Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!.

Chapter 80 The Old Man Who Loves Red Eyes (Part 2, 3400)

Chapter 80 The Old Man Who Loves Red Eyes (Second, 3400)

Jun Malu turned his head to look over, and looked at the tiger mask man standing in the air in surprise: "My lord, can you still fly?"

You Yu didn't answer him, and said: "It took a little time this time, but it's finally done. Let's go. I'll take you back to meet your family and friends!"

A moment later, Yuu took Junmaro back to the secret residence where the Light Organization was located.

Yu Yu appeared on the seat in the conference hall and called Yamoyi over.

"The leader is back. Is everything going well!"

Yamoyi walked in and bowed respectfully, but saw the leader throwing two ninja sword weapons at him, he trembled with excitement, "This, this is the 'fang' of one of the Kirigakure seven-edged swords. Sir, what is this? ?”

"Take it! Ringo Yuyuri is dead, and you will be the master of these ninja knives from now on!"

"Yes! Thank you, Sir, for your generous gift!"

"And this, next."

Youyu threw another seal scroll at him, "There is the body of Goju Yagura inside, you know how to unseal it, you can get it to the black market tomorrow to exchange for money, remember the most important thing about this matter - don't reveal your identity!"

"Yes! This subordinate must complete the task!" Yamoyi answered quickly, but his heart was extremely shocked, Goju Yakura?Has Mizukage of Wuyin Village been killed by the leader?

"Junmalu, come out."

Yu Yu looked towards the side hall.

Holding a pot of small white flowers, Jun Malu came out from the dark place in the house. He looked curiously at the one-eyed man in front of him.

"Amoyi, go and call them all over."

"Yes! Master Chief!"

A few minutes later, in the lobby of the mansion, the four members of Hikari, Amoi, Shiro, Yuki, and Karin, gathered together. They all looked at Kimomaro, who looked very special. Is he from the Kaguya clan?

Sure enough, their leader began to introduce this genius of the Kaguya clan to them, and his identity as a new member of the Guang organization. The four of them had a good impression of the shy-looking new member, and were extremely enthusiastic about his arrival.

Kimaro, who has been trapped in the dungeon all year round, is a little overwhelmed, but it can be seen from his polite smile that he enjoys this feeling.

"Master Chief."

After politely answering the questions from several friends, Jun Ma Lu shyly looked at Chief Guang, "Are they all my family?"

Youyu was stunned, then pointed to Bai and said: "Bai, a few months older than you, he is your elder brother." Pointing to six-year-old Xianglin: "Your younger sister." Pointing to Youxi: "Your aunt. ” Pointing to Amoi: “Your uncle.”

"And me, you can call me uncle if you don't mind." He said to himself, "Although you are older than me, it's fine for me to be your uncle."

"Yes! Uncle Chief!" Jun Malu shouted.

You Yu felt very good, but she thought in her heart, if Jun Ma Lu knew the truth in the future, she wouldn't be blackened, right?
"Brother Bai, Sister Xianglin, Aunt Youxi, Uncle Yamoyi."

Jun Malu blushed slightly, shyly but very politely greeted the other four people in the room one by one, and the four responded enthusiastically. You Yu looked at the scene that suddenly became a "large-scale confession".

He nodded secretly in his heart. He thought it would be a good thing if Junmalu's arrival added a "family" factor to the team, and it would help strengthen the internal cohesion of his organization.

Let Yamoyi arrange for Junmaro to stay, and after dealing with the matter here, he began to think about how to deal with Mio. After a while, Yuu decided to postpone this matter temporarily.

When he came to the dungeon deep in the mansion, he didn't forget that he had also caught a tailless beast, dried persimmon ghost, and came back.

He walked into the dimly lit cell room.

Kisame was firmly fixed on the table by some special metals.

Kisame Kisame was seriously injured in the battle with him today, and he didn't get his permission to treat him. He was still in a coma due to his serious injuries.

