Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!.

Chapter 18 The plan needs to be advanced!

Chapter 18 The plan needs to be advanced!

"Um, well, I'm really old, I'm not a three-year-old kid anymore!"

"...but I'm already in my teens and I often wash with you, I'm not shy~"


Yu Yu looked at Kiko who was staring at her toes, and felt a bit of a headache. He is not one or two years old now, and, because of faster development, even at four years old, there may already be hormones in his body, and he has already realized Embarrassed... On the other hand, he awakened the Saiyan blood in his body, and the tail that grew out was pulled out by him once, but it didn't grow back, but that doesn't mean it won't come out again in the future.

If the tail suddenly grows out while taking a bath...

At that time, not only his father Yoto Nohara, but also his mother Minako would feel that he was not her cub.

Did Kiko mistakenly think that he disliked her, or did she feel that she was not needed by the family?
Yuu knew about her maid's life experience. Kiko's parents had only served the Nohara family for a short period of time as a ninja couple. After the couple left the Nohara family, they were involved in a ninja battle in a certain business, and both sacrificed. Kiko, who has no relatives and no reason, was sent to the Konoha Orphanage after being detected as having no ninja talent... After her mother Minako heard about it, she led her out of the orphanage and took her with her.

After Yu Yu was born, Kiko became his maid who took care of his daily life and food.

Kiko feels that she is not needed by others and has no sense of security, right?Is there such a sensitive one?

Ji Zi raised his gaze slowly, and said, "Young master, don't be shy—we took a bath together and slept together but you brought it up. I still hugged you to sleep at that time. I wasn't shy at all. So why are you so shy~"


Yu Yu's expression was very innocent.

It's not his fault that they shower and sleep together.

Blame it on Kakarot, who told you to take a bath and sleep with the girl Bulma.

However, Yu Yu is indeed a little shy now, and doesn't want to bring up this topic again.

He gave in helplessly, waved his hands and said, "Okay, sister Kiko, I'm still young, so please continue to wash me~"

Ji Zi nodded slightly, most of the haze on her face dissipated, she glanced at Yu Yu who only reached her chest, and stretched out her hand to straighten the crooked scarf for him... Yu Yu looked in the direction of her living room, asked,

"Sister Jizi, who is here today?"

"It's a true adult."


Kazuma Nohara, a member of his great-grandfather's lineage...

That year, after Yu Yu was caught by "root", the Nohara family started some action plans. However, after more than three years, those plans were really useless, and they did not improve the family's status in the village. Grandpa People from that lineage heard about it, and pointed out that after all, Yu Yu is the only son of Patriarch Nohara, and it is not appropriate to be forced to enter the root, and there are five people in their lineage who are similar to Yu Yu's age, if it is unavoidable in the end, they can learn from it. Choose one to go in.

Nohara Yangdou and his wife naturally disagreed with this matter.

In their thinking, not only Yuu, but also the rest of the Nohara family should not go into the "root".

Nohara Kazu really came to persuade his parents to give up that naive idea...

"Unfortunately, 'Teleportation' hasn't come out yet."

You Yu looked at the panel in front of her that she could only see, and thought, "If the 'teleportation' comes out, then you can take some actions."

"Fusion rate 7.99%... almost 8%, is it today?"

He looked at the snow scene here, and waited. After a long time, there was still no movement. He was a little impatient, and walked to the middle of the snow-covered courtyard, making seals with both hands, Hai-xu-you-shen-wei!
Boom.The war dog Liu Ni appeared on the snow, and the cold weather made him shiver.

You Yu jumped onto Liu Ni's back, letting it run and play here to pass the time.

A smile appeared on Ji Zi's fair face, she thought her young master was going to grow up and dislike her, but now it seems that the young master is still the young master, still so playful... I really hope the young master grows up slowly.

Ji Zi watched for a while, then left and went back to do housework.

After playing in the courtyard for about an hour, Yu Yu finally saw the number of fusion degree jump to 8.01%. Then, lines of text appeared on the panel, and the sound also appeared in the brain simultaneously.

[You have passed this week, fusion degree +0.02%. 】

[Your Kakarot fusion degree has reached 8%, and you have passed the first stage of character fusion. 】

[The second phase of the character fusion template is open. 】

[Your authority has been improved, and you can browse related mission information about fusion. 】


Yu Yu made Liu Ni stop.

He looked at the words on the face, and complained in his heart, maybe this foolish system was afraid that he would lie flat, so it didn't give him all the permissions at once, the higher the degree of fusion, the more permissions... But, it's still 8%...

Yuu looked at the data on the panel.

Under Kakarot's item "Props", I saw the item "Fusion Mission".

However, these tasks are not the detailed list of tasks he thought.

