I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 77 The Grim Reaper is here! (The [-]D chapter asks for a ticket!)

Chapter 77 The Grim Reaper is here! (The [-]D chapter asks for a ticket!)

The old man said to him in a hysterical posture.

"International Edition!!"

Everyone was shocked.

Then I came back to my senses, and it seemed to be true.

After all, both the prime minister and the queen are foreigners, so there is nothing wrong with the international version.


The roommate Yuanrun who was the first to open the international version looked at the list of people Zhang Lingtian followed on the international version, and suddenly felt his scalp tingling.

Is there a mistake?It turned out to be true! !

"What does Lord Hades want to do? This queen just opened an account! Just clicked on it for the other party??"

Brother with glasses holding a mobile phone and looking around.

It's just out of line!

He just forwarded to the group yesterday the message about the Queen's account opening.

As a result, Lord Yan directly paid attention to him today, and he was inexplicably shocked by the sound of thunder in his ears at this moment!
"Do you think it is possible that this living Hades is making the final struggle? After all, there is now an anti-Has alliance. In order to continue to maintain the popularity, he must engage in a big wave and finally make money and run away!"

Another roommate who was a little thinner spoke.

Before, he believed in the Living Hades.

Later, when it came out that the "man watched by Hades" was still alive, he gradually began to doubt it.

After all, if the other party is really so effective.

Why is there nothing wrong with this takeaway boy who broadcasts live every day?
Is it really the same as they guessed before.

Because the takeaway boy broadcasts live broadcasts all day long, recording himself in all aspects, so this living Hades can't use his 'supernatural power'?

Why Shenli put quotation marks.

Of course, this is because of this supernatural power, so I had to secretly find someone to attack!

Not real divine power.

This was also discussed unanimously and found to be the best explanation.

"Old Niu, Lord Yan didn't say that spell before, the takeaway boy must be fine, but just last night, did you know that Lord Yan said that spell!"

The roommate wearing glasses explained!
He believed it!

"Yes, yes, Niuzi, I suggest you to read the Hades post compiled by Tianya Prophet, it is full of dry goods!"

The round roommate also opened his mouth to recommend.

"Hell post? What is it?"

The classmate named Niuzi had a puzzled look in his eyes when he heard this, which was very fresh.

"Forwarded to you!"

The classmate who first discovered that Boss Zhang followed the Prime Minister and the Queen forwarded a link directly to the dormitory group.

[Netizens call me a prophet. In fact, I am just a little more rational and observant than ordinary people. I hope the things organized below are useful to everyone. In other words, the boss Zhang of Ping An Shishi Shop is very dangerous. You can Don't believe me, but definitely don't be disrespectful and don't provoke!Because his rules never changed. 】

Just clicked in.

I saw a very striking topic.

And the number of views of this post is now [-].

It was just sent out at ten o'clock this morning, and it is indeed very fresh.

[[-]. The law of morning and evening does not necessarily exist, but the law of opening one's mouth and zero days has never been broken. 】

[[-]. Please remember that the curse of Hades is an advertisement, as long as the advertisement is released, it will die in zero days. 】

[[-]. Unfollowing after being followed can save your life, but there is a high probability of injury. Cancellation or private account is not a problem. 】

[Fourth, non-difu employees appearing together will either die or be injured. At the same time, hell's greetings are also taboo, especially 'pay attention to your body'. 】

[[-]. The flow of Hades is just right, he can lift you up to the sky and also make you fall into the eighteenth level of hell in an instant. 】

[100. You must listen to the words of the king of Hades. 99 catties out of [-] catties are rebellious, which will not do you any good. 】

[[-]. After sacrificing your teammates, you may get good luck if you find Hades to hold a funeral. For details, please refer to Fei En’s weight loss, which has become a million-dollar anchor, but this is speculation, use with caution! 】

【[-]. The King of Hades has already attacked followers, but dangers and opportunities coexist. If you don’t have the courage, it’s recommended to leave to save your life and seek wealth in danger. You can stay to spy on your own fate. 】

【[-]. To be updated...】

[Note: These eight items can be understood as the law of the king of hell, or how to avoid the king of hell and improve survival under his hands. 】

at the same time,

Many water friends are also watching this post, reading [-].

