Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!.

Chapter 168 Immortal of the Six Paths, You Shrinking Turtle!

Chapter 168 Immortal of the Six Paths, You Shrinking Turtle!
Is Ashura dead?

Everyone looked at the son of the fairy at the bottom of the pit with only half of his body in surprise.

However, a large amount of white smoke rose from Asura's damaged body, and his body quickly recovered with a chirping sound.

After he recovered, he jumped out from the bottom of the pit, glanced at the others coldly, and said, "Don't you want to know if we are invincible? The answer is 'yes', in the pure land, we are invincible!"

Others, such as Hashirama, Madara, etc., had slightly changed complexions, and they felt that the chakra consumed by their bodies had not been recovered.

Come to think of it, the Sages of the Six Paths did not lie to them when they said that the Chakra on their bodies came from the Pure Land. The Sages had obviously cut off the Chakra supply of their filthy bodies.

On the contrary, the bodies of these two brothers have the same immortality and recovery as the body of the dirty land, and will also be supplied by the huge chakra in the pure land.

"The old man is not afraid of people like you on the ground!!"

The thunder and lightning crackled on the fourth generation Rai Yingai's body, roaring and rushed towards Asura like lightning. Asura was also extremely fast, and quickly flew upwards to avoid it. He stood in the air,

"You living people, or those who don't have the memory of the Pure Land, will not understand the background of the Pure Land!"

He made seals with his hands, and looked at the boundless sea of ​​blood.

"Crash!" There was a burly soul in the sea of ​​blood wrapped in sea water. After the sea water fell again, that person was completely different. His body was solidified, and a shadow fell into the sea.

The man jumped out of the sea of ​​blood, skipped a distance of one kilometer, and with a bang, his feet landed firmly on the island.

"This is... the resurrected second-generation Raikage Ai!"

The fourth generation of Raikage looked at the second generation of Raikage who was bursting out with a powerful momentum in front of him, scratched his bulging hair in distress, and shouted, "Damn it! It's coming again!!"

Everyone felt helpless. Although they knew that the person who controls the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss can use a resurrection technique that is more advanced than the "Dirty Land Reincarnation". endlessly.

Under the control of that technique, the second generation of Raikage also activated the same Raiden Chakra mode, and a battle broke out with the fourth generation of Raikage.

Since then, shadows and powerful ninjas of all ages have been resurrected one after another.

At the same time, those weird creatures on the ground also began to attack them.

Everyone watched the astonishing scene they didn't expect, and only then did they understand why they said they were invincible in the Pure Land.

"Sage of the Six Paths, are you being a coward?"

While other people were attacking everywhere as if facing a formidable enemy, You Yu remained calm and mocked this space.

During this period, he was developing his large-scale perception ability, perceiving every corner of the pure land space inside and out, but he didn't find the old man of the Six Paths, so he couldn't help but ridicule.

"Otsutsuki Yuyi, you are afraid of me if you can't hide?" Yuyu's voice sounded again.

The others couldn't help complaining in their hearts, would the Sage of the Six Paths be afraid?No, maybe... Then why hasn't he come out yet?

"Nohara Yuu, why does my father need to do anything! Our two brothers are enough to deal with you! Look who this man is!"

Asura saw his father being humiliated, he snorted coldly, and revived a powerful ninja from the soul pool.

The man also jumped from the sea and landed on the island. When everyone saw that it was the Konoha ninja wearing a green tights, they all looked at Maite Kai.

After Maitekai came out of the "paradise", he has been guarding Nohara Lin's side. When he saw the familiar figure that he hadn't seen for many years, he burst into tears. He couldn't help but shed tears from his eyes. He shouted: "Dad !"

"Nohara Yuu, this Matt Dai's body is not ordinary, we carefully prepared it for you!"

The voice of Indra, who was fighting fiercely with Madara in the air, came, "Not only will Meddai not die, but he is even stronger than before, so how do you deal with it?!"

Matt Dai looked at his hands, and then cast his eyes over. Seeing his son, Matt Kai, his face was also full of excitement: "Kay, is that you? You have grown so big...it's great! "

The next moment, he couldn't help but look at You Yu in the sky with hostility, and he began to activate the Eight Doors of Dunjia.

"Open the door! Shut the door! Live the door! Hurt the door! Du door! Jingmen! Shock the door!!"

The eruption didn't stop until the seventh door, Maite Dai, opened the shock door, and blue steam emitted from his whole body, and he stepped on the ground, bang, and the ground was cracked in a large area.

He actually stepped on the air all the way up, killing Yu Yu in the air.

When Maitedai ​​approached, a green figure rushed towards him from a distance. It was Maitekai who also opened the seventh door. He kicked fiercely with Konoha Whirlwind, forcing Maitedai ​​to fall from the sky.