[Fusion mission]: Your behavior and experience, achievements, reputation, partners, records, etc. match or have a certain similarity with Kakarot's, which can promote the integration with the character and increase the degree of integration.

[Main task]: Unify the ninja world, eliminate wars, and achieve complete peace in the world. After completion, you will receive a lot of rewards.


Yuyu looked at this "main mission", which should also be the most important mission, and frowned... However, he thought it was right, it seems that Kakarot saved the world of Dragon Ball Earth more than once, what about defeating Piccolo? , Defeating the invading Saiyans to protect the world and so on.

He looked down.

After that comes a ton of side quests.

The system's description of the branch line is a bit complicated. In fact, in simple terms, it can be summarized into the above aspects, behavior, achievements, record and so on.

First, behavior and experience, matching Kakarot's behavior and experience can promote a certain amount of fusion... Please recall what Kakarot did in the Dragon Ball world.Second, the record, defeating the lower ninja, middle ninja, super ninja, upper ninja, shadow, tailed beast, etc. in this world through battle, you will get a certain reward for defeating the corresponding number.Third, partners, you have partners who can grow together, the more you have, the more rewards you will get.

Fourth, achievements, becoming a ninja school student, graduating from a ninja school, becoming a low ninja, a middle ninja, a high ninja, etc. will all be rewarded.

Fifth, reputation, you will be rewarded for changes in the size and spread of your reputation.


There is quite a lot that can be done.

Although it is inconvenient not to have detailed tasks displayed in a list, the system prompts that the sub-tasks that can be completed far exceed his expectations, which surprises him a little.

He began to judge in his heart, with so many tasks that can be completed, can he at least increase his growth rate by three or four times?
The small goal is a ten-year-old movie class?Have to change, two or three years in advance, seven or eight years old?

You Yu nodded, he was in a good mood, jumped off Liu Ni's back, and let him go back with a seal.

"Master, it's late for dinner!!"

Noriko yelled here from across the corridor.

"Got it! I'm coming!"

Youyu glanced at the pile of side mission descriptions on the panel again.

Tomorrow, no rush.

After dinner, Yu Yu was called over by his parents at the same time... If in other worlds, he would definitely be powerless to do this, and he would have no ability to separate himself, but Naruto World happened to have the ability to separate himself.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"


You Yu formed a seal in the room, and separated into two shadow clones.

These two shadow clones left the room, one went to the training ground at home to find his mother, Minako, and the other ran to the living room to find his father, Nohara Yoto!
From the age of three, the parents felt that Kakashi had laid a solid foundation for Yuuha, and they could follow them to learn what they were good at.

Minako is good at shuriken and fire escape, management and business, while her father is good at "human body and chakra science" and a lot of medical ninjutsu.

These irresponsible parents don't care if a three-year-old child can learn that much.

Fortunately, Yuu had been prepared for this at that time, and he had perfectly mastered the technique of shadow clone, and his body was far tougher than ordinary ninjas. Even though he was following Kakashi's study at the same time, after the shadow clone disappeared, his body It can also easily bear the fatigue from those shadow avatars.

After the shadow clone is separated.

You Yu sneaked out to play outside.

Sometimes I go shopping, sometimes I go to Kakashi's house to play, or learn the ninjutsu copied by Kakashi.

It was around ten o'clock in the evening when You Yu came home, and he walked into his living room... At this moment, his parents and the two shadow clones were there, and the two shadow clones stood in front of their parents with somewhat helpless expressions .

"Bang." "Bang."

Yu Yu's knot seal scattered the shadow clone.

Minako looked a little angry: "Yuyu, you're fooling us with your shadow clone again. Believe it or not, I'll have another one with your dad and lose you!" She looked angry and her acting skills were okay, but it was too much for him There is no more difficulty.

You Yu cooperated with her very much, nodded: "I believe it."

In fact, they have already done it. The parents really threw him to the orphanage one time in order to scare him. However, in just one afternoon, he was thrown back by the angry director of the orphanage—— He ate so much that the children in the orphanage would starve to death if he stayed.

The Nohara couple apologized and compensated for the loss, and promised not to do such a thing in the future, which dispelled the anger of the dean.

One sings the red face, the other sings the white face.

Yuan Yeyangdou is obviously the latter, he stroked his son's little head, and said gently,
"You Yu, you also go out more during the day. The snow scene during the day is so beautiful, but at night it's so dark that you can't see anything. Also, there are more children of your age outside during the day. Get to know them more."

"Good dad."

You Yu agreed and left the living room.

After returning to the room, he sat on the edge of the bed, thinking about some things... He felt that some of his plans needed to be advanced!

(End of this chapter)

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