Chapter 518 Red Star Mine
The man immediately shook his head, directly denying the little follower's proposal. In the next second, his eyes were full of reason, and he spoke concisely.

"Don't think so much now, we can't even get out."

"Why?" The little follower asked unwillingly.

"Because of the rules." The little follower has been playing games with him all the time. It's normal for him to be unfamiliar with the games here. He rarely explained patiently, "Every game, the area where we can move has long been restricted. Yes. If you can get out so easily, it proves that there is a bug in this game."

"Then why did the young master reveal this clue on the Internet?"

"Hehe..." The corners of the man's mouth curved down, his eyes became playful, and he paused every word, "Don't you think it's more interesting to play like this?"

If there is a careful person, he will definitely be able to find him. Once he knows the situation outside and can't get out, it will definitely be very interesting.

I don't know where the little fox is at the moment?

At eight o'clock in the morning, Su Xiaoxiao yawned lazily, and the fat man next to him was sleeping soundly while leaning on the stool and snoring loudly.

No one on the bed has woken up yet. With the ups and downs of the bed, Su Xiaoxiao really couldn't hold it anymore, so she put her hands on the bed and was going to rest for a while.

Work will start at 09:30.

I have to work until seven o'clock in the afternoon, and this line of work is a high-intensity physical labor, so I'm really tired if I don't have a good rest.

Fortunately, their group does not work the night shift. I heard that in the tunnel next to it, the day shift and the night shift work in that group to ensure that there are people on the equipment 24 hours a day.

That kind of work is the real grind.

Before going to bed, she set the alarm first, and if she is late, she will be deducted. She noticed it when she settled her wages yesterday, and ten yuan will be deducted for one minute late.

For one thing, her material reserves are not enough, and the money here can be used in the real world. She just earns the tuition fee for the next semester, so she is not willing to deduct money.


Eight fifty in the morning.

There is a rule in the mine that the team leader must get up 10 minutes early. These 10 minutes are used to lead the maintenance personnel to check the machinery. After the inspection, the team leader starts the machine.

The tunnel is always dark.

This color is easy to depress. The team leader first turned on the light, then rubbed his eyes, and took a look outside.

According to common sense, he should see the light coming out of the cave now, but the outside is pitch black and there is nothing.

It's not scientific...

The team leader checked his watch again, and the hands of the watch showed that the current time was 45:[-], how could there be no dawn.

With this question in mind, the team leader took a few steps forward, and suddenly bumped into a rock, and he tried to touch it with his hands.

Hard, with some soot.


Therefore, the hole was blocked, and it was blocked by coal, so he could see the pitch black.

He took a few steps back, his calf gave way, and he almost fell to the ground behind him. This tunnel is the only way to the outside. Once it is blocked, the consequences will be disastrous...


Su Xiaoxiao slept comfortably until twelve o'clock, and then opened her eyes. The next second, she realized that something was wrong. Did she get up late?

She immediately got off the bed, put on her shoes, put on her clothes and rushed down.

It was only when she came to the first floor that she recalled what happened last night, but she vaguely remembered that Fatty and Su Tianbai didn't seem to be on it.

(End of this chapter)

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