Koi boss krypton gold in the survival game

Chapter 64 The Feast of Bliss

Chapter 64 The Feast of Bliss
The fat man turned his head to look at the source of the chill, and said dejectedly, "Why are you staring at me like that, the fat man is neither 1 nor 0."

Li Xiao pursed his lips, and his tone was a little stiff: "A man and a woman can't kiss each other."

"I'll go, why didn't the archaeologist pull you over."

The fat man looked at Li Xiao in shock.

Hearing this, Li Xiao's expression turned even worse, he simply put away his legs, closed the book, and looked at Su Xiaoxiao.

"Girls have to respect themselves."

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help holding back her laughter.

I didn't expect Mr. Li to be so powerful and yet so feudal.

The setting of this NPC is quite interesting. I don’t know if we can meet such an interesting NPC in the next world.

Seeing her heartless smile, Li Xiao was immediately annoyed at his unnecessary actions.

The next second, when he saw Su Xiaoxiao sitting next to the fat man as usual, his brows were almost wrinkled, and he turned his back to the two of them.

Forget it, out of sight and out of mind.

There was no poisonous gas at noon today, and Su Xiaoxiao was still puzzled. Several people discussed it and thought that the poisonous gas was released randomly.

At 10:30 the radio rang.

[The second virus experiment will start in half an hour, and the realization time will be two hours in total. All experimenters in the prison, please be prepared. ]
[If there is any adverse reaction, please raise your hand so that our medical staff can rescue you. Thank you for your cooperation. ]
The content of the broadcast has increased a lot. It seems that after yesterday's experiment, the above people have made some adjustments and improvements.

Hearing this news today, the whole prison has no strong reaction like yesterday.

Su Xiaoxiao's air purifier has never stopped.

After the broadcast, Fatty frowned and discussed with Li Xiao.

"Today is another day when no meals are distributed. If the weak people above are eaten up that day, will they come down?"

Li Xiao stretched out his hand and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and asked, "Are you afraid?"

The fat man held back after eating, and couldn't help muttering: "It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that under the influence of the poisonous gas, I don't know what will be left."

"Whatever he does."

Seeing this, Su Xiaoxiao interjected: "Kill everything that comes."

As she spoke, she took out the knife and made a few waving movements.

"Don't worry about me, I'm still strong."

As Su Xiaoxiao spoke, he continued to show a few moves, and he still looked decent. A smile inadvertently flashed across Li Xiao's beautiful eyes.

"Okay, okay. For now, let's protect the materials first."

The fat man put one hand on the air purifier next to him, and touched it lovingly.

Needless to say, the effect of the little girl's air purifier is still good.

Although when the fog comes, it can only protect the distance of five meters around.

But it was like an invisible protective cover, tightly protecting the three of them.


At eleven o'clock, the poisonous gas slanted down like a flood, and the scene was particularly spectacular, just like a white mountain torrent pouring down.

Today's poisonous gas is obviously stronger than yesterday's.

But people who have experienced yesterday have already relaxed their minds.

Poisonous gas is not as scary as hunger at all.

At most, the visual range is reduced, just like smog.

In the thick fog, a woman scratched her arm and couldn't help complaining.

"Are there still mosquitoes in the fog this time?"

"Haha, this poisonous gas can't even kill mosquitoes, and it wants to poison us, it's ridiculous."

(End of this chapter)

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