I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 134 The Haze of Missing, The Entertainment Circle Explodes (2)

Chapter 134 The Haze of Missing, The Entertainment Circle Exploded ([-])

In a certain villa, I drank beer and let the phone vibrate beside me.

To be honest, his only thought now is to kill Wu Mian, this bastard, and invite himself to participate in this "Mysterious Everyday" variety show!
Damn it, it's as if the show is on him now.

And Yan Tao actually invited Zhang Lingtian to be a guest on the show, relying purely on his brain to defend!
The key point is that after so many people had an accident, the other party actually organized the second issue, and made a whole network voting list, isn't this a scam?

Why didn't he choke to death on this evil pen last night!
As for why he agreed to your question, to be honest, when the other party entered the door at the beginning, he almost didn't throw out the evil pen.

How dare you come to the door!
Didn't you understand what he said before?

He doesn't want to get involved with this bullshit "Mysterious Everyday", as far as the other party goes! !
After all, I just came to apologize to Yan Wangye in person yesterday.

But then Yan Tao's words completely silenced him.


There are currently 46 hours until the end of the Mystery Online voting each day.

I now rank first with 344w votes.

After that time is up, I can 100% receive the invitation letter for the show.

Did you get the invitation or not?

Boss Zhang has publicly stated that he will be in the second phase.

Will he be targeted by Boss Zhang if he escapes by himself?
Yan Tao said that he has never been stuck eating.

But after being torn up and scolded by him in the burial shop, he licked a skewer at night and immediately got his throat stuck and was sent to the hospital.

Thinking about it makes me very scared.

"You were called by the Disciplinary Inspection Committee of the Netizen Entertainment Circle. We also have the same name on this show. As for the name of Lord Yama, don't you know? The king of Hades who is a criminal, the person who issued the criminal sentence, I'm in charge of this matter. I was thinking that Boss Zhang might want the two of us to cooperate, Cong, let’s go in, if you refuse, can you avoid it?"

Tie Cong's mind is full of Yan Tao's meaningful expression, yes, he is dubbed the Disciplinary Inspection Commissioner of the entertainment industry by netizens.

The King of Hades is the one who delivered the verdict.

In particular, he was recruited by the authorities.

Various achievements are required.

Maybe the other party wants to rectify various circles, and it doesn't necessarily mean that!
I feel that Yan Tao's evil analysis is correct.

The other party's throat suddenly stuck in the hospital may be a warning from Hades.

Even Tie Cong felt that when he met Boss Zhang that day, the other party was talking ironically, or that the other party was really not angry!
The other party was not angry, and three limbs were broken.

The other party is angry and has a lot of surprises.

The other party was happy and nothing happened.

The other party was very happy and sent a lucky funeral item.

If so don't get mad.

That is indeed not angry!
Later, he thought about it, since he was selected by Boss Zhang, he should work hard with Yan Tao, just because there are some things that need to be rectified in the entertainment industry!
Too many missing brains!

I believe that as long as he does well, Boss Zhang should not cause a lot of accidents to him.

"Oh, study!!"

Tear onion turned on the computer.

Inside is a station about the learning of host skills.

I really didn't expect that one day I would actually host a show as a host, which is outrageous.

[Tear onion: Thanks to all the friends who care about this matter, I will give a unified reply here, everything is voluntary without any coercion, and I think no one in this world can coerce me, but I still hope that people in the circle My friends try to be as clean as possible, and don't break the law or commit crimes. The feudal and superstitious Hades will never exist, but the silver handcuffs of justice will definitely be possessed. 】

Before learning, Tile Onion also posted a Weibo reply to these outrageous rumors on the Internet.

"Brothers, do you find that this sentence is very familiar? It's almost an advertisement for Baishipu!"

"Yes, I'm the water glass next to the onion. I can prove that the onion has not been coerced. He is a science guard and won't believe in feudal superstitions at all!"

"Hahaha, speaking of it, I think Ji Kun is also very angry."

"It's not just bombing, this guy's mentality has collapsed! After all, this guy will be the number one after being promoted to host."

Speaking of tearing green onions and skimming the votes to become the host, the most devastated is Ji Kun.

Because the opponent became number one after the list was refreshed!

[1. Ji Kun 304w ticket]

The opponent's [-] million votes crushed everyone.

"One vote for you, one vote for me, Ji Kun's hell jumps."

There are actually some comments below the vote.

[2. Master Hua 299w ticket]

Ranked second is Master Hua.

This man who can summon the dead at a concert.

"Necromancer: Can the King of Hades fight me? It's on the top of the mystery!"

There is still a comment hanging next to the ballot.

After clicking carefully, I found that only the one with the highest likes will become the bubble that appears next to the name.

[3. Reba 292w ticket]

No.3 is Reba.

Basically nothing black.

There are a lot of people who recognize their wives in the comment area, and the reason for pushing her up is that many netizens expressed their desire to prove Reba's innocence.

As long as it is confirmed clean by Hades, it must be clean!

Of course, there are also people who want to see if Reba will be contrasted. There are many people in the entertainment industry who are pure and beautiful on the surface, but have a collapsed personality behind the scenes.

So the opponent's votes are firmly in third place.

"Didn't the Emotional Master say that Hades would go away, and now Reba is also single. You said that if you introduce Reba to Boss Zhang, will she stay in the world?"

