It must be the same! I was standing next to the senior sister at the time, so why is there a difference!"

"Or, how we feel about entering 'another world', you can refer to your own feelings of being transported from the real world to this game world."

"The two are actually the same, but we have an extra form, as if we have lost consciousness."

"You think, the four of us are sitting in the same car of this train, sitting at the same table, can we see different things?"

(End of this chapter)

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