I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 131 Palace of the King of Hades, Death List and Strong List

Chapter 131 Palace of the King of Hell, Top [-] Death List

【Shock!Tigerfish female anchor Zhou Tianyongmei, even though the entire network does not want to appear on "Mysterious Everyday", she actually voted for herself to appear on this large-scale live variety show! 】

[The retrograde man in the internet celebrity world!help her!Let her realize her dream in the entertainment industry! 】

At the same time, some articles written by self-media have also been widely disseminated.

Zhou Yi was also hailed as the strongest retrograde person by netizens.

[30. Fear in the entertainment industry?Watch the strongest retrograde person in the Internet celebrity circle vote for himself! 】

This entry is also on the hot search list.

"Sister Zhou, we are optimistic about you!!"

"Come on, Zhou Tianyongmei!!"

"I've mobilized my roommates to vote for you, sister Zhou. We are bound to win this wave of entering the entertainment industry!"

"Don't get excited, we will help you realize your dream."

Water friends are also very busy.

At this moment, bullet screens are being sent out one by one.

"No, you guys don't bring such deceitful people, okay, you have watched the black silk, you have also watched the white silk, what are you going to watch next! I can't really show you a movie!"

Zhou Yi grabbed her hair.

People are very broken.

She thought everyone was joking before.

In fact, she felt that everyone was really joking.

Although I had more votes at first, I was still outside the top [-].

But what about now?

Really became No.10 overnight!
Became the first existence with such a high ranking in the Internet celebrity circle.

This really terrified her.

Mystery fell in love every day, and she was so afraid that she wanted to leave a last word.

I really don't want to meet Hades!

real!Not at all!

[Zhou Tian Yongmei Resource Sharing Group]

"Management: Which big brother bought the hot search? Let's withdraw it, Xiaoyi is really excited! I'm crying, look at it!!"

【Management: Picture.jpg】

Management is a senior fan.

I saw that the other party, Aite, had a group of friends.

"I don't know. Could it be the big brother?"

"I didn't buy it anyway, I guess it's the big brother."

"Ask Brother Yang! @扬名"



This is a fan group with only more than 80 people.

There are all big brothers on the list, and of course there are big sisters.

Although the name looks a bit unscrupulous, but the inside is pure green.

After all, what is there to see for Miss Zhou!
Unless you really cooperate with the teacher of the foot pot chicken, if there is a Shuangyongmei art performance, then everyone may... ahem.

"Yangming: I'm busy. Although it's not short of money, why do you want to buy hot searches?"

The big brother on the list also said that this is not a hot search he bought.

At this moment, after asking around, no one in the core group said that they bought the trending search.

This thing is weird.

Sister Zhou has a total of five fan groups in this wave.

Could it be that the black fans in the fan group bought it?

It costs a lot of money to be on the hot search list.

"Sister Zhou, have you done something shameful? Afraid of being exposed by Hades and causing the house to collapse?"

"Yes, yes, otherwise, why are you so resistant to this program? Did you do something that violated socialist values?"

"Could it be that you evaded taxes? Falsified your academic qualifications? Endorsed Liang Liang? Cheated on the college entrance examination? Or cheated on many people or even raped someone??"

The live broadcast continues.

At this time, I saw dozens of meaningful inquiries to this sister Zhou one by one.

"I can't bear to say that I evade taxes, falsify my academic qualifications, and cheat on many people! God damn rape! I am a woman! Who am I to rape!!"

Zhou Yi pointed to her small breasts and questioned in front of the camera, with a shocked expression.

Mainly it's too nonsense.

"Who said this woman can't be raped?"

"Yeah, there were news women who raped men before."

The arrogant water friends retorted one by one.

"Just report your ID card! I was responsible for the rape case of a woman robbed in a park that was reported in the news a while ago! Why don't you just report your ID card directly!"

Zhou Yi spread her hands out of a big picture.

"You finally admitted it!"

"So it's you! The same city, the same district, I knew I couldn't get away from you!"

"Zhou Tianyong's reputation is well-deserved! I guess that old man never dreamed that he would cut off his genetic inheritance in such a way."

"Robber: I just wanted to grab some pocket money, how did I get robbed?"

It turned out that there was a news some time ago.

A man robs a woman with a knife in a park in the middle of the night.

Instead, he was robbed by this woman.

Not only was the knife thrown aside, it even broke several ribs, and most importantly, even his lifeline was broken.

Arguably the worst robber in history.

