Starting from Pirates, Myriad Worlds Simulation 2

Chapter 88 Application to hunt down Wood's Gion

Chapter 88 Application to hunt down Wood's Gion

It is impossible to say that Shi Ji is not surprised, after all, his unique moves are now being used by others to deal with him.

The practice of swordsmanship is not a one-day effort, and the practice of swordsmanship is naturally the same. Every swordsman's own sword skills are honed through the practice of thousands of years of practice.

However, the little ghost in front of him learned his sword skills just by watching it once?

For this, Shi Ke himself does not believe it. Compared with Wood's incredible talent, he is more willing to believe that Wood has a special devil fruit.

But in fact, Wood was able to use Shiki's sword skills because he learned it!

Wood's special knowledge and arrogance made Shiji's actions just now become a high-magnification slow-motion. In this case, as a "swordsman", it is not difficult for him to imitate the opponent's skills.

The multiple slashes, which had the poise but were not as powerful as the original version, were easily crushed by Shi Ji before they even flew in front of Shi Ji.

And Wood's seemingly provocative behavior completely annoyed the Golden Lion Shiji.

At the same time, many warships far away from the Navy headquarters have all left the port at this moment, and are rushing towards the channel of the city.

It is impossible for the Navy Headquarters not to hear about such a big incident in Jinjin City.

At the beginning, when the news of a jailbreak in Advance City reached the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku in the office still looked calm, because he thought it was Wood who started to act.

However, when the sea soldier who reported said that the person who escaped from the city was Shiji the Golden Lion, Sengoku was not calm for a moment.

The Warring States period is quite clear about the role of the Golden Lion Shiji. Letting the opponent return to the sea, and when he makes a comeback, it will undoubtedly be a tricky role.

So when he heard that Shiji escaped from prison and advanced to the city to seek support, Sengoku sent Garp and Qingzhi over without hesitation.

But not long after Garp and the others left the Navy headquarters, the navy who came in to report again, the information he said caused the pen held in Sengoku's hand to be crushed inadvertently!
There was no way, because what the messengers reported was too shocking.

The director of Advance City died in battle because he prevented Skee from escaping from prison. The former Navy Lieutenant Commander Wood betrayed and released 1150 prisoners in Advance City Level, and together with the Navy of Advance City, they all escaped!
The director of Jinjin City died in battle. Although Zhan Guo was a little surprised, he was not particularly surprised. After all, Shi Ji's strength lies there. He is free from the shackles of Haikou Stone, and there are not many people in the sea who can suppress him. .

What shocked Warring States was Wood. According to the original plan, Wood should secretly let go of a prisoner in the city because of greed.

And this prisoner was also specially arranged by the Warring States Period. The other party was a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. As long as Wood rescued the other party, he might have the opportunity to take this opportunity to break into the Whitebeard Pirates.

But when he heard the latest information about the city, Sengoku was undoubtedly furious.

I originally thought that Wood was a relatively stable guy, but I didn't expect that he would either quit, or once he did, he would directly expose the matter to the sky.

He killed the Celestial Dragons in the holy land of Mariejoa before, and now he just released 150 prisoners in the city of advancement!

Opening the drawer next to him, Zhan Guo just wanted to take out a special small phone bug in the drawer to contact someone, when there was a hasty knock on the door.

"I'm very busy now. If it's not urgent, I can report it later."

When Wood was asked to be an undercover pirate, Warring States naturally left a means of communication with Wood.

And at the moment, the small phone bug in the Warring States drawer, which is seven points similar to Wood, is specially used to contact Wood.

Originally, for the sake of confidentiality, Warring States and Wood agreed that unless there were urgent special circumstances, they would only contact each other once every three years.

But now, less than a day after Wood rebelled against the navy, Sengoku was planning to use this phone bug to contact Wood.

There is no way, because what Wood did this time was too outrageous, and he actually released 150 prisoners in Advance City.

Even Sengoku is wondering if that bastard Wood is really doing a fake show, and really plans to defect from the navy and become a pirate.

"I'm sorry, Marshal of the Warring States Period. I really have something urgent to see you. I just need to delay you for a while and give me an order."

Along with the knock on the door came a female voice. There were not many female generals in the navy, but just hearing this voice, the Warring States already knew who was behind the door.

"Major General Gion, I should have already said that I have urgent matters to deal with now. What you are doing now is no different from defying your superiors, understand?"

Sengoku put down the phone bug he was about to pick up, and looked helplessly at Gion who insisted on barging in despite his order.

"I'm really sorry, but I do have an urgent matter that needs the approval of Marshal Sengoku. No matter what punishment I face afterwards, Gion will be willing to be punished."

Seeing the displeased expression on the face of Marshal of the Warring States Period, Gion had a rare tough attitude, even bearing the punishment of defying his superiors, and handed in his own application report.

And Gion's application report is also quite concise, even Sengoku just glanced at it, and it is clear the purpose of Gion's visit.

"You apply to take your own troops to hunt down the naval traitor Wood?"

As an admiral of the Navy Headquarters, he cannot be dispatched whenever he wants to. He needs to have relevant orders and tasks. Among them, as the most powerful admiral of the Navy Headquarters, if he wants to leave the Headquarters, he needs to go through layers of approval.

Gion wants to take away the navy this time, which is the highest-equipped force of a major general like her, so she naturally needs the approval of Sengoku.

"I would like to know the reason, Rear Admiral Gion, than my navy's traitor Wood, I think the top priority should be to hunt down the golden lion Shiji.

After all, his danger to the entire sea is much more dangerous than a mere former lieutenant commander. "

Before it was determined whether Wood had really betrayed, Warring States really didn't want to send too many troops to hunt down Wood.

Otherwise, it would be really funny if Wood was caught by himself before the undercover plan started.

"No, Marshal of the Warring States Period, you all underestimate that guy Wood, if he really betrays the navy and becomes a pirate, he will be more dangerous than a mere golden lion in the future.

The Golden Lion Shiji is just a remnant of the times, a defeated underling of Pirate King Roger, who has lost his vigor, and now he is nothing to be afraid of.

But Wood is different, no one knows him better than me, only give him another 20 years... No, I am afraid that in less than ten years, the current Golden Lion is simply not enough to look at.

Besides, I don't believe that Wood will betray the Navy. There must be some special reason for this. I want to know the answer from him personally! "

(End of this chapter)

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