I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 162 The hidden real murderer disappeared, and the shocking case came to an end!

Chapter 162 The hidden real murderer disappeared, and the shocking case came to an end!

[The system prompts that the details card has been used successfully. 】

Zhang Lingtian used his detail card.

[Scan object: ID dreams come true. 】

[Account Subject: Chi Mengzhen. 】

[Occupation: Barista, breakfast shop employee. 】

[Bad information: stay up late for a long time. 】

[Danger signal: This person is in danger, 100% dead. 】

[Danger positioning: has been paid attention to, do not walk alone on the way back, and do not get in the car of an unfamiliar person. This behavior will 100% put yourself in danger. The place of death is in a private house in Chunnan District. Died three days later. 】

[Customer attribute: deceased customer. 】

[System prompt: Accurate achievements cannot be obtained. 】

Soon, rows of messages appeared on Zhang Lingtian.

Whether he can get accurate achievements or get system rewards is not important to him. After all, everything cannot always be based on profit, and besides, as long as he is alive, he has more chances to get system rewards.

Regression scan.

Because this is the object of death, he can no longer use more detailed cards. At this moment, he can only find clues from the primary information provided by these systems.

The focus is on hazard positioning.

It has been paid attention not to walk alone, and not to get in the car of unfamiliar people. The place of death was in a private house in Chunnan District, and he died three days later.

Four useful pieces of information were extracted from it.

The first entry can indicate that the other party has been tracked early.

The second one is worth pondering. The other party didn't say a stranger but an unfamiliar person. This also proved that the driver might have an intersection with Chi Mengzhen, and the other party was still driving at that time.

The third is a private house in Chunnan District. Although there is no specific location, the character model can be improved by combining the information presented by the previous system.

The fourth one died three days later, which proves that the person lived alone at least, or that the space in the home was large enough or even a self-built house or villa, otherwise it would be impossible to hide a person for three days.

He felt that living alone should be the right choice, because the dead body must be disposed of after the murder.

It is impossible for someone in the family to do this kind of thing.

Unless the whole family is perverted.

But this chance is too small.

After collecting this information, Zhang Lingtian opened the video folder sent by the other party.

The other party sent him all the videos of the day taken by the camera closest to the forest park.

Originally Zhang Lingtian wanted to check.

See if you can find it yourself.

As a result, he watched a video or two and found that this is not something people do at all.

It is better to provide ideas to solve the case by yourself, and leave professional matters to professional people.


eight o'clock.

Zhang Lingtian closed the surveillance video file sent by Qin Yan, and was about to wash his face and brush his teeth before going to the police station.

The next second his cell phone rang.

"Hey, Xiaohan, how did you know that I just wanted to call you? In this way, you go to work as usual, and I have to go to the police station in the morning to be late."

Seeing that the incoming call was his assistant, Zhang Lingtian immediately asked curiously.

The other party installed a surveillance camera in his room?
"Boss, won't you come in the morning? Some people are asking you for a fortune at the gate of Baishipu."

At eight o'clock, Jiang Xiaohan was just about to open the funeral shop, but found that there were some people around, and when he asked, he found that all of them came to ask the boss for fortune-telling or advice.

"This funeral shop is bustling, isn't it?"

Hong Fugui's family, who were selling breakfast, looked in the direction of Baishipu.

"What are they doing?"

The diners at the Hong's breakfast shop are also in a daze
We are all old neighbors.

They are also relatively familiar.

Some people even come to the breakfast shop to have a chat while eating breakfast.

But everyone is full of doubts about the situation in front of Boss Zhang's Ping'an Baishi shop today, and there are actually many people there.

"You all don't know?"

Suddenly, an uncle who looked more fashionable in leather boots said something.

"what do you know?"

Many people have doubts in their eyes.

"Does Lao Xu have any inside news?"

After seven o'clock, there are mostly middle-aged and elderly people in the breakfast shop. In this age, they are the only ones who can have such a leisurely breakfast in the shop.

For young people, either they saw that Chun Jiang hadn't woken up at three or four in the morning, or they packed breakfast and left in a hurry.

Hong Fugui and his wife also listened with pricked ears.

Because they really don't know.

"I heard that someone went to Boss Zhang for advice yesterday. The hexagram is straightforward and accurate. It's as accurate as it needs to be!"

Uncle Xu took a sip of soy milk and said what he knew.

"Is there still this?"

Many people were stunned when they heard this!

"I see! The mother and daughter are right!"

Hong Yunwei, the son of Hong Fugui, patted his thigh when he heard this sentence, and he was very excited.

"What's the matter, Yunwei?"

Hong Yunwei's mother, Wei Daling, was a little curious.

"Probably a mother and daughter came to Yan Wangye and said that the other party's family was haunted by evil spirits, and then prepared money to come to Yan Wangye. Finally, the other party said that it was not evil evil haunting and asked the family to spend more time with him. Sure enough."

Hong Yunwei said.

He also just ate this melon through a friend's repost last night.

"That's it? It's so amazing!!"

The expressions of the couple were full of shock!
"Yeah, I discovered the fact that my family took drugs that night."

Hong Yunwei said.

Recently, the melon fields are abundant, there is the culture of eliminating fruit, Ji Kun's thunderstorm, and the Chunjiang corpse case.

So this matter is less spread, but it is topical, and it may not necessarily be a hot search today.


The corners of their mouths twitched at the same time.

They thought they were cured, but it turned out to be such a tragic truth.

[10. It is reported on the Internet that Boss Zhang is helping others to give advice]

The bib, the matter of the mother and daughter fermented yesterday, and now it is indeed on the hot search.

