Koi boss krypton gold in the survival game

Chapter 48 The Feast of Bliss

Chapter 48 The Feast of Bliss
Double entendre.

Su Xiaoxiao was writing notes, she couldn't help but stop, and looked up at the girl opposite.

If she couldn't protect herself, it would be useless for others to help her.

People can only strengthen themselves.

She continued to bow her head to record.

Feast of Bliss, day six.

Twelve floors, a total of ten people.

Today's environment has become very complicated. In less than a day, a small group was quickly formed, and a boss was singled out-Wang Dalong.


He got permission on Friday and ran directly to the girl. He first glanced at the girl lewdly, and then deliberately sat down with his body tightly against the girl.

"Sister, why don't I live with you tonight, you are in such a good shape."

The girl felt nauseated, she moved aside reflexively, squeezed to the side of the mother and child, and discussed in a begging tone.

"Sister, can I sleep with you tonight?"

The mother originally wanted to refuse, but when she looked at the daughter in her arms, her heart softened, and she silently moved to the side.

The girl thanked her gratefully, and squeezed together with the mother and child.

Seeing this on Friday, he stared viciously at the mother who was ruining his good deeds, and seeing that the other party's eyes were also on him, he made a gesture of wiping his neck with his hands.

Su Xiaoxiao withdrew her gaze, cursed scum secretly, then found a safer corner, and took a nap against the corner, but her spirit was always tense.


The seventh day of the Feast of Bliss, at 9:30 in the morning.

The clouds outside were thick, and the room was very hot and stuffy. It looked like a heavy rain was coming. Except for the middle school student wearing glasses, all the other men took off their shirts.

The wind blows up the sand, and then blows the sand all over the sky, the visibility is reduced to invisible, and even the house is affected.

The air was extremely oppressive and stuffy, making it hard to breathe.

There was a sudden sound on the radio.

[This morning, a delegation of ten people has been sent to the prison for detailed talks on how to deal with the detainees in the prison. ]
[In addition, regarding the super virus developed by our country, it has reached the experimental stage.The successful development of this virus will be used to treat a new type of sudden, single-stranded RNA virus. ]
When the broadcast ended, there was instant cheers in the prison, and everyone was discussing.

"Great, the country is coming to pick us up, and I said the country will not abandon us."

"In this ghost place, labor and capital have had enough."

"I want to go back to the college entrance examination. It's been a year. I should have gone to college."

"But our country is a defeated country, can we really take us back?"

"Of course." A woman said firmly: "We are ordinary people. What does defeat have to do with us ordinary people?"

The man who asked the question fell silent.

Listening to this discussion, Su Xiaoxiao felt vaguely uneasy. She always felt that things would not go so smoothly. If she could really pick them up, why didn't she pick them up earlier.

What's more, weak countries have no diplomacy.

These people were detained here for a whole year and tortured for a year. It is said that at the beginning, the upper-level people would leave enough food for the lower-level people.

It's time to change the psychology of these people.

The sandstorm outside was still blowing crazily. In such weather, it was difficult for any means of transportation to move. The crowd changed from cheering at the beginning to worrying.

In this kind of weather, can the diplomatic corps arrive normally?

 [Why the update is late, the Chinese team is too good, the game is so exciting, hahaha, okay, I wish you all a happy holiday.Continue to vote, I update twice every day, and continue to update four after testing the waters.A lot of comments ha. ]
(End of this chapter)

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