"Hokage-sama!!" Matkai, who seldom yells honor to Yuuha, shouted to the sky at this time, "Please allow me to be self-willed once! I will stop my father!"

Youyu saw his determination and didn't stop him, saying, "Kai, just don't open the eighth door, otherwise, I might not be able to save you."

"Yes! Hokage-sama!" After Maitekai agreed loudly, he rushed towards his father with a burst of strength.

"..." Nohara Lin, who was still a little dazed at the moment, saw a snake swimming towards her, no, it was the Orochimaru of Sannin, she hurriedly waved her hand and said,
"Master Orochimaru, I'm already dead. The dead don't need to be guarded at all. You can go somewhere else."

Orochimaru smiled darkly, "Master Hokage just asked me to make sure that you will not be used again."

This sentence is rich in information, she thought, did they know that I was used to almost attack the village when I was alive?
"Master Hokage?" Lin looked at Yu Yu who had landed on the ground again, "Has Yu Yu already become Konoha's Hokage, but, he is only 11 years old, and already—"

"No, he was Konoha's Hokage when he was nine years old." Orochimaru said, "Hokage-sama is not an ordinary person."

"Yes..." Lin was taken aback for a moment, with a wry smile on his face. It is impossible for ordinary people to bring a group of living people into the Pure Land, let alone challenge the Immortals of the Six Paths. He even mocked the myths and legends of the Immortals of the Six Paths The character is a shrinking turtle?In the eyes of these pure land soul bodies, the Immortals of the Six Paths are the real "gods" here.

Brother, is Yu Yu really your son?Why doesn't he look like you and sister-in-law?

If it wasn't for all these people believing it was true, Lin would almost think that she was cheated.

"Huh? Is this Maitere resisting my will?"

Asura, who repelled the attack of the third generation of Raikage Ai, looked over, a little surprised, one of the important chess pieces, Matt Dai, did not break out the final eighth door?He frowned slightly, but said in his heart, it's okay, we have plenty of cards in our hands.

Then another ninja soul body was resurrected from the sea of ​​blood and rushed to the island.

With a flash of white light, Yuu quickly backed away, looking at the resurrected person, he was a little surprised, "Konoha Baiya, Hatake Sakumo."

"You are?" Hatake Sakumo also tried his best to resist the will that controlled him, "You are the ninja of our Konoha Village, do you know Kakashi?"

"Kakashi." Yuuha nodded, "I know, I am Konoha's Hokage now, he is Hokage's assistant, and he is my capable subordinate!"

The others complained wildly in their hearts, Hatake Kakashi, you are too bad, the only disciple you accepted has taught you for so many years, but he didn't recognize you in front of your father at all.

"Oh. Although this is very strange, it seems to be true. Is Kakashi already the assistant of Konoha's Hokage? Then, Kakashi's boss, the Hokage of our village, you have to be careful!"

Hatake Sakumo appeared in front of Yu Yu in an instant holding a dagger, and he swung the dagger with the wind blade, but Yu Yu pinched it with two fingers, making it difficult to get an inch in.

"Bai Fang, it's not bad, it's Tao Time Space Ninjutsu!"

Yuu admired, he knew why Bai Fang's reputation and strength surpassed Konoha Sannin at that time, and with his amazing sword skills and space ninjutsu, he could easily surpass the young Sannin.

Taking advantage of the stalemate, he said again, "Sakumo Hatake, Kakashi asked me to tell you something."

"Son Kakashi, what does he have to say?"

"Kakashi said that you interrupted the mission to save your companions. He already understood you. The father who broke the rules for everyone is a hero, and he will always be proud of you."

"...Really!" Hatake Sakumo's body shook, he smiled sincerely, and when he was about to say something, he was punched by Yuuha and flew into the sea of ​​blood in the distance.

When other people were fighting fiercely, Yu Yu turned his eyes back and observed these strange creatures on the ground, such as the "death god" and "evil god" and so on.

Creatures with strange abilities are also launching a powerful offensive on their side, and it is the undead ninjas who turn from dirt to resist them.

Youyu thought to himself, are the creatures with special abilities the natives of the pure land before the Sages of the Six Paths came in?

"Konoha Shinhokage! These things can't be killed at all!" Nidai Tsuchikage Mu Yuuha who was nearby, shouted at him.

"No. I can't beat them at all." The third Kazekage who was entangled by a group of strange creatures was also quite big-headed, "Fortunately, I won't die now, otherwise I would have died ten or eight times—"

But he saw a "Reaper" creature floating over. While he was relaxing, after his body penetrated his gold dust, one hand penetrated into Sandai Kazekage's body, and began to pull out his soul from his body.

Sandai Kazekage said in shock: "Oops! I'm still going to die!"

When You Yu was about to make a move, there was a bang, and Matt Dai in the distance couldn't hold it anymore, he opened the last dead door of the Eight Dunjia.