"Tears! Boss Zhang is getting better and better!"

"Boss Zhang has always been very nice. Before, he would send out some lucky funeral gifts. It is said that those who received them were very lucky. Now most of the people exposed are foreign friends, but our domestic culture pays attention to not revealing wealth. So I believe there are actually more domestic ones.”

"Indeed, didn't you see a post before? Children who are harmless to humans and animals went to Yan Wangye to sign, and then they picked up 100 yuan when they walked out of the mall. They felt uncomfortable putting the money in their pockets. There was a lottery ticket next to them. The stall was used, and the lottery ticket with the highest prize of 30 won the second prize of 20 that night, the luck is simply against the sky!"

"Actually, I want to know what will happen if Lord Yama's signature is placed on the funeral objects? Will it directly become a lucky funeral object?"


"Brother, you have a good brain!!"

"Did you form a team to find Boss Zhang for advice? Life is a bit stressful recently!"

"People are on the bed, my mother is already one step ahead. /狗头"

The four words Boss Zhang pointed the maze aroused the interest of many netizens.

Some people say that the other party is getting better and better.

Some people even expressed that they would form a team to find Boss Zhang for advice.

In short, this matter has rushed to the top ten position under so many big melons recently, which shows that its popularity is still very high.

Of course, there is no way to compare with Ji Kun's matter.

After all, it is the top stream with 4000 million fans.

[6. What does Ji Kun's video imply when many media take it down?]

After Big Brother started, many media outlets also took down the opponent's video.

At least seven of the top ten searched lists are about Ji Kun.

"How did this person become popular? All the hot searches in the past two days have been him! Outrageous!"

There are also fans wondering how the other party became popular.

"Really, I also think why he is popular? I haven't seen any popular dramas or movies of his, and I haven't heard any of his popular songs. Why did he become popular?"

Some people even said that he didn't have any works.

"Playing basketball red!"

"NBA No.1, just ask if the chicken content is high?!"

"An English song won the Chinese highest award in a daze, don't you think it's strange!"

"Chicken's popularity is due to black fans. The traffic of black fans is also traffic. When the traffic rises, it will attract some other people to pay attention to him."

"Don't talk so much, time is urgent, the chicken family army is dispatched, listen to my orders! Help my brother return to the top!!"

"Pfft——, Ji Jiajun, brother, are you going to laugh at me and inherit my money!"

Internet early in the morning.

The thing about Chicken Brother is also very lively.

Speaking of which, after counting carefully, there is indeed no other eye-catching benchmark except for the Ji Family Army.


Jiang'an Huafu Community.

"What the heck, I don't know that stuff, Xiaohan can help me get rid of it, I guess I will stay in the police station for a long time today."

Actually how to say what happened yesterday, I was only misinterpreted once.


Although Jiang Xiaohan was a little helpless, who called her the boss's assistant.

"It's been hard work. When I'm done with these things, you choose a place for us to have dinner."

Zhang Lingtian hung up the phone after speaking.

After washing up, he set off for Chunjiang police station.

hang up the phone.

Jiang Xiaohan looked at some people gathered outside, everyone didn't know whether it was awe or panic, but no one dared to come in because she opened the door.

Otherwise, it would be really unbearable for her to be left alone in a swarm of bees.

"Assistant Jiang, when will Boss Zhang come over? We want to ask him something."

Just when Jiang Xiaohan came to the door, an old lady walked over.

"He's not coming."

Jiang Xiaohan replied.

"not coming??"

The aunt was a little dazed.

"Everyone, go back. The boss just called to say that he is going to the police. I hope you don't stop at the door of the store. After all, we are a funeral service here."

Jiang Xiaohan yelled at the door.


"For nothing!"

"How can this be!"

Many people in the crowd couldn't help but speak when they heard this.


However, someone immediately grabbed the other party and told the other party to shut up.

There are gods who hold their heads up three feet. Since they are here to help, they must not say those disharmonious words.

In this way, everyone left the Baishi shop.

"Didn't I hear someone's assistant say that Baishipu's main business is a funeral service? If you're still around there, maybe pointing out the maze will directly become a designated entry."

Soon, the people who had just shut up spoke.

"Indeed, this matter is all about fate."

Another person spoke.

Although she came here early to line up, she was very open about these things.

After all, he is the Lord of Hades.

If you come to Lord Yan to give you advice, it must depend on your fate. I will guide you when your fate comes.

If the other party really said one by one, it would not be a living Bodhisattva.

"You think Boss Zhang is going to work on the dismemberment case, right? My son's classmate is a policeman. The other party hasn't come home for two or three days. He lives in the dormitory of the police station. This matter solves the case." The pressure is great!"

"It's very likely that this is the case. I don't know which god is so vicious. Such a young girl was cut up like this. Even if there are real conflicts between couples, it won't be like this."

"Isn't it! I hope Boss Zhang's past visit will bring progress to the case and solve the case as soon as possible."


The corpse dismemberment case has almost become a heartache for all Chunjiang people.

As long as the problem is not solved for a day, everyone will feel that their breathing is not smooth, and they will even feel a sense of crisis when they go out.

It was as if some pervert was lurking in the dark.

of course.

Because the police did not announce the progress of the case, everyone thought it was a conflict between couples, or a relationship between lovers.

Mainly because similar things have happened before.

"Strange, why haven't these two come over yet?"

After Jiang Xiaohan persuaded everyone to leave, he found that Su Wei and Li Tiantian hadn't come yet.

Is it sleeping late?

You know it's already 08:30 now!

Although Baishipu went to work at nine o'clock, the two people who were actively trying to be excellent employees arrived after seven o'clock and sometimes eight o'clock, especially Li Tiantian, who was almost never late.