Youyu stroked his chin, thinking about how to recruit Kisame, and in just a few seconds he came to a conclusion - to recruit his subordinates, if he trusts the other party, he will lure and cheat on him, and if he doesn't trust him, he must completely control it.

Of course he couldn't trust Kisame.

However, Uchiha Obito uses the "Infinite Tsukiyomi" cake to control Kisame, so he can wake Kisame from the dream of "Infinite Tsukiyomi".

With his palm lightly placed on Kisame's forehead, his Chakra is invading Kisame's body, creating an "illusion" in his brain. A not-so-difficult illusion allows him to see many pictures, and the content of the pictures is Infinite Moon Read "Parts of the Truth", Infinity Months Read a world full of walking dead humans, soulless, controlled by a giant illusionary eye, a dead world
After doing this.

A group of off-white parasites drilled out of Youyu's right arm, and began to burrow into Guisha's head.

Kisame seemed to be having some terrible nightmare, sweating profusely all over his body.

After his own parasite finished parasitizing, he looked at it, just like the last time he parasitized Yamoyi, the parasitized one fell into a near-death state. Will Younv Zhiwei leak this matter to me?Or is it because all the wounded were parasitized and the injuries were aggravated?Forget it, just a little fairy beans.

Youyu took out the small bottle, took a look at the 8.25 fairy beans inside, took out a quarter of a bean, and opened Guixier's mouth to let him swallow it.

In just a few seconds, Kisame opened his eyes, his eyes were bright and energetic.

You Yu went to the machine by the wall and pressed a few buttons, then untied him from the bindings on his body.

Dried Persimmon Kisame sat up on the metal table, looked at the leader of the tiger masked figure of light, and after a few seconds of silence, he asked: "Kakarot, is the illusion you showed me real? That's it?"

"You're tired of a world full of falsehoods, and want to follow that person and change, but you don't know that it's just falling from one falsehood to another," You Yu paused, and said, "The more perfect, the more false— — that kind of world doesn’t exist.”

Dried persimmon ghost shark sighed slightly.

"Then, starting today, you are a new member of the Light Organization."

"...I don't seem to have a choice."

Kisame caressed his forehead, noticed something foreign in his brain, but he didn't mind grinning, he didn't look depressed, "Have you killed Goju Yakura?"

You Yu nodded: "That's right, he died."

Kisame looked at the room again: "Kakarot. No, it's the leader. Where's my shark muscle? If I don't have that weapon, my strength will definitely drop a lot."

You Yu took out a small bottle, poured out the contents, and the thing turned into a sword muscle and returned to Kisame's hands.

After Kisame stroked his favorite knife to appease it, he fell from the metal platform to the ground, and half-kneeled in front of Yu Yu, with a very obedient appearance.

Youyu chatted with him for a few words, and when he was about to leave, Kisame couldn't help asking: "How did you know that 'Infinite Moon Reading' is false? And how did you know that I learned about it from that person? ?”

"You believe that person is Uchiha Madara, then if I say, I am Senju Hashirama, do you believe it or not?"

"Oh, I see!!"


It's so easy to trust people.

Of course, Kisame has a high IQ in combat, so there's nothing wrong with that.

Yuu left the cell in the dungeon, summoned Amoi, told him about the situation of Kisame Kakisame, and left here. He didn't return to Konoha, because he still had things to do.

When he left the battlefield as "Kakarot", Terumi Mei gave him a wink, which probably meant that he had something to discuss, anyway, he wanted to see the full moon of the ghost lamp again, so he went to see her not long after, he appeared In Terumi Mei's mansion, after sensing the situation in the house, he found that Terumi Mei's location was the bathroom. After waiting for a while, the woman hadn't come out yet.

He was already very dissatisfied with Mei Ming for not keeping the agreement with him tonight. Seeing that he had waited for so long, he felt upset and had the urge to hit someone. After thinking about it, he still left and came to The mansion of the ghost lamp full moon.

After seeing Ghost Lantern Full Moon, he let Ghost Lantern Full Moon stay in Wuyin Village as an intelligence officer (spy) of the Light Organization.