"You don't need to look at this, what a bullshit prophet."

"Indeed, the rule of opening your mouth for zero days has not been broken, so I ask you if Li Bangbang died the next day?"

"I'm a little doubtful now if your so-called prophet is Zhang Lingtian's trumpet, it's so mysterious!"

"My lord's times have changed, the Qing Dynasty has perished, and now even the anti-Yan Wang alliance has been established, why do you still want to hype these things? I tell you that as long as the leader is good, you can't hype it!"

However, as soon as this post came out.

It attracted a lot of water friends to spray wildly!

Especially the opponent's first rule, the law of the king of Hades opening his mouth for zero days has not been broken, and he was sprayed out!
After all, the super-scientific alliance, the Anti-Hare Alliance, has been established, and the so-called living Hades can only be stabbed to death in the corner by the holy light of science!
"Read it."

"I've finished reading it too, and I have to say it really makes sense!"

"+1, I suggest you trolls read on, I can only say that the prophet is worthy of being a prophet, and the analysis is really good."

However, there are also some early birds who have already seen it.

After reading it, they feel that it seems to be true, and there is nothing wrong with it at all.

In this first condition, the other party gave examples such as Extreme Yang, Hiking Lily, Meizhao Sisters, Taitai Little Vinegar, Fat Dragon, Berta, Africa’s Righteous Brother, etc., all died within 24 hours after the spell appeared. .

As for Li Bangbang, who was puzzled by many people, the other party also explained.

Indeed, Li Bangbang appeared on camera the next day.

But are the five people in the camera complete?
Who said that if the zero-day rule dies, Li Bangbang must die, and the one who enters the camera is also the locked object, isn't it?

At the same time, some people give the example of the boss.

In the argument detailed below, the prophet also stated his own assertion.

Just ask who has the medical condition of the boss?

He went out of his way to find out the virus his boss was infected with.

It is a special mutant virus.

Ordinary people's infection is basically reported directly to the gate of hell.

And the boss's professional medical team abruptly dragged the other party back from the underworld!
This kind of person cannot be judged by the standard of ordinary people, after all, ordinary people can only die in his situation.

The post went viral in no time.

After reading it, many people feel that this is indeed the case.

Soon it was being retweeted in various ways.

Then came the major group chats.

"Small hammer!!"

Among them was the group of the Anti-Yan Wang Alliance, which immediately aroused heated discussions among everyone.

Some people even thought that this was a post aimed at targeting their leader of the Anti-Yan Wang Alliance!
And this prophet is 100% Zhang Lingtian trumpet! !

False at a glance! !
spring river.

Enter a black Passat.

"Let's go back to eat now. Lunch has been ordered, and we should be able to eat it when we go back."

Zhang Lingtian said to Jiang Xiaohan, Su Wei and Li Tiantian that the busiest Jin Xiaoku's funeral has been completed.

Just now, the part-timers were paid wages. Although there will be a funeral next, they are a little more relaxed at the moment.

"Yan Wang Tie? Don't say it, it seems that this is indeed the case!"

Li Tiantian in the back seat was swiping her phone.

Suddenly, I saw a message in the Chunjiang gossip group. It is said that a netizen named Prophet made some summaries and evasion guidelines for their boss.

She thought she was talking nonsense.

As a result, after looking at the several skeletons listed by the other party and the explanation below, I found that the other party really has something.

"What hell post? Tiantian, what are you looking at?"

Su Wei looked at the other party's rapt attention, with a few more doubtful eyes in his eyes, and moved closer.

I forwarded it to you, I believe you will be interested.

Li Tiantian directly forwarded this post to Su Wei.

"This... Sister Xiaohan doesn't even know the boss so well, it's just a golden word!!"