And I don't know which sixth child actually posted such an outrageous comment.

The key point is that this comment has become the highest praise.

In such a comment area where a lot of people recognize their wives, it instantly caused many onlookers to think deeply, why do these old brothers who like Reba are so bullish.

It's really hard not to suspect that there is no tauren tendency.

[4. foreign honey 291w ticket]

The fourth place is foreign honey.


A word of husband, like a million!
After that, there are people like Li Feng, piano master Li, and Lu Baoqiang who was born in Shaolin.

Zhou Yi reached the eighth place.


The night is getting darker.

seven in the morning.

In autumn, the sky is not fully bright yet.


The door of Ping An Shishi Shop was slowly pushed open.

07: 30.

"Sister Xiaohan, why are you here so early!!"

Li Tiantian, Su Wei and the others also came to Baishipu. They originally wanted to set up the live broadcast room early today, but they never expected that Miss Xiaohan was earlier than them!
"Isn't this going to bring the goods today? Come here to set up early and make preparations. Why did you come here so early? It's only 07:30."

Jiang Xiaohan sat in his seat.

Look for the feeling of introducing high-end urns.

There are ten urns in the new products they sell today.

That's right, only ten!
The main reason is that master craftsmen are slow to make a thing, even some ten days and half a month.

These ten are the result of concerted efforts.

Originally, the reputation of the previous boss should have attracted many master craftsmen, and even felt that some free work was fine.

But recently, the boss has shown his sword again, and many famous people are reluctant to come here, so they just recruited some people.

"Hahaha, we want to be excellent employees!!"

Li Tiantian looked like she was striving to be an excellent employee.

"Li Tiantian, are you not afraid that outstanding employees will go to the underworld first?"

Su Wei yawned.

He was woken up by Li Tiantian forcibly knocking on the door.

Originally, he thought about getting up at 08:30 and going to Baishipu at [-]:[-], and then moving bricks to decorate the venue.

As a result, who would have thought that they would be called up at seven o'clock.

"Bah bah bah! Ah Wei! Can you speak auspiciously! Is the boss this kind of person? Excellent employee! It must be lucky funeral arrangements, even asking about my own longevity or even my family's longevity!"

If it wasn't for Su Wei just waking up, Li Tiantian would have pinched him severely.

This is what it says.

"Don't say it, just in case it's really possible!!"

Su Wei just said something casually in a daze with sleepiness.

But he suddenly thought carefully, this is possible!
It seems that there is nothing wrong with an excellent employee in the world being promoted to work in the underworld!
"Fuck off, believe it or not, I'll pinch you! Let's not talk about this topic, but Sister Xiaohan, have you checked the trending searches?"

Li Tiantian didn't want to talk about this, so she directly changed the topic.

"What hot search? I didn't even have time to watch it today."

Jiang Xiaohan was a little curious.

"It's Ji Kun. He is now the second most searched person and will definitely be on the show. I just don't know what kind of black material this person has, and he seems to be quite clean."

Li Tiantian didn't know much about Ji Kun.

At present, it feels that the opponent basically has no black material other than playing basketball.

【2. Ji Kun】

At this time, Ji Kun did indeed appear in the second place on the hot search list.

"I feel that Ji Kun has nothing wrong with it. Do you guys have a portal?"

"Last time I survived the tearing onion, I guess Ji Kun's house will not collapse this time, after all, there is really nothing wrong with it except basketball."

And everyone is also chatting about black material about Ji Kun.

It was found that he really has nothing to do with it, at least at the level of their cognition.

"Prophet: Wouldn't it be worse if there was no black material?"

Suddenly a long-lost vest appeared.

"Fuck! Brother Prophet!!"

"Huh? It's even worse if there is no black material? What do you mean? Brother, can you explain it clearly!"

"Oh my god, brother prophet, you finally appeared, so this time you brought another big melon?!"

However, some people said that it would be worse if the other party had no black material, and everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the vest that said this! !
It turned out to be the prophet who predicted very accurately!
When the other party said this, they were all very surprised.

Also curious.

Because why would the other party say that.

"Prophet: You have forgotten that two people died mysteriously every day, seven people died when the house collapsed, and only one person remained? From this we can analyze that this program is composed of death quotas, crime quotas, and safety quotas. Since there is no black material, it is reasonable for a little accident, such as a car accident, to be reported to the underworld, right? Of course, I am just guessing, without any basis!"

The seer had nothing to do to surf the waves.

Just voicing an idea of ​​my own.

And he said this after eleven o'clock last night, and it's only seven o'clock in the morning, and the number of likes is as high as 50.


"Yan Wang likes basketball, so Xukun is ranked first?"

"I don't know if I looked at it carefully, I almost got confused. I was still thinking, why is Yan Wang likes basketball and why Cai Xukun is ranked first. Later, I suddenly realized that Xukun playing basketball is really too hot for the eyes. It's good to go to the underworld to be clean and clean!"

"Wuuuuuu, my ikun, our fan club will love you forever! Leave your epitaph to me to write! Die because of basketball that is too eye-catching!!"

The bib is always ridiculed by water friends, and here it is again.

"What should I do!?"

That night Ji Kun stayed up all night, clutching his middle part crazily.