【Just live】

"Jiang Xiaohan: What's the matter with you two? Haven't come yet?"

nine o'clock.

Jiang Xiaohan couldn't help sending a message to ask in their group.

Because the two of them were already late, they had never been late before.

Fortunately, the boss didn't come over this morning.

"Li Tiantian: Sister Xiaohan, we'll be here soon, what did the boss say? /Yun Bei"

"Li Tiantian: Picture.jpg."

Soon Li Tiantian replied, took a picture of her in the car and said she would come over right away.

"Su Wei: We've reached the intersection."

Su Wei then sent a message to reply.

"Master, hurry up, we are all 2 minutes late!!"

Li Tiantian also urged the taxi driver in reality.

"It's here, I found out that the errand is not in such a hurry as the two of you to seduce the soul."

The master was urged all the way, and now he finally came to the door of Ping'an Baishipu.

The whole person couldn't help muttering a few words.

"Boss! We are here, I am guilty!!!"

Li Tiantian jumped into the funeral shop with a remorseful expression on her face.

"Slow down! You slow down! Be careful to fall again!!"

Su Wei helped Li Tiantian carry the bag, and then followed closely behind him.

"You two are this??"

Jiang Xiaohan was just about to reply to the message after opening the breakfast, and then saw Li Tiantian who jumped in like a bungee jump, and Su Wei with a bag on his back.

"Where's Miss Xiaohan, the boss?"

Li Tiantian looked around suspiciously and asked.

"The boss went to the police station this morning, but he didn't come. This is your breakfast."

Jiang Xiaohan gave back a copy, after all, the boss didn't come today.

"The boss didn't come! Huh! I was scared to death! Oh my god! I thought I was going to be promoted to the underworld, you know, Miss Xiaohan!"

Li Tiantian caressed her big breasts, panting heavily.

Really, there was a bit of a traffic jam when I first came here, and she really wanted to run away with the car on her shoulders.

After all, I promised not to be late, but now I am 2 minutes late.

"So what happened to Su Wei?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Su Wei.

"You asked her, she was almost promoted."

Su Wei glanced at Li Tiantian angrily.

"Don't dare, dare not! I really don't dare to talk about the boss anymore. From now on, I must regard the boss as a male god, the kind that cannot be profane!!"

It turned out that the two had set off early this morning.

Riding a shared bicycle towards Baishipu, if the situation is normal, you will definitely be able to arrive at Baishipu at the slowest eight o'clock.

But who would have thought that the two of them were chatting while riding bicycles. When Li Tiantian talked, "The boss is really too dishonest. We have no credit and hard work and still keep acting. What can't you tell our employees? Don't mention your acting skills." How embarrassing' and the like.

Suddenly the manhole cover collapsed.

Then there was a scream.

But man is lucky.

Didn't fall off just scratched the foot.

There are only three people left.

While chatting and eating.

"Misfortune comes out of your mouth."

Jiang Xiaohan also roughly knew the whole story, and slowly said five words.

"I heard that, Li Tiantian, if you continue to be so disrespectful, sooner or later, you will be promoted before me."

Su Wei also looked unhappy.

At that time, he told the other party not to talk, but he still seemed to be eloquent.

"Don't dare! This time I really don't dare! From now on, I will support our boss. He said one is one and two is two."

Li Tiantian looked serious.

Based on her posture, it is estimated that the boss can raise his hand and swear here.

The main reason is that she also realized that she seemed to be a bit stubborn during this time.

Who is the boss?
Lord Hades! !

Master of Yin Division!

You actually complained about your boss?

This is simply tired of life, okay?

She had to get back the feeling of being timid and afraid to express herself when she first came here.

The main reason is that this incident reminded her of the circular accident of tearing shallots.

Maybe it's the same for myself!
"It's not necessary. I feel that the boss is quite used to you being crazy sometimes. Generally speaking, the active atmosphere is not bad, but the fact that the trouble comes from the mouth must be taken seriously."

Jiang Xiaohan spoke slowly.

It's actually good for Li Tiantian to be more active, after all, Baishipu is rather dull.

If someone is active, everyone will not have that dead feeling.

"It means Brother Tian has a good temper, otherwise, according to your temperament, you will be at least on the eighteenth floor."

Su Wei shrugged and looked at Li Tiantian.

"The boss has a really good temper. I don't know how far the case has progressed. Have you found the source of the corpse?"

There is nothing to say about the character of the boss, a rare good man.

Whether it is temper, character or even wealth, the boss can stand the test.

Otherwise, she wouldn't say that the boss is an enhanced diamond king.

But I just don't know how the situation is now, whether the boss is going well, and whether the source of the corpse has been found.

"I feel that Brother Tian should be coming soon."

Su Wei still has great confidence in his boss.


Jiang Xiaohan also nodded.

All I can say is, wait for news from the boss.

Chunjiang Police Station.

An emergency meeting was held at the moment of the dismembered serious case team.

The General Administration sent Xu Jun, a heavyweight criminal profiling expert, to help solve the case, and the other party was also one of the top profiling experts in China.

Qin Yan presided over the meeting in person at the moment, and Nan Shiwen also came over.

After all, the social impact of this case is indeed very large.

"Mr. Zhang, I have admired your name for a long time."

Zhang Lingtian entered the meeting room after breakfast, Xu Jun stretched out his hand to him, showing a smile.

"Brother Zhang, let me introduce you. This is Professor Xu Jun, an expert in criminal psychology, criminal profiling, and criminal traces at the Public Security University."

Nan Shiwen introduced that the whole person is also smiling, and his two eyes are like crescent moons.