Su Wei glanced at the whole person and burst into surprise.

Who is this prophet?
Too bad!

When Jiang Xiaohan, the co-pilot, heard them mention him, there was a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Yanwang post!!"

Su Wei replied.

"What hell post? What are you looking at?"

Jiang Xiaohan was dumbfounded.


Zhang Lingtian also expressed curiosity.

"Boss, this Hades post is a summary of the laws people have for you!"

Su Wei said.

"That's right, the prophet inside really knows you too well, and some friends even asked if this is your trumpet."

Li Tiantian added following Su Wei's words.

To be honest, she thought so before.

But after thinking about it, the boss has been so busy these days that even Douyin doesn't have time to see how he has time to write these.

"Law summary??"

Hearing this, Zhang Lingtian had a puzzled look in his eyes.

What rules can I have?
Someone actually made a summary.

Is it okay to eat and have nothing to do?

"Hmm! Boss, you can take a look if you have time. Ah Wei sent it to you privately."

Li Tiantian said.

I was thinking of forwarding it to the work group.

But the work group is a place to work, and it is not easy to forward these things.

"Let's talk about it later, go back to eat and then take a lunch break."

Zhang Lingtian is exhausted now.

He even wanted to take a lunch break when he went back to have a meal.

"Lunch break? Boss, we don't seem to have any beds in Baishipu!"

Su Wei said when he heard this.

"Yeah, there's no bed, so it's not bad to lie on the table and squint."

After thinking about it, it seems that there is no bed in the funeral shop.

But it doesn't matter, it's quite comfortable to lie on the table and squint.

When I was a student, I would lie down on the table when I was sleepy, and when I got up, I was full of blood and revived.

"Boss, it hasn't been built yet anyway, why don't you open a door behind your office, and then make a small room in the back to put a bed in it? If it's more comfortable, make a shower room, and when you want to take a lunch break, you can just take a lunch break , I can even take a shower when I get up, it must be very comfortable.”

Su Wei suggested sincerely.

After all, construction isn't complete yet.

An area of ​​more than 1000 square meters.

It must be very pleasant to add a small room for the boss to take a lunch break, plus a shower and toilet.


Suddenly, in the next second, Li Tiantian's palm hit Su Wei's thigh directly!


Su Wei was stunned by such a slap.

She looked at Li Tiantian in a daze, doubt and a little bit strangely.

It's like asking!

Why are you hitting me! !

"Okay Ah Wei, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!!!"

Li Tiantian stared at Su Wei.

"You beat me and you still say I am this kind of person? What kind of person am I??"

Su Wei was completely stunned! !
There are still question marks on the face!
"What do you think! What kind of person do you think you are in this situation!!!"

Li Tiantian stretched her thumb!
Looks like he's about to pinch someone! !

"Fuck! Don't pinch me, it hurts!!"

Compared with the quietness in the front, the back seat is very lively.


Jiang Xiaohan remained silent.

Indeed, this layout is a bit inappropriate.

It always reminds people of the kind of boss's office with a secret door, a bed behind it, which is connected to the secretary and assistant's office, and then XXOO during the lunch break.

"It's here."

The car drove into the street of Baishipu.

Zhang Lingtian reminded him.

Compared with before, the street of Baishipu is quieter today.

Occasionally saw some vans parked on the side of the road last night.

I don’t seem to have seen it today, probably because they feel that they are no longer worth interviewing.

fair enough.

I can clean myself up a bit.

"Boss, after lunch later, do you want to broadcast live to clarify?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked.

If she wanted to start a live broadcast, she would have to set up the live broadcast room and get everything ready after a while.

"Boss, you have to open this live broadcast. You don't know how arrogant that 'man named by Hades' is now, and the other party belittles you everywhere to make money! That counter-reporter buzzing like a fly under our Pingan Baishipu account The Hades Alliance is also the fault of the other party!"

Li Tiantian is very annoyed when it comes to business!
"Isn't it Miss Xiaohan, Tiantian, you just saw that thing for nothing? This person will die within 24 hours after casting the curse! What are you clarifying, everything will be revealed after death, right, boss!"