The main reason is that this prophet is really accurate, and it completely frightened him, so he must be really cold.

"Management: Everyone help Brother Kun, he didn't sleep all night last night!"

The administrator girl in the support group is hysterical. It is said that Kun Kun didn't sleep all night last night.

"We're already helping!"

"Yes, this ticket does not have a withdrawal function."



After the administrator's words came out, everyone responded.


The next second, the management girl froze in place.

It was only later that she discovered that 3000 of her 2000 fan base were actually undercover agents! !
There are 3 people in ten groups, 5000 of whom are sunspots.

Apart from Xu Kun, Mage, Yang Mi, and Reba are also quite emaciated now, because their rankings are all very high.

Chunjiang, Ping An Bai Shi Shop.

"Hey, Boss Zhang is here."

The black Passat parked at the door of Ping An Shishipu, and Jiang A·04048 looked particularly eye-catching.

At this time, Boss Hong of the breakfast shop had just delivered breakfast, and the other party greeted Zhang Lingtian with a smile.

I don't know why, since he went to deliver breakfast to Baishipu, he feels refreshed all over.

Every day is also very happy.

Even the happiest thing is to deliver breakfast in the morning. Some people may think that his words are a bit hypocritical, but it is true!

"Yes, thank you, Boss Hong."

Zhang Lingtian responded with a smile.

Ever since what happened to Dr. Li, the other party has been bringing them breakfast until now, rain or shine.

He also avoided buying breakfast every day, which can be said to save a lot of trouble.

"It should be, then I will go to work first."

Boss Hong smiled sadly, and after saying goodbye, he left the door of Baishipu.

"Morning boss Zhang, if you need anything, our supermarket will give you a discount."

At this moment, a man in black clothes passed by with breakfast, and the other person was smiling.

"Okay, thank you, Boss Song."

Zhang Lingtian said hello.

They have all been on this street for a long time.

This Boss Song is the owner of a supermarket at the end of the street, and he occasionally comes over to buy breakfast.

The relationship between the other party and his parents is also very good.

"Boss Zhang, I suddenly discovered that the logo of your white shop is quite special, one flower and one butterfly, what do you think?"

Boss Zhang ate two deep-fried dough sticks and looked at Zhang Lingtian's Baishi shop sign curiously.

"Haha, just think about it! Boss Song, I'm going to move the bricks first."

In normal times, Zhang Lingtian would definitely chat with him.

But it will be broadcast live in a while.

So he didn't have time to continue chatting here, leaving this sentence and walked to the funeral shop.

"go Go."

Boss Song smiled and walked towards the end of the street.

"Morning boss!!"

Zhang Lingtian entered the Baishi shop, and the three of them stood up immediately when they saw Zhang Lingtian appearing. Although there were not many of them, they had to keep up with the greetings.

"Don't be so polite, let's have breakfast first, and set up the live broadcast room together after breakfast, Su Wei, you are responsible for moving things to the right place, Tiantian, you are in charge of lighting, and Xiaohan, you are responsible for the rehearsal."

Zhang Lingtian made arrangements to everyone, although the arrangement was already made yesterday, it is always right to explain it one more time.

"Boss, we have already set up the live broadcast room. You can start the broadcast directly after breakfast if you want."

Li Tiantian directly opened the door of the live broadcast room.

"Just rehearsed a few times, it should be fine."

Jiang Xiaohan also spoke to him.

"Oh? You guys are so active!"

Zhang Lingtian was a little unbelievable seeing all this in front of him.

He came so early today because of this. After all, he said that he was going to broadcast live today, so he came to set up the live broadcast venue early, but he didn't expect the three employees to finish it.

By the way, when did these three people come here?

"Of course, Miss Xiaohan came at seven o'clock today, and Su Wei and I came at 07:30!"

Li Tiantian replied.

"So early? The enthusiasm for this job is very good!!"

Zhang Lingtian was full of praise.

"Boss, why don't you reward us~"

Li Tiantian rubbed her small palms suddenly, and looked at Zhang Lingtian with those beautiful eyes.

"Li Tiantian, you are crazy!"

Su Wei immediately covered Li Tiantian's mouth!

Asking the boss for a reward just after doing something, are you crazy? This is it!
"Boss, let's have breakfast."

Jiang Xiaohan helped the boss lift the lid.

There are rice porridge, eggs, wontons, rice noodles and the like.

The boss always packs them in plastic boxes.

"Don't get in the way, don't get in the way. If Tiantian wants to reward you, then I'll give you rewards. After all, I'm not the kind of stingy person. How about it, no matter what the sales volume is today, you can choose whatever you want for dinner at any place in Chunjiang tomorrow night."

Zhang Lingtian looked very proud.

As a boss, he can still afford a meal.

Besides, if four people go to eat, it basically doesn't cost much in Chunjiang.

But tonight, I definitely can't have dinner with everyone. I have to go to the police station, and the time will be changed to tomorrow.

"Boss, we want something practical this time."

Li Tiantian broke away from Su Wei, her little eyes never left Zhang Lingtian's body.

"Substantial things? Are you a fan of Ji Kun and want to go on stage to chat with each other in the second period? If this is the case, I think the three of you will have the opportunity to go on stage, but you can chat a few words It has to be arranged by the program team."

