I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 126 The killer in the mental hospital shocked the world! (1)

Chapter 126 The killer in the mental hospital shocked the world! (one)

【Ding!System scan started! 】

[Scan object: Zhang Lingtian]

[Danger signal: 80% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: Overly outstanding performance greatly increases the probability of being murdered. Please be aware of changes in the surrounding environment in time. Currently, this system can only detect the probability of danger, and cannot resurrect the host from death. Be sure to pay attention to life safety. 】

[Customer attributes: high-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: This is the host himself, it doesn't matter whether he pays attention or not. 】

While driving, there was a sound in Zhang Lingtian's mind, and it turned out that the 6cm system started scanning again.

The other party is very straightforward, and it's just that he can't do it.

After using it for so long, he still knows the specific functions of this system!

That is, it can only detect dangers, at most it is to deepen the details of specific dangers.

However, I scanned today and found that the probability of danger within three days has reached 80%. Why did it increase by 2% for no reason?

Zhang Lingtian was very curious.

"Morning focus, focus on hot spots, drivers and friends are welcome to listen to the morning focus news. I am the anchor Xiaomeng. Recently, Boss Zhang, who is known as the king of criminals and living Hades, has appeared on the Mysterious Everyday program. People in various circles are panicking, especially It's those unclean people who can't sleep or eat well, come on, let's take a look at today's trending searches, the number one is Outstanding Classmate."

If he is not in a hurry in the morning, Zhang Lingtian will turn on the radio occasionally. After all, the road is a bit boring, and listening to the radio can relieve boredom.

【1. Excellence letter of apology and announcement of handling results】

At the moment, the number one in the hot search list is Outstanding Classmate.

A letter of apology with crooked handwriting like that of a primary school student, and an official notice of handling in white on a blue background sparked explosive comments from netizens.

"Him? Top searched?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little curious about what the other party had overwhelmed Tie Cong and Wu Mian. Could it be that the result of the treatment came out?Then Zhuo Liang's brainless fans also started to join the ranks of assassinating him?
After all, Wumian has similar brain-dead fans, what if this excellence also has it?
However, it is naturally impossible for him to look at his mobile phone while driving.

So continue to listen to the broadcast on the radio at this time.

"The college entrance examination is a relatively fair thing. There are always some people who have little power and want to cheat for personal gain. I hope this incident can teach this group of people a painful lesson. Of course, some people may wonder whether this incident has anything to do with Boss Zhang. , the same program, the same group of people, and the same slip of the tongue as Dr. Tianlin was exposed in the live broadcast, I personally prefer that it doesn't matter."

The radio station broadcast the incident in its entirety. It turned out that the father of Zhuo Liang, who was a high-ranking official, was punished and dismissed because of this incident.

The director of the Education Bureau was also dismissed for serious violations of discipline.

The principal was also dismissed and punished!
The Director of the Office of the Education Bureau is also cold!

The vice principal is cool.

As for the inspectors of the Education Bureau, they were directly prosecuted for the crime of forging state agency certificates.

The so-called public prosecution is a criminal case, which means you will go to jail!

But the anchor Xiaomeng's words are very meaningful. Are you sure it has nothing to do with Boss Zhang?
"What an idiot, plucking radishes with mud, and directly punishing twenty people!"

"Hahaha, this is the legendary pig teammate, right? It's a good time to have fun, teammate crematorium!"

"Not bad, not bad, Hedong's attitude has nothing to say! And it's almost the same as Dr. Tianlin's investigation at the speed of light, and a lot of people have been mobilized!"

"Nonsense! Boss Zhang is watching, but he is a special talent of the police! Who knows how special it is! What if it is a special one-line docking of 01? Besides, didn't you realize that this little host has a strong desire to survive?"

"Pfft, I laughed so hard, I want to say this too. The previous words were all aimed at Boss Zhang, but the latter sentence has nothing to do with Boss Zhang! This little girl's desire to survive is absolutely gone!"

During the morning rush hour, many taxi drivers also like to listen to the radio, and this has become a hot topic among them while driving.

Even each of them was chatting with a walkie-talkie.

I have to say that Hedong's attitude this time is really correct, and the handling of the matter can be called the speed of light.

At the same time, he is not afraid of some people at all, such as the father of Zhuo Liang, who can be said to be a very big official in a city, and he is also dismissed.

Speaking of which, this is still the stepfather, and this unlucky son is really the leader of cheating his father.

It is estimated that the group of people who have been kicked out now want to kill Zhuo Liang, after all, the current job can be said to be the one where thousands of troops cross a single-plank bridge.

If it wasn't for being pulled down, life now can be described as all kinds of beautiful things.

However, who would have thought that what happened several years ago, a live broadcast, the fool himself exposed it.

