I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 83 Little Meng Po was pried into a corner?The key to the underworld is here!

Chapter 83 Little Meng Po was pried into a corner?The key to the underworld is here!

It was 11:30 local time at this time.

Naturally, everyone is very concerned about Suzerain Xi's itinerary.

Especially tomorrow's spokesperson Zhao Ge and the others.

But when they saw that Boss Sleeping really changed into a pair of pants after getting off the plane, the netizens commented on the related video, even though they had received professional training, they still burst out laughing.

Brother Zhao was thinking about it, and he didn't know if the group of people would mention this at tomorrow's press conference. If he mentioned this, he could go deeper.

It was late at night, and soon he fell asleep.

However, the Internet is very lively, because things have been exposed one after another.

【2. Rare Sovereign】

【3. Enlightened, social death is also death】

[4. Ordinary citizen Mr. Zhang Lingtian: Everything that happened today is none of my business]


[8. Police report on accident in Wanda Plaza]

[9. Ping An Baishipu promotional dynamics]

【10. Human trafficker video】


In the evening, the hot search about Sovereign Xi directly rushed to the second place on the hot search list.

And Zhang Lingtian, the resident of the hot search list, occupied six seats in the top ten.


[3. The incident of killing people in Wanda Square was unexpectedly reversed. What do you think of this incident?Is it related to Mr. Zhang Lingtian, an ordinary citizen? 】

At 11:30, the trending searches on Wanda Plaza soared again to almost third place.

"The next time I encounter something like this, I won't speak again, dammit!!"

"Human traffickers? A good death! A wonderful death! A croaking death!!"

"Do you think it has something to do with Boss Zhang? Why did it happen to fall at that time and hit her? Coincidence? Yes, yes, this is indeed a coincidence!"

"I thought it was a girl who looked quite young in a skirt, and I felt pity that the other party became a victim of the Wanda accident. Who would have thought that she was still a human trafficker. What can I do at the age of 40? I can only do it. It’s not that it’s not time to report!”

"As a father, I can't imagine what it would be like for my child to be abducted. Maybe I only have the only wish in my life to kill the traffickers."

It turned out that when the police were investigating this case of accidental death, they accidentally discovered that this person was actually a trafficker.

The most coincidental thing was that this person had just slipped away from a nearby neighborhood to commit crimes.

As a result, it was smashed to death.

At first I thought it hit an ordinary person, but later the police couldn't find it!

This person is actually a fugitive trafficker, suspected of abducting and trafficking women and children.

And some clues of abducted children were found from her mobile phone.

One person has been found, and an in-depth investigation of other trafficked children and the specific number of trafficked children is underway.

Everyone applauded for this.

At the same time, a video of the other party trying to abduct and sell other children before being crushed to death was circulated on the Internet.

[The video was released half an hour before the trafficker was crushed to death by a steel frame. 】

Click to play.

"I took my baby well while riding a bike, but she was picked up directly from the back seat!!"

At the gate of a residential area, there was an old man with white hair, and a rattan frame in which a child sat behind an old-fashioned bicycle.

The child was about two years old. At this time, the other party was holding the child's hand and looked very angry.

"Don't take pictures and record me, can I steal your child? I have a child and I will have it myself!!"

The woman in the skirt said angrily.

"I will give birth to you, you, why are you hugging my grandson, and you have been following our car!!"

The uncle protects his grandson.

There were also many people gathered around.

"I also live in this community. I live on the 4th floor of Unit [-], Building [-]. Today I saw that your grandson is as cute and clever as my nephew, so I couldn't help hugging him! What a fuss!!"

"Go away! Get out of the way!!!"

The woman even scolded the uncle instead!

And shouted angrily.

"Who is this? You hug him and scare him while the car is still riding, you know!"

Watching the figure of this woman entering the community.

The uncle also muttered a few words.

Even if you think it's cute, you can't just start it.

The car is still running.

For this woman to leave suddenly.

And walk into the neighborhood.

Everyone thought it was a misunderstanding.

After all, they are all residents of the same community.

If it was really a human trafficker, how could he dare to be so blatant, at most she would be considered a cheap woman who didn't know the rules.

However, everyone did not expect it.