Zhang Lingtian suddenly thought of the voting ranking. Ji Kun was number one, so she would definitely be on stage under normal circumstances, and he said yesterday that he would participate in the second episode of "Mysterious Everyday".

It is estimated that Li Tiantian may not have written it down.

"Boss, I'm not chasing stars anymore! I'm not interested in celebrities at all now, and it's my goal to work hard to get Baishiba to go public!"

Li Tiantian was very depressed after being called a fool fan online, so she decided not to chase stars. The boss, the boss of the underworld, is the real star!

This is what she wants to chase!

Of course, this is not a chase between men and women.

After all, with Jian Sisi around, she wanted to be the proprietress only when she was tired of working.

Her chasing is chasing, chasing chasing!
It means always following behind the boss and becoming his most loyal right-hand man.

"So what are you planning to ask for, shouldn't you be asking Yangshou again!"

Zhang Lingtian looked unhappy.

I remember that Li Tiantian was not like this before, the other party was saying something, why is she coy now.

Of course, if he was asking about Yangshou again, then he could only say goodbye, after all, he didn't know what Yangshou was.

"Boss, she probably wants to ask about the lucky funeral objects."

Su Wei said angrily, the other party must want to ask about lucky funeral objects.

When I came here today, five of the ten sentences the other party said were about this thing.

And the rumors on the Internet are getting more and more outrageous.

"Hey, the boss and the three of us are the most loyal employees of Baishipu. You should give us a little luck, otherwise we won't be able to help you if there is an accident."

Li Tiantian looked at Zhang Lingtian with a smile on her face.

"If there is an accident, doesn't it just happen to work in the underworld?"

Zhang Lingtian said something out of the blue.

For Li Tiantian, magic can only be defeated with magic.

As for the lucky funeral items, that is all the imagination of netizens.


Li Tiantian was shocked when she heard this! !

"Haha, let's have breakfast first, we will start the broadcast on time at 09:30."

Zhang Lingtian entered his office with breakfast at this moment.

Sure enough, sometimes I really can't explain it, otherwise the more I explain, the more confused I will be.

"I feel that the boss is getting more and more direct now, and he doesn't even pretend."

After Zhang Lingtian entered the office, Li Tiantian muttered in a dazed manner.

"Brother Tian probably got annoyed by the question."

Su Wei said something.

"I also think Su Wei's statement is more reliable. If the boss really wants to take us down, he can take us down at any time. There is no need to wait for us to have an accident. I feel that he may just be annoyed by the question and deliberately scare you."

Jiang Xiaohan agrees with Su Wei's words.

"too difficult."

Li Tiantian collapsed on the chair.

"As long as you work hard, I think Brother Tian will reveal it to us sooner or later."

Su Wei is more optimistic about this matter.

Work hard anyway.

Everything is sure to be there.

"Our boss is not the kind of person who has airs. I think he would say it if he could. If he doesn't talk about the high probability now, it's probably because some rules can't say it."

Jiang Xiaohan expressed his analysis.

She guessed that the boss probably was bound by some kind of rules.

Nine fifty-five.

[System prompt: 5-minute countdown to Ping An Baishipu live broadcast reservation...]

A 5-minute countdown appeared in the live broadcast room that had been set long ago.

【Number of reservations: 43.51w】

The number of reservations in the live broadcast room reached 43.

"Good morning, everyone! I'm very glad that you all came to the live broadcast room of our Ping'an Baishipu. I am Zhang Lingtian. After a period of precipitation, the latest urn of our Ping'an Baishipu has finally appeared!"

09: 30.

Zhang Lingtian greeted netizens in front of the camera.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jiang Xiaohan, the assistant of Ping'an Baishipu. This urn is a high-quality urn made of white jade. It was jointly carved by four masters. There are double dragons playing on the top of the bead, and the four seasons change. It can also appreciate in value in the future if it is not collected.”

Jiang Xiaohan introduced Baiyu's urn in front of him.

"First it was yellow paper, then it was shrouds, and now it's urns! Good guy, the funeral business is becoming more and more comprehensive."

"+1, if things continue like this, will there be coffins for sale in the future? Then live broadcast and sell coffins!"

"Coffins? I think that in the future, Boss Zhang can arrange Feng Shui, sell cemeteries, engrave tombstones, write epitaphs, build tombs, and cry for you! Netizens can directly place orders online."

"Boss Zhang: Brother, we need a talent like you at Ping An Shishi Shop, why don't you leave and stay?"

"Hahaha, Boss Zhang said yesterday that he wants to choose a predestined person, and I don't know who will be the predestined person of King Yan this time."

"I think it's very exciting to be the predestined person of Lord Yama! I just have to wait until the end is over, if I forget to say it!"

As soon as Zhang Lingtian started the live broadcast room, hundreds of thousands of water friends came, and some even started teasing each other.

And what interests everyone the most here is what Boss Zhang said about choosing someone who is destined.

But with the last practice.

Everyone guessed that it might have to be over.

Even sometimes if they forget, it is still a problem whether the other party chooses or not.

"I saw some comments asking about predestined people. Indeed, I said in yesterday's live broadcast that I want to select a few predestined people today, so let's start today's live broadcast with the selection of predestined people!"