Because Ghost Lantern Full Moon is one of the seven ninjas, he is on the right team again. In the future, he will have more power in Wuyin Village. He can find out confidential information and influence the decision-making of this village for him. It is very suitable to stay in Wuyin Village. This is also something he decided when he saved him before.

As for his younger brother Ghost Lantern Water Moon.

Ghost Lantern Manyue asked him to let Shuiyue stay in Wuyin Village for another three months, so that he could give Shuiyue some of his last skills.

You Yu considered that Wuyin Village had only experienced turmoil, and it was not suitable for his younger brother to 'disappear' now, so he agreed.

After the affairs here were arranged properly, he came to Terumi Mei's mansion again. Seeing that she was in the living room, he teleported to the corridor in front of the living room, and an indifferent voice came over: "Terumi Mei, what's the matter with you?" Terumi Mei came from the living room She ran out, but saw the uncomfortably cold chakra emitting from the leader of light, so she didn't approach, she hesitated, and asked, "Are you still angry?"

"Terumi Mei, put away your little tricks."

Leader Guang said coldly, "I'm not familiar with you, how long do you think you can live if you play this trick again?"


Terumi Mei quickly took a few steps back, staring at him very vigilantly, she thought for a while, took out a letter from her arms and threw it over, and said: "Then let me just say it straight, my decision tonight is based on In the interests of the village, I noticed that you are interested in the tailed beasts in our village during the conversation with you, so I thought that if we can solve it by ourselves, we don’t need to rely on outsiders.”

"Very good. Go on, I like to talk to honest and forthright people." Leader Guang nodded.

"Our Wuyin Village has just experienced a serious rebellion, and it is not appropriate to make enemies." Terumi Mei said again, "And my behavior has indeed offended you, so I just want to make up for you. This letter is what we agreed to One of the rewards, there is also a thank-you fund I won from Mr. Yuanshi. I still have the idea of ​​​​cooperating with the light organization and investing in Nohara Yuu's future."

Leader Guang nodded slightly after listening to the blunt words: "Is there any more?"

"No, that's all."

Terumi Mei said, paused, "By the way, who else has the ability to resist my thick acid mist under normal conditions?"

"What do you think? Who might still have my abilities?"

"Then is it possible for you to pass on this ability to others?"


You Yu felt that she was talking nonsense again, he thought about it, and thought of something strange, gave her a strange look, shook his head and left directly.

Terumi Mei was surprised when he saw it, and thought, did he hear something?No, I didn't say anything, it should be impossible.

Yu Yu didn't think too much about the "collaborator" Terumi Mei. After he left Wuyin Village, he opened the envelope, and saw that it was a letter written by Wuyin Elder Yuanshi to Nohara Yuha, and the other one was 1000 million taels. money ticket.

After putting away these things, Yu Yu quickly returned to the Land of Fire, but thought that his teammates were still on their way back, so he didn't go back to Muye Village, and spent the night in a small town outside Muye Village, and the next day After he returned to the team, he and the Yamato class returned to Konoha Village smoothly.

The four members of the Yamato class successfully captured Dashewan and brought it back.

This shocked many people.

Jiraiya also took so long to complete the task, the four of them completed it in one go.
Moreover, this team has been established for less than two months. If they are given time, they may develop to a higher height in the future
When many people paid attention to them, the four of them didn't pay attention to those people. They each had other things to do. Yuu went straight to Kakashi's house to get back his rice cooker, Moonlight Hayate was going on a date with his girlfriend, Uchiha Shisui went back After feeding the crows, Captain Yamato was at home painstakingly writing the S-level mission report and handing it in to the Hokage Building.

That night, an old man with a cane walked in the corridor on the third floor of the Hokage Building. Shimura Danzo opened the door of the mission report room. After entering, he found the S-level mission report of Yamato Class among the many mission reports. After browsing, the more you look, the brighter your eyes:

". Kaleidoscope Sharingan Susano Uchiha Shisui."

(End of this chapter)

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