Starting from Pirates, Myriad Worlds Simulation 2

Chapter 83 Major Wood defected from the Navy!

Chapter 83 Major Wood defected from the Navy!
As for why there are 150 people instead of 100 people, there is a reason for that.

Wood's mission requirement is to assist a hundred prisoners escape from the city of advance.Note that what is mentioned here is successful escape, that is to say, only prisoners who leave the city of advancement can meet the mission requirements.

Although most of the forces in Advance City are now going to block the Golden Lion, there are still some defensive forces.

Wood couldn't guarantee that if he released a hundred prisoners, they would all be able to escape from the city safely, so he naturally released dozens more just to be on the safe side.

It would not be good if all the Level 1 prisoners were released, because if there were too many, he, Wood, was also afraid that he would overturn.

A large number of prisoners escaped from the cells, and the surveillance telephone bug naturally sounded the alarm.

However, because of the incident with the Golden Lion Shiji, when the Director of the Propel City and Magellan on the sixth floor received the news, they couldn't react at all even if they wanted to return.

Even because of such urgent news, the director of the city of advancement was beheaded by the golden lion Shiji on the spot because of his carelessness!

Because of the death of the director of the advancing city, the combat power of the advancing city, which was originally enough to suppress Shiji, was completely out of balance.

As for the other side, there are only a few Level 1 guards left by Grubru, obviously unable to stop the escaped army. After paying the sacrifice of 30 people, the Level 1 prisoners also crossed the thorn forest-like Red Lotus Hell. Came to the outside of the advancing city.

"Boss Wood, the warship you arranged is there to push forward what happened in the city, and the navy will come to suppress it soon."

Seeing the long-lost sky and breathing the outside air, the prisoners in Advance City are naturally unwilling to return to the hell of Advance City now.

And Wood also understands that his current identity has become a naval traitor. A few high-level officials such as the Warring States Marshal may know his undercover identity, but it is impossible for other admirals to know.

In order to avoid being accidentally injured by the navy that came to suppress, Wood also boarded a warship that had been prepared long ago with a large number of prisoners.

As for the navy's warships, they were prepared for Wood by the naval squad in Advance City.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that they thought that Wood had asked them to prepare a warship just to go out on business, but now it was to run away!
And what makes them even more incomprehensible is that Wood is obviously a second generation with a background and a promising future, why did he do such a thing as a prison robbery!

"Guys, what did you say you wanted to do with me before? Do you still have this idea now?"

Wood has thought about it, since he is going to be an undercover pirate, it is necessary to form a pirate group, but now he doesn't even have a team, it is really unreasonable.

He didn't intend to use these prisoners brought out from the city of advancement, and he didn't even intend to keep them alive.

So at the moment, he enthusiastically invited a few salted fish stationed in the Advancing City Navy Squad.

"Major Wood..., no, Wood, you bastard actually lied to us!"

The captain and others in the advancing city team saw what Wood was doing now, and they didn't know that they were on Wood's thief ship.

Poor, they originally thought that Wood was an invisible second generation, and they wanted to hug each other's thighs tightly, hoping that one day they would be able to flourish.

However, who knew that it wasn't long before they threw away the big brother, and Wood made a mess of them.

"You can't say that, besides, I didn't lie to you before, I just said that I might get into trouble.

But at that time, you all made a vow that being a younger brother is to share the blessings, and you will bear the misfortunes. "

Wood spread out his hands, saying that it was not that Wood intended to deceive people, but that the Captain and the others spoke sincerely, which made him take it seriously.

And when they heard what Wood said, the captain and the others also looked like Cao Dan. They were flattering at first, but they didn't expect that the flattering directly caused a catastrophe.

And they didn't expect that the trouble that Wood said was such a heinous disaster!

"How, do you plan to go with me? After today's advance city, it is estimated that the advance city will completely exclude the navy from entering in the future.

Although this matter has nothing to do with you, you will be punished more or less for it, right? "

Hearing what Wood said, the captain's expression became even more bitter.The matter is so big, and even the warship where the prisoners leave is prepared by them, it will be as simple as being punished there.

It is more likely that they will be regarded by the Navy headquarters as the accomplices of Wood and his party. Whether the Navy can continue to work is not mentioned for the time being, and they will even be thrown into the city of advancement.

Having been stationed in Advancing City for so long, no navy is more aware of the horrors of Advancing City than they are, so after only a moment of hesitation, the navy captain followed Wood onto the warship.

As for the others, seeing that the captain who is the backbone has made a decision, they naturally chose to follow.

No way, actually boarded a pirate ship, then they can only go to the dark one way...

However, when the dozen or so navies in Advancing City boarded Wood's thief ship, they realized that even if they defected from the navy with Wood, the current situation was not good at all!

Without him, before they were completely out of danger, the prisoners brought out from the city of advancement were quite safe.

However, as the ship got farther and farther away from the advancing city, Wood could also feel that the prisoners looked at them more and more unkindly.

"Major Wood..., Captain Wood, I always feel that we didn't die in Push City, but we might die on this ship.

Are you sure you discussed with them when you rescued these prisoners before, and they really recognize you as the boss? "

Of the more than 150 prisoners, twenty or thirty died when they escaped from Jincheng City, and now there are still more than 120 prisoners.

And the original navy of the ship plus Wood, there are 15 people at full count, and the other party exudes malice, even a fool can see it.

"Captain, you bring other people into the control room to work, and I will leave the next clean-up work to me. I'm afraid that blood will splash all over you."

"Captain, we are not a navy anymore, just call me Russ."

"Loser? Loser? That's a good name..."

"Captain, it's Russ, it's not a loser, it's not a loser, and are you sure it's okay for you to stay alone?"

Ruth was a naval captain at least before he boarded Wood's pirate ship. Although the prisoners imprisoned in Level 1 of Propel City were the most common pirates, most of them were pirates with a reward of 1000 million Baileys.

For pirates of this level, with the strength of the majors and captains of their headquarters, it is not difficult to defeat one or two, but if there are more than 100...

(End of this chapter)

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