Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!.

Chapter 84 As a bad guy, why do you write a diary (Part 1)

Chapter 84 As a Bad Guy, Why Are You Writing a Diary (Part [-])
He thought to himself, it seems that Uchiha's rebellion has accelerated, maybe soon.

"The coup d'état of the Uchiha clan is proceeding according to Danzo's ideas and has accelerated."

After Yu Yu whispered something, he put the weapons store ledger on the desktop, and then browsed the information scroll sent by the leader of the tracking dog, Gilber, which recorded a large amount of information and analysis on it. It said that the current Uchiha includes At least one-third of the patriarch, Uchiha Fugaku, are swingers and centrists. These people have not yet determined how to get Uchiha out of the current predicament... However, those hawks are already taking action, Not only are they making a lot of preparations for rebellion, but they are also wooing those swingers...

"It's going to continue for a while."

After browsing through the information, Yuu analyzed in his heart, "It shouldn't take long, maybe three or four months, when the whole Uchiha clan will reach an agreement on the rebellion... before that, can I become a The name of the ninja?" He is not sure about this, the ninja is the mainstay of a village, the requirements are far stricter than the special ninja, and there is still a long inspection period.

Moreover, Yu Yu thought of another question, even if he put aside his "special" status, such a small child wants Uchiha to be convinced, so that this big family will be his absolute backing in the days to come, fully support his actions, This kind of thinking is a bit naive - it is not an easy task to convince the proud Saiyan prince to "low-level fighter" Kakarot.

How proud is the Uchiha clan? How could such a large ninja group succumb to a seven-year-old child.

You Yu sat on the chair, tapped her fingers lightly on the table, thinking about related issues.

After a long time, even though he was reluctant to admit it, he still felt that one of the best ways was to bring the deviated things back to the "plot"... Because of his appearance, the related things changed too much, and a lot of Things that deviated from the original work happened, the appearance of the Yamato elite class, Danzo knew the existence of Uchiha Shisui Kaleidoscope in advance, the death of Elder Shimaya, Uchiha's rebellion in advance, etc...

And only when the most dangerous moment for this family appears when the Uchiha Butcher Knife falls, will the people of this family have the possibility of believing in him.

That moment is very dangerous, if it is not handled well, it will get out of control, and Uchiha will be wiped out at that time.

So, if he wants to keep things under better control, one of the best ways is to let the plot go back - this is not an easy thing, he does not have the ability to predict the entire future... Of course, this It's not the key to success or failure, the key lies in himself.

You Yu feels that he is very strong now, but still not enough.

The main body is strong and invincible, but the strength of the shadow clone is obviously not strong enough. It is very difficult to face the strength of a human column like Goju Yakura...
If he wants to control it better, then the shadow clone must also be of a level that can deal with Yakura Kutachi.

Youyu looked at the data on the panel that had increased a lot in the past few years, 16.8%. During this period of time, he did not rush to improve the degree of integration. The potential in the body, these two items can improve one's own strength.

However, he now gains significantly more power per 0.1% fusion point than before.

Since you want to grow faster, then pay more attention to the degree of integration.

You Yu nodded, besides her own strength, she still needs to do something, so she has to go to the "root".

He looked at the countertop of the cabinet in the room, where there was a letter, which was a letter from Danzo Shimura inviting him to cooperate. Danzo said in the letter that he was not in a hurry to receive a reply, so he ignored it... ··Is it possible to use this letter to explore the "root" now?After all, Danzo’s invitation is an open cooperation method, just joining the root like Orochimaru, and it’s only working during the holidays of the Yamato class...

Yu Yu quickly vetoed her own idea.

If he enters Gen as Yanohara Yuu, once something important happens inside, Gen will be the first object of suspicion. At that time, the conflict with Gen will be completely aroused, and it will be difficult to control what happens.So who do you go in as?Anyway, it's fine if it's not Nohara Yuu...

"Sleep first." After Youyu fell asleep, the next day he ordered the dogs of Posuoling to find out the specific location of the "Gen" headquarters.

After recalling that Moonlight Hayate and Yamato taught him about Anbu's traps and personnel arrangements, he made a lot of preparations.

Yuu used the transformation technique to transform into an ordinary member of Anbu, and came to the area that was destroyed into ruins and overgrown with weeds during the Nine-Tails Rebellion. After unfolding the ultra-distance sense of energy, he entered here with a teleportation underground.

