Chapter 11 Going to the Universe
Although Kyle had expected the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s desperation, he didn't care at all.

An organization that hadn't discovered the parasite that was sucking blood on its own body for decades was not qualified to let him take a second look at it.

At this point, Kyle has finished splicing the last part.

At this time, a huge spaceship was lying quietly on the open space in front of him,

It was a big guy with a length of more than 20 meters. It looked like a turtle shell, but one end was small and the other end was large.Exactly the kind of Kryptonian spaceship in the movie.

Looking around on the spaceship, Kyle then looked at Helios who was standing by.

Get ready, Helios, we're going on a long journey.

As a robot, she naturally regards her master's order as the first criterion. Naturally, she would not ask Kyle where she was going, but replied faithfully: "Yes, master."

After some preparations, Kyle took Helios in the spaceship and began to lift off slowly.

Looking at the smaller and smaller manor on the ground, Kyle flipped his wrist, and a ripple rippled around the manor.

The ripples were like water waves, and soon covered the entire area of ​​the manor.When the ripples were completely calm, the manor also disappeared from its original place.

It wasn't that Kyle destroyed the manor, but directly hid it in a folding space.

Except for him and the Supreme Mage, there is probably no one on Earth who can discover it.

He believed that with the cultivation of the Supreme Master, he would not do this kind of thing of stealing other people's homes.

Helios was built by Kyle with Kryptonian technology, and a large amount of Kryptonian technology is naturally stored in its database.

So driving such a Kryptonian spacecraft is a breeze.

Under her control, the spaceship gradually rose to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and then amidst the roar of the engine, the spaceship turned into a flash of light and disappeared.

At the same time, the scene of the launch of the spacecraft was monitored by many forces in many countries around the world.

Among them, M country and S.H.I.E.L.D. are naturally the leaders.

Naturally, no matter how much they yelled, it had nothing to do with Kyle.

At this time, he was already in the void of the universe, and he was already one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the earth.

"Master, where are we going?" Helios asked Kyle respectfully.

It's not because of her curiosity. In this cosmic void, they must have a goal. Could it be that the master came to space just for a stroll?
"Go straight ahead like this first, and don't turn off the communication equipment during the period. Once you receive a strange communication message, go there directly."

Upon hearing this, Helios nodded. Although he still didn't understand what the master was going to do, as a qualified robot maid, he naturally obeyed all the orders of the master.

Seeing Helios going to control the spaceship, Kyle's eyes fell on the starry sky outside the spaceship.

His purpose is actually very simple.

Go to the universe, find the coordinates of Asgard, go there and get the Infinity Gauntlet.

He clearly remembered that in Odin's treasure house, there was an infinite gauntlet with a right hand.

Of course, he could have gone directly to S.H.I.E.L.D. to find Thor and go to Asgard with him, or he could have waited until the plot of "Thor 2" and borrowed the Nine Realms Passage to Asgard.

But these methods are not safe, and they are all ruled out one by one.

First of all, he went to Asgard to grab things, not a guest, so it was naturally impossible to go with Sol.And the other party is not currently on Earth.

Second, Heimdall of Asgard has eyes that can see everything in the Nine Realms. He doesn't want to attract the other party's attention, so that Odin can detect it in advance, so the second method naturally doesn't work.

Of course, he can also directly ask the Ancient One to help him open a passage to Asgard.

But, will the other party agree?Maybe the other party turned around and told Odin.

Therefore, he can only choose the most stupid way to investigate the coordinates of Asgard in the universe.

I believe that in the vast universe, there will definitely be people who know the coordinates of Asgard.

In this way, the spaceship shuttled through the vast universe, and I don't know how long it has passed.

Finally, after traveling for about half a month, the spacecraft finally received a signal.

"Master, I have received a distress call. The coordinates are 0596-94343." Helios reported to Kyle.

"Then let's go."

Afterwards, the spacecraft approached the coordinates that sent out the distress signal.

With the speed of the spaceship, of course they will reach their destination very quickly.

As soon as the spaceship appeared, Kyle saw from the porthole that an extremely huge spaceship was docked in the space void outside the spaceship.

Kyle's eyes fell on the spaceship, and everything in the spaceship suddenly appeared in his eyes without hiding.

"Oh, interesting, interstellar pirates?"

As soon as the words fell, Kyle's figure disappeared directly from his seat.

Inside the huge and ugly unknown spaceship, there were a large group of people staring at the control screen of the spaceship.

These people all look weird, some look like octopuses, some have four hands and four legs.But no matter how they look, they are all slovenly.

"Captain, this fat sheep is a bit small, it's not big enough for us to fit between our teeth." A dog-headed alien said to an alien with a hideous worm's head.

"How many times have I said, don't think the prey is too small. No matter how little meat it has, it's still meat. It's better than we can't catch anything." The worm-headed alien first slapped the dog's head, and then directly covered his head and face reprimanded.

"Yes, yes, captain, I understand." The kobold nodded and bowed.

Seeing this, Captain Wormhead nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately, he gave orders to his group of grotesque subordinates.

"Little ones, get ready, we're going to make a fortune."

"Oh!!!" Immediately, there was a burst of loud cheers in the spaceship.

However, at this moment, an untimely voice suddenly sounded in everyone's hearts.

"I said, are you too confident?"

Sounds appear in the brains of all aliens, and communicate directly with spirits, so there is no situation where some people cannot understand.

And hearing this voice, everyone immediately discovered Kyle who appeared in the spaceship at some point.

"You, who are you, what are you doing on our spaceship?"

Hearing this, Kyle smiled lightly.

Through psychic abilities, he has learned that these aliens do not know the coordinates of Asgard.

Also, as a God's Domain that has existed for an unknown amount of time, how could it be possible to expose the coordinates of its own country at will.

However, there will definitely be someone in the universe who knows where it is.

Among other things, Thanos must know, and the collector and Gao Tianzun, who are the elders of the universe, must also know.

Fortunately, the brain memory of the pirate leader happened to have the memory of going to Saka.

"I came here to ask you to hand over the star map to Saka."

The pirate captain who hadn't figured out how Kyle appeared, raised his head and laughed when he heard what Kyle said.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka, guys, did you hear that? He actually wanted me to give him the star map for no reason. We are pirates."

However, as soon as his words fell, its ferocious worm head suddenly turned into the most basic particles in an extremely strange manner.

Plop, the headless corpse fell to the ground in an instant, hitting the spaceship floor, like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of other pirates.

 After coding, I sent it first. I haven't modified it much. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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