I don't know what to be happy about.

"Professor Xu, hello."

Zhang Lingtian held out his hand.

"I also received the information from Bai Jin last night about this case. I will try to profile the criminal in a while, and you can add it at any time, Mr. Zhang, because I asked about it and we both got the same information. There may be some collisions that I haven't discovered, after all, a person's energy and level of observation in a short period of time are limited."

Xu Jun looked very humble.

He received part of the information last night, but it wasn't complete, and he didn't get the most complete information until this morning.

As for Zhang Lingtian, he got the complete information of the whole case at once this morning.

The data integrity of the two is the same.

It's just that Xu Jun was a little earlier than him.

"In front of an expert like you, I just want to join in the fun."

Zhang Lingtian smiled.

He is a true profiling expert, and if he hadn't gone to Baidu and watched some TV dramas, he would have no idea what criminal profiling is.

In fact, he was looking forward to Professor Xu's profile.

"Is it Brick's Brick? Hahaha~, then I'll go up and make a fool of myself first."

Xu Jun also teased himself, after all, everyone likes to call experts bricks now.

As a person who came out of school, he maintains the rigor of a scholar, and at the same time, because he gets along with students, he is also a relatively active person and can take jokes.

"Go, go, Brother Zhang, your seat is next to me."

Nan Shiwen nodded and invited Zhang Lingtian to take a seat.

After all, it is a meeting, so it must be printed with a name.


Zhang Lingtian looked at the position of the chief seat, inexplicably a little cautious.

The main sits in these positions for the first time in his life.

He thought it was a simple meeting, who would have thought that it would be so grand in the end.

"Hello everyone, I'm Xu Jun. I received a message from Director Qin last night. I carefully read all the attachments and analyzed them at the same time."

After Xu Jun's voice fell, the PPT turned into a photo of a map of Chunjiang.

"First of all, the place where Chi Mengzhen lives is two kilometers away from the place where the coffee works part-time."

Speaking of which, a dotted line appeared on the map.

And write the words 2km.

At this moment, everyone listened carefully.

"The body was found in a large green garbage bin in Chunxi District, 28km away from the place of residence and 30km away from the coffee shop, and the head was killed by an extremely cruel method. Combined with the existing information, I think this There is a high probability that it is a random case."

Xu Jun expressed his inference.

Everyone nodded.

Because the more they investigated, the more they discovered that this was definitely a random case.

"The murderer most likely saw Chi Mengzhen who was alone, and then he had evil thoughts in his heart, but the victim was a young woman who weighed 1.6 meters and [-] catties after all. To subdue such a young woman, he had to have two There are two kinds of conditions, one is either handsome and approached to flirt, or one is strong enough to be stunned and taken away, and either of these needs to be transported and taken away, which involves transportation.”


"In summary, I speculate based on the existing evidence and clues. First, the murderer may be a male resident who lives nearby or is familiar with the neighborhood. Second, the age should be between 20 and 40, which is in the prime of life. Still single, third, even living alone and possibly driving that night, fourth, superb dissection techniques, morbid cutting, either a doctor or a chef or very good at cooking.”

Xu Jun finished his profile.

"Clap clap-"

A round of applause came from the scene.

As expected of an expert, he only sent out the information last night, and in the end he profiled such a valuable clue.

Some of them are the direction of the police investigation.

"Brother Zhang, how are you doing?"

Nan Shiwen looked at Zhang Lingtian and asked.

"Very strong."

Zhang Lingtian said three words.

He pushed it very close, after all, the opponent only had one night.

"Indeed, Professor Xu is still very authoritative in profiling. I believe that as the case progresses and more information is presented, the profiling will become clearer."

Nan Shiwen nodded and also recognized Xu Jun's professional ability.

"A man aged 20-40, single, living near Forest Park, living alone, driving that night, may strike up a conversation and take him away, and has excellent cooking skills."

Qin Yan was taking notes on the side.

After such profiling, it was obvious that the search for the suspect narrowed down a lot.

Especially driving this one.

At that time, they guessed that they were attacked by random passers-by with evil intentions in the park, and then they were taken away.

But after such speculation by experts, I think it is.

If they wanted to do something wrong after the attack and killed them, the corpses should also be thrown in the park.

Since it was thrown 30 kilometers away, at least it proved that something was transported away, and the probability of being stunned and dragged into the car is not high. After all, she is an adult woman, and if her strong desire to survive breaks out and resists, a Men are quite difficult to subdue.

Especially if you are driving alone at night.

And if it is knocked dizzy.

There should be marks on the ground.

They checked it carefully and found no trace.

Therefore, the profile of striking up a conversation is more tenable.

That night, the other party walked home alone on the path, and there were no street lights in some parts of the park, and suddenly a car came up to strike up a conversation.

I don't know what to say.

Maybe it was fear or fear of the night road, coupled with the other party's sweet words, she got into the car.

In the end, he was taken away in the car, and his body was dumped [-] kilometers away.

In fact, this script is more in line with acquaintances committing crimes.

But after careful investigation, they found that Chi Mengzhen didn't have any acquaintances in Chunjiang.

Not even a boyfriend.

As for suitors, there are.

However, after being rejected, they never pursued them again, and none of them had time to commit crimes.

The case has to continue to deepen, or is it a taxi or an online car-hailing car?

In short, the direction of their investigation is now more precise.

"Okay everyone, because time is tight, I can only do this step. I hope it can be of some help to everyone in the serious crime team. At the same time, Mr. Zhang, please see if there is anything else you want to add or correct."

"Clap clap-"

After finishing his profile, Xu Jun looked at Zhang Lingtian amidst applause.