Immediately, violent force shock waves hit the island in all directions.

Everyone squinted in the gust of wind and looked at the powerful beast burning bloody steam all over its body.

After Maitedai ​​opened the gate of death, his hair and eyebrows were already red. He rushed over and knocked down Maitekai of the seven gates into the sea of ​​blood with one blow.

Then, with a movement of his foot, he came to You Yu in an instant, and kicked him: "One foot!"

Maite Dai's quick and strong kick was blocked by Yu Yu's little hand, and the violent wind pressure rushed over him, setting off a huge wave in the sea of ​​blood.

"..." Even as strong as Madara, Hashirama and the others were frightened by the power of Matt's body art.

Thinking that this is Matt Dai who opened the door to death but would not die, he was even more frightened.

"Two legs!!" When everyone was frightened, Maite Dai quickly kicked out a second, more ferocious kick, which was still blocked by a small hand.

"Three legs!!" Matt Dai kicked Yu Yu for the third time. At the same time, Hatake Sakumo, on his right, attacked with time and space ninjutsu, and slashed at him with the short knife in his hand.

When Indra and Asura were satisfied, an old voice sounded from somewhere in the space, "Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth, Solution!"

After the sound fell, the bodies of the reincarnated and revived ninjas lit up with white light, and at the same time, their souls were about to leave their bodies uncontrollably.

"What! Stop it!" Orochimaru, who is the caster, never thought that the Sage of the Six Paths could undo his spell. He formed seals with both hands to control the reincarnated ninjas, but he still saw the souls of these people begin to emerge from the The body floats out.

Everyone was terrified. The ninja reincarnated from the dirt is a very important force on their side. Once they are eliminated, their situation will be even more severe...
It happened that when Konoha Shinhokage was besieged by Maite Dai and Hatake Sakumo, the Sage of the Six Paths who had been hiding all the time appeared and used his power to dispel the dirt and reincarnate.

Could it be that you, Sage of the Six Paths, are really afraid of Konoha's new Hokage?Just choose to shoot at this time?

"Okay! Father's action means that they are about to end!"

Brothers Indra and Asura looked at the reincarnated ninjas who were beginning to leave their bodies, and they were very happy.

Soon, everyone saw that the souls of the ninjas had left their bodies when the dirt turned around, and the "King of Hades" who was waiting for an opportunity in the distance opened his mouth wide, trying to swallow these souls back.

"Liu Dao! You are finally willing to come out!"

Yu Yu, who had been waiting for the right time, also broke out at a critical moment. He punched Maitedai ​​and kicked him for the fourth time, knocking him into a sea of ​​blood.

Then he made a lightning strike, grabbed Sakumo Hatake's short knife, and broke the short knife filled with wind attributes with a bang, and then kicked Sakumo Hatake's stomach with a face of astonishment, kicking him into disappearance In the distance of the blood sea.

"Prince's tactics!"

Countless light bullets emitted from You Yu's body, pouring away like raindrops, especially towards the hidden position of the Immortal of the Six Paths, and the direction of the Great Hades.

The Sage of the Six Paths in the dark seemed to have been prepared for his move, and the space here was greatly distorted under his power.

Under the distortion of space, the direction of the light bullet attack is greatly deviated.

It's just that the number of these light bullets is really too much. After distorting a part, the direction of the subsequent ones will change direction and kill them through the distorted space.

"Boom! Boom!!" Yama, with a huge body, was blown away by the concentrated fire of light bullets, and the hidden Sage of the Six Paths was also forced to suspend ninjutsu. Seeing this, Orochimaru quickly regained the control of the souls and turned around Let those souls start flying back again.

Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief, the next moment, his scalp was numb, and a large number of small bumps appeared on his skin.

He sensed that someone was rushing towards him secretly at a terrifying speed.

not good!This person must be the Sage of the Six Paths! !
And when Orochimaru was extremely terrified, the red light in the distance also arrived in an instant.

You Yu rushed over, fiercely kicking the figure hidden in that space.

A dull sound was heard, and the space exploded, and the figure in the white robe was ejected from it like a spring, and fell into the distance.

It's the Sage of the Six Paths... He finally came out. Everyone saw that the Sage of the Six Paths was injured, but the many damages on his body were like Asura's injuries. repair,

Sage of the Six Paths was still sitting cross-legged, he patted the dust off his clothes, looked at Yu Yu, and said,
"Nohara Yuu, you said that the old man is afraid of you? You are very strong, but you are still a bit arrogant!"

He looked around the crowd with a cold look in his eyes, "Thousands of years ago, my brother Hamura and I fought against my mother Kaguya for three full months. The earth was battered by the power of the three of us. As far as I am concerned, this old man is no worse than any of you, and will be afraid of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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