This woman entered the community from the main entrance and went straight to the side entrance.

If it wasn't for the fact that Wan Da dropped something and hit the right person this time, it is estimated that this matter may never have been exposed.

As for checking whether there is such a person on the eleventh floor of the first unit of the fourth building.

There are six families on the first floor of their community.

Usually everyone closes the door tightly, who knows anyone.

It's not like everyone in the village often comes out to meet each other.

To put it bluntly, even on the same floor sometimes we don't meet several times a month.

So even neighbors on the same floor cannot be recognized here.

And on the same night, Zhang Lingtian's promotional video also went viral! !

"Are you saying that this matter has something to do with our ordinary citizen, Mr. Zhang Lingtian?"

"Of course it doesn't matter. Mr. Zhang Lingtian must not have been recruited by the authorities, right? Even though the scarf was a hot search in the picture this morning, I believe everyone didn't see it!!"

"Hahaha, the white clothes are bright, and all of them looked very happy when they saw them off. They were completely different from the expressions they had when they came to the door for the first time and were taken away."

Below Zhang Lingtian's latest video, there were only a few thousand comments on the previous 2000 million views.

As a result, this incident completely exploded.

The comments soared to more than 50 in an instant.

And every time you refresh, you can see hundreds of comments soaring.

It turned out that the meeting between Zhang Lingtian and Qin Yan was actually filmed this morning.

"It was actually photographed? But this spread is too outrageous."

At this point, Zhang Lingtian had just finished eating melons, and he hadn't slept yet.

After all, contemporary young people have to swipe their phones before going to bed as long as they are not very tired.

So Zhang Lingtian turned on Douyin.

As a result, when the Douyin was turned on, he saw that the 99+ news that he had finally cleaned up was actually full.

And the craziest among them was the award-winning video that he just posted last night.

The original thousands of comments suddenly rose to hundreds of thousands.

There were various versions of the picture of him meeting Qin Yan in the morning.

What is being recruited by the government and the like.

Zhang Lingtian can only say that it is outrageous.

And why is that location again?

Zhang Lingtian looked at the location where the photo was taken, as if it was the same location as when he was taken away last time.

But no matter how outrageous it was, he didn't want to explain it.

Netizens nowadays mean that the more you explain, the more this will happen.

Anyway, as long as he has a standard of judgment in mind.

This time, whether it was Wan Da, the Tianxia hotpot restaurant, or the trafficker who was killed, it has nothing to do with him, it can only be said to be a coincidence again.

As for your claim that Sovereign Xi has something to do with him, then he reluctantly admits it.

Who told me to just enter the live broadcast room.

And it happened to see that the other party's body functions were aging.

"Today, the belief in the king of Hades has been expanded, and unscrupulous merchants have been successfully exposed. I hope that one day the king of Hades can develop into a criminal and unscrupulous merchant's Hades."

"Brother missed one thing, that is all the countries that used to show their prestige in front of our country, they will meet the king of Hades sooner or later!"

"Brother, you are exaggerating. You are trying to turn Boss Zhang into the patron saint of rabbits. In fact, it is better for Boss Zhang to have this ability. If not, it will be very relieved to do more things like today. If this If the traffickers were not crushed to death, maybe I don’t know how many children have been abducted!”

Under Zhang Lingtian's video, netizens almost regarded it as a forum.

We were still chatting at nearly twelve o'clock in the evening.

"I am the mother of the little boy today. After reading the police investigation report, I was shocked into a cold sweat. The child's grandfather is shaking with anger. Our family is not very rich, so let's reward you, Boss Zhang, with 2000 yuan. thank you very much."

Even the little boy's mother showed up at this time.

The other party was still frightened into a cold sweat.

And the child's grandfather was shaking with anger.

Fortunately, there were no accidents today.

"My elder brother was abducted by human traffickers 20 years ago and has not been found so far. This caused my father to paralyze himself with work. In the end, he was overworked and his glomerulonephritis deteriorated into uremia. He passed away the next year. Therefore, I have only one simple advice for human traffickers. Thoughts, no responsibility to kill!"

"The last time we went to the market, a man just forcibly took a child away in the stroller. In a crowded place, he actually wanted to run away. It hit my ankle and it broke on the spot, of course it’s wrong to hit someone, but I feel good! It’s really good!”