Xu Jun was actually looking forward to Zhang Lingtian's profile.

It is rumored that he saved a female college student who jumped into the river by the reservoir by relying on his character profile.

The hijackers were later discovered.

Then later found spies and so on.

In short, the opponent's meticulous observation and keen sense of crime are everywhere.

"Professor Xu's profile is really wonderful, and it's similar to what I thought. I don't have anything to add to my words, only four simple points."

Zhang Lingtian was invited to the home court, and at this moment he spoke in front of the serious crime team members.

"Four o'clock?"

Everyone was shocked to hear this!
After the expert profiles, he can still say four points!

But the shock was the shock, and all the police officers also picked up their pens.

Even Xu Jun, a person's thinking is limited, and he is thirsty for knowledge when he can hear others talk about new points beyond his own thinking.

"First, I also agree with the theory that the person who strikes up a conversation is guilty, but Chi Mengzhen is a girl from Qingsong City who has been independent since she was a child. Normally, this kind of girl should have a deep psychological guard, but now after investigation, it is found that the other party's classmates, friends, People familiar with the crime are not suspected of committing the crime.”

Zhang Lingtian did not prepare a PPT, mainly he came here to share his thoughts.

Who would have thought it would be so formal.

But just talking is not enough, so at this moment he directly used Xu Jun's PPT.

"Is it an online car-hailing service or a taxi?"

Xu Jun's pen, which was taking notes, paused for a moment. This was an idea he had thought about before.

It is possible to get in the car because it is at least a little familiar.

Or the vehicle itself is a business attribute to reduce defense.


Qin Yan also nodded, regardless of whether they will also focus on investigating taxis and online car-hailing that enter this range.

"Actually, I want to say that the police may have missed a familiar person in their investigation."

Which coffee shop did Zhang Lingtian put the map in.

"Missing a familiar person?"

"How is it possible, is there anyone we are familiar with that we haven't investigated?"

"Coffee shop employees? We have also investigated everything about the employees."


Not only Qin Yan, Nan Shiwen, Xu Jun and others on the stage were a little dazed.

The members of the serious crime team in the audience also started talking.

Especially seeing the enlarged picture of the coffee shop, everyone thought it was a coffee shop employee.

Employees have the victim's dynamics, and they have checked it long ago.

"Yes, such as diners in a coffee shop. This possibility exists. After all, the victim has been working part-time in this coffee shop since her junior year. She knows a long-term old customer, or a customer who has had many contacts with her. Didn't you lower your defenses?"

Zhang Lingtian talked about his speculation.

Because it is a dead person, using the detail card can only see the primary data but not the finer data.

He didn't know the specific name and related information of the other party, so this was also his reasoning based on the prompt information given by the system.

a familiar stranger.

The police investigated the other party's social relationship and found that none of the acquaintances might have committed the crime. They even investigated the employees of the coffee shop. They suspected that the employees were following but were ruled out.

And they only missed the diners of the coffee shop.

It can be said that there is a hundred secrets and one sparse.

But it is also understandable.

Because at the beginning, the police were misled to investigate in the direction of the woman who lost her foot, and it was only these two days that the source of the corpse was really determined.

The police force is limited, the case is complicated, the time is short, and the pressure is overwhelming. It is understandable that there are omissions in handling cases according to common sense.

After all, there is no plug-in to open a real investigation.

Sometimes it is obvious that the correct answer is nearby, but the correct answer is finally found after going around in a big circle. This is also a common situation in handling cases.

In this way, some profiling experts and criminal experts were born.

Their words can sometimes give the police some ideas to solve the case and speed up the process.


As soon as these words came out, the scene became restless.

That's right!

The other party has worked in one place for such a long time, so diners can actually be said to be familiar with them.


Xu Jun wrote diners in his notes, and then drew a circle.

He even simulated the scene of the day in his mind.

go home after get off work.

Walking alone on the road is a little frightening and frightening in itself.

As a result, a car was parked beside it, and it could even be said to help her illuminate the way in a place without street lights.

Chi Mengzhen was panicked, dazed, and a little grateful at the same time.

Later, the car accelerated up, and she was surprised to find that it was a familiar diner in her coffee shop.

The other party said that he was going to do some errands on the way and happened to see her.

Then he invited her into the car and sent her there.

At the same time, tell her that it is dangerous to walk alone at night, especially without street lights.

Of course, it is also possible to joke that there is a ghost in front, that a person is missing, and so on.

Out of fear and not wanting to waste the diners' time, Chi Mengzhen got into the car.

After getting on the bus, diners can take advantage of something to deliver a certain document before sending her back to school, or invite the other party to eat, maybe even ask for coffee skills, etc. to weaken the other party's psychological defense and let her speak in the car for a longer time. Prepare for further crimes.

But Chi Mengzhen didn't know that this diner was a demon who had been eyeing her for a long time.

Next to Xu Jun, Qin Yan and Nan Shiwen's thoughts also came to light.


This reasoning can be said to be the most plausible logically.

"I agree with Professor Xu's inference that he is 20-40 years old, and I think this diner should be good-looking, either handsome or gentle or superior."

Zhang Lingtian continued talking.

[Adjust the surveillance video and focus on investigating the coffee shop diners who have had contact with Chi Mengzhen many times. 】

Qin Yan wrote such a passage in his notebook.

At the same time, a light flashed in his eyes.

This time it is more precise.

"I agree with living alone, but the murderer must need a place to commit the crime. If it is an ordinary community, then bringing a girl back and killing her will at least attract the attention of the upstairs and downstairs, or occasionally meet with the residents of the community or even the security guards." to the like, but no one has reported the case since it was exposed, so could it be that the place where the other party lives is an independent villa or a private house built by himself? After all, dismemberment is a big project."

