I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 62 Hades' curse has come true.

Chapter 62 Hades' curse has come true.


08: 30.

After eating hot pot.

Because they were paid, they wanted to go shopping.

Zhang Lingtian went to the underground garage by himself to go home.

In the elevator, Zhang Lingtian looked at the trending content on his phone with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Isn't this what I answered Li Tiantian's sentence today?

【work group】

"Zhang Lingtian: Screenshot.jpg"

"Zhang Lingtian:?"

He sent a screenshot.

"Li Tiantian: Boss, it's really not me! I didn't post this!!!"

Li Tiantian, who was shopping in the mall, trembled! !

Answer immediately!

Isn't this harmful!

"Jiang Xiaohan: Boss, Tiantian didn't take her mobile phone into her bag while eating, and I listened carefully, and it felt like it was recorded by the next door."

Jiang Xiaohan also hurriedly helped clarify in the work group.

"Su Wei: Brother Tian, ​​Tiantian has such a strong desire to survive, she definitely wouldn't do such a thing."

Su Wei also replied.

The three of them are shopping at the mall right now.

Originally they wanted to invite the boss together.

The boss, however, was not interested.

"Zhang Lingtian: That's right, then you play first, remember to go to work on time tomorrow."

Thinking about it, his employees didn't dare to use this kind of thing to hype it up.


See this message from the work group.

Li Tiantian let out a long breath.

Inexplicably survived the catastrophe.

"Who is this, should we go back and see! It's too cheap!!"

Su Wei was a little annoyed.

Actually recorded it directly and posted it on the Internet!
Don't you know the right to privacy!
"That person must have left. After all, what we said around seven o'clock, the other party didn't send it out until eight o'clock."

Jiang Xiaohan remembered that they had just eaten when they were talking about this topic.

It can be sent out now, it must be edited.

"Thank you Xiaohan, Awei, you two saved my dog's life and let me know who it is. I have to strangle her!"

Li Tiantian said viciously.

If it weren't for Su Wei and sister Xiaohan to save her dog's life, it would be nothing!
"It's not a big problem."

The corner of Su Wei's mouth raised slightly.

"The problem is big! Sister Xiaohan, Ah Wei, I think we should buy a personal accident insurance. Now I have realized what it means to be with a king like a tiger. The boss is really dangerous!!"

Li Tiantian said with lingering fear.

"Personal accident insurance??"

The two had question marks all over their faces.

"That's right, if we buy an insurance, at least we can get a sum of money if we have an accident! And I've read that there is no waiting period for accident insurance! The maximum payout is 200 million yuan for 200 yuan a year!"

Li Tiantian is very firm.

After all, the boss is really dangerous.


Jiang Xiaohan blushed for a while.

The boss is dangerous though.

But I feel that the other party is not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately.

And she doesn't know why.

I feel that the boss always has a sense of helplessness.

As if being wronged.

"Sister Xiaohan is an assistant and has privileges, Ah Wei, let's buy it together!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohan was not interested, Li Tiantian looked at Su Wei.

"It's useless."

However, Su Wei also expressed no interest.

In his opinion, as long as you work hard and don't lie down, the boss will definitely not sacrifice them to heaven.

"Okay. Then, sister Xiaohan and Awei, to be honest, with the boss's Hades attribute, will something really happen to Master Li who is paying attention?"

Li Tiantian was very curious about this matter.

"Do you want me to tell the truth?"

Su Wei asked.

"Nonsense! Of course it is the truth! The boss is not here!"

Li Tiantian pinched Su Wei hard!
"Hiss, it hurts!!"

Su Wei's face twisted and he sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Say it now!"

Li Tiantian urged.

"I specifically checked the relevant data of Master Li today. In the past three years, Master Li has been rated as an excellent taxpayer enterprise, a safety model enterprise, and food safety in the eyes of netizens. They also organized reporters to visit the factory today. It can be said that the basic Can't fault it."

As a science student.

Su Wei speaks with data.

And the accidents before were all small companies.

This listed company is another industry giant.

The boss' Hades attribute probably won't last that long.

But today the other party's market value evaporated more than one billion.

Hades point should be on the market value.

After all, this money is equivalent to more than 30 Xiangyun and Tiandi funeral goods companies.

"That is to say, nothing will happen to Master Li?"

Li Tiantian looked at Su Wei.

asked suspiciously.

