I established Kua Kua Cult in Naruto.

Chapter 221 When you feel comfortable getting along with someone, it is very likely that his IQ is h

Chapter 221 When you feel comfortable getting along with someone, it is very likely that his IQ is higher than yours

"Only body cells?"

In the brand-new research institute, looking at the list that Orochimaru gave him, Chen Ma asked with some doubts.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and said, "Then what else do you think you need?"

"Germ cells?"

Chen Ma asked uncertainly, the corner of Orochimaru's mouth twitched, and asked: "Are you sure you want to extract germ cells from a person who has been dead for 20 years?

What's more, in the reproductive cells of the first generation, there should be no hidden sequences related to Mutun, otherwise there must be inheritance in his offspring, but I have checked the somatic cells of Tsunade and Nakoki, and found nothing. "

The matter of extracting germ cells from a person who has been dead for 20 years is indeed a bit outrageous, not to mention whether there is still vitality, but the extraction process is unacceptable.

In particular, the person who needs to be responsible for extracting the cells is Tsunade.

Although Tsunade agreed to donate the body of Senju Hashirama, not the entire body was directly donated to the research institute, but the research institute listed the required cells or organs, and Tsunade would extract them on his behalf.

Nodding his head, thinking about Tsunade who had a calm face when he agreed yesterday, Tatsuma thought it would be better to only extract somatic cells, so as not to anger Tsunade who had finally adjusted his mentality again.

After receiving the list, Tatsuma did not leave immediately. After all, Tsunade was teaching at Konoha Hospital during the day, so it was useless to find her now.

But staying in the research institute, without Senju Hashirama cells, you can only debug the equipment over and over again. After all, it is impossible for Tsunade to contribute too many "materials" at one time, so every test and experiment will be heavy. The most important.

Operation errors or problems caused by improper equipment debugging must never happen.

While debugging the equipment, Orochimaru also asked casually: "I see you have been watching the content of Huasheng these days, do you have any thoughts?"

"Well, I want to induce and transform Mrs. Hashirama's cells into spermatogonia and oogonia through metaplasia. In this way, I may be able to cultivate a child who is the only one who participates in the reproductive process by Mrs. Zhujian."

Chen Ma replied truthfully that he did not come to spoil the project, and if possible, he would also be willing to help Orochimaru improve the experiment, even if it was just some ideas.

If a fluke can turn the experiment from a failure to a success, at least many deaths can be avoided.

The Mutun experiment is divided into two stages in the original book. The first stage is to use the power of the whole village to cultivate the cells between the pillars and inject the cells between the pillars into the adult ninjas. However, this time the experiment ended in failure and the project was suspended.

In the second stage, Orochimaru secretly conducted experimental research with minors as experimental subjects. For this reason, sixty children in Konoha were innocently involved.

In the end, 59 people died, and only one person succeeded. The Mutun ninja who was bred was the Jia of the future roots, and the Tenzang of the future roots, and the Mutun ninja who was named Yamato after leaving Anbu.

However, Yamato's Wooden Dune, compared with the first generation Mu Senshouzhujian's Wooden Dune, is simply heaven and earth. Although Yamato's Wooden Dune also has many magical features, it also has a certain restraint effect on tailed beasts.

No matter in terms of strength or scope, Yamato is weaker than Senju Hashirama too much, and some people even ridicule Hashirama Mudun for conquering the world, and Yamato Mudun for greening.

Based on the speculation of the plot performance, Chen Ma thinks that the reason why Yamato Mutun is "weak" is that the proportion of cells between the columns is too small.

Because during the Fourth World War, after being possessed by Baijue cultivated on the basis of inter-pillar cells, the strength of Yamato's wooden escape was also greatly enhanced.

Therefore, Tatsuma felt that the best way to cultivate a wooden ninja who was comparable to the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, or whose upper limit could reach that level, was to cultivate "Senju Hashirama".

A cell constitutes an infinitely close clone of Senju Hashimama himself.

It's not like no one in the ninja world has done this kind of experiment. A self-taught Uchiha who didn't use any high-tech equipment successfully did it.

Dashemaru also paused after hearing Chenma's words, and then tapped his fingers on the workbench, and after a while, he said: "No wonder you want the germ cells of Mr. Hashirama.

But why if the somatic cells of Master Zhujian are transformed into oogonia by induction, can't we directly use the woman's egg cells to enucleate? "

Seeing that Dashewan not only quickly understood his intentions, but also drew inferences from one instance, and gave a plan that was more in line with the experiment, Chen Ma secretly admired it in his heart, but he still said:
"It is not yet known whether the gene sequence of Mr. Zhujian is different from that of ordinary people. The egg cells of ordinary people may not be able to carry Mrs. Zhujian's genetic information. Coupled with the normal reproduction and development speed, it does not match our project this time."