Of course, in addition to this outstanding classmate, the anchor Xiaomeng is also hotly discussed by everyone.

Because the other party's desire to survive is really outrageous.

He clearly said the same three times, and pointed the finger at Boss Zhang, but at the end he said abruptly that it had nothing to do with the other party, isn't this nonsense!


Finish a piece of news.

Xiaomeng took a deep breath, and then took a sip of water.

Lord Hades can't speculate blindly, otherwise a certain colleague will end up in the end!
"Fucking shit! You are spreading rumors about labor and capital!!!"

On the other side, Tie Onion woke up and glanced at the news, and he exploded on the spot!

"Your call was not answered, beep beep—"

He called the unscrupulous reporter Li Jiali.

But no matter what, the call just doesn't work.

"Hello, Brother Onion."

Finally, Tie Cong called the female assistant Yu Xiaoyun.

"Did you gang up with other people to harm me? Do you know what will happen if you spread rumors to Boss Zhang! Are you crazy! Where is that Li? Hot search!!"

Tear onion yelled.

Although the opposite is a woman, but his life may be in danger right now, here, he doesn't care if you are a man or a woman!
As long as you dare to mess with him, he can scold you out of the sky!
"Brother Cong, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, mainly because the reporter surnamed Li found it through the company, but he also got his own retribution! Now we are trying to reduce the popularity of this hot search. "

Yu Xiaoyun was dumbfounded when she saw the trending searchers this morning!
After all, this was still dialed from my own phone yesterday.

How can the other party bring the recording.

And he even turned the recording of rhetorical questions into declarative sentences!

But this Li Jiali can be considered to have suffered retribution.

"Retribution? What do you mean?"

Shredded onion suddenly grasped a point.

"The road was slippery in rainy days. I fell down the stairs of the overpass and accidentally fell. Both legs and right hand were broken."

Yu Xiaoyun said.


Tie Cong extinguished a lot of anger just now when he heard this.

Speaking of which, Hades would indeed be angry.

After all, this is purely spreading rumors about him.

This reporter is also a cowhide!
Whoever's fake news is not good, you have to get Boss Zhang.

Are you able to spend the money you earn through eye-catching news like this?

"It's no wonder why so many people have been punished for being number one on the hot search list."

On the other side, Zhang Lingtian, who was driving to Ping'an Baishipu, now knew why the outstanding students were able to rush to the hot search list. Basically, it can be said that the entire local education department was shaken.

Because they dealt with a large number of people, their school too, plus more than 20 people were unlucky because of this outstanding classmate's oral sex.

But what to say.

His understatement and even a bit of showing off is enough to prove the distortion of his three views. He doesn't believe that such a person can bring any positive energy, and it's okay to be confused.

[People's Daily Online: First, Dr. Tianlin didn't know how to know the Internet, and then there were outstanding students from previous years who became new graduates.It's not that the netizens are holding on to the artists, but that they themselves have provoked the anger of the public.Educational fairness is related to the future of the country, and there is no room for fraud.This time is a warning, and I hope artists can understand that it is not that artists are not free to speak, but that no one is an exception in the face of fairness and order. @Forward bib]

Bib, People.com fired the first shot.

The other party directly criticized the outstanding classmate who was the number one in the hot search list.

The other party even forwarded the processing results of Hedong.

[Youth.cn: I have to say that it is certainly a correct performance for outstanding students to finally admit their mistakes and accept their punishment, but if they knew this earlier, why bother.If you want to use one word to describe this incident, the most appropriate one is probably "stupid", and this incident is enough to arouse the vigilance of the society. 】

Youth Net also played at this moment, and the other party's tone was much gentler.

[Xinhuanet: Obviously, in his perception, changing one's identity is a common thing, and it's not a big deal to use some means.He lacks awareness of the fault of this matter, lacks recognition of social fairness and awareness of rules, but is quite proud of it, which leads him to show off his qualifications in the live broadcast, which is the same reason as why not eat minced meat. 】

[Hedong Evening News: The sense of privilege is not developed in one day, but gradually formed over a long period of subtle influence.The fact that everyone continues to watch outstanding students is based on a simple feeling for fairness and justice, a call for awareness of rules, and a hope to promote accountability for those who break the rules, so as to form a good social atmosphere! 】

[Education Network: Educational fairness is an important indicator of social fairness, and no one has the privilege of exceeding it. 】

But it's just that the tone of Youth Net is mild.

Other official websites didn't give a little face.

One by one, they also posted their own comments while reposting the processing results!
This morning, the whole network was hotly discussed.

Indeed, the outstanding student matter is indeed very bad in nature, he is equivalent to touching the foundation of education!