And this news happened to be in the city where Sister Zhou lived, and more coincidentally, it was in the same district.

Some water friends used this incident to make fun of each other in Sister Zhou's live broadcast before.

Although she has not chatted with Mozi, another meat saint-level anchor who is full of dirty jokes, and has not chatted with her on WeChat for two years. She is a pure plastic sister, but the ability of the other party's dirty jokes is not much worse than that of Mozi.

There are even some jokes that are so nasty that even Mozi is confused.

So the netizens before joked, was it because Sister Zhou was robbed when she went home from the broadcast and passed by the park.

Then use Zhou Tianyongmei's technique to completely convince the opponent! !

That's right, this 'fold' is a verb.

"Ah! It's No. 9! Don't vote! Although I also want to make a film with Teacher Yongmei, I can't let it go. Super management will block it! What else do you want to see besides this? As long as you don't vote, I will definitely take it." Do it! House dance, house dance, I will dance for you!"

Sister Zhou expressed that she didn't want to continue this topic, and then clicked on the computer to enter the netizen voting list of mysterious every day program guests.

As a result, he was shocked!
She found herself from No.10 to No.9! !
"Would you like to wear underwear and do the house dance?"

"What the hell?"




Suddenly an old man said something amazing!


Zhou Yi looked at the barrage, her expression was full of Nani! (ω)! !
On this side, sister Zhou's live broadcast is hot.

Some fan clubs have big calculations too loudly.

"Vote! All votes for these internet celebrities!"

"Cover my brother, vote for internet celebrities! Let them go!!"

It turned out that Sister Zhou's soaring number of votes was not due to her own fans, but was bought by some celebrity agencies to cover her own artists.

The same is true for the star support club.

They also voted for these internet celebrities.

As for Zhou Yi, because she had voted for herself before, she was extremely topical.

First out of the circle.

In addition, there are Internet celebrities such as the big four horses, the chicken-eating sister Mozi, and the dull girl.

But their ranking is relatively low.

They are all between fifty and one hundred.

And in the list of the top [-], a web writer 'Chen Dou Bao Wu' unexpectedly appeared.

This product is a well-known pit product in the Internet literature world.

Frequently interrupted.

So the angry book friends directly put him on the "Mysterious Everyday" preliminary invitation list.

【Chapter 571: I am convinced of your sixth son "New" 10:01】

ten in the morning.

Damn, Chendou Baowu, which has been suspended for half a month, has been updated.

[This chapter said: I was scared, I was so scared, I was so scared that I didn't even eat breakfast, and I hurriedly wrote a chapter, more!Will definitely continue to update in the future!Ok!Guys, stop voting! ! 】

later in this chapter.

This Chen Dou and Bao Wu expressed his confusion.

If his friend hadn't cut a picture for him, he really wouldn't have known that he was on the top [-] death list.

Take a group photo with all the big stars, entertainment and business leaders in the front row.

It can only be said that this year's book friends are urging them to be more terrifying! !

These days, writing a book can be life-threatening.

"Pfft——, it's really updated!"

"Wow, wow, it's really updated! I voted for the monthly ticket, I hope you remember what you said and don't stop updating, otherwise Hades will serve you!"

"One vote for you, one vote for me, Chen Dou Bao Wu was taken aback, and will come to report the next day at the Hall of Kings of Hell!!"

"Anyway, try to update the top ten of the monthly ticket list, and Zha Geng's top ten of the death list in the Palace of the King of Hell. It depends on how you choose!"

"Brothers, let's jack him up! Scare him!!"


It is worthy of being a big brother in the Internet literary world.

Not long after this chapter was published, this chapter said that it came directly to 2999+.

Chen Dou Bao Wu was so scared that he took two bites of breakfast and went straight to the book friend group to beg not to vote, not to buy hot searches!
If this is really on the list, it will be worth it!
That is to be cool.

"Phew, writing a book these days is really a fucking dangerous business."

It was already eleven o'clock after all this was done, and Chen Dou and Bao Wu sent a voice message to the author group in the small circle.

I wanted to rest for a while.

In the end, who would have thought that these people would play for real.

Fortunately, the bigwigs in the group promise that as long as they update themselves, they don't need to meet Boss Zhang.

However, the brilliant performance of Chen Dou Baowu naturally attracted the attention of the majority of brokerage companies, and it seems that it would be good to arrange an online writer.

Can replace another one.

