Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!.

Chapter 60 Ninja Magic Sealing Wave!

Chapter 60 Ninja Magic Sealing Wave!
Moreover, it is entirely foreseeable that Nohara Yuu will most likely be before Kakashi's 12 years old when he becomes a Jonin.

Another two weeks later, after the Yamato team completed an A-level task and returned to the village to rest, they had just returned home when an Anbe ninja appeared in front of them, and the Anbe ninja told them that Naruto Hiruzaru Sarutobi had Task arrangement, let them go to Hokage building immediately.

"So urgent, is the S-level mission coming?"

Yuu, who was in the restaurant at home, asked Anbu to leave first, while he was eating quickly, thinking while eating, "No matter what the task is, the Saiyan's eating cannot be interrupted!"

Naruto Building, Naruto Office.

The three members of Yamato's team stood in front of Hiruzaru Sarutobi's desk, waiting for Yuu Yu's arrival. After 10 minutes, Yu Yu came late. He rushed into the office and stood beside Shisui, Sarutobi Anbu next to Hizhan said, "Yuyu, you're late."

You Yu looked at him and said, "Sorry, I'm late because I have to help the old lady cross the road."

"..." Several people in the office, including Hiruzaru Sarutobi, looked at the silver-haired Anbe strangely.

The silver-haired Anbe quickly turned his head to the window, pretending to be admiring the scenery.

"Cough cough."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi coughed twice, and helped Kakashi out of the siege. After that, he began to inform the Yamato class of the four people in front of him about the specific task assigned by them. Yamato class will go to Kirigakure Village!And the task level is as Yu Yu expected, S rank!This is also Yu Yu's first S-rank mission.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi told them that he received information from Toad from Jiraiya in the morning.

Jilai also followed the trail of Orochimaru to Wuyin Village in the country of water. During the two days of lurking in Wuyin Village, he gradually found that the atmosphere in Wuyin Village was not right. After checking, he found that there were large clans in Wuyin Village. Plan a coup!
The purpose of Orochimaru going to Wuyin Village is probably to profit from this unknown coup.

Because the change in the situation is likely to exceed Jiraiya's judgment, he is alone and alone, so he informed the third generation of this information.

There are two tasks for their class to go to Wuyin Village this time. One is to judge the development of the Wuyin coup and take actions to protect the interests of Muye Village at any time.The second is to meet up with Jiraiya and capture Konoha S-class rebellious ninja Orochimaru together!


After explaining the situation in detail, Hiruzaru Sarutobi sent the four of them to head for Kirigakure Village.

After coming out of the Hokage Building, Yamato gave them another half an hour to rest since the four of them had just returned to the village and hadn't even finished their basic rest. After the three left, Yuu looked at Shisui and Moonlight Gale's handsome back.

He thought it best for him to carry a weapon,
A few minutes later, Yu Yu came to her weapon store, and brought back a red stick sheath that had been customized for a while, and tied it on her back.

Afterwards, he removes a club from the scroll.

The whole body of the stick is red, about one meter long, the size of two adult fingers, and the material is unknown.

This is Kakarot's weapon "Ruyi stick" which he seldom uses, Yuuha nodded, and firmly inserted the wish stick into the holster on his back.

When the time was up, the four met at the entrance of the village and set off.

The red stick weapon on Yu Yu's back aroused the strong interest of his teammates. Faced with the three people's inquiries, he naturally didn't say much, just said that it was a great ninja tool - "Ruyi Stick"!
When they heard that it was a great ninja tool, the three of them were not surprised at all. Not to mention that Yu Yu had a close relationship with the psychic dog clan in Posuo Ridge, and if he could get some other weapons from them, even the weapon shop of the Nohara family could help him Get a special ninja.

The four of them went out from the fork in the main road at the entrance of Muye village, and ran along the forest path.


After running for more than ten kilometers, Youyu stopped, looked at the three of them, and made a gesture that only his teammates could understand.

What does "have a stalker" mean? !

The three of them were very surprised, and immediately became vigilant, but they looked around, even if Zhishui opened Sharingan, they didn't find any stalkers, so they looked at Yu Yu in doubt.

But Yu Yu knew that her qi perception was correct.

If his qi perception is expanded too far, the consumption will be very high, but he can still afford the consumption of qi perception in his surrounding area, so he often turns it on. At this time, he clearly perceives that there is a special Creatures of energy lurk in the ground.

You Yu walked to a piece of grass a few meters away, and punched the ground with great force.

Boom—The soil and rocks within ten meters suddenly collapsed, split into dozens of pieces and gushed out of the ground. A strange white humanoid creature was in the cracks of the soil and rocks, watching in amazement that this punch destroyed the ground to the ground. Children of this level.

Yamato and the three looked straight.

One is that they didn't expect there to be a tracker, or a strange creature that they had never seen before. Is this still a human being?The second is to marvel at Yu Yu's strange power. I'm afraid this level of power is close to that of Sannin Tsunade, right?

Although they were surprised, they also reacted quickly. Seeing the white monster jumping out of the ground and trying to escape, they immediately wanted to chase after it, but they heard You Yu say: "Let me do it!"

He took off the "Ruyi stick" on his back, pointed the stick head at the fleeing Bai Jue in front, made a random mark, and shouted: "Ninfa · Ruyi stick · Millennium Kill! Stretch it! "Under You Yu's thoughts, the wishful stick stretched quickly, like a long spear, directly piercing Bai Jue's buttocks.


That Bai Jue let out a scream and then fell silent.


Among the three teammates, Yamato was the calmest, and his reaction was also quick, looking at the dead monster: "Yuyu, why didn't you leave anyone alive?"

Shishui was complaining: "Yu Yu, what kind of Ninja Ruyi stick kills a thousand years... You must have made it up."

Youyu ignored the two of them, he shook the white monster off the Ruyi stick, nodded slightly, the stretching power of the Ruyi stick was not bad, and it could pierce through these crispy skins.

Facing the doubts of the three of them, Yu Yu made another gesture of being quiet and ready to fight.

He quickly rushed to a ground ten meters away, and stepped on it fiercely. After a loud noise, a large area of ​​earth and rocks surged up, and five white monsters appeared in the crack.


"How did you find out—"

The five monsters opened their mouths in astonishment, and Yamato and the three who had already prepared rushed towards them. The five creatures were quite weak, and they severely injured them with simple physical skills.

"Bang bang..."

Five white monsters were thrown into a clearing.

The four stood in front of these monsters and began to discuss how to deal with them.

These monsters were obviously not separated by the avatar technique, but they looked exactly the same. After being captured, they kept silent no matter how hard they questioned them. Did they take the time to bring them back to the village?

"I'll come!"

You Yu spoke again, and said, "I know how to seal!"

He took out a rice cooker with a yellow paper on it from the scroll of his belongings, and saw that he quickly made a few seals with his hands, opened his hands facing the front, and shouted: "Ninfa·Mofengbo!" Immediately , his body was radiant, and a huge green energy vortex appeared in the open space in front of him, and the five monsters turned into five green lights and flew into the rice cooker one after another.

"Bang." You Yu walked over and covered the pot.

"Is this all right?"

The three were amazed. It was the first time they had seen such a strange sealing technique, and they couldn't see any "spells".

Can a rice cooker really seal these monsters?Is it really reliable?Moreover, he must have yelled "Ninjutsu Mo Fengbo" indiscriminately.

(End of this chapter)

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