Under this comment about Bao Ma.

Many people also spoke out about their experiences.

Indeed, the human traffickers have reached the point where both humans and gods are indignant.

Especially families with new children cannot imagine what it would be like if their children were abducted.

Heartache, self-blame, fragmentation.

Except being trafficked.

There are also a lot of comments from netizens about the rare things.

"Could it be that this is the legend that people over seventy are rare?"

This comment directly exceeded [-] likes.

"I didn't agree with Mr. Stray Dog's withdrawal from the literary world at the beginning."

"Bungo Stray Dogs belong!"

"Shop, book, nothing, drop, understand?"

"There is no book! I, Okuma, will use the name of the Black Palace to ask you to change the chapter!!"

"It's been smashed! Hope everyone knows!"

"Outrageous, I'm so happy, I'm in the woods with my girlfriend!"

A bunch of comments below.

"The foot pot chicken can't take the plane overnight to wash the underpants of Xi Zongzhu?"

"Foot Pot Chicken: Thank you, lick, thank you!"

"Bangzi: Don't grab me, only I can lick daddy's!!"

And this night, many netizens on the foot pot chicken were so worried that they couldn't sleep. Who knows what will happen when this guy comes over?
International Forum.

There are also many netizens discussing this matter.

Some even sent out the original sound video of Xi Sovereign's diarrhea!
"Hahaha, I laughed so hard! Xilali lost and Xilali won again!"

"I, Xiong Xiong Guo, refute the rumors. This is obviously a fake. We have all seen the original version. The original version is: Hey! Hey, hey, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

"Pfft, this stinks too!!"

"The Chair: The Unbearable Stink of Life."

After all, he is the big boss.

This matter rushed to the hot searches in various countries.

Jiangjiang Country, knowing the boss is very happy now, criticizing the sleeping old man in the live broadcast room.

After all, how can a person who makes Ying Jiang taste great be a big boss!
Only him! !

It is the choice of everyone in Jiangjiang Country! !
Only he can lead Jiangjiang Country to the peak!
[Tweet reminds you: Your account has been banned for 999999 years due to illegal speeches! 】


The live broadcast was suddenly interrupted.

It was noon at this time.

Understand the boss looks confused!

Staring at the prompt above, I understand that the boss is completely angry!

What is an illegal speech!

This rare suzerain can't say anymore! ! !
And the supporters who knew the boss were even more angry when they received the news that the boss was banned! !
Some even fought in the whole family!

Because some people in this family support the boss and some support the master Xi.

Those who support the boss and say that sleeping with the boss has diarrhea is a veritable suzerain!

And those who support sleeping with the boss say this is slander! !

So a big fight.

Fortunately, it did not develop into a gun battle in the end.

Compared with the boiling abroad, the country that has been two or three o'clock has already quieted down.

After all, it's already this point, so I must sleep.

Eight o'clock the next day.

Zhang Lingtian got up early.

It turned out that it was a customer who asked him to make an appointment before his old father passed away.

That customer came two months ago.

At that time, the other party's father was already dying in the hospital. At the same time, the doctor issued a critical illness notice, telling him that he could live for a month at most. As a result, the old man lasted for an extra month. Just yesterday morning, the other party told him about the old man's mental condition Not bad, you can eat it, but who would have thought that something would happen at night.

Just in the early hours of this morning, people pulled back to the village with their last breath left.

Because some places have some customs.

That is, the dead cannot enter the village.

Funerals can only be held at the entrance of the village and cannot enter the house, otherwise the Feng Shui in the village will be damaged.

So most people pulled back with their last breath left.

After all, who wouldn't want to have a funeral in their own home.

If it is at the entrance of the village, the superstitious old people of the older generation will not be able to return home for fear of becoming a ghost in the future.

Only Jiang Xiaohan was looking at the Baishi shop.

Everyone else is busy with this kind of thing.

For example, Li Tiantian, she wants to see the old man for the last time, and carry out a simple arrangement of the remains and so on.

These are all included in their funeral package.

Only extra money would be added for the adoption like Brother Chunjiang Ku used to do.

As for the delivery boy Yang Li from before.