Su Wei looked at Li Tiantian in disbelief, and even looked at Jiang Xiaohan with some doubts.

It is understandable that Li Tiantian has no brains.

But Miss Xiaohan shouldn't.

Just like this, what else is there to clarify?
Doesn't it automatically clarify when the other party dies?


Li Tiantian was anxious just now, but forgot about it.

That ad was the mantra.

The boss uttered the spell last night.

This takeaway guy is going to die today! !
"Boss, won't he survive noon?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Zhang Lingtian and asked softly.

She did, too.

But the boss clarified after he finished talking, so she asked.

See if the other party still has this need.

"Er..., I don't know, the takeaway is coming soon, let's have lunch first."

Zhang Lingtian parked the car and then got out of the car.

The main reason is that he has no way to answer now.

After all, he didn't know if the other party could survive past noon.

The reminder given by the system last night was that the other party has a 99% probability of being in danger.

And the time frame is within a day.

But whether it will happen within a day or not depends on the actual situation.

Although his current behavior is really disgusting, if the other party is really desperate, there is a 1% chance of surviving!

Who can say for sure?

He is not really Hades.

Has the power of life and death for others.


Jiang Xiaohan, who was in the co-pilot, also got out of the car.

Then he went to open the door of Baishipu.

Turn on the lights.

the other side.

"Brothers, this is fate! Did you see that these four takeaways happened to be delivered to Ping An Baishipu! I think if I'm not mistaken, it should be the takeaways from Boss Zhang, the Living Hades!!"

It was a live broadcast room of a delivery guy.

He is none other than the 'man named by Hades'.

At this time, the other party was showing several takeaways.

"Two-dimensional owes me a girlfriend: awesome! It happened to be delivered to Zhang Lingtian's takeaway!"

"The anti-Yan Wang alliance is handsome: Brother, why don't you spit in the fake Yan Wang of the deceitful Ping'an Baishi shop?"

"Calleton University student: Why are you so dark upstairs? People are deceiving people, but you can't spit in other people's food! Don't you look like you are very tasteless?"

"A cup of tea: Indeed, spitting is really disgusting. Is this the quality of the so-called anti-Hell alliance? It doesn't seem to be much better, just like a cult organization!"

Many people were surprised when they saw that the other party gave away a zero-day takeaway.

What a coincidence.

Of course, some unqualified netizens said something, which made everyone feel numb for a while.

After all, in today's society, most people order takeaway.

What would you do if someone else's saliva appeared in the food you ordered?
This is so disgusting.

I don't know how dark people can say such things.

"My friend, don't get excited. Some brothers in our anti-Yan Wang alliance are really saddened by this deceitful living Hades, so some behaviors are more extreme. Please understand! After all, human beings are always controlled by emotions for a moment! "

The delivery boy Yang Li spoke to everyone in front of the camera.

I am going to be famous now, how can I drive a Mercedes-Benz and buy a big house to do such a thing!
He has to set up his own people and manage them well.

After delivering today's order, he started a live broadcast later.

Going to pick up tonight.

He has already contacted the merchant.

Sign the contract in the evening.

"That can't be like this!"

"I feel that this so-called anti-Hades alliance is really worthless, a group of mobs doing things."

"I said brother, if you say him, just say him, why are you bringing up our anti-Yan alliance, are you that Zhang Lingtian's navy?"

"What's the point of you talking about this? Aren't you all interested in the two enemies who are about to meet? I still remember the look of the live Hades staring at the reporter last night when he showed Brother Li's live broadcast."

"+1, I also look forward to what will happen when the two meet, do you think they will fight? After all, the other party opened a trumpet today and gave himself an enhanced version of Hades Halo!!"

"Speaking of which, Brother Li, you didn't answer everyone's questions today! What do you think of those eight Hades posts?"

"I feel like those eight articles were written specifically for Brother Yang, and there is a 24-hour rule. The open mouth and zero days have never been broken. It's funny to listen to."