"There has been an accident, and today their company's market value has evaporated by more than one billion!"

Su Wei said.

"Ah, so much evaporated!!!"

Li Tiantian couldn't believe it.

She didn't pay attention to these.

But I was still shocked to hear that the market value had evaporated by one billion.

The power of the boss is too terrifying.

"Of course, it's also fortunate that they refuted the rumors in time, otherwise the loss would have been even greater."

Su Wei nodded.

"It's so terrifying, what do you think, Miss Xiaohan?"

Li Tiantian looked at Jiang Xiaohan again.

As Yan Wang's assistant.

Want to know what the other person thinks.

"My thoughts are basically the same as Su Wei. Just because of a single attention, Master Li's market value has evaporated so much, and he has also been involved in the whirlpool of public opinion. I believe this Mr. Huang must be very happy."

Jiang Xiaohan was very curious, which friend merchant this Mr. Huang came from!

"It's true. Their instant noodles taste pretty good. I especially like the sauerkraut beef noodles. It's amazing. I'm really not used to it yet."

Li Tiantian nodded slightly.

She is a diehard fan of Master Li Laotan Pickled Vegetable Beef Noodles.

Super love to eat!
At this moment, on the streets of Chunjiang City.


Zhang Lingtian drove the car home.

Suddenly there was a vibration from the phone.

"Hi, Mr. Zhang, I'm Wei Yang from Master Li, can you make a phone call?"

Waiting for the traffic light, Zhang Lingtian took a look and found that it was actually a text message.

From the Wei Yang who came from Master Li today.


Zhang Lingtian replied with two words.

"Okay, then I called, and this is my number."

Back there in seconds.


Zhang Lingtian felt strange.

Why are you emphasizing this number?


The phone rings.

"Hello, is that Mr. Zhang? I'm Wei Yang!"

The call is connected.

"Well, what's wrong with Mr. Wei?"

When the red light turned green, Zhang Lingtian was driving the vehicle with Bluetooth on.

At this moment, he was a little puzzled.

"It's like this. You also know that our company has been backstabbed by friends and attacked by public opinion. Tonight, your words have caused some malicious people to take out of context and hype public opinion to a new high point. So we would like to ask for your help. Let's clarify."

After saying hello in advance, Wei Yang was relieved at last that the advertisement was gone.

He is not superstitious.

But there is a saying that it is better to believe what you have than to believe what you have not.

Avoid it if you can.

Why do you have to be so good at everything.

At this moment, he hurriedly informed Zhang Lingtian of his purpose.

After all, the bell has to be tied to the bell.

"I'm going to your press conference?"

Hearing this, Zhang Lingtian had a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Of course it's the best if it's possible. If it's not possible, we can connect via video. How about our company giving you 50 for the hard work?"

Wei Yang nodded.

"Okay, you can contact me when the time comes."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

This statement is indeed taken out of context.

It is really generous for the other party to give 50.

There's no reason not to want this money.


Wei Yang greeted a few words, then hung up the phone.

"Very well, then we will wait for tomorrow's press conference."

Zhou Wei received the message.

Zhang Lingtian agreed.

He was relieved a lot.

Fortunately, it was not bought by a friend.

If they were bought off, it would be much more troublesome to refute the rumors, but now, it's a piece of cake.

"Mr. Zhou, what do you think about the rumors on the Internet today?"

"Mr. Zhou, do you think the curse of the king of hell will come true on Master Li?"


At eight forty, I just went out.

A large number of reporters rushed outside, such as melon videos, various satellite TVs, various observations, and the like.

"Don't worry, everyone. As the head of food and beverage companies, our master Li always puts food safety in an important position. As for the curse of the living king, Mr. Zhang himself said that the company itself has problems. It will not come true.”

Zhou Wei was interviewed.

"That is to say, Mr. Zhou, do you think that the curse of Hades will not come true on you?"

The reporter continued to ask.

"Hahaha, of course it won't come true. Our Master Li is known as the leader of food management, and has won the title of "Top Ten Enterprises in Food Safety Management" ten times in a row. As for tax payment and fire safety, it is even more nonsense. If you have any questions, you are welcome. Come to the press conference tomorrow, and Mr. Zhang Lingtian will also attend."

Zhou Wei was elated in front of the reporter's camera.

At the same time, a party called 815 is being played.

 Ready to put on the shelves, I will send you a chapter of benefits first!
(End of this chapter)

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