Fortunately, the other party's family did not ask the boss to do the funeral.

Otherwise, she will have a headache to death.

After all, it was crushed like that.

It is directly equivalent to being a new person.

It's too difficult!

Especially the kind that is done in a few days.

The press conference was also held as scheduled at this time.

"Mr. Li Zhao, is your ordinary citizen, Mr. Zhang Lingtian, really planning to come to our foot basin country? In fact, our two countries have similar cultures, and I don't think there is any need to travel here. You can go to the Baiqi country, the Great Ying Empire, or even the Xiongxiong country. The customs and customs there are good, and we are willing to fully subsidize Boss Zhang for the sake of friendship between the two countries."

The reporter of the foot pot chicken tried to make trouble at the press conference.

Hexagonal white flag country: "?"

Big Bang Empire: "??"

Xiong Xiong Guo: "???"

The three looked at the foot pot chicken in surprise when they heard this.

Good guy!
Play tricks! !

"We, Baiqiguo, are willing to subsidize Boss Zhang to play in the foot pot chicken for half a year!!"

"Half a year? Sure enough, he's the one holding the white flag. He's really not brave enough and stingy. I'll just subsidize it for a year!"

"Heh, the local villain pattern can't be opened. In the words of the rabbit, it's just fifty steps laughing at a hundred steps. We Xiong Xiongguo said that if Mr. Zhang Lingtian likes to live in the foot pot chicken, we will support it for a lifetime!!"

Three Kingdoms debate.

The foot pot chicken directly ignites the upper body.

Then he hurriedly looked at his elder brother!

However, Big Brother's reporter seems to be planning something.

"It's not up to us to decide whether to go or not, and we don't have the right to decide where citizens go, but we are happy to accept the funding that the representatives of the three national journalists said."

Brother Zhao replied.


The reporter of the foot pot chicken was stunned when he heard this.

No right to decide?

But happy to accept funding?

Since you sent this God of Death to their island, you don't intend to let the other party go back?

Just face them to death, right?
If the volcano doesn't erupt, people won't leave?
Will the tsunami not come and stay still?

It's the big brother who moved! !

Finally, the reporter from the foot pot chicken saw that the representative of the reporter from the big brother raised his hand slightly!
"Oh? Let the reporter from Jiangjiang Country speak."

Zhao Ge, who had just answered the reporter's foot pot chicken, looked at the representative of the reporter from Jiangjiang Country.

Others also turned their attention to the reporter from Jiangjiang Country.

"Mr. Spokesperson, you also know that our sleeping boss went to a world-class conference yesterday, but at this world-class conference, some netizens in your country were suspected of slandering our sleeping boss, and rumors spread that With this name, don’t you think we should apologize and give an explanation for the humiliation incident?”

The reporter from Jiangjiang Country asked very seriously.

The reporter of the foot pot chicken was a little disappointed.

It turned out that the eldest brother was not here to help them.

But this question is also very good.

He actually used the title Rare Sovereign!

Isn't this the humiliating sauce of Hongguoguo!

"So this reporter from Jiangjiang Country, is the boss sleeping?"

Brother Zhao asked directly.

"Of course I didn't pull it! This is slander!!"

The reporter answered immediately.

In this official occasion, even if you pull it, you have to say you didn't pull it.

And his purpose today is to occupy the high ground of public opinion and force the rabbit to apologize!

"Since you didn't pull it, why did you change your pants?"

Brother Zhao continued to ask.

"Sleeping Boss has the freedom to change pants! Don't care about these details, what you have to do, Mr. Spokesperson, is to apologize for this incident!!"

The reporter didn't expect that he was the one who asked, but the other party took the initiative and asked him to ask.

"Yes, the sleeping boss has the freedom to change his pants. At the same time, I also remembered a saying in your country. When a sentence is slandering, you don't care at all, but only when it comes to your pain will you jump, and you can't wait. I want to shut up other people's mouths, am I right, Mr. Reporter?"

Brother Zhao is very sincere.

"There is such a saying."

The reporter nodded without turning the corner.

They do have this word.

"I think everyone now understands why the boss was banned."

Brother Zhao raised his mouth slightly and spread his hands.


There was an uproar at the scene.

The reporters from Jiangjiang Country were immediately stunned.

