Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!.

Chapter 34 "Do You Believe in Light?"

Chapter 34 "Do You Believe in Light?"

"Yes. There is."

Hyuga Hyuzu nodded and said, "I heard about this a long time ago, and I also heard that the Nohara family intends to make friends with various clans in order to get the support of other people in this matter... But, this matter involves roots, and each family has their own opinions. It was due to some scruples that we did not get too close to the Nohara family... We, Hinata, also considered the same way."

His words turned again,
"However, this is Xiao Yuyu after all. If he was not conspicuous before, it would have been okay. Now, as long as he is not blind, he can see Yuyu's limitless future. It would be a pity to enter the root... I have tried it Some Patriarchs have the same thoughts as me."

Hyuga Nizai was pleasantly surprised when he heard it: "Will Big Brother take any action in the future?"

Hyuga Hyuzu shook his head: "Facing Gen, we can't really do anything... we can only try to unite several Patriarchs to send a letter of advice to the third generation, and see if we can get Gen to take back the decision that ruined the future of the village - this matter, We don’t have much confidence either.”

Hinata and Risai nodded slightly.


After Yu Yu taught Xiao Hinata in the Hinata family training ground for more than an hour, he looked at the darkening night, and he left the training ground, saying goodbye to the Hinata family.

Hyuga Nisashi took his son Neji and sent Yuu out of Hyuga's mansion. Before parting, Hyuga Nisashi told him what Hyuga Nisashi said just now.

After hearing this, You Yu didn't feel any disturbance in her heart, and only thanked her politely on her face.

He left the Hyuga Clan's land, and on the way back, he thought in his heart that no matter whether the Hyuga Patriarch and the others could successfully exert pressure to the root, it was meaningless to him. Even if he succeeded, he would still carry out the "three like" synchronization plan.

In the final analysis, power belongs to others, and help is not unlimited and unconditional.

He needs to be truly 100% in his own hands, whether it is organizational or personal power.

It was around nine o'clock in the evening that Yu Yu returned home.

He walked into the house through the courtyard door, and saw his parents sitting in the living room waiting for him to return.

"How's it going, is the trip to Hyuga's house okay?"

Minako asked concerned.

"How should I put it, it's not bad, but I have received a lot of stares."

"You kid, you're playing tricks again... Go take a bath, Ji Zi has already boiled the bath water."

"it is good."

The couple looked at the back of their son leaving, and looked at each other helplessly. They spent a lot of money to establish relationships with those Konoha masters in the past two or three years, but the effect was not good. I didn't expect their son to mess around in the village Once, there was such a surprising effect... Not only the Yume and the Hyuga clan, but the patriarchs of the three Inokadie clans were much more enthusiastic when they saw them these days, and they kept praising Yuyu, making them blush.

They never thought that their naughty and troublesome son would have such a good impression in the eyes of others.

However, speaking of it, his son does not only have a bright future, but also sets goals for Konoha's new generation of children. It is not very strange to be appreciated by those people.

"Yangtou, should our son enter the ninja school early?"

"Listen to you, ma'am."


Another day at noon, Yu Yu was browsing some scrolls of information about Orochimaru in the room... These are the investigations that the ninja dogs in Posa Ridge entrusted to the dogs in the village.

"Some ninjas in the village are missing, the lower ninjas, the middle ninjas, and even the ninjas from Anbu are missing."

"Snakes are haunting all over the village..."

"The library in Konoha Village that stores a large number of ninjutsu scrolls and confidential documents has recently been invaded and searched..."

He opened the last scroll and looked at it. The information about "the comfort monument cemetery was destroyed and excavated" in front of him was even more obvious. Orochimaru almost had the words "I'm going to defect" engraved on his forehead. words.

"Dong dong!"


At this time, there was a knock on his door and a dog barking.

"come in."

The room was pushed away, and a slender dog rushed to him, spat out a scroll with saliva, and said in a low voice,
"Master Yuyu, I found this scroll at the place you mentioned."

"Thank you, let's go back."

Youyu stroked its dog's head, and sealed off the psychic skills on it, allowing the intelligence dog to go back to Posuoling to rest.

He picked up the scroll on the ground and unfolded it. It was the information scroll that Yamoyi gave him. There was a line written on the scroll, "My lord, I have completed my mission and returned on time."

Youyu nodded slightly, this Yamoyi is still reliable in doing things.

After he transformed into a masked man, a teleportation appeared in the lobby of the mansion he rented.

Yamoyi was only slightly startled this time, and he stood up from his seat and half knelt down: "My lord, the information you need has been obtained... That woman has indeed been imprisoned as you expected."

