I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 121 A Storm, Fatal Impact on the Academic Circle!

Chapter 121 A Storm, Fatal Impact on the Academic Circle!
After all, the doctor's thesis must be more profound than the graduate student's thesis, so it must be very nice to learn from it.

Under normal circumstances, doctoral dissertations will be included in HowNet, so you only need a name to find them.

Even some keywords are fine.

"Ahem! I see that everyone is asking me questions. Don't be in a hurry. After all, it's a live broadcast. It's embarrassing for everyone to look at me, so I'll ask my assistant to collect the information from the live broadcast room later. Some questions, and then randomly answer."

Dr. Tianlin coughed dryly at this moment.


The voice of the female assistant came from the side.


"That's great! Boss Tianlin is really close to the people!"

"I look forward to it. I hope that Dr. Tianlin can tell us about his Ph.D. experience and recommended book list!"


For a while, everyone was very enthusiastic.


The sound of printing came from the camera.

"Our little assistant is very motivated. After a while, he printed out a lot of questions. Of course, everyone is very enthusiastic. The questions on five A4 papers, but I have to tell you first, because I have limited time. Answer them one by one, I will only pick some interesting questions."

Tianlin got five pages of A4 paper, all of which were questions from netizens.

And now he also made a statement to everyone in front of the camera.

"It's all right! We feel very good if Big Brother Tianlin can answer a part of it!"

"That's right, Boss Tianlin watched and selected some questions to answer. You must know that Boss Ph.D. generally pays experts to answer questions, and we don't expect to take up too much of your time."

"Hope to be picked, hhh~"

The water friends in the live broadcast room felt that it would be great if a big star like Dr. Tianlin could answer some questions.

It is basically impossible to ask the other party to answer all of them, because such a boss doesn't have that much time.

"Okay, it's good that everyone can understand. First of all, the first question comes from the question of 'I love to spit skin'. I hope to talk about the process of studying for a Ph. D. and the recommended book list."

Dr. Tianlin looked at one of them and began to read.

Then he frowned and looked at the camera.

"I just like to spit skin: Ah! I won the lottery! Dr. Tianlin actually chose my question!!"

In the comment area, a netizen named Jiuai Tupi seemed very excited at the moment.

"I want Cobb, but I've been hesitating."

"Ask for a book list, I want to know what the bosses are usually reading."

Of course, this netizen's question also resonated with everyone.

Especially some netizens who are preparing to take the Ph. D. want to know the process of Ph. D. reading.

"Basically, there is nothing to say about the process of studying for a Ph. You guys are not very interested, so let me recommend some novels, um..."

Dr. Tianlin was silent for about ten seconds and then said the name of a novel.

Those who don't know think that Dr. Tianlin is good for everyone.

However, he already regretted choosing this question a bit, because he himself rarely reads books.

If you call him a recommended book list, it will be embarrassing if you mispronounce the name of any book!

So he recommended a novel that he had kept in a drawer and hadn't read yet.

Just four words.

Very easy to remember.

It was said at this time.

"Ah! I've read this novel!"

"I never thought that Dr. Tianlin also likes to read novels."

"Doing a Ph.D. is definitely impossible to study hard. You can read all kinds of books, whether it is entertainment or study."

Some people in the barrage area have also read this novel.

Some people were very surprised.

But some people say that after all, doctors are human beings, so there must be time for recreation, right?

It is also normal to read some novels.

"The next question, this is a student majoring in film. Let's read the question from the student who said 'sparse hair will be bald sooner or later', 'Boss Tianlin, I am a graduate student majoring in film, and I am bald when I write a thesis recently. I want to study your thesis, what is your name in HowNet?'”

Tianlin was wearing a white shirt and a black vest, reading and asking questions in front of the camera.

"Sparse hair will be bald sooner or later: damn it!!"

"Probably fate: this question is good, I also want to pay homage to Dr. Tianlin's doctoral dissertation!!"

After this topic came out, netizens were excited!

PhD thesis.

That's what a top degree thesis would look like!
expect! !
"HowNet? What is HowNet?"

Dr. Tianlin was a little dazed in front of the camera after reading this sentence.






However, everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

"Sparse hair will be bald sooner or later: Dr. Tianlin, don't you know HowNet? Hahaha, so humorous!!"

Even the questioner froze for a moment.

It's really humorous to send a message to the other party.

"Humor? The screen is full of question marks. It can be seen that everyone thinks it is very strange, so this 'thin hair' fan, can you tell everyone what CNKI is? I really don't know this thing."