【Ding!The scanning of the Chosen One is in progress, if you want to stop it, please withdraw it. 】

It happened that the scan of the Chosen One in Zhang Lingtian's mind was in progress, so he didn't bother to withdraw it.

Scan directly.

"Come at the beginning? Good job, I like this rhythm!"

"Then come on, let's see who is the lucky one today, who can become a destined person with Lord Yama."

"Oh, God, isn't the Grim Reaper seducing his soul? Why are these Rabbit people so happy."

"My lord, maybe these people are crazy?"

"Wait, did you find a special place? Boss Zhang said just now that he wanted to select a few predestined people? So how many are there this time??"

The water friends are very excited, as for some overseas netizens, they are a little confused.

Because they really don't understand why Boss Zhang is clearly choosing who to take away, and these people are so happy.

Of course, there are also water friends who have discovered the blind spot, which is what Boss Zhang said, several of them! !


Jiang Xiaohan on the side was also taken aback for a moment.

How many are there? !

Isn't there usually one?

Why did several people come at once this time?

Or a slip of the tongue?
"Yes, there is no slip of the tongue. This time I plan to choose three predestined people."

Zhang Lingtian said that he would choose three chosen sons.

[Number of selections: 2]

It just so happens that I still have two days to choose from, anyway, I have one every day and there is no way to redeem the second detail card for the time being, so I just used it together.

"God! Three!!"

"Exciting! The probability of everyone being selected has soared!"

"Brother Hades, is he going to kill today? Lack of performance?!"

"The urn has been arranged! I knew it would be bloody today!"

"Brothers who are greedy for life and afraid of death suggest unfollowing directly. If you unfollow now, you will definitely not be selected in the link of choosing a destined person. It is completely safe."


They actually chose several people.

All of a sudden everyone was nervous and excited.

What is nervous is that my probability has risen, what if I am selected.

Excited that there are actually three!
So who will it be?
"Then we begin."

Zhang Lingtian swiped the screen while Jiang Xiaohan watched from the side.

【Ding!The Chosen One scan is complete!Ask the host to check the avatar! 】

At this moment, a profile picture appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian, who seemed to be a girl with a relatively fashionable appearance.

[Would you like to use the Chosen One to scan again? 】

After scanning the first one, Zhang Lingtian immediately chose to scan again.

At the same time, the system displayed an additional reminder.


Zhang Lingtian clicked OK.

【Ding!The Chosen One scan is complete!Ask the host to check the avatar! 】

Just after the click was over, another Chosen One appeared in front of him soon, this time his profile picture was a photo of his life.

It seems to be a 45-year-old man.

But because the third scan was in progress, he didn't click on the other party's information.

【Ding!The Chosen One scan is complete!Ask the host to check the avatar! 】

Soon the third scan ends.

"Two women and one man."

Zhang Lingtian looked at the three people's messages arranged like a WeChat list, and then clicked on the first woman.


Hearing what the boss seemed to be muttering, Jiang Xiaohan was a little curious and puzzled.

At the same time, he also took out his mobile phone.

But I found that the boss didn't seem to pay attention to anyone.

And many netizens also found it true.

Boss Zhang didn't seem to be paying attention.

"So who is Boss Zhang's predestined relationship this time?"

"I heard that there is a living King of Hades in the south. Every time there is a live broadcast, there is a high probability that a predestined person will be selected. If you don't listen to the persuasion, you will either be imprisoned or die. So this time it is your turn to become the king of Hades?"

"I'm looking forward to it! If it's really me, I will definitely listen to the words of Lord Yama!!"

"I remember that apart from the Ma San who listened to the persuasion last time, the rest were pretty miserable, but Ma San was also miserable. Even after listening to the persuasion, he finally went in."

At this moment, all the netizens want to know who this predestined person is.

It turned out that the system did not pay attention to the scan of the group, but Zhang Lingtian did not click in to see the details. The system will only pay attention after going in to read the details.

[Scan object: ID Li Meiting. 】

[Occupation: Unemployed. 】

[Bad information: stay up late. 】

[Danger signal: 88% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: Staying up late and driving tired, plus the habit of using safety buckles, there is a high probability that it will cause accidental death. 】

[Customer attributes: high-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The system has automatically followed. 】

Zhang Lingtian clicked on the first profile picture.


"Fuck, why is she such a beautiful girl this time!"

"God, Bai Fumei driving a Mercedes-Benz!!"

"Is this girl about to be sentenced? What did she do?"


Everyone saw that there was finally a new person on Boss Zhang's attention list.

Many people were shocked in the next second.

Because this is actually a beautiful woman driving a white Mercedes-Benz.

She still looks very young, that is, in her 20s.

But what will happen to such a person?It can't be a scammer!

Jiang Xiaohan has been staring at his boss.

She had noticed something strange before, the boss looked like he was selecting candidates, but in fact he didn't pay attention.

However, no evidence was found before.

Now that she's done it, the boss really didn't pay attention!

This girl named Li Meiting seemed to be followed out of thin air.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaohan's mood is a bit complicated.

Although it was a little unbelievable to say that there were a lot of accidents before, after all, no one caught the boss performing his magical skills, and everything was no different from ordinary people.

This is the first time she has seen such a magical scene from the boss.

Also said that the other party is really the king of Hades in charge of Douyin in the underworld?
The underworld is still so finely divided?

