Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 38 Shorting the Osborne Group

Chapter 38 Shorting the Osborne Group

It was late at night, sitting in the car all the way, listening to the "Song of Zanjin" played on the car stereo, Ange looked through the car window with great interest at the beautiful woman on the side of the road who had to reduce her cloth because of poverty, with a very happy face. Looks in the mood.

Gwen was a little annoyed.

Her subtle little expression is like performing "Look at Me.mkv".

Ange looked at her, and said business: "The Osborne family has been in big trouble recently."

"Huh?" Gwen's ears perked up slightly.

"Norman Osborn is dying. Harry is too young and energetic, obviously, he can't support the Osborn Group."

The rich have their own intelligence channels, and it is routine to keep an eye on competitors.

Gwen took a closer look at Harry's performance today. The scene where he forced himself in front of Tony clearly fell to the bottom.It's okay to meet Tony by accident, the bad thing is that he didn't understand his brother well.

Since they don't know each other, they shouldn't be forced to come together on this occasion.Moreover, as the master, Adrian's control of the field is really poor, or Adrian is not qualified to control the field.

"God, I was part-time study in Osborne." Gwen well expressed concern about the company's future.

"Resign. The Osborne Group is in danger."

"Dangerous?" Gwen's eyes widened.

"The company was fine when old Osborne was still there. Once it fell into Harry's hands, it would be as unreliable as a kid holding a nuclear bomb launcher button without a password." Anger's speech was perfect. In line with his status as a noble son.Let's be a 'friend' for the time being, reminding me that I have exhausted my benevolence in this matter, and Gwen is obviously not his.

Gwen nodded: "I will think about it carefully."

Back downstairs at Gwen's house, Gwen became angry again.

She didn't know whether Ange was on purpose or on purpose, because when she got out of the car, Harry's McLaren with Peter just arrived.At the same time, the car of Angle's bodyguard leader Louis helped to drive the girls who had a good time with Peter tonight.

"Good night Peter, I am very happy tonight." Michelt got out of the car and gave Peter a big hug.

"Peter, me too..." Compared to Michelle, Mary Jane's figure is hotter, hugging her like a ball of fire, Peter fully felt what it means to be a beauty with big waves.

In addition, there are two beauties that Anger can't name, they can't catch Tony, and they focus their firepower back on Peter.

The four beauties silently ignored the interaction between Peter and Liz tonight.

A good man is to be snatched!

Perhaps in their hearts they had greeted each other so many times as 'daughter of the beach', but on the surface they were still friendly and smiling like flowers.

At this time, the lights on the second floor of the two houses were on.

Aunt Mei's charming figure appeared in front of the window sill, looking at the popular Peter, Aunt Mei smiled the whole time.However, when she caught a glimpse of Gwen, who was sent off by Ang, and looked at each other, Aunt Mei showed an apologetic smile.

"Sorry!" Aunt Mei's mouth shape was like this.

Gwen returned an awkward smile.

What made her scalp tingle the most was the gaze of her father on the second floor. After becoming a [ghost spider], her perception had greatly improved, and she could clearly feel his father's grievances.

He was clearly saying——what are you doing with that playboy Anger?
Anger ignored the police chief who had surpassed the end of doom and survived the Lizardman incident. Anger aimed at Harry, and Harry looked at him.

The gazes of the two met each other in the air, as if they could spark terrifying sparks.

Unfortunately, at the end, Harry didn't say any harsh words, just nodded his head as a greeting, got into his McLaren, started the engine and drove away.

Anger noticed that Harry's hand trembled unconsciously before getting into the car, and then he touched his neck.Visible only to those with very good eyesight, there appears to be a peculiar scar in the skin at the neckline.

After saying goodbye to Gwen politely, Angle returned to the car and found Louis sitting back.

"Boss, that boy Osborne is malicious to you."

Ange waved his hand: "It's okay, I've always been tolerant of a dying person."

Louis' face was embarrassed on the spot.

"I mean, the Osborne family has a serious genetic disease, and each generation doesn't live long. Norman is already an exception. I just saw that Harry's disease has already flared up."