"She's special and will be another one of us."

"Yes—by the way, my lord, a large-scale war is taking place in Sorenin Village right now. The Kaguya clan from Wuyin Village in the Country of Water is attacking Sorenin Village, and it is very chaotic there."

"It's okay, let's go."

"I...may slow down your speed, sir."


After You Yu said something, he put his palm on his shoulder, and after he concentrated, he quickly disappeared into the hall.

The next moment, the two appeared on the bank of a river fifty kilometers away from the small town.

Yamoyi looked at the scenery in front of him, and after realizing the distance shifted this time, he widened his eyes and was extremely surprised. The leader brought him here in an instant... Is it Konoha's Flying Thunder God?
No, Flying Thunder God might not even be able to do it.

As far as he knows, Flying Thunder God needs to mark the "spell" in advance.

Youyu saw Yamoyi's expression in his eyes... In fact, his "teleportation" is not omnipotent, the biggest limitation is that he must feel "qi" (that is, a certain energy in the human body) , Therefore, during this period of time, he was busy using the shadow clone to leave the village every day, and went to various parts of the ninja world to remember some qi, so that he could use teleportation when walking in the ninja world.

Otherwise, he would have to rely on his "qi perception" to find people. Although he now has a wide range of qi perception, this method will definitely be very slow.


After a short rest for a few seconds, Yu Yu teleported away again.

Ten seconds later, the two arrived at a dark corner of the street in Cao Ninja Village.

At this time, the streets of Kusunin Village were in chaos, and a large number of ninjas were fighting chaotically.

Yu Yu looked carefully, except for a large number of ninjas with the foreheads of the grass ninja village, the rest were ninjas of the same clan, with two small red dots between their eyebrows, with strange hairstyles, crazy enough to look a little crazy The people are indeed the Huiye clan of Wuyin Village.

After a few glances, You Yu asked, "Why are the two sides at war?"

Yamoyi shook his head and said: "The members of the Kaguya clan are all brainless madmen who like to kill. Maybe it's just a small problem, and the whole clan is mobilized to attack Kusanagi Village... Leader, what did you say? That woman is in a very bad situation and if it continues, she will die soon."

Yu Yu nodded in agreement, if the number of wounded in this kind of war is too large, it will indeed endanger the life of that woman.


He put his hand on Amoy's shoulder and led him away from the street.

When they reappeared, they had reached the entrance of a cell.

There were seven or eight people in the cell, most of whom were wounded in the grass-nin village war. When they saw these two outsiders suddenly appear, they were all stunned. Just as they were about to call someone or make a move, they realized that their throats had been cut by a sharp weapon. Just shout out.

bang bang bang...

These seven or eight people all turned into corpses and fell down.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Yu was a few meters away, he shook off Ku Wushang's blood, and put it back into the ninja bag.

Yamoyi looked at the corpse on the ground and thought to himself, the speed of the leader is faster. Is he still growing and improving?
[You defeated the No.10 Ninja, completed the "record" branch task seventeen, the fusion degree increased by 0.07%, gained 1500 Sun Fist experience, and upgraded to LV4.]

[You defeated the No.5 Chunin, completed the "record" branch task eighteen, the fusion degree increased by 0.07%, gained 1700 Kaiwangquan skill experience, and upgraded to LV4.]

After Yu Yu glanced at the panel, he walked towards the woman who was tied to the cell wall.

The woman looked very miserable at this time, most of the clothes on her body were torn off, the exposed skin was covered with bloody and deep tooth marks, her skin was as dry as an old tree, and her hair was as ugly as straw. She heard an abnormal sound, Opening his eyes with difficulty, he looked suspiciously at the two people in black robes who were obviously not from Kusanagi Village.

"Survivor of the Uzumaki Clan!"

Yu Yu looked at her and asked calmly, "Do you believe in light?"

The woman's slightly opened eyes became more suspicious, but the man asked indifferently, "Are you willing to join us, join the organization, and everything will belong to the organization in the future?"

"You... how do you know... I belong to the Uzumaki... clan, but... I'm dying."

It took a long time for the woman on the brink of death to finish her sentence.

You Yu asked again: "Willing, or, not willing?"

Uzumaki Youxi opened her eyes wider and brighter. She faintly sensed that the person in front of her might have a way to keep her alive, and she should agree immediately. However, she thought of her daughter again. He retracted it when he reached the edge of his mouth, and said intermittently: "I... still have two things... that I can't do. If you... can do it for me, then I am very... willing."

"Tell me."

(End of this chapter)

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