Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!.

Chapter 131 Hiruza Sarutobi It's time for you to abdicate! (Part 2)

Chapter 131 Hiruza Sarutobi It's time for you to abdicate! (Second more)

The oil girl Ryoma forced himself to calm down, and he analyzed softly, "Nohara Yuu must still be in the territory of the land of land at this time, leading the team on the way back, it is impossible to appear here, someone is pretending to be him, Or, is this his shadow clone? Most likely it is the shadow clone! This person's shadow clone is very special, maybe it can last for a few days!
"You guys keep an eye on Nohara Yuu's shadow clone, don't let him interfere in the battle between me and Zhiwei!"

"Yes! Master Ryoma!"

The oily girl dragon horse jumped away and opened a long distance with the oily girl Zhiwei.

The parasites on the two of them rushed out like black clouds again, this time the parasites met and fought again in the air, and it was still Younv Zhiwei who won. A thick layer of black.

"How could this happen! Impossible!" The oily girl Ryoma was startled and angry. It was not the first time he had fought against the clansman in front of him. It's just a slight victory, how could this person crush him so easily now,
"Nothing is impossible."

Younu Zhiwei said softly, "I have already completely surpassed you, I will catch you without a fight, or die!"

"Don't even think about it! Bad bugs, graupel!"

"Parabasic bugs, graupel!"

Younv Ryoma and Younv Zhiwei used the same insect technique again and again, dividing the parasite swarm into several small insect balls and pounced on each other.

The small worm balls of the two sides met, and the parasites of the oil girl Ryoma died several times.

After his worm balls were scattered, he backed away in horror and wanted to escape here, but Younv Zhiwei's parasites swept over like a tornado and wrapped him up, especially after his mouth was tightly blocked, He said softly, "Big worm, moth-eaten."

Some special parasites penetrated into Ryoma's body, and after eating his chakra and body, they rapidly expanded, and these large parasites burst out from all parts of Ryoma's body, causing him to die.

After he took all these parasites back into his body.

The body of the oil girl Ryoma became so dilapidated that his original appearance could not be seen at all.

"Patriarch Zhiwei, not bad." At this time, You Yu came over and praised, "You have dealt with Danzang's subordinates, Younv Ryoma, so quickly."

"It is thanks to the special chakra provided by Master Yuyu that my parasites can grow to this extent. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to fight against Ryoma for a long time." Oil Girl Zhi shook slightly. Shaking his head, he glanced at the ground not far away, and saw several members of "Old Root" quietly turning into several corpses, "Besides, your speed is faster than mine, are you just a shadow clone?"

"That's right, I'm just a shadow clone in the village watching someone making a detonating talisman."

"It seems that we still have to make a move." Younu Zhiwei looked into the distance and said, but then said, "It seems to be resolved? Shall we go and have a look?"

The two ran back to the yard, only to see Gaara sitting on the swing, swaying gently. He was manipulating the sand to gently drag away a large number of corpses in the trees and grass in the distance. He said softly, "Hidden by me!" Thirteen people were killed in the surrounding sand."

"Including what we killed, that's 20 people."

Yu Yu analyzed, "Danzo sent 20 people here this time, but he didn't show up after the oil girl Ryoma was killed, which means he's still hiding in the dark place of Konoha and hasn't come over. This old fox probably won't show up tonight, he Must be waiting for his 'best time'!"

"What about you, Yu Yu, when are you coming back?"

Gaara looked at him and said, "Uncle and Auntie don't say anything on the surface, but they are actually worried about you."

"I see." Youyu said helplessly, "My main body is bringing the team back, so many people will be slower..." He looked inside, "My parents have come out! Let's go!"

He and Younv Zhiwei left quickly.

"I love Luo."

Yoto Nohara and Minako rushed out of the corridor to look around. Yoto snorted and asked, "Has Yuu come back? We seem to have heard his voice." Gaara was manipulating the sand to quietly move the corpse in the distance. After covering it up, he shook his little head, "Uncle and aunt, you got it wrong, You Yu didn't come back, that's why I was talking to myself here."

"Is it?"

The couple were suspicious and stared around again. Minako frowned and asked, "Gara, did that unfilial son really not come back?"

"Yes, Auntie."

In the distance, Yuu Yu and Yume Shiwei stood on a tree pole and looked at this side. At this moment, Gaara's "Eye of Sand" floated over to remind them that the ninja from Konoha Anbe was coming. leave now.

The Hokage Office in the Hokage Building.

Hiruza Sarutobi, who was paying attention to the movements of the ninjas in the village, quickly received the news. He was startled. People from Danzo appeared. They hid somewhere in the village and just appeared to attack the Nohara family?Killed by Gaara?He felt chills in his heart again, this Danzo had disappeared completely for a year, it turned out that this person had already lurked back to Muye Village, no wonder Anbu couldn't find him outside.

Based on this person's understanding of Konoha, it is not difficult to hide inside without being discovered.

"I love Luo...Danzo..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was thinking about this one-tailed Jinchuriki who obeyed Nohara Yuuha's order. Although this Jinchuriki was dangerous, he would not put the village into a huge crisis like Kyuubi. If he was properly prepared, it would not be difficult for him to deal with this child Of the two, it was Danzo who made him feel extremely dangerous. He really couldn't guess when Danzo would show up and what he would do.

"Tomorrow may very well be the most dangerous day Konoha has ever seen."