"Hahaha, I can't stop laughing, Sun Tzu's Art of War must be your Brother Zhao!!"

"Can you stop playing such a high-end game? The reporter from the Jiangjiang country is stupefied! Unknowingly admitting the fact of Suzerain Xi!"

Brother Zhao was on the hot search again this day.

As for Boss Zhang, he is already a frequent visitor on the hot search list.

Now everyone just wants to wait for when ten of the top ten searches are Boss Zhang's sacred moments. At other times, there is no wave for this man who occupies three to five of the daily searches and eight of the top ten.

However, Zhang Lingtian was busy with the funeral at this time.

As a matter of the main business, he must not be negligent at all.

According to the request of the family members, a Suona craftsman was also found for the other party.

But this time it was two suonas.

And with the passage of time.

Netizens with three-second memory also gradually reduced their discussion of Boss Zhang.

The top ten of the hot search list has gradually returned to how certain stars are, who joined certain dramas.

Or who owed gambling debts, whose nude photos were exposed, and so on.

This morning.

"Boss, our side is ready."

Zhang Lingtian sat in the live broadcast room.

On the computer is the live broadcast appointment of Ping An Shishi Shop.

This period of time disappeared from the public for a long time, mainly because they were busy with their affairs.

At this moment Jiang Xiaohan came over.

The lighting and other things to be brought in the live broadcast room are all ready.

"Well, let's start then."

Stacks of yellow paper money on the table.

It turns out that they have not been idle these days.

Now that the merchants are in a panic and no one asks them to bring the goods, or others only ask him to bring the goods in reverse, then he will build his own factory to bring the goods to himself.

Just during this period of time, he also accumulated a little savings on hand, so he spent 80.00% of the funds on hand to acquire a yellow paper processing workshop that was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Specializing in the production of funeral yellow paper.

And he plans to bring the goods by himself, although it looks a bit eerie to bring the paper money, but he himself is a funeral anchor!

So this is not normal operation either.

As for why he only bought a yellow paper workshop but not funeral costumes, funerary goods, urns, etc., he can only say that you give him money?

Money is tight.

You must pay employees when you buy a factory.

It is impossible to count on Li Tiantian, Su Wei, and Jiang Xiaohan to do it!
But at that time, the logistics and packaging of these things can let them do it.

But sending express delivery definitely needs money, right?

So he found that the little money he had on hand was not enough.

Now he only has 20 liquidity left.

Fortunately, my place is big enough.

Some rooms can be used as warehouses.

Otherwise, there will be an additional warehouse fee.

"Miss Xiaohan, sit down."

Li Tiantian is turning on the lights.

Jiang Xiaohan sat next to Zhang Lingtian.

"3, 2, 1 start!"

Accompanied by a sound.

The live broadcast with goods has officially started.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhang Lingtian from Ping'an Baishipu. I'm very glad that everyone can come to the live broadcast room to join us today."

Zhang Lingtian greeted him.

"I'm Jiang Xiaohan."

Jiang Xiaohan also waved.

"They're all good cats: Ah! Mr. Zhang Lingtian, an ordinary citizen who disappeared for a long time, is actually broadcasting live again!"

"Little bacon with hemp sticks: Little Meng Po is here too! Haha!"

"Dimensional Evolution: It is said that Boss Zhang is now engaged in live streaming, I don't know if it is true."

"I don't see the sunset, I don't see you: bring the goods? Which brand is doing the killing this time! Although the king of Hades has been recruited by the government, the attributes of the king of Hades have never changed in the slightest."

"Sister is sister: Wow, I haven't seen Boss Zhang for a long time, and he seems to have become a lot more handsome."

"I want to learn a foreign language: Brothers, am I sick? Why do I have a crush on little Meng Po?"

"Favorite Panda: Please calm down upstairs, I feel that Boss Zhang will choose a lucky viewer every time he broadcasts live, don't just choose you then!"

The two appeared.

The bullet screen is flying all over the screen.

Many people are amazed by the beauty of the two.

Especially Jiang Xiaohan.

Many people feel that the other party's makeup today can be scored 10 points out of 9.7 out of [-].

But before, it felt like a player with a score of 9. Of course, Boss Zhang has always been a player with a score of 9.8.