Zhang Lingtian continued to tell everyone the system's prompt combined with his own guess.

[Single, living alone, owning a car, good-looking, living in a villa or self-built private house. 】

Not only Qin Yan, but almost all members of the serious crime team took notes.

Bai Jin and the others circled this sentence in their notebook.

Because it's so specific!

At the same time, Bai Jin also felt extremely ashamed.

What kind of brains did I have at the beginning to suspect that Mr. Zhang was a criminal.

At his level, it would be great if he was an outlaw fanatic who could commit crimes properly.

Like that lunatic Lawyer Zhang San who was active on the Internet back then, he made it clear during the interview on the show that if he commits a crime, hey, the police won’t catch him!

In the end it made the police officer very embarrassed.

There is only one sentence, it can be caught, but it is difficult to say if it is not within the litigation period.

Bai Jin saw a more terrifying figure than Zhang San on Mr. Zhang Lingtian's body.

After all, everyone was in the limited information, and he discovered so many details that the police hadn't noticed.

Sure enough, the surname Zhang was terrifying.

"About living in Chunjiang, I want to be more specific about this."

Speaking of which, the map was opened again.

"Normally, throwing far away and burying near, head far away and body close, small far and big close, so it is also consistent in this case, let's take a look at the place where the body was dumped, the place where the body disappeared, and the location of the coffee shop."

These locations are drawn on the map.

"So he should be in Chunnan District!"

Xu Jun's pupils froze.

An important feature of corpse dismemberment cases is that they are thrown far away and buried near them.

In the process of investigating the body parts, the source of the deceased, and the first scene of the murder, if the body parts were buried, then the scene of the body parts is relatively close to the first scene of the murder. Yes, it will be farther away.

It's a criminal mentality.

The location of the coffee shop and the park were within the Chunnan District, but the body was found in the Chunxi District, which was [-] kilometers away from the crime scene.

Normally, the suspect would not throw body parts at his door, because that would be suspected by the police, at least cross-district, combined with his frequent drinking coffee, it also proved that he was a person living in Chunnan District.

And the head is far and the body is close.

The head plays the most important role in highlighting the identity of the deceased. Most corpses are usually thrown separately from the head and body.

Small far and large close means that small corpses are thrown farther, and large corpses are thrown closer.

These are the terms used by the police when handling cases.

"Yes, and I believe that the other party should be a person who lives in Chunnan District. Although Chi Mengzhen is young and beautiful, she is still an ordinary girl after all. Rich people who own villas tend to cherish their own income, so they are less likely to commit crimes. It is recommended to go to Investigation on the direction of self-built houses."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Clap clap-"

There was a burst of applause at the scene!

"The last point is about identity. Doctors, chefs, and good cooks are all possible, but he often haunts coffee shops. I think it should be extended to the chef of Western food. After all, Western food cuts meat, and most of the time it is piece by piece. , still flat, with a very ceremonial appearance."

Zhang Lingtian continued to add.

"Clap clap-"

There was another burst of warm applause at the scene.

Qin Yan and Xu Jun were shocked.

Nan Shiwen also nodded very satisfied.

At such a young age, with such careful observation and thoughtfulness, Nan Shiwen felt more satisfied the more he looked at Zhang Lingtian at the moment.

In fact, what is so discriminatory about the funeral industry?
You have to use it once in your life.

How nice it is to have a professional take care of it for you.

He Nan Shiwen couldn't wait for it.

Speaking of which, there is still more than a month to go on vacation, why don't you bring your daughter to Chunjiang to have fun?

Or invite Brother Zhang to visit the imperial capital?
Let your daughter be your tour guide!

This is acceptable! !
After the key information was extracted, some members of the serious crime team asked him questions.

Nan Shiwen just came to observe, so of course he didn't have any questions to ask.

So occasionally my mind wanders elsewhere.

Time soon came to noon.

"Mr. Zhang, I look forward to our next meeting. You are definitely one of the most powerful people I have ever seen in the younger generation."

After completing the task, Xu Jun will return to the imperial capital.

I saw that he held Zhang Lingtian's hand tightly and felt a little bit reluctant.

"Don't dare to act, dare not act, Professor Xu praised me absurdly."

Zhang Lingtian smiled awkwardly. He inexplicably remembered an emoji of a husky and a wolf taking a photo together.

People think of themselves as the same kind.

It's a pity that he isn't. To be honest, if it wasn't for the prompts given by the system, he wouldn't be able to deduce anything even by looking at those things.

"Mr. Zhang is too modest, so, after the case is solved, you can come to the imperial capital. I will apply to the school to invite you to give a lecture and tell everyone about your experience. Young people also like examples like you. , your popularity in college is not low."

Xu Jun invited Zhang Lingtian enthusiastically.

Lectures at the university.

I believe students will like it very much.

"Lecture? Don't, don't, I don't have the qualifications. Professor Xu, please get in the car."

After talking further, Zhang Lingtian felt that he was a little vain.

He is just a cheating player, what can he tell everyone in the university?
It's impossible to tell them how the system works, right?
"Then we'll see you next time."

After getting into the car, Professor Xu Jun waved his hand.

"I should go back too."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Qin Yan and the others.

"Since you want to go back to Baishipu, Mr. Zhang, it's up to you. We will do our best to investigate this case and try to solve it as soon as possible!"

Only seeing Qin Yan at this moment assured him.

"Okay, if you need any help, you can contact me at any time."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Mr. Zhang will definitely be called during the interrogation."