Louis' expression relaxed on the spot: That's it... Boss, if everyone who opposes you dies suddenly, I will be under a lot of pressure!

Back at Ange's own villa, even though it was late at night, the lights were still brightly lit.

In a side hall, Dana and Sarah are directing a group of more than ten people, busy in front of the computer.

Seeing Ange's return, Sister Lance's eyes were somewhat sad.

"I'm home?"

"I thought you were staying overnight."

How could Ange not understand the subtext of the Lance sisters singing together?

"It's just entertainment. I'm going to meet Harry Osborn tonight. And it's not like you don't know Gwen's identity."

As soon as An Ge said, the two sisters immediately put away their petty temper and reported seriously.

They had to be serious, it was extremely risky to get close to such a super noble man.If you simply cultivate the beauty of [Being Pushed], then you will get tired of it after two strokes and be ruthlessly abandoned.

Look at young Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark, changing women faster than changing clothes.

Beauty alone is not enough to stay with such a person.

Sarah first said: "I have already contacted seven banks, because you are willing to mortgage your shares in Stark, Ange, and they have agreed to lend you the Osborne shares on hand."

Dana continued: "Ange, do you really want to play so big? You didn't use retail investors as a cover at all. Once you make a move, it means that you are openly standing opposite the Osborne Group. If you fail, you on Stark's side The money is gone."

"It's okay, for the benefactor 'behind' me, this is just a 'small amount of money'." Ange seemed not to care, and then changed the topic to check the development of his own canary.

In the final analysis, the money that Anger can really control by himself comes from the Bettinelli family who was killed by the black mask back then.This family is second-rate in Gotham.Using the money and saving Tony's life, Angle just doubled the value of the money and laundered it.

It's a pity that there is still a long way to go before shaking the stakes of Stark Group and Wayne Group.

What he wants is to increase the value of this money openly.

When the two canaries started whining, Ange smiled: "It's okay, Harry Osborn, who was supposed to be reading outside, was called back, which in itself means that his father Norman is going to die. I'm short The Osborne Group can make a small fortune just by relying on this."

[Short selling] means buying and selling.It was about 100 yuan borrowed from the bank and sold first. Once the stock fell, Angle bought it back with 80 yuan.Go back and return the same amount of stocks to the bank within the specified time, and give some small interest.All the remaining price difference belongs to Ange.

Ange was not wrong in his prediction. Harry had just driven halfway that night when he was notified immediately that his father Norman was dying.Harry hurried back to the exaggerated European-style classical mansion of the Osborne family.

Waiting for the doctor outside his father's room all night, until ten o'clock in the morning, the medical team finally reluctantly announced that they would give up treating Norman, and Harry could go to see his father for the last time.

Perhaps, the son of a rich family had more or less similar misfortunes in his childhood-having a powerful but powerful father, lacking family affection.

Just when Harry was complaining to his father lying on the hospital bed that he only got a bottle of wine from his father's assistant on his 16th birthday, Norman told Harry a cruel fact with a sneer.

"Do you think I'm crazy about my career just for myself? It's also for you. Our family has a genetic disease called [reverse cell hyperplasia]. Once it starts to attack, regardless of age and body, you will die. You are also Almost. I will leave all the wealth to you, as for whether you can survive, it depends on yourself."

Not long after speaking, Norman hung up.

Seeing the private doctor and nurse who came in and covered his father's body with a white cloth, Harry didn't feel much sadness.From childhood to adulthood, he only hated this father who didn't care about him.

Now, Harry did not accept the joy of a huge business empire at all, but was dominated by a deep sense of fear.

With trembling hands, he touched his neck, where there was something resembling an abscess, which had recently expanded several times in size.

Harry, who had successfully obtained all the authority of his father, frantically checked his father's research projects, and found that the cure for this incurable disease can only be done at the genetic level.

Dr. Connors' lizard gene plan obviously didn't work before, let's see how Connors turned into a lizard man.

After searching constantly, Harry suddenly discovered that the spider gene has a very strong self-healing ability!
(End of this chapter)

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