Koi boss krypton gold in the survival game

Chapter 32: Snake Island's Sorrow

Chapter 32: Snake Island's Sorrow
nice guy...

These two words and that word have nothing to do with him.

The standoff ended at the cost of those below disarming and surrendering.

In this way, a few more days passed.


Snake Island Town 36 days, early morning.

There was still the sound of rats outside, but this time it was accompanied by human screams and gunshots.

What's wrong!
Su Xiaoxiao quickly got up.

Open the door, there are people running with guns on their shoulders.

Then, Su Xiaoxiao saw a dark shadow coming up from downstairs.

Careful identification can clearly see the creatures entangled in the shadows.


It's a mouse!

Su Xiaoxiao quickly returned to the house, put on the bullet-proof suit given to her by the second captain before, then picked up the machine gun, and met the fat man waiting for her at the door.

Tens of thousands of rats poured in, like a flood, and soon flooded the first floor, then the second, and then the third.

Lots and lots.

Even the Tesla Hotel, made of steel and iron, was trembling slightly when it was hit by the violent rat wave.

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly recalled that when she first came here, the town's publicity was all about snakes, and she was still wondering how so many snakes were raised.

It's a mouse.

Species are mutually restricted. The reason why there are so many snakes on Snake Island means that the food here must be very rich.

Rats are one of the important food for snakes.

Because the snake suddenly disappeared overnight, the rats rushed in immediately, and the rats' reproductive ability was amazing, which led to today's situation.

It turned out that the first day of the game had been prompted.

Snake Island, a paradise for snakes.

Once there are no snakes, it will become a paradise for all kinds of pests.

Su Xiaoxiao had a bad feeling when she saw the swarm of rats that had reached the third floor.


Su Xiao wrote two words in the novel, and the fat man dragged her to the top floor desperately.

"I really can't, I'll carry you and run away..."

"It's okay, I can do it."

Su Xiaoxiao climbed to the sixth floor at the fastest speed in her life.

"Don't go up to the roof for the time being, in case the upper part is also occupied by rats."

The climbing ability of mice is very powerful, and the roof of the building is not too simple for this kind of creature.

The fat man thought of something, and dragged Su Xiaoxiao to one of the rooms on the sixth floor.

"What are you doing in Boss Li's room?" Monk Su Xiaozhang was puzzled, she glanced down, "Look quickly, these mice stopped on the fourth floor."

Just so weird.

The swarm of rats, which had been overwhelming, stopped on the top of the third floor.

Between the third and fourth floors, there seemed to be something that frightened them.

There are just too many of these mice.

They are in a dense, moving black blanket.

As the number of rats increases, so does the pressure.

Soon, they will explode at any time.

Su Xiaoxiao sighed.

Although I don't know what method Boss Li used, but what is certain at present is that once these rat pots come up, it will be all over.

At this moment, there was a sound of the door opening and closing.

Su Xiaoxiao turned around and looked back, only to see a room full of people who were in a meeting looking at the two of them strangely.

Let's have a meeting!

It turned out that in Li Xiao's room, seven or eight cronies were having a meeting.

Li Xiao really vividly expressed the four words of fearlessness in the face of danger.

"What's the matter with you?"

Li Xiao asked lightly, waking up Su Xiaoxiao who was still in shock.

 [After the fourth update, vote more if you love me... If you don't interact, I will doubt myself...]
(End of this chapter)

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