"Sister Li! Many people in our company have been squeezed out of the top ten, what should I do! I can't really play! That Zhang Lingtian is so scary!!!"

In a certain brokerage company, a little freshman with a basketball on his back and a middle part was stomping his feet.

He looked very worried.

"Kunkun, it's not that Sister Li doesn't help you, it's because you're behind Tear Onion, 138.14w tickets, our company is really in trouble."

Others can squeeze in.

But if Kun Kun is to be squeezed out, nine people have to be brought forward.


This difficulty is really too great.


Ji Kun was so devastated that he almost didn't perform a two-and-a-half-year dance on the spot.

"It's okay, don't you see that the tearing onion is also on it? This shows that going on this show may not necessarily lead to house collapse, let alone accidents, don't worry."

The sister Zhou said to her with a reassuring look.

"But he was also yelling at the bib, and said that he would definitely not be on this show, so wouldn't I be number one on the list?"

Ji Kun's expression was very haggard.

Undoubtedly, this is very fatal, and there is really no way to compare yourself with the other party.

After all, he is the son of the richest man, what is he?
When he used that ability, he was completely beyond his reach!

"No, no, I heard that director Yan Tao is planning to find the other party to be the host! And there is a high probability that this will happen."

Sister Li continued to comfort Kun Kun.

"Brother Onion will be the host? Really?"

Ji Kun's expression was a little dazed after hearing this.

It seems to want to determine the truth of the matter.

"Really! I heard from a friend who visited director Yan Tao in the hospital last night that he is very attached to the host of the second episode, that is, tearing the onion, and he is sure that the other party will definitely come."

Sister Li nodded with certainty and affirmation.

"Wait, hospital???"

Although Ji Kun played basketball poorly and weakly, his mind was still quite normal.

He quickly discovered the point, Director Yan Tao went to the hospital! !
"Um, last night he was eating supper at the barbecue stand outside the toilet table. For some reason, his throat was suddenly stuck, and he choked a few times. He felt a sore throat, so he was sent to the hospital to check for damage to the trachea and esophagus. "

Sister Li said to her at this time.

Just a while ago, there was also a news that a girl in her 20s rushed to a hot pot restaurant to celebrate her friend's birthday after working overtime at night, and when she returned home after dinner, the girl felt a bit sore in her throat.

She thought it was because the hot pot she ate that night was too spicy, so she didn't pay attention to it. As a result, her sore throat got worse and she even had difficulty breathing.

Later, symptoms of suffocation, chills, and dyspnea aggravated.

When he arrived at the hospital, he fell to the ground and couldn't afford to be rescued. Later, he suffered cardiac arrest and stopped breathing. He died in just 10 minutes. The cause of the disease was acute epiglottitis.

So this incident also gave Yan Tao a warning.

Feeling a sore throat, I rushed to the hospital immediately for various examinations.

Otherwise, if you encounter acute epiglottitis, your second episode will be cold before it even starts.

"So it is."

Ji Kun nodded when he heard this.

"So don't worry!"

Sister Li smiled.

the other side.

"Fuck off, I said that I will never be on this show, let alone be a host! Yan Tao, why don't you take my name down quickly, or I will never end with you!"

Tear Onion was being rude to the phone right now.

This Yan Tao actually had the nerve to call.

He had already made it clear to the other party before that he would never participate in this show!

On the other side is the toilet seat.

Looking at the hung up phone, Yan Tao fell into deep thought.

After thinking about it, I was relieved.

After all, how could a director who really worked hard for the show not be hard-working.

With his current status, countless actors want to find him. It looks very glamorous, but in fact they have to ask for someone.

For example, when filming a show, as a director, they have to visit an actor they think is suitable again and again, hoping that the other party can participate in the filming.

"Let's go to the magic capital!"

Yan Tao thought for a while and decided to go to Shanghai.

He is responsible for the show, for Boss Zhang!
Because he now seriously suspects that being tucked in last night seemed to be some kind of warning!
So he had to ask Tie Cong to come over to be the host of the show, and Hades would definitely want to watch him, especially now that the netizens are so enthusiastic and he has been voted first.

Magic City.

"Damn it, this is really the most stupid director I've ever seen in my life, it's like he can't understand human words!"

Tear onion chirped, and then turned on the live broadcast.

Because his mobile phone reminded that Boss Zhang seemed to be broadcasting live, he must go up and pay tribute to ensure safety, right?

"Hello, everyone, it's been a long time since I started the live broadcast."

11:00 minutes.

Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast started on time.

"Hi Boss Zhang!"

"God! Your benefactor is finally here!"

"Thanks to friends from the Rabbit Country for introducing us to the peace talisman paper, it is really super useful."

"I was brought here by my friend Amway. When will Boss Zhang start broadcasting the goods? We want to place an order!!"

Live just started.

In an instant, more than 80 netizens flooded in.

Most of them are foreigners!

"Haha, thanks for the support of foreign friends, I believe you have received the goods, but the benefactors and the like are too exaggerated, everyone should consume rationally, and the goods will be online tomorrow, let me give you a preview today and talk by the way Talk for half an hour."

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Lingtianxiao said with a smile.

If these ips were not from abroad, he even wondered if someone bought him a navy army, after all, the benefactor's peace talisman paper is super useful.

"I swear to God, really, since I brought a piece of safe yellow paper bought by the boss, I escaped a car accident yesterday! It almost hit me!"

"Lord, if I lie, please condemn me. It is really not an exaggeration. I put a piece of yellow paper in the child's school bag this morning. Do you know what happened later? Someone in their school took a spray My son was shot indiscriminately, and my son was unscathed! Oh! My Lord! You showed me the real Lord who appeared!"

"Our house was knocked down by a car, and I just went to pick up the courier, otherwise I wouldn't be able to send messages to everyone now, those friends who introduced me to buy yellow paper, you will always be my best friends!"


However, Zhang Lingtian's words attracted more comments from foreigners.

Everyone spoke about their experiences.

On the other side, Sister Zhou's live broadcast room.

"Huh? Boss Zhang is on the air? Go connect with the other party and beg to let him go on the show? Forget it, forget it, I'm cowardly! I think it's easier to dance house dances for you in underwear."

Zhou Yi saw a lot of messages from Boss Zhang on the barrage, and immediately acted as if she was scared.

"What are you talking about! Brave and awesome, you are not afraid of difficulties!"

"That's right, establish a good relationship with Boss Zhang in advance. I heard that Scallion often pays tribute to Boss Zhang, so it's okay in the end."

"Is there a conflict between house dancing in underwear and connecting with Boss Zhang? Brothers, do you just say conflict?!"

"Do not conflict!!"

Many water friends in Zhou Yi's live broadcast room became noisy.

"I suddenly found that you guys are really too much! But we can go and listen to what Boss Zhang has to say, but the connection and so on are really forgettable. Playing hard to get in the live broadcast room really wanted to cry without tears."

Zhou Yi quietly entered Boss Zhang's live broadcast room.

"Is that so? It might be a coincidence. After all, there were a lot of orders overseas last time. With such a large base number, there must be some coincidence. In fact, these are pure funeral supplies and have no special effect."

Looking at the foreign netizens in the live broadcast room, one by one, Zhang Lingtian explained to them.

It is estimated that some people are just lucky, this is not some kind of epiphany.

And his own yellow paper has no such effect.

"Brothers! This yellow paper can still be used like this? Is it safe for me to carry some when I go out in the future?"

Zhou Yi took a sip of water.

Brighten your eyes!

Because this is the Douyin platform, she doesn't have many fans, so she can watch the screen safely without being reminded by the system.

On the other hand, many water friends in the live broadcast room were also stunned by these foreigners' comments.

"This yellow paper still has these effects??"

Tear Onion is also a little puzzled, I bought a small warehouse of funeral supplies, so aren't you equivalent to the Iron Hat King?

But at that time, didn’t the netizens fool these foreigners into buying funeral supplies based on the principle of cheating foreigners’ money? This is not a talisman at all, is it reverse fooling?



"Is the foreigner fooling us in reverse?"

"I don't know, but I feel like they are not lying, and I also shared yellow paper on one of their social accounts."

This topic is also discussed in some group chats.

【Lena: This is a piece of lucky yellow paper. It helped our family escape a catastrophe. Thank you dear friends. 】

[Lena: Picture.jpg. 】

A screenshot was also posted. It was a woman holding yellow paper and praying to the Lord.

"This shouldn't be! Could it be that Lord Yama also engages in double standards?"

"It seems impossible to engage in double standards. After all, what good will it do for Lord Hades that those foreigners survive? Do you think there is a possibility that King Hades is robbing Death God?"

"Hey! Your statement makes sense! Isn't the god of death in charge of the outside world, so if you accept the yellow paper, it is equivalent to being under the control of the king of hell, so the king of hell made a few special cases to kill chickens and monkeys, because I, the king of hell, wanted her to kill her You want her to die, I'm sorry I won't pass it!"