Soon, this outstanding classmate became a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

Even the drama school he graduated from revoked his degree, and even their local college entrance examination results were revoked.

The fan club of this outstanding classmate is so excited.

They all said that no one is perfect, their idols are just fresh graduates whose identities were faked, and their [-]-point college entrance examination scores were not faked, so why should they be canceled? !
It was only 35:[-] in the morning, and the war without gunpowder in the bib had already been performed extremely fiercely.

And on the road around the city.

Zhang Lingtian continued to listen to the morning news.

"At the end of November, it's pretty fast!"

The anchor Xiaomeng started to talk about Wu Mian after talking about Zhuoyue's classmate. In the news, the police said that they had submitted various materials to the procuratorate, and the trial would be at the end of November at the earliest.

It doesn't sound like you're really a fan of Wu Mian, right?
Zhang Lingtian recalled what Wumian's idiotic fans had said before to take revenge on him, and it seemed to them that he was caught because of his pigeons.

However, just when Zhang Lingtian was fascinated by listening to the morning news.

"Die! I got 300 million!!!"

In the rear, a car with a distance of at least 500 meters accelerated! !
Chunjiang is a second-tier city.

There are relatively few high-speed vehicles around the city.

A man in a mentally ill costume is staring at a black Passat 500 meters away!

He stepped on the accelerator with a hideous face!
That's right!He is a psychopath!Also a professional killer! !

Because I accepted my mental illness certificate, he became the best candidate for the killer. Just three years ago, because of his mental illness, he killed an important person who came to the factory to investigate. , which was out of control, and was sent to a nursing home.

Today, as a mentally ill person, I accidentally drove away a car that forgot to take the keys to the toilet, and after rear-end collision, I took a kitchen knife and hacked to death the person who had disputes with me because of road rage. Is this reasonable?Is there nothing wrong with it?
After completing this order, you will get 300 million.

It was promised there that it would still be treated in a nursing home for several years.

Who remembers this after coming out?

With a certificate of mental illness in his hand, he is flexible and crazy, and he is not responsible for killing people. He can get whatever he wants in a nursing home!


140! !!
His name is Xu Xiao.

At this moment, I plan to smash Passat's ass and rush him to the roadside pier.

If dead the mission is completed.

It's okay for a mentally ill person to drive and kill someone.

He can't die.

If you stun, then a mental patient can't control himself because of road rage, and chops the opponent with a machete, which is also very reasonable!

So today, all of this is determined to be achieved!

This Zhang Lingtian must die too! !


However, in the next second, Xu Xiao suddenly realized that he couldn't step on the brake anymore! !


Panic in the next second! !

Is there something wrong with this car? !

"Stay steady! Hit him directly!!!"

After all, as a professional killer, especially the one who still bears his life, he quickly calmed down!

In such an unexpected situation, since you can't stop the car, then don't brake!
Give it a go and hit this Passat directly, what if it recovers after the collision brake? !
Besides, even if it does not recover, it is possible to stop the car by rubbing against the railing on the side, anyway, there is a Passat as a buffer.

that's it!
Although he was still stepping on the hard brakes, he was staring at the black Passat, which was less than 300 meters ahead and getting closer, and calculated the collision point at the same time!

"Damn it! I almost missed the crossing around the city!"

Zhang Lingtian was fascinated by the morning news, but luckily he is also an old driver.

He turned the steering wheel directly, moved coquettishly, and turned from the slow lane to the intersection.

Fortunately, it is in the slow lane. If it is in the fast lane or the middle lane, this wave will be really late!

It's all torn onions!And the rumor-mongering World Wide Web! !
It turned out that in the morning news just now, Zhang Lingtian heard the so-called major news from the reporter of Huanqiu News.

That's what.

Tear onions and pay tribute, a catastrophe turns into a minor misfortune, the King of Hades lacks indicators, and the abbot fills in performance!
He said that the trip to Lingfo Temple was deliberately arranged by him, and a recording was attached.


Zhang Lingtian's expression was full of question marks at that time, and he was even more stunned.

That's not how human blood steamed buns are eaten!

"Brother Onion, we want to ask if Boss Zhang gave you a hint to go to Lingfo Temple?"

It was a woman's voice.

"Hint from Boss Zhang!"

Then there is the answer of tearing the onion.

Of course, I don’t know if the recording has been dealt with. If it has been dealt with, the reporter is spreading rumors. If it hasn’t been dealt with, then the problem of tearing shallots is very big! !


Zhang Lingtian suddenly moved coquettishly, seeing the target in front of him suddenly disappear, Xu Xiao was full of question marks! !
"My Nima!!!"

The next second he was stupid, because his speed had reached 180! !
But the brakes are still hard, and I can't step on them at all! !

(End of this chapter)

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