She has wanted to ask this question more than once.

Because I feel that the boss can always see through the life and death of others in Douyin.

"This friend named Li Meiting, please contact me after you see it, I see that you are still online!"

Zhang Lingtian called out to the girl whose ID was Li Meiting.

The probability of danger is quite high.

It reached 88%.

"Li Meiting!!"

"This girl named Li Meixia, you have been chosen by Hades! Show up quickly!"

"This girl doesn't seem to be in the live broadcast room, but Douyin is indeed online."

"Boss Zhang, what happened to this girl, why don't you tell everyone directly? Maybe it can reach the ears of the other party's friends and remind them."


some shouting.

The girl named Li Meixia did not show up.

[Tonight is another sleepless night!get high! ! 】

And this is the latest news from the other party at eleven o'clock last night. It was a scene of drinking in a bar.

"Sister, you have to be careful recently, the King of Hades called your name in the live broadcast room."

"Are you drunk? I hope you won't be startled when you wake up."

"If you know this girl, please remind her immediately!"

Netizens chased after the girl's homepage.

Seeing this feasting video, everyone left messages.

Tip this girl!
However, a few minutes passed, and although the likes slowly rose, there was no reply.

"No reply? It seems that I just went to the disco last night. Most of the dynamics are some videos in the bar. How about this? If you know this anchor named Li Meiting, I hope you will not let her drive tired or drink. At the same time, the most important thing is never to use the seat belt buckle!"

Zhang Lingtian also clicked into the other party's homepage.

I saw talking to the camera at this moment.

He thought that the other party might be sleeping.

I hope you can listen to me when you wake up.

If you successfully reduce the danger, you will be able to receive a system reward, otherwise this girl will have to become one of your accurate numbers again.

[Precise number of people: 17/20]

Since getting the system, there have been 17 people who didn't listen to persuasion and finally became cold, and now there are three more people who can get the system rewards that satisfy Karma's 20 people.

But he didn't want to get this reward for himself, he hoped that he saved someone.

Because there is also a reward for saving people.

It's just that many people just don't listen to persuasion at all, which makes them very emaciated.

"Seat belt buckle? Are you crazy! It's a life-threatening joke!!"

"Damn it, I've watched the video carefully many times, and I can only say that Boss Zhang is so awesome that he can even find out that the other party used the buckle!"

"You can't think about it in other places. For example, Boss Zhang only knows the reason after reading the book of life and death?"

"Everyone, ask me weakly, what is a seat belt buckle? I really don't know!!"

"You can understand the seat belt buckle as a fake seat belt excuse, and I don't know what kind of idiot invented this thing. After wearing it, the seat belt will not be caught by the surveillance camera as not wearing a seat belt, but it will not be the same in a car accident. Like wearing a seat belt, the protection rate is 0.”

Hearing Boss Zhang's words, many people in the comments thought that this woman was crazy, and she actually used something like a safety buckle that put herself in danger.

At the same time, some people don't know what a seat belt buckle is.

But soon some water friends answered it.

To sum up, it is a decoration that is useless and makes yourself cool.

"Li Meiting! Isn't this my classmate!!"

"Good guy, you know about the fact that she used the seat belt buckle? But for some reason, the call from the other party seems to be unreachable!"

A friend of the scanned person soon appeared.


In a large flat.

A woman stomped her feet anxiously as she looked at the list posted in the group.

"Old man, our family's Mei Ting has been selected by Boss Zhang!!"

The woman hurriedly walked towards another old man wearing glasses.

"Hello, the number you dialed has not been answered yet..."

On a certain high speed.

Li Meiting, who had been high last night, was driving a white Mercedes-Benz towards his home.

Although the phone was emitting bright light, her eyes were hazy because she didn't sleep last night.


Suddenly the next second the car had an accident.

"Beep beep-"

An ambulance arrived 10 minutes later.

Seeing that the car was not damaged much, that is, the front face was slightly damaged, the medical staff were quite fortunate.

"Her! How could she be hurt so badly!!"

However, after checking with the doctor, everyone was numb.

"Wear a safety buckle on the highway! I don't know what this young man is thinking!"

The traffic police are a little annoyed!

Isn't doing this kind of falsehood harmful to others and yourself?

Originally, if the seat belt was worn in this car accident, it was basically not a big deal, but in the end it was only a minor injury, which was not fatal at all.

Soon the medical staff carried the other party away, and then began emergency rescue.

Two hours later, her heart stopped beating.

【Ding!System follower Li Meiting has died. 】


[Reminder: The system rewards can be obtained after two accurate numbers of people, please keep up the good work of the host. 】

Two hours is exactly around 11:30.

Hearing the voice in his head, Zhang Lingtian was stunned for a moment.

"What happened to the boss?"

Jiang Xiaohan noticed something strange and asked his boss.

"It's nothing, I just don't understand why there are always some people in this society who take their lives as a joke."

Zhang Lingtian sighed with emotion.


Jiang Xiaohan was still a little confused.

But soon at twelve o'clock, the other party stopped being confused.


"True Hades!"

"I thought it was a scam, but I didn't expect to die directly."

"The completeness of this cab, if she wears a seat belt, she will definitely not die..."