"I think there is also a possibility, that is, the yellow paper and shroud of King Hades randomly generate lucky values! It's like a lottery!"

"Fuck! You are more believable! It should be like this!!"

However, the water friends in some group chats continued to discuss in depth, and analyzed two reasons that seemed very feasible.

The first one is just like the old ancestors back then, grabbing the territory, the purpose is to run away from the so-called God of death.

The second is random luck!
It's like a lottery!
And this has also been recognized by most people.

As for the accident boss Zhang said?

When does he not say accident?
If you believe him, you really lose!

"Has Boss Zhang noticed the mysterious daily votes? What do you say about the list?"

"Will Boss Zhang be in the second issue?"

"When will the second episode start? I'm looking forward to it!"

The water friends continued to ask.

The eyes of Zhou Yi, who was peeking at the screen, became even brighter! !
It is rumored on the Internet that Boss Zhang will be at the meeting, so will he be there or not?The other party hasn't confirmed it yet!

"Ah? Mysterious daily voting? I haven't watched it much, and I'm planning to participate in the second episode of this show, but I don't know when it will start broadcasting."

Originally, the live broadcast was to chat with water friends.

This matter is basically known to everyone, and the program team did not sign a non-disclosure agreement, so he chatted with everyone.

"Boss Zhang, we suddenly found out that you didn't seem to have a predestined relationship this time!"

"Yes, I suddenly realized that you haven't chosen a predestined person for a long time."

While chatting, the water friends suddenly mentioned one thing, that is the predestined person.

"Haha, is there someone destined? Let's smoke again when it airs tomorrow! It's not too early today, let's have lunch first, thank you for your support."

In front of the camera, Zhang Lingtian waved goodbye to the water friends in front of the camera.

"Brothers, I have already paid tribute, I hope I won't be selected!"

Sister Zhou quit the studio after paying 666666 Dou coins, and she also went to cook.

It was noon, and Baishipu was having lunch together.

"Hello, is Boss Zhang here?"

At this moment, a woman walked in with the help of an old man, and at the same time followed a young child.

There was a bit of curiosity and fear in the eyes of the other party who entered the funeral shop.

"It's me, Xiaohan pour tea."

After taking a few mouthfuls of food, Zhang Lingtian walked out of the tea room immediately.


Jiang Xiaohan immediately got up to pour tea.

"Actually, communication is advanced now. If you want to make an appointment for funeral services, just call our funeral shop, and we can come to the door in person."

Entering the reception room, Zhang Lingtian said with a smile.

There is no need to bring the elderly and children here.

It is also possible to come alone.

Or it's okay for them to come to your door.

After all, Baishipu is a service industry.

"Mr. Zhang, we have found you!"

After entering the reception room, the old lady's expression was very excited.


Zhang Lingtian was a little dazed.

At the same time, he also carefully looked at the three people, and found that he didn't have the slightest impression of the old lady or the young woman, or even the child.

Why did the other party look like he was looking for him?

"Boss Zhang, we are not here for the funeral this time, but we want you to help us find someone."

The young woman said to her in a very polite tone at this time.

"Let me help you find someone???"

Zhang Lingtian was stunned when he heard this.

"Yes, the child's father is in the timber business. Last time, a batch of goods came to Chunjiang to ask for them, but somehow they disappeared from the world. We couldn't find him. We heard that there is a live King of Hades in the south. I know geography under astronomy, so I want to come here and ask you to do a fortune telling us to find out where the child's father is!"

The young woman nodded at this time and said to Zhang Lingtian.

"But I'm a funeral shop! How can I look for someone! Isn't this about the police?"

Zhang Lingtian was in a mess.

He thought the other party was here to do something for nothing.

Who would have thought that they actually came here to ask for their own fortune-telling.

Simply outrageous!

"Mr. Zhang, we called the police, but there has been no clue. This grandson is only eight years old and cannot live without a father! If you help us, we are willing to pay a million dollars!!"

The old lady is so excited that she is about to kneel down!

They also had no way to find here.

The police have not made any progress for a month now.


 I made a video call for more than an hour when I was coding this evening. At present, there are only 6888 characters. I originally planned to have 3200 characters, but [-] characters are missing. Let’s make it up at the end of tomorrow!Ask for a monthly pass!Recommended ticket! !

(End of this chapter)

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