When it didn't catch on, I don't know how many sisters came to the door.

Even the heads of certain clubs came to him.

The first broadcast, almost all of them are younger brothers who are so handsome, why do they have to do funerals to rely on their ability?
Come on, sister number 18**...etc.

In addition, everyone is also curious about the purpose of Boss Zhang's live broadcast today.

At the same time, bold netizens even molested Po Meng.

In fact, this is their first real live broadcast of their own.

So Jiang Xiaohan dressed up a little bit and chose some clothes that suit him.

After all, the boss is quite generous.

Bonuses are never short.

Meals are also included.

She basically paid a rent of 1000 yuan.

So with a basic salary of 4500 plus a variable bonus, I can save a lot of money in a month.

In the end, I didn't expect that some unscrupulous water friends appeared in the live broadcast room.

Of course she knew they were joking.

And although these words are not serious, they can be regarded as a compliment to her, at least her attire has been recognized by the majority of netizens.

【Ding!The Chosen One has accumulated ten times, please use it as soon as possible! 】

At this moment, a voice came from Zhang Lingtian's mind.

[Number of selections: 10]

[Precise customers: 14/20]

[Props: Real World Scanning Card (Elementary)]

Along with this prompt, three options popped up.

They are reminders for 10 times of selection.

In addition, there are 14 accurate customers, and there are still six to receive rewards.

In terms of props, it is the real world scanning card. Speaking of which, he has never used this card, mainly because it is a rare card and he is not willing to use it casually.

It's impossible to look at the danger value of the three employees!

No need.

But this time flies very quickly, there are 10 chances at once.

Getting one chance a day is equivalent to accumulating ten days in the blink of an eye.

It happened to be live.

Then use today's opportunity by the way.

【Ding!The Chosen One scan is in progress!The number of fans of the account is 1899900, if blocked, please suspend scanning. 】

A prompt appears.

Zhang Lingtian didn't stop him.

Normally, if you don't turn on Douyin, you will automatically get the number of Chosen One every day.

And if Douyin is turned on, Chosen One will scan automatically.

If you pause, today's times will be retained.

If you don't pause, today's count will be scanned.

[Son of the Chosen has automatically followed after scanning, do you want to check the data. 】

Suddenly, a slightly fatter young man's head appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

I want to learn a foreign language? ?

Zhang Lingtian saw a puzzled look in the ID's eyes.

Isn't this the water friend who just said in the live broadcast room that he likes his little assistant!
I rub!

The system is doing something wrong! !

Zhang Lingtian clicked on the other party's profile picture.

[Scan object: ID I want to learn a foreign language. 】

[Occupation: Amateur e-sports player, second-generation shopkeeper. 】

[Danger signal: 99% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger Positioning: The father caused a conflict because the boss of the company owed the employees wages, and the employees' anger value accumulated for half a year has exploded and they may make outrageous actions. 】

[Customer Attributes: Pseudo-accurate customers. 】

[System prompt: The selected sub-system has automatically followed. 】

Rows of information were displayed in front of Zhang Lingtian.

"The one we brought today is a yellow paper money. This is the paper money produced by our Ping An Baishipu. It can be used in sacrifices, blessings and other scenes. You are also welcome to buy spares, boss..."

After Jiang Xiaohan finished speaking, he poked Zhang Lingtian slightly with his finger.

I feel that something is wrong with the boss's live broadcast, why does he always have to be in a daze for a while.

"Ahem, yes, this is paper money produced by our Baishipu itself. The quality is guaranteed and it can also be customized. At the same time, I also want to say something to this 'I want to learn a foreign language' netizen here."

Zhang Lingtian said to this netizen who wants to learn a foreign language.


"Good guy? Brother, I told you to be mean, now you're done preparing! Lord Yan called your name!!"

"It's over to be bold. I just saw that there is one more person in Yan Wangye's follower list. This is the one I want to learn a foreign language."

"The real version comes out of the mouth, brothers, leave your last words!!"

"What are you leaving a last word for? You haven't seen the Nine Posts of the King of Hades mentioned by the prophet. Being named by the King of Hades is the key to the underworld and the only chance to spy on your own destiny! Brother, you are lucky!!"