The barrage in the live broadcast room kept flying.

Many people are interested in what kind of sparks will be created when the man named by Hades meets the so-called living Hades.

At the same time, many of Yang Li's die-hard supporters also want to know what the other party has to say about the eight Hades posts that came out this morning. After all, everyone forwarded it to the group today, but the other party hasn't said anything yet!
"Haha, everyone is a civilized person, and there will be nothing wrong with meeting each other. After all, comrades in the police are everywhere."

Yang Li said with a smile when he heard this.

It would be possible if he was barefoot.

But now he is not barefoot.

He has a bright future.

There is no need to do such a thing.

Even if this Zhang Lingtian made a move, he would not fight back.

After all, why fight back, let him fight!
After playing, the traffic has increased again, isn't that good!

Now he has 48 fans.

There are still 50 fans to reach [-].

I feel that today's progress is a bit slow, and I don't know if I can reach 50 at night.

If you can, you must order a barbecue to celebrate.

"Where is the Hades post! Leader! This is what I said specifically for you, you just hold back!"

"That's right, our Anti-Yan Wang Alliance should get tougher and give the other party a fight back!"

These vests are all members of the Anti-Yan Wang Alliance.

At this time, one by one is holding on to this matter.

After all, in their view, this is completely provocative.

How can this be tolerated.

"Actually, everyone should take a look at the so-called eight posts of Hades. I don't know what I have broken into the so-called 24 hours. Now I guess I have delayed time, got a trumpet and cast some spells for 24 hours. Wait and see. Well, it's one o'clock to prepare now, and there are two hours left for another face-slapping time, I don't want to face-slapping anymore."

Yang Li reminded him while driving.

"The main thing is to be careful. I feel that it is really dangerous to broadcast live while driving."

"I finally found someone like me. I just entered the live broadcast room after hearing about this little brother's deeds, and then I saw that he was delivering food while chatting on the live broadcast. It really made my heart skip a beat."

The two who spoke looked like girls with nicknames.

Clicking in is indeed a girl.

The two had just entered the live broadcast room, and to be honest, they were a little uncomfortable with this live broadcast method.

After all, this is on the road.

"The structure is small, my brother Li is not hard on anything, but fate!"

"Pfft——, I'm dying of laughter, if you don't have to be hard, you will be hard!"

"No wonder it's called Brother Li, I can't stand up!"

A water friend spoke immediately!

Many water friends below commented one after another.


These crooked words directly silenced the other girls in the live broadcast room.

"Damn it? Did you talk like that! Girls, please ignore them, I'm even harder with everything in my body!!"

He just ran through a red light, and looking back at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Yang Li almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

What do you mean it's not hard!
"Prophet: Dude, I want to say that I'm not a trumpet... I also hope that your life is really as hard as you said. In fact, I kind of hope that those words are nonsense."

Suddenly, a faint sentence came from the live broadcast room.

"Damn it! The prophet is here!!"

"My mother, when did you come!"

"Hiss——speaking of which, the prophet also appeared in that Cool Boy's live broadcast room last time. Maybe something really happened."

Seeing this netizen wearing a prophet vest, many people were shocked.

"Heh, let's wait and see! By the way, I've already arrived at the funeral parlor."

Yang Li picked up the phone and spun it around.

I found that I really came around Baishipu.

The water friends ignored the prophet's interest when they heard this.

They demanded a live broadcast.

They want to see the expression of the living Hades.

So the takeaway guy put his phone on the tram, and the live broadcast stand was erected so that he could see the appearance of the entrance of Ping An Baishi Shop.

"I won't fight!"

"Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, who knows!"

"Watching a play, if this living Hades enters with intentional injury, then the fun will be great."

The water friends stared at the screen and talked about it.

Looking forward to what happens next.

However, everyone was disappointed.

It was not Zhang Lingtian who came out to pick up the things, but the other party's assistant.

She just got a takeaway and left.

The two sides have no intersection at all.