"I really don't understand why she doesn't wear a seat belt. I don't know about others. Anyway, I don't think seat belts are troublesome. Wearing a seat belt makes me feel very safe. Occasionally forgetting will make me feel empty."

In Boss Zhang's live broadcast room, a large number of people chatted about Li Meiting.

It's a pity, if only she could see Boss Zhang's reminder earlier.

【9. Hades Have a Date·Li Meiting】

Soon it was also on the hot search list.

After all, this is the person named by Yama in the morning.

And how terrifying Boss Zhang's traffic is has been verified before, so it exploded all of a sudden.

[The latest news reports that a young woman died after hitting a high-speed isolation belt, and the cause of death was largely due to a life-threatening buckle. It is reported that this person is also one of the netizens reminded by Mr. Zhang Lingtian in the live broadcast. 】

After clicking on the hot search, a description appeared.

Now the water friends basically know what's going on.

"Things that save your life, what are you doing with your own life? Seat belt buckles, steering wheel weights, they should be added to the point deduction regulations!!"

"Designers have spent so much effort to make you safe, but you have to spend money to make yourself unsafe. What kind of steering wheel weights and seat belt buckles should really be abolished!"

"I remember in 70 it was said that the life-saving probability of three-point seat belts in conventional traffic accidents can reach more than 4%, and the probability of only using airbags is only 7% to 300%. The airbag burst speed is about [-]km/h, no If you're wearing a seat belt, you'd better pray that you don't hit the steering wheel with the airbag activated, otherwise it will be cool..."

"Anyone who has been in an accident knows that seat belts can really save lives sometimes. Especially on high speeds! I will scold people if I don't wear seat belts. My family members know they are fastened after being scolded a few times by me!"

"Maybe this is fate. Boss Zhang reminded me at 09:30 in the morning. If she can answer any calls, she will probably survive."

"This is Hades. It depends on how accurate the person is, and it is another achievement."


What happened to this girl made everyone very incomprehensible, that is, the other party didn't take the seat belt seriously.

As said inside.

Designers work so hard to make you safe, you have to spend money to make yourself unsafe.

Isn't this pure brains and pitfalls to give performance to Hades?
"I won't discuss this matter anymore. Thank you for your support, and I hope everyone will listen to your advice. You must listen to my advice! Especially the old man who just argued with me!"

Zhang Lingtian left a word.

[Scan object: ID Ouyang. 】

[Occupation: The former vice president of the company is now retired. 】

[Bad information: Be strong. 】

[Danger signal: 60% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: within three days, the probability of danger due to women is 60%, please stay away from women's disputes. 】

[Customer attributes: potential customers. 】

[System prompt: The system has automatically followed. 】

This is the one he feels most hopeful about.

I don't know whether the other party listens or not.

Anyway, he said all he had to say.

"Boss, today we cleared out the inventory again, and we feel that the production capacity can't keep up with the demand."

After the live broadcast, everyone was summarizing the data together, and Jiang Xiaohan played the compiled sales data.

10 urns, 29999 a piece, get 29.99w yuan.

9999 shrouds, 99 yuan a piece, 98.99w yuan.

59999 single yellow paper, 30.11w yuan.

Total sales: 159.09w yuan.

This is the maximum production capacity today after they were blown out last time.

"When the money comes back, we can expand the production line."

Zhang Lingtian said to the mouth.

"Yeah, the income from the live broadcast is 6 yuan."

Jiang Xiaohan switched a page.

That is the detailed income of the live broadcast.

In fact, as long as he is willing, the boss can probably earn 100 million yuan for live broadcasting like this every day for a month. If he can keep his popularity, more than [-] million yuan a year is definitely possible.

"No problem! Then let's go to our respective jobs in the afternoon. Of course, it's okay for the three of you to have dinner by yourself in the evening. I'll pay for it."

Zhang Lingtian looked at the three of them.

"Forget it, forget it, we have to eat with the boss to be interesting."

Li Tiantian said to him.

"Boss, if you have something to do today, we can do it tomorrow."

Jiang Xiaohan also expressed his opinion.

"I don't care, it's best to eat with Brother Tian."

Su Wei also said.

"That's fine. You can choose a place first. You can go to a higher-end one, such as a Michelin star. I remember we just opened a store in Chunjiang."

It just so happened that he hadn't tried this so-called high-end restaurant.

Just take your own staff to taste it.

"Mi! Michelin! Boss, is this true? This store is super expensive!!"

Li Tiantian did not expect that the boss actually said that he would take them to Michelin.

Immediately, the whole person was stunned.

The expression is also surprised and happy.

"Can I still lie to you? If you want to eat, we will go there together tomorrow!"

Zhang Lingtian said to him.

Michelin is located in the busiest shopping mall in Chunjiang.

That's Vientiane Mall.

Since it is said that employees will be given benefits, it is natural to show sincerity.

"Great! Ah Wei! We are going to eat Michelin!!!"

Li Tiantian was like a little girl who went to the market in the countryside, her eyes were shining brightly.

"thank you boss!!"

Jiang Xiaohan and Su Wei were actually quite touched.

After all, they didn't expect that the first time they went to such a high-end restaurant was actually a treat from the boss.

"It's not a big problem, let's go after dinner."

Zhang Lingtian said.

Soon everyone went to eat.

Everyone is full of energy this day.