The next day, the villagers of Konoha woke up early. They were always paying attention to the development of the tense situation, and all morning they just heard that the troops led by Sannin Jiraiya had set off. , to intercept the return of Nohara Yuu's troops.

It's just that people didn't expect it.

Nohara Yuu's army was broken into pieces, divided into dozens of teams consisting of more than a dozen people, and quickly sneaked into the Land of Fire from all directions.

The troops led by Jiraiya only captured no more than ten teams at the border, and most of them had successfully sneaked in.

This made the people in Muye Village even more frightened. Is Nohara Yuu really going to return to Muye Village?

Hiruzen Sarutobi and the two advisors also arrived at the office early, and they are also paying close attention to the movements of the ninjas in the village. They know far more information than others. Yu Yu's troops appeared on the border towards the Fire Country, and the Thunder Country's troops were also approaching the border. What made them even more worried was that the Shayin Village led by Luo Sha seemed to be breaking the agreement with Konoha and quickly mobilized in the village with.

There is no need to guess the reason for the assembly of the ninja armies of the Three Kingdoms. They are all waiting for the outbreak of the Konoha civil war. Once the civil war in the country of fire is at its most intense, or when the ninjas in Konoha Village suffer heavy casualties, they will take advantage of it.

"What do the ninjas in the village think now?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked another worried question to "Antelope".

"Back to Hokage-sama, the major ninja clans are basically watching, they are not considering which side to support, they are all worried that the Konoha civil war will break out." The Anbu replied quickly.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of cigarette, rubbed his temples, and then ordered: "Antelope, let's release the news about the assembly of the armies of the Three Kingdoms as well. We can't hide this news. We will take the initiative to tell you that we can take the initiative, just say Nohara Yuu Trigger civil war and lead to the assembly of the armies of the three countries!"


The antelope went to carry out the order.

An hour later, she came back again, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked: "Antelope, how is the situation? Is Nohara Yuu's voice louder when being accused?" Antelope said: "No... Hokage-sama, the six The fact that a village was attacked and no one was alive has spread widely in the village, and the people of Konoha are filled with righteous indignation. At least half of them are discussing how to take revenge on the Land of Earth. correct."

"... Let's explore again."


Another hour later, the antelope came back, and her voice was a little flustered: "Master Hokage, there is another news spreading in the village. When you successfully approached Yanyin Village, you dismissed their coach and arrested him."


Xiaochun, who was sleeping on the side, hurriedly asked: "Have you spread the news that Nohara Yuu's behavior will trigger the Four Nations Alliance?"

Antelope nodded: "Yes! It has been spread a long time ago!" She paused, "It doesn't seem to be useful! Many people think that Nohara Yuu will be able to surpass the first-generation master in the future, and the first-generation master is not afraid of those four countries... And, At this time, the record of Nohara Yuu's troops in the past two or three days also spread.
"Nohara Yuu's troops dispatched 46 people, annihilating a total of 610 and 380 enemies, 54 ninjas were injured, 39 were seriously injured, and only [-] died."

"Crack!" Sarutobi Hiruzen broke the new cigarette stick in his hand, and he said coldly: "Who is spreading this obviously false information, Uchiha?"

"No, Uchiha was banned from going out by us today. A group of Anbu ninjas who captured Nohara Yuu have come back. After they come back, they will spread the news they heard."

"..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi was even more angry, "Where is the elephant? Has he returned??

"Antelope" shook his head.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "The batch of Anbu ninjas who ordered you to come back here immediately report—"

"Bang", at this time, a stone hit the glass window outside the office, cracking the glass window, "Bang" "Bang"...

After that, a large number of stones were thrown on the glass windows.

The Anbe ninja downstairs quickly dispatched, and after a while, Aurome Kenpei, a member of Anbe, came to reply to Hokage: "Master Hokage, it is a few civilians in the village. The reason why they attacked here is that they are very dissatisfied with you... Also, they say that Nohara Yuu just came back to abdicate you, not a civil war."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was even more startled, his face was extremely ugly, and he whispered: "Are we going to lose the public opinion war in the village?"

He looked at the two advisors in front of him, "No! We must increase the publicity of our ideas! Nohara Yuu's actions are extremely dangerous! We did nothing wrong!!"

The two advisors nodded together, agreeing with his thoughts.

However, even with the increased publicity, a large number of people are still gathering to protest the Hokage Building, and the scale of the protesting crowd is getting bigger and bigger. Not only civilians, but also many ninjas are participating in it. In just two or three hours, Hokage The building was attacked by a large number of stones, which prevented Hokage and the two advisers from quickly moving their offices. In the afternoon, even more shocking news spread that Nohara Yuu's troops had regrouped a few kilometers away from Konoha Village.

Yuu Nohara, he's back?

At this time, Muye Village ushered in another storm.

No matter how heavy the wind and rain, a large number of people from Konoha Village still flocked to the streets in the heavy rain. On the one hand, they expressed their support for Nohara Yuu, and on the other hand, they protested against the persecution of Nohara Yuu and his troops by the Hokage Building... ··

The internal strife and internal strife in Muye Village are on the verge of breaking out.

In the extremely tense atmosphere, after a few minutes of blowing, an orange-red figure walked into the gate of Konoha, and he shouted in the direction of the Hokage Building, a voice heard by the whole Konoha Village:
"Sarutobi Hiruzen! It's time for you to abdicate!"

(End of this chapter)

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