"It's gone?"

"The big show I want to see!"

"The hat must have affected their identification, and they didn't even recognize you."

"This is the door, don't rush in!"

The water friends didn't see the big show they wanted to see, and they all looked disappointed at this time.

"Okay, okay, it's not necessary, he probably hides on purpose and can't come out, brothers, let's finish here today, it's lunch time, I'm so hungry!"

Yang Li rubbed his stomach.

The whole is very hungry.

"Let's eat!!"

"Brother Yang, hurry up and eat, today will be the highlight of our anti-Yan alliance!"

"Haha, the last straw that crushed the Hades faction, let's see what they can say after three o'clock this afternoon!"

"That's right, those people are chattering, my ears are covered with calluses! I hope the leader can give them a hard slap in the face!!"

"Chun Jiang's brothers are gathered. Tonight, our lord said we will hold a social gathering. Then we will meet and exchange ideas!"

"Wow~, I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Now Yang Li's live broadcast room basically has 2 people as long as it starts broadcasting.

And each live broadcast has at least nearly ten thousand yuan in revenue.

Much of it comes from this anti-Haem alliance.

After all, it's not normal to give a reward to the leader!

"Brothers from other places in Chunjiang are also OK, as long as everyone can come, let's have a night show tonight, see you at twelve!"

Yang Li said to the water friends in front of the camera.

It has to work well!
He knows the power of the fandom.

If you can own a fan circle, you can be famous for money and get things done easily.

As for why it is twelve o'clock.

That's because he has no time to deal with the brand after this evening.

Only until then.

"it is good!"

"We must be here at twelve o'clock tonight! Leader, hurry up and eat!"


Leave a message one by one!


Suddenly at this moment, Yang Li's phone rang.

"Brothers, let me answer the phone first."

The live broadcast was a mobile phone, so Yang Li took out another mobile phone at this moment.

"Hello, is this Mr. Yang Li?"

There was a girl's voice on the other end of the phone.

Slightly muffled.

"Officer Feifei, it's me, what's wrong?"

Yang Li heard Mu Feifei's voice.

Suddenly a smile appeared.

"Brother Yang probably likes this policewoman?"

The other party's mobile phone in the live broadcast room was very loud.

Many water friends can hear it.

"It's like this. As a public figure, please obey the traffic rules. Live broadcasting while driving will also bring bad guidance to everyone and bring safety hazards to yourself."

Mu Feifei on the other end of the phone frowned.

She is watching live.

task in the bureau.

Ask her to keep track of Yang Li's developments at any time.

As a result, the other party ignored the red light this morning, speeding, leaving the car, going the wrong way, and crossing the road. She was speechless. She could only call to warn the other party, and even said that she would hand over to the traffic police department for punishment.

"It's okay, it's okay, these problems are not big. Seeing all directions and listening to all directions is the basic exercise of our riders, and a master like me is even more!"

However, this Yang Li didn't care at all, and said more confidently.

After a few minutes of hard and soft tactics, he was still unmoved.

More directly hung up the phone.

Then the accelerator was twisted and the car rushed out.

It soared.

"Actually, Officer Feifei is right, it's better to be safe."

"Yes, speeding and running red lights will indeed bring safety hazards. If you accidentally bump into it, you will be in trouble. There are many roads in Chunjiang and there are many cars."

"You guys really don't worry about eating radishes. Brother Li must have practiced it himself. If something happens, it will happen long ago."

"Indeed, don't you dare to enter the rider industry without some skills?"

The car is racing.

The barrage area is still very lively.

Some people persuade others that it doesn't matter.

After all, this is fundamentals.

"My friends in the live broadcast room, we're going to eat next, and I'm really hungry. As for safety, you can rest assured, it's safe—"


"Bang! Bang--"

"Kuuku, kua, huh—"


"What's wrong??"

"What happened???"

"Why is there a girl screaming?"

"Brother Li! Are you okay! What's the matter, did you hit someone?"

