Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 21 A New Day

Chapter 21 A New Day

When it comes to old beauty, it is easy to think of the NBA.

Laomei usually has a small yard in her own home, and most of them have a basketball hoop, and Ange's villa is no exception.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor, he wanted to rush to the layup, but unfortunately he was powerless.

He was double-teamed the tightest.

What's outrageous is that the opponent ignored the [No-Hand-Check rule that you can't put your hand on the offensive player to find a fulcrum], and directly put his hand on his waist.

The other party was so rambunctious that Ange had a headache.After all, it's a private ball game, the kind that doesn't even have a referee.

He can only carry the top defense, hold the ball with both hands, and constantly use [three threats] tentative steps to break the opponent's press.

I'm in!I'm out again!

It's a good left and right jump.

At the same time, he had to use his back-up technique that he had practiced for more than two and a half years, and he firmly withstood the harassment of the defender behind him.

After Ange used the proficient tentative step for the 999th time, he finally defeated the defender in front of him, and turned to concentrate all firepower on the defender behind him.

This game was too tragic.

In the NBA, one quarter is 12 minutes, four quarters, plus various substitutions, pauses and rests, etc., and you can't run for about 150 minutes.Overtime is 5 minutes per quarter.

This is the highest intensity exercise.

As a result, Anger failed to deal with the opponent in regular time, and it took 1 overtime to win.


A sunny morning.

Listening to the chirping and chirping of birds coming from outside the window, Sarah opened her misty eyes, and couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality for the first time.

What greets her eyes is not her old dilapidated apartment in the slums that burns 30% of her salary every month, and there is no unpleasant smell of tobacco leaves from the next door in her nostrils, and there is no noise in her ears that must be heard in the morning.

Everything was so beautiful that she couldn't believe it.

The familiar call brought Sarah back to her thoughts, and it was the face of her elder sister Dana who emerged from the white quilt on the opposite side.

"Good morning, Sarah."

After being stunned for a moment, Sarah came back to her senses: "Good morning, old lady."

"Are you OK?"

As soon as my sister asked, terrifying memories came to my mind. Sarah remembered everything: that terrifying female zombie who was exactly like her, and Ange's hero saving the beauty, and...

Sarah took a deep breath and said bravely, "I'm not afraid anymore."

Dana stretched out her white arm from under the quilt, and interlocked her sister's outstretched hand.

The two sisters suddenly felt a stabbing pain at the same time, and frowned at the same time. They looked at each other with a little embarrassment.

Just then, they noticed that the TV in the room was always on.

At this time, the host is broadcasting gossip news:

"Oh—what a pity! This time, it is the famous female reporter Christine Ewahart who hit the position of the person next to Tony Stark, the richest and handsome man in New York. It is a pity that she still did not escape and was kicked out by Tony after the friendly match The fate of the family. It is still Miss Potts, the housekeeper of the Stark family."

"Then who will be the next one to challenge Mrs. Stark's status? Please wait and see. The betting website about whether the next challenger will succeed is XXXX."

Laomei can bet on anything.

How long a crazy bee and butterfly can stay beside playboy Tony is also a gamble that New Yorkers are keen to bet on.

For most viewers, it's a necessary part of everyday New York fun.

When the fun falls on me, it's a bit bad.

Sister Lance's face became a little stiff for a moment.

The two of them dressed silently, tacitly did not mention that someone was once a black gold VIP customer of all the high-end nightclubs in Gotham City, and walked out of the room hand in hand after a long absence.

Who knew that as soon as they went out, they saw a row of twelve maids waiting at the door, and they all bowed and said, "Good morning, Miss Lance."

"Good morning." The two replied slightly stiffly.

鏉ヤ 钖楋纻
finally coming?

This is driving people away, right?

That's also, Angie doesn't owe us sisters anything.

It's a write-off for us.


The air was unusually quiet, and the two sides faced each other in a daze for several seconds before the oldest member of the maid team stood up and said, "Miss Sarah Lance, please give instructions."


what instructions?
The head maid seemed to see Sarah's confusion, and reminded: "According to Master Ang's order, Miss Sarah Lance, you are already the housekeeper of this house, and all our servants need to obey your orders."

"Ah!" Sarah, whose brain was down, remembered that Ange seemed to have said this. When she was embarrassed, she reacted quickly: "It's nothing, let's go on as usual!"

"Okay." The head maid curtseyed neatly with a group of maids who were at least schoolgirl-level, and then filed out.

In the lobby on the second floor full of modern paintings, only the Lance sisters were left.

They looked at each other.

"Sarah, it seems that from now on I will be the secretary and you will be the housekeeper."


The two sisters were a little lost, especially Sarah, who took a while to accept her new identity.

Following the guidance of the maid, the two of them came to the underground training ground and greeted several bodyguards including Louis. As soon as they entered, they saw An Ge who kept waving his sword and practicing martial arts.

He is so focused, every action detail is meticulously completed.

A hundred times, a thousand times, the movements did not deform at all, it was like the movements of a robot.

After swiping the knife a thousand times, An Ge noticed the arrival of the two sisters.

Face to face again, the faces of the two sisters were rarely flushed at the same time.

Sarah couldn't bear to look at Ange's face. Strictly speaking, she and Ange met for the first time yesterday.Maybe many American girls like to indulge, but their sisters are conservative.

Sarah held back for a long time before she could say, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Not good. I didn't get enough sleep." Ange said something straight, choking Sarah.

Before she could reply, An*Wenchao Gong*ge suddenly showed a bright and handsome smile: "But for you, sisters, I would like to sleep less."

The next moment, the two sisters blushed like steamed red prawns.

Unable to hold back any longer, he ran away with awkward steps like a crab.

After Ange finished his martial arts practice, he glanced at the progress bar in the system with satisfaction. After drying himself, he came to the dining room and read today's "Gotham Daily" while having breakfast.

After reading the first four pages, An Ge couldn't help wondering, what did he read?

According to online sources, a mysterious woman in a bat suit disrupted a major arms smuggling operation in Falcone last night.A woman in a strange black and white spider suit overturns dozens of clown gangs and stops a grand havoc.

Another crazy woman dressed as a clown snatched an oil tank truck and crashed into a train carrying dangerous goods parked next to the chemical plant, causing an explosion that could be seen thirty kilometers away.

The mayor said that the citizens of Gotham need not worry, and the people of Cannabis who are free from worries and chlorine are the ones who need to worry.

There are so many big events in one night, and what about the newspapers?
From caring about why Bruce Wayne hasn't picked up girls recently, to the birth of two kid goats at the Gotham Zoo, to Anger, who seems to have picked up the former lead singer of the Black Mask Club.

Anyway, the entire newspaper exists only to discuss one point of view - nothing big happened yesterday!

This is so fucking ironic!

(End of this chapter)

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