Qin Yan suddenly smiled differently.


Zhang Lingtian silently passed a row of ellipsis.

In this way, Zhang Lingtian drove back to Baishipu. During the period, Nan Shiwen, who left early because of a meeting, added his WeChat. Zhang Gu was with him, and they all said that they had time to go to their place. These two tigers looked like man-eating people, he definitely didn't dare.

After all, who knows where the shopping will end up.

Ping An funeral shop.

As soon as he came back, Li Tiantian apologized crazily to him.

It made Zhang Lingtian look confused.

It was only later that I found out that the other party had fallen into the manhole cover by the side of the road by riding a bicycle this morning...

in the afternoon.

[2. Boss Zhang officially participated in the investigation of the dismemberment case]

News about Zhang Lingtian's participation in the investigation of the dismemberment case rushed to the top of the list.

"Have you found the source of the corpse?"

"Boss Zhang has joined. It doesn't take long for this case to be solved."

"The last time Boss Zhang joined in the morning, the case was solved in the afternoon, so what about this time?"

"The people of Chunjiang said that we are finally waiting for you! This damned murderer should be arrested quickly!"


Hearing that Zhang Lingtian participated in the investigation, many people were excited. The pervert who committed the crime must not be able to escape!

After all, everyone can see Boss Zhang's ability.

The other party in the last big robbery and murder case was invited by the police to investigate, and the case was solved in the afternoon when he went there in the morning.

It can be said to be as fast as possible.

[4. Ji Kun responds to online rumors and makes a deep review]

[5. Rumored photo of Ji Kun with another woman]

In addition to this matter, Ji Kun finally responded to what happened on the Internet.

"The video was taken down and finally started public relations?"

"It's fine if you're not a minor, trust me, brother."


At the same time, after the other party responded, a new melon with another person broke out.

【Ji Kun: That's fake, it's not me. 】

However, the other party replied that the new melon was fake after just over ten minutes.

The quick reply this time also clearly shows that the delay in responding before was intentional. Of course, more discerning people have also seen that this is probably a public relations smoke bomb.

One true and one false to eliminate influence.

But no matter what, the other party's black material is buckled on his body, and the house is considered to have collapsed. Everyone is bored after eating this melon.

After all, for this kind of traffic star, there are always some stupid fans protecting each other.

Although the popularity has decreased, this person will definitely continue to mix.

Unless minors are involved, that's another story.

But at the moment there is no such thing.

Now that the corpse dismemberment case has progressed, everyone is paying attention to the case.

Ji Kun, let the bullets continue to fly.


The time came before closing at 05:30.

Everyone in Baishipu who was planning to start bringing goods tomorrow was disturbed by a vibration.

It was the phone ringing.

"Hello, this is Ping An Funeral Shop. If you need funeral appointment services, please..."

"Boss Zhang, I'm Ding Gu's comrade-in-arms, he left last night."

There was a heavy voice on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, so do we need to go there now? In the hospital or at home?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"at home."

answer over there.


Zhang Lingtian hung up the phone.

"What happened to the boss? Have you caught the suspect?"

Seeing the boss's appearance, Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tiantian were a little dazed.

"No, Ding Gu died."

Zhang Lingtian replied.

This Dingu had made an appointment for funeral services with them in advance because of his illness.

Speaking of which, when I went to Jiaopenji, the people there pretended to be people from the hospital and called to say that Ding Gu had passed away, so they tricked them back.

When getting off the plane, Ding Gu called them himself. At that time, everyone thought it was a fraud.

Unexpectedly, after more than two months, the other party left.

"Boss, we listen to your arrangement!"

Even though Li Tiantian has a broken leg, her heart is not broken.

She will go where the boss tells her to!

Starting today, she will change the boss's stereotyped impression of her! !

"Let's delay bringing the goods first, and we will close early and let's go to Ding Gu's house."

Zhang Lingtian said.

The mission of Baishipu is to send the last journey, which is also their job.

The weight of bringing goods is far from comparable to that of the other party.

In this way, Bai Shipu and his group hurried to Ding Gu's house, which was an old dilapidated small house in Chunjiang.

There were also medical staff and police in the house.

After deduction, the time of death of the other party was about ten o'clock last night.

Knowing that old man Ding lived alone, his comrades would call every day.

I couldn't get in touch today to see what happened.

Reported to the doctor, and after calling the police, also contacted the funeral shop where the other party made an appointment.

"Mr. Zhang, then I will leave this place to you."

A police officer said to Zhang Lingtian.

Often in and out of the police station.

The police officer also knew Zhang Lingtian.

It's just that Zhang Lingtian just felt that the other party was a little familiar.

"The police comrades have worked hard. We will definitely let Mr. Ding walk through the last journey of his life in peace."

But familiar faces are familiar, since the other party has handed over to them, then they will naturally do a good job at the funeral shop!
"This is Lao Ding's will."

An old man with a sad expression came to Zhang Lingtian with a piece of paper.

That was the will left by the other party during his lifetime.

The higher-ups arranged for my afterlife, including house donation and my funeral to be undertaken by the Ping An Burial Shop, and everything was simplified and buried as soon as possible, etc.

Li Tiantian was in charge of the night, and Su Wei assisted the formation of the remains team.

Because according to his will, he wanted to be buried as soon as possible.

Last night's death counted as the first day, and today counted as the second day. The comrades set the time for tomorrow morning.

Some distant comrades-in-arms will not be notified.

After all, everyone is old.

This is also what Dingu means.

So the two were busy until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and some of Ding Gu's comrades-in-arms came to help with the coffin and sent him to the last journey after helping to sort out the remains.