"I just said don't live drive and drive, you can see what's going on, how can people do two things at once!!"

In the studio! !
Suddenly the camera shakes violently!
Then it was pitch black!
Followed by a series of screams.

It seemed to be a woman.

The opponent's throat was about to burst!
The key is the sound and the frequency.

It was a bit far at first.

Then it felt close, and it was screaming crazily again! !
The headphone party almost died on the spot!


It sounded like the sound of a heavy car door slamming.

"Oh! God! Why don't you take a look! Look at this place! This! Isn't this a delay!!"

Another hurried voice came from the live broadcast room!
"I don't know! I really don't know!!"

The woman collapsed and crouched on the ground.

grabbing hair.

Annoyance filled every cell of her.

"Hey, traffic police, I hit someone here!"

"110, here on Yangguan Avenue, yes, I hit someone."

The man is on the phone.

"Hiss, can't it be, brother Li was really hit? The car accident that Yan Wang said?"

"It's fake, how is it possible!!"

"I don't believe it! Brother Li must have pretended to be the same as the Fat Dragon last time!!"

"Leader speak up! Give me your rocket!!"

Rockets brushed the screen one by one, and the phone was vibrating.

"Why don't you hit 120! Hit 120!!"

At the same time, the female driver grabbed her hair and shouted!

"Call 120? We you, is it useful to call 120 in this situation! Where do you put your eyes when you get off the car! Oh my god, I really convinced you!!!"

There was unprecedented hatred in the man's words! !

"Hey! Is there any brothers nearby, let's go see what's going on!!"

"Brother Li, don't scare us, I've swiped five rockets for you! Don't keep the screen black!"

"Prophet: Don't wait, it hasn't been 24 hours yet, so it's probably mailed."

There were shouts in the live broadcast room.

Even the prophet spoke.

"Why is the phone vibrating? Did someone from my family call?"

The male driver looked at a mobile phone vibrating.

The phone was still lying on its stomach, wondering if someone from the other party's family had called.

So I picked it up!
After all, this kind of thing has to be clearly explained to the family members.

"Bullshit! Stop fooling the crowd!"

"The truth hasn't come out yet, what are you barking here, netizens are joking and really think of themselves as prophets!"

"The leader will be fine! Brothers, look, the live broadcast room is on!"



"Your mother!!!"

But just when everyone was looking forward to it.

Countless netizens screamed in front of the screen in the live broadcast room! !

Some people even flicked the keyboard directly!
What's more, the mobile phone fell on the ground!

It caused a burst of surprise to the people around!

Of course there are also girls in the live broadcast room!
Worse still, they were having lunch!

Seeing this scene, he spit it out.

It turned out that when the man picked up the phone, the camera suddenly focused.

Not the delivery boy they imagined, but blood red and squashed wreckage all over the place!
This directly scared the scalps of the people watching the live broadcast!
He even lost his mobile phone reflexively.

"Hey, why don't you watch this!!"

"The driver of this big car is also unlucky. It's a coincidence that this kind of thing happened to me."

"I think this delivery boy is driving too fast, if he was a little slower, it wouldn't be like this!"

There were also people around who witnessed everything that happened between the flashes of light and fire.

They all paused in regret.

It is basic practice to look in the rearview mirror before getting out of the car and opening the door.

As a result, the female driver of the white car opened the door without looking at the people behind, and the delivery boy drove very fast, and at the same time, I don't know if it was because he was not concentrating or he was late to avoid it.

Then I just ran into someone's car door!
It happened that there was a dirt truck driving fast in the fast lane.

Coincidentally, the takeaway guy didn't dodge in time and flew into the fast lane with the car inertial, and the dirt truck didn't have time to dodge and ran over directly.

There were bloodstains all over the scene, as tragic as it needed to be.

Some people who have poor psychological endurance don't dare to watch them at all.

Because I feel inexplicably that my head is about to swell.

Some innocent people who passed by even vomited on the street, because this scene was really shocking.

"Reaper, it's really coming!!"

