Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!.

Chapter 48 Orochimaru's secret base!

Chapter 48 Orochimaru's secret base!

Yu Yu said in his heart, he teleported into the center of the unoccupied interrogation room, that is to say, in front of the two jounin.

He looked at Takuma Jominin who had been beaten to the scalp with a stick in front of him, stretched out his hand, imitating Kaiichi Yamanaka, and put the palm of his right hand on top of his head...

Yamanaka Haiyi used the Yamanaka Clan's mind-reading secret technique to spy on the prisoner's inner world to obtain relevant information. Naturally, he does not know this kind of ninjutsu, but he can try to use "Qi" to read it.

In "Dragon Ball", Kakarot put his hand on the top of Klin's head on Namek, so as to read his memory and know what happened during that time.

After several years of "Qi" practice, Yuuha has made some progress in the use of "Qi"... He began to use Qi to read Takuma Jonnin's memory. After a full 10 minutes, Yuyu Only then did he remove his right hand.

"It failed, and I didn't read any useful memories at all."

Youyu thought, this kind of memory reading is several times more difficult than he expected, it is really tiring, it is the exhaustion after a lot of mental exhaustion, he does not want to try it a second time at all... He looked at this Takuma Jonin, considering whether to kidnap him, and then use torture to get him to speak, it will be faster, now I only see a few memory fragments of this man who is as messy as a roadside weed, what's the use?

"No, it might work!"

After You Yu said a sentence in his heart, the next moment, he teleported away.

He came to a not-so-small forest in Muye Village.

This is the place where Takuma's scattered memories exist, and in Yu Yu's memory, the secret base of Orochimaru is probably located in a certain forest in the village... Yu Yu was walking in the woods, and at the same time, he unfolded After using his qi perception ability, after walking for about ten minutes, he sensed that a large number of creatures were concentrated in a certain place underground, and the entrance of that place was blocked by a huge stone.

"It's here."

You Yu smiled slightly, and teleported into the ground.

After entering, sure enough, this is Orochimaru's secret base in Konoha Village. He looked at it, and the underground space was much larger than he expected. The entire underground space was divided into two sections, and a large number of traps were set up in the front section. , poisonous snakes, etc., the underground creatures he sensed just now should be those poisonous snakes.

And the last paragraph is some laboratories.

With a teleportation, Yu Yu crossed an unknown number of traps and traps in the first half, and appeared in the laboratory area behind. The laboratory here is basically the same as the one on the ground in terms of structure. The difference lies in other things. First, there is no one here. The second is that the experimental subject here is not a small white mouse or a small animal, but a living person.

Yu Yu walked into a laboratory to have a look and immediately came out.

There were people on the walls and the operating table in that room, and the pictures were uncomfortable, so I didn't want to see more.

He walked into a room that looked like an office. There were a lot of materials and scrolls on the shelves. He picked up the most conspicuous scroll and looked at it, and was immediately shocked, "The dirt reincarnated!"

Yu Yu browsed the content of this ninjutsu scroll, and found that it was indeed the forbidden technique "Dirty Earth Reincarnation" developed by the Second Hokage. The corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and he put it directly into his arms.

Looking at the stack of documents next to the scroll, he flipped through and found that these documents were the experimental data of the technique of reincarnation.

"This is Orochimaru's own 'Undead Reincarnation'? Take it too."

"Multiple shadow clone technique? Do you have this too? Take it."

"Two snakes killing each other? Take it!"

"Kato's spiritualization technique? There are still a lot of understanding and improvement notes... Is it a soul technique? No wonder Orochimaru is so hard to kill."

"Oshemaru, I hope you have a backup for this!"

Yu Yu quickly took away these scrolls. He saw that there were still a lot of good things in this big room, and the corners of his mouth under the mask curved up again. After he smiled, he launched a large-scale search operation, and took these ninjutsu scrolls with them. Experimental data and other useful things are put into the scroll that can hold items that he carries with him.

However, he doesn't want everything. He doesn't need too much evidence of Dashewan's crime, just a little is enough.

While searching, he suddenly saw a stack of IOUs on the bookshelf, the lender and the borrower were the same, the lender was Orochimaru, and the borrower was Senju Tsunade...

Looking at these IOUs, You Yu's expression became strange.

Don't want this one, keep it for Orochimaru...

Continue... In just a few minutes, the place was ransacked by him.

You Yu came out of this room, walked to other rooms, went to the armory and saw many Kusanagi swords, and chose a few and threw them into his scroll.

In the end, Yuu took out the camera he carried with him and took pictures of many rooms here.

He separated three shadow clones, and let the shadow clones leave with the camera and the evidence.

Yuu didn't intend to hand over the photos and materials directly to Hiruzaru Sarutobi, since Hiruzaru Sarutobi only sent Anbu to Oshemaru's mansion tonight, rather than him himself, it seems that this person is not good at his disciple at all. Go hand - so, he can only blame himself for being killed by Orochimaru afterwards.

"Leave it to the consultant to transfer to Koharu and Mitomon Yan, and Nara Shikahisa, the head of the ninja class. Just these three."


In the mansion of the Nara family.

There was a serious emergency that night. Nara Shikohisa, the monitor of the ninja class, was still working at this time. In Nara's home office, there were a lot of materials about Sannin Orochimaru piled up on the desk. Nara Shikohisa had two tasks. One is to analyze where the current Orochimaru is in a short period of time, and the other is to analyze from these documents whether Orochimaru is the mastermind of Takuma and Aozhikai's crime.

The task assigned to him by Hokage-sama is very heavy, and the task time is short.

He had to "burn the lights and fight at night."

However, what made him feel better was that his mission had made some progress.

One is that he analyzed that Orochimaru must have a secret research base in Konoha Village, and where the base is, he believes that he will be able to draw a conclusion in a short time.The second is that Orochimaru must be the mastermind of the two Jnin, Takuma and Cang Zhijie, there is no doubt about it.

"Many people have no sleep tonight, including me."

Nara Shikahisa glanced at the deep night outside, smiled wryly, and continued to check these confidential documents.

"Dong dong."

Suddenly, there was a light tapping sound on the window.

Shikajiu Nara asked in surprise, "Who?"

No one answered.

Nara Shikahisa was far more cautious than others in doing things. He didn't get up and open the window. He quickly ran out of the room and came to the yard. He scanned every corner of the yard but didn't see anyone. Outside the window of the office There is an extra stack of documents and photos on the ground?

Nara Shikahisa walked over and picked up the stack of documents to browse.

At a glance, he was incomparably surprised, these things are where his mission tonight is... a large amount of evidence of Orochimaru's human experiments, and the address of Orochimaru's secret base... He quickly left his yard and rushed to the Hokage Building and go.

Nara Shikahisa's house is not too far from the Hokage Building, and it only takes a few minutes to run there.

He rushed into the Hokage building, came to the door of Hokage's office, and knocked on the door: "Master Hokage, I have something to report!"

"come in."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice resounded in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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