Koi boss krypton gold in the survival game

Chapter 234 Clown Kingdom 【Extra】

Chapter 234 Clown Kingdom 【Extra】

So, he chose to let her go from here.

In fact, as long as she is happy, everything is worth it.

The clown also knows that she is not that girl, but so what, the kindness that was not reciprocated before, will be returned to her now.

She would agree, he thought.

"Next time, meet a poor animal on the side of the road and don't give it any warmth."

"Once it experiences warmth, it can no longer adapt to darkness."

Man, once he gets used to the darkness, once someone gives him a little warmth, he will be greedy for this warmth, and eventually he will go beyond redemption.


Extra episode [[-]]

Why did she choose to blow up here? She thought it was a kind of salvation.

Perhaps only by letting this dirty place disappear, her soul will be redeemed, and she will be able to marry the one she loves in the next life.

She was just angry with her fiance and came to the amusement park to play and relax, but she was dragged into the haunted house inexplicably to participate in this weird game.

She just came to relax, how did it become like this.

In the beginning, she only had to avoid those scary props that could move and kill people.

Later, she needs to avoid the men who stare at her.

In the end, during a game, she accidentally broke into the territory of several men.

So, she was detained by several men and humiliated in turn.

She was born in a teacher's family since she was a child, and her parents were both teachers, so in her mind, a good girl should be pure and pure.

This is also the reason why I quarreled with my boyfriend.

The boyfriend felt that the two were engaged and wanted to exercise the right to be a husband in advance, but she insisted on saving the best for the last.

Unexpectedly, the purest first time in her heart was actually in this extremely dirty corridor.

At that moment, the pain in my heart was greater than the pain in my body.

During the few days of being ravaged, she even felt that she was dead.


It was the man who woke her up.

So, she decided to take revenge and let those who deserved her death die.

Apart from that man, those cold-blooded onlookers were not the accomplices of that tragedy.

Following the clues of the radio, she found the clown line.

As long as the entire building, including the perpetrator, is killed, she can get her revenge.

Two days later, she happened to see that formidable man, so she tracked down and found him.


"Hello, I want to be your apprentice." When she was seven years old, she looked at her own aunt with an extremely innocent expression, and then respectfully handed over the prepared gift.

My aunt shook her head, saying that her waist was not soft enough.

She forcibly practiced the lower back for another year. It is said that she finally passed the exam, but she was not satisfied, so she practiced for a few more years.

She brought into play the spirit of not being afraid of death, and began to "encounter" him in various ways, until one day, he suddenly asked, "Are you afraid of death?"

She shook her head quickly, and said boldly: "Don't be afraid, death is your home."


But when she really got to that step, she was still a little scared.

When she pulled the landmine away, she thought about throwing it away.

But looking at everything in front of me, I recalled the past scenes in my mind, and the wind blew by my ears.

The clown leaned on her ear and said, "Actually, I know, it's not you."

She was deeply shocked, so it wasn't her disguise that was good all the time, but the clown willingly entered her trap.

At that moment, she suddenly envied that girl, she was once a spoiled girl.

(End of this chapter)

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