"Indeed, it's useless to call an ambulance just like that."

"Is there really a Hades? He must die within 24 hours? The prophet is right?"

"Brother, remove the question mark! There is a King of Hades in this world, and the King of Hades' traffic will definitely not end well! He still doesn't believe that he thinks his fate is hard!"

"The leader is gone! Damn it! The Anti-Yan Wang Alliance died before it could succeed? What should we do, old buddies!"

"Bullshit! Damn it, Brother Li was murdered, this King of Hades must have hired a woman to kill Brother Li just to hype him up!!"

Because the live broadcast room picked up the mobile phone, everyone basically saw what was going on.

The takeaway boy was killed at the door.

"Delivering food and broadcasting it live! You are also a ruthless person!!"

The driver of the dirt truck saw clearly that this was not a call from a family member at all, but that the other party was broadcasting a live broadcast!

He couldn't help sighing, this is simply a ruthless person!

Actually started a live broadcast while delivering food!

Crazy it is!
"Oh, you want to see what he looks like, okay, let me show you."

The driver of the dirt truck is also a devil, and the direct camera is reversed.


"I rub Nima!!"

"Uncle, are you a devil!!"

"I'm having lunch here, uh-"


The water friends in front of the screen in the live broadcast room wailed.

They all called the dirt truck driver a devil! !

They managed to cover up the memory just now through various imaginative methods, but he recreated it for them again!

I don't know how much psychological trauma the naked scene brought to the water friends in the live broadcast room! !
[Reminder: This live broadcast room has been banned! 】

Soon, the live broadcast room was banned.

Immediately afterwards, the police and traffic police also came to the scene quickly and controlled the female driver.

Ping An funeral shop.

Zhang Lingtian and the others were having lunch, and they didn't notice the tragic car accident two streets away from their Baishipu.

What's more, he didn't know that the protagonist of this tragic car accident was the takeaway boy who was swearing on the Internet.

"Hey, didn't you say you gave me two attentions? Where is the attention?"

Zhang Lingtian turned on Douyin while eating.

Going to try out the newly upgraded system.

But when he turned on Douyin, he was a little dazed.

Because he wanted to know who the two people the system was following randomly.

The result is not seen at all!

He was at a loss.

He's only 28 years old, so he doesn't have memory bias.

But where are the two people who automatically follow?

Zhang Lingtian took two mouthfuls of rice.

Remember that the Chosen One has also been upgraded.

He is groping for what to become after upgrading.

[Reminder: The Chosen One's skills are upgraded. Originally, the number of daily scans was 1 person, but now it is 1 person. The original number of daily scans will automatically pass if you don't need it. Now you can keep the number of scans and stack them infinitely. 】

Just as Zhang Lingtian was puzzled, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Oh, so this is it!"

Zhang Lingtian originally thought that there was something to be upgraded, but the number of times could be superimposed.

Originally, if you don’t use it, it expires once the next day, but now you have two chances to scan it if you don’t use it for two days.

I feel that the upgrade of this Chosen One is barely okay, after all, I really don't have time to watch Douyin when I'm busy.

And this thing must be turned on to activate Douyin.

So it was a waste of times.

It's good to keep it now.

But he still wants to use this skill in reality, but he doesn't know when it will be used in reality.

That's it.

These are not things he can force.

There are three rewards in total.

Remember the first item is the system upgrade.

What he is most interested in now is that the system has been upgraded. He doesn't know what the upgrade is now.

Zhang Lingtian scrolled through the Douyin interface.

Just wanted to click in.

Suddenly he hesitated for a second.

Immediately afterwards, the international version of Douyin was opened, and everyone in the country was panicked.

It is better to use the international version.

You can scan as you like.

However, when he opened the international version of Douyin, he suddenly found that his mobile phone was stuck!

 water?Well, I feel okay, but since everyone has raised this question, I think maybe I have given too many details, so I will adjust it in the next chapter, comrades, please recommend tickets!Ask for a monthly pass!Fast forward to the next chapter! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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