"Boss Zhang."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a black nanny car stopped at the gate of Baishipu.

It was the group from yesterday.

After chatting for a long time in the reception room, Zhang Lingtian drove to the police station at six o'clock in the evening.

Captain Qin said yesterday that there was a meeting that he needed to attend, so he must come here, right?

"Mr. Zhang, you are here."

Jiang A·04048 The black Passat had just parked in the parking lot at the entrance of the police station, when a policewoman in uniform came over, it was Bai Jin.


After getting out of the car, Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Let us welcome Mr. Zhang Lingtian, a special criminal expert of the serious crime team."

Soon Zhang Lingtian was brought to a meeting room by Bai Jin, and he froze for a second, Qin Yan, who was wearing a white police uniform, applauded.

"Welcome Mr. Zhang!!"

More than a dozen policemen immediately stood up and saluted him with great momentum!

"Captain Qin, Vice-Captain Chen, why are you making such a fuss?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little dazed by this scene, which was too exaggerated.

"It should be, you are a crime expert hired by our police serious crime team, and we are also holding a group meeting to analyze some recent situations."

Qin Yan said with a smile.

Soon Zhang Lingtian put into work.

Especially after he has some clues about the case after the police.

"As you can see, these people are almost all older men, single, and in a different place, so what can attract them to go to one place? The understanding of normal people is to eat, drink, prostitute and gamble! Eat, drink, and gamble for five Two have never been involved so can be ruled out, the only one left is a prostitute, so I suggest that the police should focus on young single women who have lost their feet, and I believe they will commit crimes again."

Zhang Lingtian was talking about his specially transformed system scan results in the serious crime team.

And this meeting has been open from six o'clock to nine o'clock.

The police also obtained an investigation path by relying on themselves and referring to Zhang Lingtian.

"Mr. Zhang, it's hard work! We must hold a celebration banquet after this case is solved, and you are the first one!"

Qin Yan looked at Zhang Lingtian with gratitude in his eyes. It can be said that Mr. Zhang brought them a lot of ideas to solve the case today, and they were all substantive!

"I'm also a member of Chun Jiang. I hope to solve the case as soon as something like this happens. I'll leave it to Captain Qin and you guys."

After Zhang Lingtian finished speaking, he drove home.

After washing up and going to bed, I brushed my scarf before going to bed.

【1. Guests countdown "22 hours"】

【2. King of Yama · Ji Kun】

【3. Hades Have a Date·Li Meiting】

[4. Where are you, the second netizen 'Gardenia Blossom' named by Hades?Boss Zhang is looking for you! 】

【5. Sister Zhou is crazy】

[6. Netizens match Reba to keep Hades]


He found that was almost the same thing.

The number one ranking is still the strong "Mystery Everyday". Tomorrow at [-]:[-] pm is the last time for online voting. It will be clear at a glance who will be in the second round. Netizens are really enthusiastic about this.

Fans are also worried about their idols.

Especially those with 10-20 votes.

Worried about being targeted by someone and stealing the house.

Ranked second is Ji Kun. It can only be said that this is purely caused by someone. What is the ratio of death? Who is this prophet?
Zhang Lingtian wanted to ask this question more than once.

And the girl who rushed to No. 3 on the hot search list at the cost of her own life with the safety buckle, originally one could be saved, but who would have thought of it but thought too much.

The fourth on the hot search list is the second netizen I named in the live broadcast room today, that is, the girl after Li Meiting, but the other party did not respond.

For this person, the probability of danger is quite high, reaching 67%.

After the broadcast, he also sent a private message to the other party, but he has not replied to the private message so far.

Afterwards, Sister Zhou went crazy, and he didn't know why the other party went crazy again. I guess the ranking is going up?


Swiping, seeing the sixth article, Zhang Lingtian silently put a question mark.

Yesterday, an emotional guru just said that he lacked a girlfriend, and now netizens have pulled out another Reba.

He feels that these netizens are full and have nothing to do?

"How to do how to do."

However, Boss Zhang has nothing to do, and Reba on the other side is very worried. Could it be that she really wants to be sacrificed?

Late at night, the next day came in a blink of an eye.

"Mr. Zhang! Do you have time this morning? We have a little trouble here."

At eight o'clock in the morning, Qin Yan called Zhang Lingtian.

"Okay, just wait a minute."

After chatting for a few words and hanging up the phone, Zhang Lingtian drove to the police station. He guessed that the police must have discovered something.

And he was also very interested in the case.

So come right away.

"According to your train of thought Mr. Zhang last night, we did find a suspicious woman nearby. We were very stubborn on the way. We are now preparing for interrogation. Mr. Zhang, you have outstanding observation skills, so we specially invite you to come with us Trial."

If it is a general special talent, criminal experts are not qualified to participate in the interrogation.

But Zhang Lingtian is different, the other party has been transferred to permanent employment and has the qualifications for interrogation.

He just didn't know what to find out, and he didn't know what to do with Qin Yan.

Can only hope it goes well.

In this way, Zhang Lingtian and Qin Yan entered the interrogation room together.


 13400 words have been delivered, big guys, I’ll wake up first, if there are typos, I’ll correct them after waking up, please remind everyone, and then our boss Zhang has dropped out of 100 names, everyone, please work hard, ask for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets!Let's continue to reach the top [-]! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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