The cells of Senshou Zhujian are very different from those of ordinary people. His cells are more like cancer cells. This is also an important reason why Chen Ma will study oncology.

Of course, he couldn't tell Dashemaru about this at the moment, after all, the two of them hadn't even touched the cells between Senshouzhu, so Chenma couldn't explain the source of his idea.

Orochimaru nodded, looked at Chenma appreciatively, and said, "You are very suitable for the road of scientific research. You are much smarter than those idiots in the village. Those idiots have nothing in their minds."

Chen Ma hurriedly shook his head modestly. He just had an idea. If he was asked to develop an experimental method, he would be completely blinded. However, he also asked curiously:

"What do other people think?"

"Hmph! I separated the cells that "possibly" carry the information of Mutun from Mr. Hashirama, and injected them directly into the human body. They might think that the human body is a color palette."

Dashewan's tone was full of disdain, Chenma's mouth also twitched, subconsciously said: "Don't they consider rejection?"

Orochimaru paused, then asked curiously: "Rejection reaction?"


Seeing that Orochimaru was not very clear, Chen Ma said: "You should know the blood type, right? It is best to choose the same blood type for blood transfusion, otherwise severe rejection may occur.

And this is not only the case with blood transfusions, but also with many replacement surgeries, and even the replantation of severed limbs of the same person can cause adverse reactions. "


Orochimaru nodded in thought, and asked, "Then how to solve this problem?"


Feeling that the topic was off track, Chenma looked at Dashewan suspiciously. Dashewan's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "I'm developing a surgery recently, which has a little connection with organ replacement."

Chen Ma thought for a while, Uncle Snake did seem to have a similar technique, and even later had a more difficult reincarnation technique, which involved the exclusion of souls.

Chenma did not refuse Dashewan's request. After all, Dashewan would find a way sooner or later, so he might as well save face, so he said:
"Rejection is mainly caused by the body's immune ability. As long as the immune ability is suppressed, the rejection can be alleviated. Of course, low immunity will also bring various problems.

Of course, if the degree of fit between the graft and the transplanted body is high enough, the rejection reaction will not be too severe, on the contrary, the lower the degree of fit, the more serious the rejection reaction will be.

Moreover, some rejection reactions cannot be avoided and alleviated, such as chronic rejection. I have read many cases of amputated limb replantation or organ transplantation. In many cases, even if it is successful, it will appear after a year. Severe graft dysfunction”

Having said that, Chen Ma suddenly paused, because isn't this the shortcoming of Invincible Reincarnation?

Orochimaru, who was facing him, didn't notice the last change in Chenma's tone, but frowned and thought, and asked in a hoarse voice involuntarily:
"There is no solution? Even ninjutsu?"

"Even the teacher can only complete her own repair in a very short period of time without rejection. After a long time, or if the graft does not match, she will not be able to solve it."

Tatsuma wasn't even sure if what he was telling was the truth, he instinctively wanted to reduce the probability that Orochimaru would find Tsunade to solve this problem in the future.

But today's Orochimaru doesn't seem to be obsessed to that point, maybe even the development of Undead Reincarnation hasn't started yet, so he just thought about it for a while, and shook his head after he couldn't get the answer.

He recovered his elegant and reserved smile, looked at Chen Ma, and said, "Mr. Chen Ma, thank you for your inspiration and knowledge, which brought many possible solutions to my problems."

After speaking, Orochimaru paused, and said, "I don't know if you are interested in Rashomon?"

"Rashomon? Didn't the first generation not leave the psychic scroll?"

"I found it again, so take it as my return gift. Do you have any other doubts? Maybe I can help you solve it."

Orochimaru's generosity is very sincere, Tatsuma thought for a while, then nodded, and said: "My development in medical ninjutsu has been hindered, and there is no matching solution in the sealing technique, so I want to learn the spell sealing technique comprehensively."

It's not the first time that Chenma asked Orochimaru about the curse seal technique, but the last time it was an answer to the spell seal knowledge in the vertical direction. This time, Chenma wanted to have a more comprehensive understanding of the curse seal technique.

Hearing this, Orochimaru nodded, and said: "I will share with you all the knowledge I have compiled about the spell seal technique. If you encounter something you don't understand, you can ask me at any time."

Orochimaru is not disgusted with sharing knowledge with Chenma, and is even very pleased.

Because the vast majority of ninjas he has seen are all stupid and want to learn to use a certain technique, instead of learning the knowledge points in the technique like Chenma and him.

Mr. Chen Ma is his kind.

Mastering all the skills, this is the ambition that Orochimaru has had since childhood, and he has taken many detours and stepped on many pitfalls along the way, and he does not want Chenma to be so embarrassed.

This can be regarded as his compensation for driving Chen Mala into the quagmire.

(End of this chapter)

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