I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 58 Breaking the feudal superstition No. 1 enterprise! (Part 3)

Chapter 58 Breaking the first enterprise of feudal superstition! (third change)

However, check it out yourself.

It was found that no one asked Zhang Lingtian to bring the goods.

Now they are even more confused.

Who the hell is impersonating!
"How about we call and ask?"

A high-level proposal said.

Call Ping An Baishipu, and everything will be clear at a glance.

"Both of them are live broadcasting, can this call get in? Even if you take a break in the middle, what if the first thing the other party said when you call back is the advertisement line?"

As soon as this word comes out.

The audience was silent.

The proposal was immediately rejected.

In the end, they decided to send the regional director of Chunjiang City to rush to the Ping An Shishi Shop.

Find out who is impersonating their company! !
Can't find out.

Just pack up and get out! !
The chairman who is on vacation is so anxious to call in right now!

And it's still unfolding.

After all, Master Li is also a relatively large brand in China, and it has its own traffic.

On the other side is Ping An Shishi Shop.

"Mr. Zhang is happy to cooperate. The 25 yuan is yours. A total of 50 yuan can be used by your employees."

Three hours is over in no time.

50 was directly given to Zhang Lingtian and the others.

And the man with glasses looked very happy after giving the money.

As for money.

Because it is cash.

So the little assistant, Li Tiantian and Su Wei are counting money with the money counter!

"I am very grateful to Mr. Huang for his trust. It is a pity that the sales volume is not very good today, and we only sold more than 150 million in sales."

Zhang Lingtian is actually not very satisfied with today's delivery.

It is understandable that you said that people buy less funeral supplies.

But instant noodles, basically most people will stock up some.

After shouting for three hours, it ended up selling more than 150 million.

I don't know if Master Li can get back his money.

"No problem, no problem, Mr. Zhang, you have done a very good job. By the way, if possible, you are welcome to follow our company's Douyin account. After all, you are a man who is often listed on the hot search list. It will definitely bring a lot of traffic to our company.”

A smiling man with glasses on his face.

"Pay attention??"

An unprecedented doubt appeared in the eyes of the three people who were counting 50 cash.

Or shock!
As we all know, many businesses are terrified of the attention of their bosses!
Because whether it is a business or an individual.

As long as the boss pays attention to it, it's basically a mess.

Rivers and lakes rumors.

Even if Hades has traffic, then you have to have fate, right?
This Master Li thinks his fate is hard?

Planning to borrow some traffic from Lord Yan?

"Don't be surprised, because as a leading company, our philosophy is firm materialism from the beginning to the end. The so-called ghosts and ghosts are all false, so our company is also willing to change the people's stereotyped impression of you, Mr. Zhang, Let everyone know that you are just an ordinary funeral person."

The Mr. Huang with glasses said quite emotionally.

To the depths of the words, there is unprecedented firmness.

"That's great! Mr. Huang! That's right, I'm just an ordinary funeral person. What happened before was all accidents. It's okay to pay attention to your company!!"

Hearing this, Zhang Lingtian just wanted to give Mr. Huang, the representative of Master Li, a big praise!
So true!
In this way, enterprises that are not limited by superstition can maintain their vitality forever!


All three looked at each other.

Although this is true.

The mainstream of society today is also unswerving materialism.

But is Master Li really going to be the first company to break superstition, and give the boss some attention? !

"Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Zhang. In fact, I am also an atheist and I really believe that those things are accidents. After all, if there are ghosts and gods in this world, there will be so many bizarre unjust cases. Just ask a witch to make a wronged soul." Don’t you know everything about your upper body, right?”

Watching Zhang Lingtian take out his phone.

This Mr. Huang continued to add.

"This is very true! If there really are gods, ghosts and ghosts, there will be no unjust, false or wrong cases in this world. Wouldn't the upper body of the ghost know everything!"

Zhang Lingtian agreed with this sentence very much.

People in big companies do have vision.

It came to his heart right away.

"That's right, that's right, by the way, how are you counting the money?"

Mr. Huang looked at Jiang Xiaohan and the others.

Opening the Douyin interface.

Zhang Lingtian also looked in the direction of his little assistant.

"The inventory has been completed, exactly 50 yuan."

The little assistant answered.

Although I was just shocked, I was shocked.

But the work at hand didn't stop.

"Very well, Mr. Zhang, if you pay attention, we won't be here to influence you."

Mr. Huang nodded slightly and said.

"Is the name Master Li? Or what?"

Zhang Lingtian has already turned on Douyin.

"This Douyin's name seems to be Master Li, right?"

This Mr. Huang glanced at the female assistant next to him.

"Mr. Zhang, the full name of our company's Douyin account is Master Li Food, and it is certified by the company."

The pretty female assistant replied.

"Okay, the attention has been clicked, what is your account number, Mr. Huang."

Zhang Lingtian showed the interface that has been clicked.

Now he needs a company to prove that he will not let the company have an accident. Before that, it was because of the original problem of the company that it happened to be exposed. In fact, it has nothing to do with him.

It had to be said that Master Li was exactly what he wanted.

Since the other party is so good at it.

Then help them to pay attention by the way.

"Our account? This is our account!"

When Mr. Huang heard this, there was a look of doubt in his eyes.

"No, no, no, I mean your private account, and I'll give you some attention along the way."

Zhang Lingtian said.

He lacks such atheists now.

"Oh, no, no, I don't have a Douyin account either."

Mr. Huang hurriedly waved his hand.

"Ah? Is that so? What is your assistant's account number?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at the assistant.


The female assistant of Master Li's company was dumbfounded.

There was an inexplicable fear in his eyes.

"She, she doesn't have an account either, Mr. Zhang, since the money has been counted, let's go first."

The glasses Mr. Huang left directly with the female assistant.


The door is slammed shut!


It's obviously a commercial vehicle, but at this moment, it feels like a sports car for no reason!

The three employees glanced at each other.

Don't you mean atheist?

How do you run so fast?
"Go in, I'll pay everyone first."

Although Zhang Lingtian was also a little puzzled.

But he didn't bother to delve into it.

Let's talk about paying employees first.

Master Li headquarters.

"Mr. Zhou! We have been paid attention by Ping An Bai Shi Shop!!"

meeting room.

The director of the operation department rushed in in a panic!


The general manager Zhou Wei sat up in shock! !
In an instant, the senior management of Master Li's company exploded!
All the people present gasped!

To know.

But all the people or companies who are followed by that person are cold! !
Who is killing them? !


At the entrance of Ping An Shishi Shop.

A BMW SUV going wild! !
Then a sudden brake!
The wheel prints are more than [-] meters long!

It can be seen that it is urgent!

In the funeral shop.

The four people who were paying their wages were also attracted by this voice.

in such a hurry?
Is someone dead at home? ?

 The third update has been delivered, ask for tickets, big brothers!Of course, it would be even better if there is a reward!Let's continue to rush tomorrow! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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