Chapter 156 Fairy Tale Town

After they determined their target, they headed for the castle.

In the past few days, they have been hanging around the castle and have not approached the castle.

If the zombies outside the castle can be described in groups, then the zombies in the castle can be described directly in slices.


at noon.

After their observation for the past few days, the zombies are the slowest at this time. They must seize this opportunity and run to the princess's room on the third floor of the castle.

Brother Li walked ahead with an electric baton, and he looked around cautiously.

"follow me."

They found that the number of zombies was not as many as they thought.

Su Xiaoxiao followed behind, and she suddenly found that the eyes of a zombie maid had fallen out. She was running around like a blind man, and when she encountered sunlight, she suddenly shrank into the shadows.


The voice of zombies came from behind, and the fat man dragged Su Xiaoxiao away, "Hey, little girl, let's go, why are you in a daze."

"I found that those maid zombies can't see without eyes."

Boss Li is opening up the frontier, and while killing the oncoming zombies, he said to Su Xiaoxiao: "The eyes of the zombies are just decorations, and it is impossible to see them through the eyes."

So, she was tricked by a zombie?
The higher you go, the more zombies there are. While throwing bombs in front of you, Mr. Li quickly clears up the zombies that rush up around you.

In the castle, there were splashes of limbs and blood for a while.

His strength is indeed very strong, and he forcibly opened up a path.

After going upstairs, in order to prevent the zombies below from coming up, Mr. Li decisively blew up the wooden spiral staircase, blocking the zombies downstairs.

Several people reached the third floor as quickly as possible and found the room where the princess lived.

"Get out of the way." Brother Li took a step back, kicked open the door, and quickly threw a grenade inside.

After one sound, all the zombies in the room were blown to death.

There was a smell of burnt rotten meat, and Mr. Li frowned unconsciously.


The fat man vomited while holding on to the railing.

The bodyguard and Brother Li were relatively calm, and they walked into the room.

The bodyguards cleaned out the half-cooked zombie limbs inside like cleaning, and piled them up at the door.

Su Xiaoxiao held a gun and practiced the few maid zombies who had been killed by Big Brother Li in the corridor. Her marksmanship became more and more accurate, and she could basically shoot a small zombie with one shot.

The house was cleaned up quickly.

Su Xiaoxiao lived in this room for five days by herself. When the bodyguard became a princess, she often came to this room to discuss countermeasures with the bodyguard.

Therefore, she is quite familiar with this room.

She took Boss Li to find the princess' wardrobe with ease.

After opening it, let Boss Li scan it.

"There's nothing I'm looking for." Li Xiao shook his head, indicating that the skirt was not here.

"No, all the princess's dresses are here." Su Xiaoxiao frowned, she remembered that on the first day, she searched the whole house, looking for a normal dress to wear.

The fat man and the bodyguard fixed the door and locked it with a deadbolt.

Although there are not many zombies in the corridor, there will be a few from time to time, which is really annoying.

Before closing the door, Fatty forcibly snatched her big scissors from a zombie.

He stepped on the head of the zombie maid with one foot, and grabbed the handles of the scissors with both hands and pulled them out forcefully.

"Bring it to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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