The friends of the water have liked this friend who told me that I want to learn a foreign language.


the other side.

This guy who wants to learn a foreign language is lying on the e-sports capsule.

Ready to play a game, in fact, he is also a small anchor.

It's just that I'm not in Douyin but in Tigerfish. I usually play games with some game friends and open a live broadcast by the way.

Now there are over [-] fans.

Suddenly saw myself being heavily ait.

Even a new person appeared in the follower list, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

"I want to learn a foreign language: Brother Yan Wang, I'm joking, don't take it seriously, I don't dare to hit Po Meng, bah, it's your assistant Miss Jiang Xiaohan's idea!!"

By a lot of Aite.

This I want to learn a foreign language quickly apologized to.

Regardless of whether the other party is the real King of Hades, as far as the person who was paid attention to by the King of Hades before is no different from the living King of Hades.

But it's too stingy to think about living Hades.

I made a joke myself.

As a result, he backhandedly paid attention to himself.

But after thinking about it, this is also the style of Hades.

Last time there was not a takeaway boy.

When Live Hades brought the goods, he questioned the other party, and he looked weird, but the other party immediately paid attention to him.

It seems that Hades really can't say anything.

Of course, he's not the delivery boy who still insists on being stubborn after being followed.

As a person who wants to learn a foreign language, he still cherishes his life.

So apologize immediately! !

As for whether to take screenshots to rub traffic.

Got it!

He cowardly!
Even if you give him ten guts, he won't dare! !
Besides, his family now owns a company, although it is not big, but if it does not include real estate, it still has assets of 700 million.

At the same time, I can earn some money by playing games by myself, and as an only child, I can also earn some money by helping the family look after the house. The total pocket money is nearly [-] yuan.

So he didn't have to take the risk.

"The speed of admitting cowardice is so fast!"

"It's boring, I thought I could meet the second Yang Li again!"

"It seems that this old man is a smart person, but he just doesn't know what Boss Zhang will say next."

Sailors commented.


Jiang Xiaohan's beautiful eyes showed a suspicious look.

Why did the boss suddenly mention this netizen?

And also directly followed each other.

"Oh, there's no hope, it's Miss Xiaohan's..."

Outside the studio.

Li Tiantian sighed suddenly when she saw this scene.

The whole person looked very sad.

"What's hopeless? Sister Xiaohan's? Li Tiantian, don't you have a crush on the boss?"

Su Wei looked at Li Tiantian's expression that seemed to be broken in love, and asked a little puzzled.


Li Tiantian suddenly looked at Su Wei.

"Why do you have this expression? Did I say something wrong??"

Su Wei was at a loss.

"Am I crazy? I have a crush on the boss. I'm a nine-tailed fox and nine lives are not enough to pretend! I mean this year's outstanding employees are hopeless. It belongs to Miss Xiaohan. The other party will definitely ask Yangshou first!!"

Li Tiantian said angrily.


Su Wei fell silent.

Sure enough, sometimes a straight man really can't keep up with a woman's brain.

"Do you think that if it is not an important and fancy employee, the boss will directly pay attention to the person who tries to pry the corner? This can only make the boss like this if it proves that Miss Xiaohan is excellent and becomes the boss's right-hand man. After all, falling in love will Affecting the progress of work, I now finally know why some companies prohibit office romances."

Li Tiantian continued to add.

Su Wei thinks there is some truth to this.

"That's not it, and I know what you said just now was a joke, but now I'm serious to tell you that what I'm going to say next is not a joke, do you want me to send you a private message or just say it here?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

Jiang Xiaohan took a sip of water beside him.

Mainly because she didn't know what to do.

Just sit like this?

Then look at the boss?

Feel a little embarrassed! !
Alas, didn't you agree to sell the company's products!
Why is the boss not doing his job properly again!

"I want to learn a foreign language: Brother Yan Wang, why don't you just say it here, private messages are so troublesome, and typing is a waste of your time, isn't it?"

This friend who I want to learn a foreign language said to me.

"This is the most outrageous desire to survive I've ever seen."

"My boy, you are so thoughtful!!"

"Yan Wang is already looking for a step to go down. You are really sensible. It seems that this wave should be the No. 1 who survived after being noticed."

