I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 41 Li Bangbang, Follow You!

Chapter 41 Li Bangbang, Follow You!

"Little brother is so sunny."

"Bangbang, love love love!!"

"A group of sunny boys, I'm really envious of being able to grow up in such a relaxed atmosphere, unlike our dormitory where they fight all day long."

"Yes, yes, can you believe that eight people in a dormitory can have ten groups? It's speechless anyway!"

Video barrage.

One by one floated by.

It can be seen that this man named Li Bangbang is still very popular among girls.

Indeed, as an international friend, it is very rare to be able to sing Chinese like this.

"Li Bangbang, I'm following you!"

Listening, Zhang Lingtian gave the other party a direct attention.

There are actually 180 million fans and tens of millions of likes.

Zhang Lingtian opened the opponent's homepage and found that the opponent was from Mianbei.

As for the video being played now, it ranks 5th in the international zone.

Belonging to the Internet celebrities at the top of the list in the international zone.

Really hot.

Zhang Lingtian sighed.

After all, it is not easy to accumulate so many fans.

And this account has only been registered for more than half a year.

[Scan object: ID Li Bangbang. 】

[Danger signal: live broadcast, the probability of next danger is 35%! 】

[Danger positioning: The probability of danger occurring during the live broadcast is low, only 0.1%, and the probability of occurrence of danger due to the influence of factors constituted by the live broadcast is relatively high. 】

[Customer attributes: potential customers. 】

[System prompt: It is recommended that the host pay attention. 】

Suddenly the system scan is activated.

However, the scan results made Zhang Lingtian feel confused.

The probability of danger occurring in the live broadcast is 0.1%.

However, due to the factors caused by the live broadcast, the risk of occurrence is relatively high, and the overall probability of life-threatening occurrence is as high as 35%!

All meet the standard of potential customers.


Just when Zhang Lingtian was wondering, there was a sound from the mobile phone.

It turned out to be the landlord.

It seems that the other party has received the text message I sent before.

Pick up the phone.

Chatted for a long time.

Let's just say it was a noisy night.

Hanging up the phone, he took a deep breath.

Immediately after taking a shower, I lay down on the bed.



And this night, the Internet was also noisy.

It's not the next morning, and I don't know if someone deliberately hyped it or something.

Early in the morning, Zhang Lingtian was on the hot search for bibs again.

[1. Discover the code towards a modern and powerful country]

【2. Ji Nitaimei's concert is coming】


[10. Many anchors have canceled their accounts, and the number of fans is as high as 88. What happened?]

【38. The anchor Dasha foamed at the mouth after the live Hades entered the live broadcast room】

【48. Miaomiao really doesn't accept interviews very much】

【49. Ping An Memorial Shop】

Top search list.

Several of the posts were about the outdoor area last night.

"Chunjiang focus, focusing on the latest events."

Current affairs news programs are also broadcast.

First they cut out a picture.

That's what Ping An Shishipu said.

Then came the video of Dasha pouring foam.

An interview video follows.

That's a hospital.

The person in the camera is Dasha, the anchor who poured out last night.

"Cough! Cough-cough-"

Dasha on the hospital bed was coughing dryly.

A posture of recovering from a serious illness.

"Brothers, I'm saving my life for the time being. If you don't listen to the King of Hades' words, you will be seduced before your eyes. Take it easy!"

I had only heard of this living Hades on the Internet before.

After all, his body is so good.

As a result, the living king of Hades lost his temper as soon as he finished speaking.

If you say that the other party has no problem and kills him, he doesn't even believe it!

"Also, in the future, I will operate with integrity and will never cut corners again! I swear!!"

Finish saying this.

Camera switch.

"Evil door, it's really too evil."

Those who are familiar with him know that this is the first person who was knocked on the door by the Living Hades last night.

Meow Meow is really not big.

It looks like this scene was filmed at the other party's house.

She still had a look of shock on her face.

Then she happily described the various supernatural events that happened at home last night.

The cat howled in the middle of the night.

The water pipe in the house burst.

Got rear-ended on the way home.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Another layer of mystery and weirdness was added to this living Hades.

And many people have concluded a rule, that is, you have to listen to what the other party says.

Otherwise something will happen!
"It took decades to get rid of feudal superstitions, and now some people use feudal superstitions to hype up some kind of living Hades. This kind of behavior is neither desirable nor appropriate! The media should be held accountable!"

These things about Zhang Lingtian also attracted the attention of some experts.

Immediately post a video to criticize it crazily.

After all, there is no Hades in this world.

It has been decades since feudal superstition was broken.

It stands to reason that those feudal remnants are already dead.

As a result, it turned out to be dead again.

"That's right, that's right, isn't this completely putting shit on people's faces! It's not advisable! The media must be responsible!!!"

It is estimated that this expert who criticized Zhang Lingtian in all kinds of ways did not think of it.

Zhang Lingtian strongly agrees with his point of view!

It turned out that he also watched these videos circulating on the Internet during lunch time.

He just wanted to say.

This is completely forced to buckle the pot.

Normal people know that eating so much seafood will be unbearable to the body, so it has nothing to do with you being poisoned.

And this meow.

Does meowing have anything to do with him?

What does it matter to him if the pipe bursts?

Got rear-ended?He wasn't the one who chased after him!

Sitting in the company's office.

Zhang Lingtian just felt speechless.

If he hadn't been busy with company renovations, he would definitely have to make a video to clarify right now.

After all, he abruptly put the feudal and superstitious hat on him, what should he do if he was really found by the relevant department in the future?
It turned out that I had a friendly communication with the landlord for more than two hours last night.

The other party is unwilling to refund the money.

If you insist on refunding the money, you can only count it as a breach of contract, and you will probably lose 50 yuan.

So now he can only bite the bullet and decorate first.

After the decoration is completed and the limelight has passed, look for business opportunities.

After all, there is no unparalleled road!
He still doesn't believe that a systematic person like himself can be dragged down by money!
"Then you have to have a shit bowl to buckle it."

Employees are eating too.

Su Wei glanced at Zhang Lingtian and complained softly.

"So the current kind of experts are really bricks! Bricks of bricks!"

Li Tiantian liked it crazily.

She was also a staunch atheist long before that.

But now she feels more and more that the country's thousands of years of myths and deceptions have been passed down by you for decades?

Just because I haven't seen it, so there is no such thing in this world?
Isn't this another kind of obsession?
Anyway, Li Tiantian thought so.

Especially when their boss is so obvious! !

"Xiaohan, I happen to have something to tell you."

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian walked over.

"Boss, sister Xiaohan just went to answer the phone, what's the arrangement?!"

The two stood up immediately!

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Jiang Xiaohan saw everyone get up.

Suddenly there was a puzzled look in his eyes.

"It's like this, because I haven't negotiated the rent, so this month's salary may have to wait until Tiandi Funeral Goods Co., Ltd. waits for these companies that have previously live broadcasted the goods to send the money, but as long as it is delayed, then I Here, we will calculate interest for everyone based on the highest interest rate of 24% for private lending.”


(End of this chapter)

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