Because he is an old man living alone, his wife and children have passed away.

Early the next morning, the funeral shop was setting up the venue. Although everything was kept simple, Zhang Lingtian still prepared a lot for the other party. At 09:30, the funeral was held at the funeral home.

His former comrades-in-arms came to see him off one after another until the news came.

And the members of Baishipu who had been tossing all night also breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Su Wei and Li Tiantian were exhausted and paralyzed.

As for Zhang Lingtian and Jiang Xiaohan, they have experienced similar fast-paced funerals, so they are still getting used to it.

"Boss, has Ding Rang contacted you yet?"

At 58:[-], the members of Baishipu were eating outside.

After all, the tasks assigned to them have been completed, so let's mourn for relatives and friends.

Just come and withdraw later.

Suddenly at this moment, Li Tiantian asked curiously.

If she remembers correctly, it is now the fourth day, and she has been preparing for 72 hours.

On the first day at 10 o'clock in the daytime, the time count is 0, the boss chooses two chosen sons, Chang Ye and his son die in the afternoon, and Da Zhuang meets in the evening.

At 10 o'clock in the second day, the clock is 24. Da Zhuang assisted the police in catching the drug lord and invited them to a dinner that night, and Ding Gu died that night.

On the third day at 10:48, the timer is [-]. The boss went to the police station, and he had to bring goods to the meeting in the evening. He received a call from the old man Ding's death, and in the evening he arranged his remains and put on make-up.

At 10 o'clock in the fourth day, that is, after 2 minutes, the time will be 72 hours. After three full days, Ding Rang's time is up.

She couldn't remember it at first.

But both of them are surnamed Ding, so she connected them together inexplicably.

"It seems not."

Zhang Lingtian turned on Douyin, but the chosen son named Ding Rang still didn't contact him.

[Scan object: ID Ding Rang. 】

[Occupation: construction worker. 】

[Bad information: stay up late for a long time. 】

[Danger signal: 51% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: As a family member, there is a 51% probability of danger due to the behavior of the wife. It is recommended to remind in due course. 】

[Customer attributes: potential customers. 】

[System prompt: The Chosen Son scanning system has automatically followed. 】

Zhang Lingtian clicked on the other party's profile picture, and the information was updated again in the new day.

The probability of danger is 1% higher than before.

"Maybe the other party didn't look at the phone. If you can't get it, then respect the fate of others, right, boss."

Li Tiantian said.

[System prompt: The time for Ding Rang's personal information has expired. 】

And at this time, the other party's personal information disappeared.

"we can only do this."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands and silently exited Douyin.

After all, what can I do if I can't contact the other party.

Call the police to save lives?

for what reason?
Wife's move?what move?
So it is definitely impossible for the police to make a false report.

Besides, half the chance is not necessarily dangerous, isn't it?

Three in the afternoon.

The funeral home is evacuated.

Their funeral tasks are also completed.

"Thank you for your hard work. Everyone, take a good rest today. You will go to work tomorrow and have dinner at night. If you need me to take you back, just let me know."

It's three o'clock, and the remaining half day is free for everyone.

As for the dinner party.

I was too tired after working all night last night, so I decided to wait until tomorrow when I have a rest before having dinner together.

The members of Baishipu who were physically and mentally exhausted immediately revived!
[1. The suspects "boiled" and "exploded" were arrested in the dismemberment case]

And it was six o'clock in the afternoon.

One rushed to the hot search.

[Chunjiang Public Security: There was a vicious body mutilation case in Chunjiang before. With the assistance of many experts, the suspect with clear evidence has been arrested in the case. The details are under further investigation, and the latest news will be announced later. 】

After clicking on it, there was a message released by the Chunjiang police. Although there was no official announcement in it, it said that the suspect that the evidence clearly pointed to had been arrested.

"Caught it? Finally caught it!"

"Yan Wangye yyds! But who is the suspect pointed to by this clear evidence?"

"Whatever he is! Anyway, just catch him!!"

"Indeed, I just joined yesterday morning and caught the suspect this evening. I don't believe you if you say that Lord Yama doesn't have a life and death book?"

"A friend insider, it is said that they found the source of the corpse, and then invited criminal profiling experts and Lord Yan to come over and quickly found the murderer, but I am curious whether this case is a love murder case or something."

"Actually, I'm also quite curious about why this murderer is so cruel."

"Now we can only wait for the police to issue an announcement."


We've caught someone, except for the police who are in the interrogation room where the cold air is raging, and who are pressing to find out where the most important head is, everyone is naturally very excited.

Even some villages in Chunjiang directly lit firecrackers because they were happy. If Zhang Lingtian had a statue, he would have to go to worship a few times according to this posture.

Of course, everyone is also very curious about the reason for the dismemberment case!
But now we can only wait for the police to issue a notice.

A restaurant in Chunjiang.

Many people also cheered.

"Boss! Boss yyds! Actually caught it!!"

Jiang Xiaohan, Li Tiantian, and Su Wei also had dinner here, and Li Tiantian looked very happy.

"Yeah, I finally managed to catch this pervert!"

Naturally, Su Wei also saw this news, and he was equally excited.

"Hey, Miss Xiaohan, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly Li Tiantian noticed that Jiang Xiaohan was frowning, his expression was very strange.

"The boss succeeded, and he seems to have succeeded..."

Jiang Xiaohan flipped the phone over, and the next second he was dumbfounded.

It was none other than Li Dazhuang.


 88 words delivered, asking for monthly tickets, recommended tickets.At the same time, there are [-] words to thank the book friend who thought it was called 'Dongdong [-]' some time ago for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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