"I want to know whether you have learned a foreign language or not? If you learn your wish, then you can die right away. There is no need for such an outrageous desire to survive, after all, my buddies are jealous!"

The barrage of this water friend was sent out.

It was quickly liked 99+.

The water friends were amazed, outrageous desire to survive.

Some people even predicted that this might be No.1 who survived after Hades paid attention.

After all, the current King of Hell has changed his ways.

Of course, some water friends are interested in whether he has learned foreign languages.

Learned!die! ! !

There is no other reason!envy! !

"Then I'll just say it here, your family is in business, right?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"I want to learn a foreign language: um, a little business."

The water friend answered quickly.

For fear of delaying half a second.

Also surprised.

I don't seem to have disclosed information about my family's business on the Douyin account.

The most is playing games.

How did this king of hell know.

Is it possible that it will count?

Regarding this Boss Zhang on the Internet, although everyone verbally calls him the King of Hades.

But most people are still willing to believe that he can do some magic arithmetic and the like.

If it is the real King of Hades, it would be too outrageous, at least many rational netizens would not believe this.

Of course, they would not suspect that Boss Zhang was incapable.

After all, you normal people try the whole mass accident?
Especially also certified by the police.

If it was really someone who was behind the scenes to murder, I don't know how many times I have been shot.

And he's still alive and well.

It even seems to have reached some kind of cooperation with the police.

Are the police stupid?
Obviously not possible!
He also looked at the pictures from this morning.

"Then has your family run into trouble recently?"

Zhang Lingtian continued to ask.

He wondered if the other party was in arrears of wages because of business troubles.

If so, even if you borrow money, you have to pay the wages of the workers first.

After all, the whole family is counting on this little money to live.

You don't give it to others.

How can it make it easier for you if you can't make it through at home.

Although the other party is at a pseudo-accurate level of 99%, he thinks that this matter is easy to solve, as long as the other party's money is returned, then there is no need for them to go to a dead end.

The crisis is naturally resolved.

"Trouble in business? Difficulty in management? Didn't this Boss Zhang ask him to give a reward??"

In a room on the other side.

Listening to this sentence, the water friend named 'I want to learn a foreign language' frowned.

His name is Chen Zhi.

There was a murmur at this moment.

"I want to learn a foreign language: it seems that there is no such thing... My family's business is quite good, and I have tens of thousands of pocket money a month."

But think about it.

He didn't say it.

After all, life-saving is the most important thing, so there is no need to argue with Hades.

This kind of nonsense is very evil.


"This is a big boss!!"

"Oh my god! There are differences between people! You can't get tens of thousands of dollars a month after working so hard, but other people's pocket money is tens of thousands!"

As soon as the words came out.

Many water friends feel the difference in the world.

The rich second generation is so terrifying!
"Since it's not a business difficulty, then ask your father to pay back the wages owed to others as soon as possible, lest the workers go to extremes and cause unnecessary harm."

The system did not prompt the other party's family's financial situation.

So he had to ask step by step.

When he heard the other party say that there is no problem with the family business and that he has tens of thousands of pocket money a month, he instantly felt that this matter was easy to handle.

Other workers who work part-time just want to get their wages back.

As long as I give it, there is no need to fight you hard.



"What? Why don't you pay the salary in arrears?"

"This person's family is still a black-hearted boss, black-hearted old Lai?"

"Brother, this is what's wrong with your family. Your pocket money of tens of thousands of dollars a month is only how much the wages of other workers are. You can't just let others live in dire straits!!"

As soon as the words came out, the water friends exploded one after another.

The rich are a minority.

Most of them are beaters, and beaters really don't like the boss who is in arrears of wages! !

"I want to learn a foreign language: ???"

"I want to learn a foreign language: Boss Zhang, you can't come here as soon as your mouth touches! My family has no business dealings with your family, what good is it for you to slander our family!!"

Chen Zhi was a little annoyed when he heard this!
How can anyone splash dirty water when they come up! !


 It’s been a long time since I wrote it today, haha, but the [-]-character chapter has been delivered. For such a hard-working author, please reward the monthly ticket recommendation ticket, all you extremely handsome and beautiful book lovers! !
(End of this chapter)

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