I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 30 Boss!Do you have a grudge against others?

Chapter 30 Boss!Do you have a grudge against others?

Jiang Xiaohan's heart skipped a beat.

The boss shouldn't be eye-catching with this female anchor, right?

Li Tiantian and the others looked at Zhang Lingtian with an attitude of eating melons.

That is true.

The boss has been single for 28 years.

There are relatively few girls who are engaged in the funeral industry, and now they are suddenly attracted by a young and beautiful female anchor.

However, although this female anchor is quite beautiful, she always has a bit of dust on her body, so Miss Xiaohan doesn't dress up, if she dresses up, she will explode the other party in seconds, the boss's eyes are really poor.

"Has Miss Sisi fallen in love?"

Zhang Lingtian spit out a few words slowly.

Long-term dangerous behavior due to improper values.

The probability of danger due to beauty next time is as high as 99%.

This urn is for sale.

Almost used it for myself.

After all, pseudo-accurate customers!
But what happened to her because of her beauty?

The first thing Zhang Lingtian thought of was a boyfriend.

Don't blame him for thinking crookedly.

Because of beauty, plus a bad value, um...

"Pfft——Boss Zhang is quite straightforward. They actually said that you don't have a girlfriend. I really don't believe it."

Jian Sisi covered her mouth and snickered.

How can you be a shy person so directly, she believes in Neptune.


Who spread the word that he is 28 and doesn't have a girlfriend all over the world?
Zhang Lingtian frowned and looked in the direction of Li Tiantian and Su Wei.


In the next moment, Li Tiantian and Su Wei rushed to Tianling Gai with chills.

Especially Li Tiantian.

At this moment, she even had a thought.

How about buying a suitable urn for yourself?
Employees should be able to break a bone, right?
"Haha, Handsome Zhang would like to introduce himself grandly. My name is Jian Sisi. I am 24 years old, with a bachelor's degree. I am 172cm tall and weigh 98kg. I don't have a boyfriend yet."

At this moment, Jian Sisi introduced to Zhang Lingtian with a very sweet smile, and stretched out her white little hand again.

Although it is a funeral shop, the other party can be regarded as a good anchor in Douyin.

After all, she has 180 million fans so far, and her own Douyin account now has only [-] fans less.

Of course, the most important thing is that the other party is really super handsome.

The kind that catches the eye.

If she changed to someone who was not online, even a big anchor with close to 200 million fans would not introduce herself in such detail.

A few perfunctory words at most.

As a face dog, there is really no way.

Anyway, in her heart, if the other party is willing, she can really try to get in touch.

"Just met, Mr. Zhang is about to abduct a filigree anchor from our sales department, she is a beautiful woman."

Qu Jiangmei showed an aunt smile beside her.

I really didn't expect to have a live broadcast to bring goods, and the female anchor on my side even teased the male anchor from other people's house.

It's fine if you're really in a relationship.

From the current point of view, the sales volume of bringing goods to this Ping An Baishi shop is not bad.

Nearly two hundred urns were sold in one morning.

9999 yuan a piece, the sales volume is close to 200 million.

Do it again this afternoon.

It is possible to reach 500 million sales.

For a rookie anchor to have this achievement, he is already considered very strong.

Originally, she had calculated that the highest possible sales volume would reach 200 million today, which was just right to keep her capital and make a slight profit.

She is mainly interested in the advertising effect of the living Hades.

After all, bringing goods not only depends on the current sales volume, but also cares about the future impact.

So even if the sales volume reaches 200 million, it is actually not a loss.

But if it is less than 100 million, it must be a loss.

"It's not abducted. Since Miss Sisi doesn't have a boyfriend, do you have any particularly enthusiastic fans or a big brother? If there are, I suggest you not meet them lightly!"

Zhang Lingtian ignored the crooked lights beside him, but continued to speak very seriously.

Since there is no boyfriend.

That's certainly not because of love.

Could it be those big brothers?

I have seen similar news before. The female anchor saw the tragic death of the big brother on the list.

And this can be regarded as an explanation for death because of beauty.

After all, being greedy for beauty.

Unfortunately, it would be nice if the system could explain the cause of the accident more clearly.

"Big Brother? I want to have one too, but unfortunately no one is interested, and it's impossible to meet him!"

Jian Sisi spread her hands in a relaxed and humorous manner.

In fact, a revulsion flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Does she look like this kind of person?
Also, such a straight man!
No wonder I don't have a girlfriend yet.

"Mr. Zhang, the anchors under our name are all very disciplined girls, and we won't recruit those who are dirty."

Qu Jiangmei is a woman after all.

Although Zhang Lingtian was handsome, Jian Sisi was more interested.

But it is not appropriate to ask such a question after all.

Even if you doubt it, you can make insinuations when you come into contact with it in the future.

So come out and smooth things over.

"Boss, drink a glass of water first!"

Assistant Jiang Xiaohan also brought up a glass of water.

Worrying about the boss's lifelong event.

Talking so nakedly, I probably won't find a girlfriend in this life.

"I'm not thirsty."

Zhang Lingtian refused the glass of water.

Take a deep breath at this time.

What is he still thinking about?

What else is dangerous because of beauty.

And what exactly does bad value mean?
"Mr. Zhang, this is..."

Qu Jiangmei didn't understand Zhang Lingtian's headache at the moment.

Does this Mr. Zhang have a special hobby?

Don't like this mouthful?
Do you like the wild ones?
Jian Sisi was also a little confused at the moment.

"Miss Si Si, I would like to sincerely advise you that if you have the habit of plastic surgery, I suggest that you don't touch these things again in the future."

Finally Zhang Lingtian thought of it.

No boyfriend, no big brother, so only plastic surgery!
Plastic surgery is quite popular among female anchors.

But a little carelessness can still be life-threatening.

I have also seen the news that a celebrity died accidentally because of plastic surgery.

This blind plastic surgery is actually an improper value.

"Mr. Zhang! You can see that my face looks a bit like plastic surgery. You pinch this nose and look at this chin! Have I had plastic surgery? I haven't become a boyfriend and girlfriend yet, so you just don't care." It’s so wide, do you live by the sea?”

Jian Sisi looked like she was going berserk!

If it wasn't for the thought of cooperating in the afternoon, she would really yell at her this time!

Who is this!
"Mr. Zhang, that's not how you talk about love, Sisi!"

Qu Jiangmei watched Jian Sisi run away violently.

He glanced at Zhang Lingtian and hurriedly chased after him.

After all, we have to cooperate with bringing the goods in the afternoon.

Now the sales are just breaking even.

"Boss! Do you have any grudge against him?"

Jiang Xiaohan was also at a loss.

It's normal to ask people if they have a boyfriend.

But if you ask if there is a big brother on the list, and if you usually go out with the big brother on the list, it will be blatant.

Especially the other party also added a plastic surgery!
She would probably be quite annoyed if she were to be replaced by this silk anchor.

"Hey, good words are hard to persuade, damn it, mercy is beyond measure, I hope there is really no more."

Zhang Lingtian silently followed the link to Jian Sisi's account.

"Boss you???"

I saw the boss paying attention silently.

Suddenly the pupils constricted.

This gives some attention?


(End of this chapter)

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