Chapter 505 Reality
Su Xiaoxiao nodded, her eyes fell on the man's unsuitable clothes again, and she asked the fat man gossipingly, "The clothes on him are yours?"


The fat man felt like a stick in his throat for a moment, he didn't want to admit it at all, but the clothes were indeed his. Last night, the man's clothes were torn to pieces by himself. If the guy appeared in front of the little girl, he would definitely be misunderstood even more, so he specially found a suit of clothes for him to change into.

He nodded with a stiff neck, and immediately explained, "Little girl, things are not what you think, fat man, I am straight."


Su Xiaoxiao responded meaningfully, and the smile on the corner of her mouth gradually widened. She glanced at the man opposite again. He looked really good in appearance. Although he didn't have the clear-cut face of Mr. Li, that face Self-contained nobility, this kind of natural temperament can only be cultivated under special circumstances.

Moreover, from his speech and behavior, it can also be felt that his family should be rich.

It's just...the taste is a bit unique...

But it can also be powerful. Rich people just like to play something different. She can understand this. Many rich people have eccentricities.


Su Ziyi felt that the girl looked at him strangely.

Seeing that the two were silent, he thought that they had already discussed it, so he naturally took a step closer to them, and asked, "Have you discussed it?"

"No, let's go."

The fat man waved his hands like chasing flies, he didn't want to see this gay guy for a second, especially after the little girl asked, he wished he could rush up to take off the suit and sweep it to prove his innocence.

Seeing that they were really unwilling, Su Ziyi nodded in disappointment, and bid them farewell politely, "The two of you, see you by fate."


The fat man endured the pain, and finally saw the other party turn around and leave, and saw him go out a hundred meters away, this was right for Su Xiaoxiao.

"Okay, little girl, let's go eat."

"Tsk, he looks a little lonely."

Su Xiaoxiao made a joke on purpose, and she looked at the back of the man leaving again, that familiar feeling came up again, where did she see him.


Su family villa.

Su Ziyi kicked open the entrance door, and walked in with a dark face. What happened last night was so bad that he was almost pissed off.

in the manor.

When the servants saw Su Ziyi with a dark face, they all backed away and fled. Everyone knew very well that it was terrible for the young master to lose his temper.


Su Ziyi searched around the house, but couldn't find his parents. He took out his mobile phone to call them, and found that he was blocked.

So, he took a pair of large scissors from the tool room, went directly to his mother's bedroom, and asked the housekeeper to hand him his mobile phone.

Use the housekeeper's mobile phone to dial the mother's WeChat video.

The mother on the opposite side of the screen is enjoying sunbathing in Hawaii.

She didn't notice that it was her son who answered the phone. After answering the phone, she asked her husband to hold it up and adjusted the sunscreen mask on her face in front of the mirror.

"I said, Lao Li, don't contact us recently, and call us after Ziyi calms down."

"..." Su Ziyi took a deep breath, picked up a bag from the cabinet, and said coldly to the video, "Is this a limited edition this year?"

 [A new adventure starts tomorrow, the outline has been sorted out tonight, and the details will be enriched later.I hope that I will not let everyone down, thank you every little reader for your support, let's go on together.Good night……]
(End of this chapter)

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