He appears behind an empty grocery store in Root's headquarters.

Began to perceive this huge underground space.

Perceived that the number of people exceeded his expectations, a large number of rooted ninjas are scattered all over the ground, many of them are perceptual ninjas... However, these are not difficult for him, his current energy is hidden at LV8, and he can easily Avoid the perception of most ninjas.

You Yu thought about it for a second, and thought, even if she finds out, she can easily get out of here.

Nothing to worry about.

He started from this grocery room and quickly searched all the way. He visited Danzo's office, cell, library, training room, etc. Soon after, he appeared in a very secret room where no one could find the entrance. The room is very dark and humid. There are a large number of nutrition tanks on both sides of the wall, and there are red eyes in the nutrition tanks - Sharingan.

Yu Yu looked at Danzo's collection and nodded slightly.

"Even Sangouyu's Sharingan... seems to be of little use to me."

He thought about several of his subordinates, either they don't need Sharingan, or they can't afford the Chakra consumption of Sharingan... The transplanted Sangouyu Sharingan can't evolve into a kaleidoscope, and it's not very useful ····Besides, if even two or three pairs of Sharingan are taken away right now, Danzo might startle the snake if they find out.

Yuu took out the camera from the sealed scroll and took a picture of this place before leaving.

After exploring the root headquarters for a while, he heard the noisy communication of some root members... Has Danzo returned from going out?Is he going out this time to kill the remnants of the Anbu of the Prajna Congregation in the Kingdom of Lin?It is indeed a great task... I don't know if he will write a report?Write a mission report like an ordinary ninja completed the mission?

Youyu thought for a while, then settled into a dark corner far away, staring at Danzo's office.

After staying in the office for a while, Danzo took a document in his hand and went down the long spiral ladder to the lower area. After leading his subordinates through several hidden rooms, he walked in a more secret corridor. Walking through the corridor, Danzo opened the door at the end of the corridor, and behind the door was a room surrounded by a dark red enchantment in all directions. Yu Yu, who was watching from the dark, was secretly startled. What kind of room is this? The eye room is more secretive, and it is specially protected with an enchantment.

But Danzo pressed his hands on the barrier after making seals with both hands.

The enchantment opened a small door for one person to come, and Danzo looked at his confidants: "You wait here."

"Yes, Danzo-sama!"

Danzo entered, stayed inside for a while, nodded to his confidants, and then led them away from the hidden place.

After Danzo left, Yuu appeared in front of the door in a teleport from the darkness. He touched the keyhole in front of the door with his fingers, and opened the door easily with his breath. He looked at the dark red barrier in front of him, Recalling Danzo's knot seal just now, trying to do like him, and then pressing his palm on the barrier...no response...and he felt a strong space repulsion from the barrier, which is to prevent someone from using it Space ninjutsu inside?
"How did this barrier come about?"

After Youyu withdrew his palm, he was thinking about this question. His qi perception probed around the barrier for a while, and he shook his head. However, he found that the barrier had nothing to do with the outside world. So, can the barrier be broken?No, no, Danzo may have been set up around it. Once the barrier is artificially destroyed, there may be follow-up reactions.

"Let's use teleport."

You Yu thought in his heart, he didn't believe that this kind of barrier could block his teleportation... He sensed Qi through the barrier, and after sensing the tiny creatures inside, he began to teleport, hey, he shuttled over, but It was as if he had fallen into a swamp, but this level of space power couldn't stop him, so he slammed into it with a little force.

fell to the floor of the room.

Is this the study?
You Yu looked at the bookshelves on the surrounding walls, with a large number of documents and materials, scrolls, etc. on them.

He walked over, and first looked at one of the documents that had Danzo's aura left. After looking at it, he thought, this is a report, saying that he personally led a team to destroy the remnants of the Anbu of Banjna in Lin Zhiguo... It's a mission report.After he put it down, he looked at the documents under this report again, it was also a normal task report, and the fourth one came down, huh?Said that the oil girl Ryoma assassinated the Uchiha Shimadani operation mission...

"No, Danzo,"

Youyu glanced at this place, and understood the level of confidentiality of the things here. Even if Danzang's mother was resurrected, she would not let her take a look. He thought, "As a bad person, why are you writing a diary?" The "diary" is theoretically no one will see it, but that's just a theory.

"Look again, I hope to see some surprises."

(End of this chapter)

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