Chapter 529 Red Star Mine
"Let's go"

The people who came to pick him up waited until Fatty's condition seemed a little better, then turned sideways to make way for them to go first.

Li Xiao and the bodyguard glanced at each other, and then walked forward together first. Fatty saw them leaving, and hurriedly followed.

There is only one road here, and the end of the road is the side entrance of the hotel.

The person who greeted them stepped forward and took out the key to open the door.

"You are Madam's distinguished guests, you should be able to go through the main entrance, but now in the hall, several bosses are having dinner, so I have to wrong you to go through the side entrance."

The man explained quickly, and he opened the door and led them in regardless of whether they understood or not.

In the corridor, there were burning corpses every two meters, and the flames illuminated the entire corridor, which also exuded a disgusting smell.


The fat man deliberately quickened his pace, came to Li Xiao's side, and said in a low voice, "I don't know where the little girl was taken by them, and there is such a lady, do you know her?"


Li Xiao didn't answer, but just made a gesture of silence, signaling the fat man to stop talking, and he was also feeling uneasy.

But he had a premonition that Su Xiaoxiao was safe at the moment.

Several people came down to the third floor under the guidance of that person. The person pushed open a three-person room, and then gave way to the entrance.

"This is the residence of the three of you. If you need anything, you can ask."

"Can we see the lady?"

"Theoretically it is possible." The man replied, he paused before continuing to explain, "Madam is still receiving guests below, but I will convey your request to Madam, if Madam wants to see you, I will send someone to come .”


The fat man nodded, then waved his hand, "It's nothing, you can go."

"Okay, I'll send someone a candle later, but the quality of the candle is a bit inferior, I hope you don't dislike it." The man added this sentence.

Naturally, they would not dislike it, not to mention candles, even if they brought some firewood, they would still accept it.

Fatty nodded, representing several people, "We understand, thank you."



Su Xiaoxiao was sitting on pins and needles on the sofa, her whole body was a little hot, and scenes that were not suitable for children were being played out in front of her eyes.

Su Xiaoxiao still recognizes some of the faces, but the faces that looked dignified in the past have all turned into beasts in clothes.

Su Tianbai didn't join in, he sat on the sofa, looked at the eighteen bans in front of him with interest, and then asked Su Xiaoxiao with a smile, "Which pose do you like?"

"All, it's okay."

At this moment, Su Xiaoxiao felt like a stick in her throat. Although she pretended to be flattering, she really didn't like to talk about such a topic.

Su Tianbai felt that she didn't like this topic, so he didn't continue to ask, but just waved, "Light two more high-quality candles."


The person next to him agreed in a low voice, Su Xiaoxiao looked suspiciously, was there any candles, she remembered that she almost bought all the candles here at that time.

3 minute later.

Two people came in carrying two corpses and lit them skillfully.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at their smooth movements and stayed in place for a long time before asking with difficulty, "Are they the best candles?"

(End of this chapter)

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