Looking at the question marks all over the screen, he thought that everyone felt the same way as him, and then repeated a sentence.

The whole look is even more confused, and I want to ask this netizen with thin hair to explain.


However, he didn't notice, and the female assistant on the side froze for a moment.

toilet table hotel,

"Huh? Is he joking??"

Su Wei and Li Tiantian were watching the live broadcast.

The other party doesn't know what HowNet is, this is outrageous!

Although the references do not have to be above, normally speaking, knowing HowNet is at least the common sense of a graduate student.

To use more common sense as a metaphor, it is as if a top Chinese chef doesn't know what a spatula is, which is very outrageous.

"It doesn't look like it to me...because Dr. Tianlin doesn't seem to be reversed."

Everyone is waiting, we are all looking at foreign references, whoever goes to the low-level stuff on HowNet.

As a result, Dr. Tianlin went directly to the next question.

In other words, I really don't know about him!

"It's a lot of fun!!"

"Hahaha, I can laugh at this joke forever, Dr. Tu doesn't know HowNet!"

"Mother, this buddy is still chatting happily. Just now, he thought that the question mark everyone put was on the same front as him. I blindly guessed that Hades' curse is about to come true again."

"Three kills? Hahaha!"


In addition to them, students from major colleges and universities are also talking about this matter.

After all, this Nima is too watery!
Tubozhi.com doesn't even know how the other party graduated?
This kind of hell joke they really can laugh for a lifetime.


"Hahaha, I also reported it! It was directly sent to the Film Academy."

"I've turned to the Education Department! After all, labor and management have worked so hard to write papers to earn grade points, so why are you a scumbag who doesn't even know about CNKI and still pretends to be a doctor all day long!"

There are also some students who choose to report, resolutely have zero tolerance for academic misconduct, oppose academic hegemony, and learn to operate in secret! !
twelve o'clock.

Dr. Tianlin ended the live broadcast. He didn't know that what he said an hour ago had set off a new round of public opinion storm.

Netizens identified him as the target of Hades' upcoming triple killing.

As for Zhang Lingtian and the others, they were having lunch, which was their last meal in Xiangjiang.

After eating, they departed for the airport and returned to Chunjiang.

As for Dr. Tianlin's matter, except for Li Tiantian, basically no one would search specifically, unless the other party was on the trending search.

a hotel.

"Xiaotian, why are you looking at me like that? I find your little girl's eyes are very strange."

Dr. Tianlin looked at his assistant with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Boss, why don't you come round? Is this a deliberate hype?"

There was a puzzled look in the assistant Xiaotian's eyes.

Just now she thought that the boss has a new drama coming online, maybe she wants to use this to hype the topic.

That's why you say such stupid things.

Next should be the inversion.

She didn't remind her and just waited for the other party to say that HowNet is a low comparison thing.

But the other party went directly to the next question, which made her very puzzled. Could it be that this was an arrangement by the crew to hype the traffic?

After all, you have to find something to talk about before a new drama is released!

This is very suitable for topic hype.

It's just that the confidence must be strong, and the academic papers can withstand the inspection.

In this way, the warrior who convinced everyone not only gained traffic but also confirmed his doctorate status.

"What hype, come round? Xiaotian, why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

Dr. Tianlin was a little puzzled, why he couldn't understand what his little assistant was talking about!

"HowNet! Boss, don't you know!"

Assistant Xiao Tian is in a hurry!
She knows HowNet even after her undergraduate degree, but the boss doesn’t know HowNet after her Ph.
The possibility of this is almost zero.

But seeing the boss's incomprehensible appearance, she was a little dazed again.

"Oh, that's right! I remembered that some fans asked me HowNet, what is this HowNet? How come I don't know?"

Because during the live broadcast, he could only see the comments in the bottom border bar, and the bullet screen had to be viewed from another mobile phone, so he didn't look carefully.

After all, there were really many questions at that time, and I didn't have too much time, so I ignored everyone's comments and answered quickly.

But what is HowNet has always made him feel very confused.

At that time, the fan with thin hair did not answer either.

"Boss, you really don't know HowNet?!"

The assistant Xiao Tianmei's eyes widened, and she looked at the doctoral boss in front of her with a very surprised look.

"What is this website? Is it famous? Why does everyone need to know about it?"

Tianlin felt that the eyes of his assistant were a bit strange. He was usually busy with study and work, so he didn't know that this website was normal. Why did everyone have to know it to be a normal person?

The little assistant glanced at his boss sympathetically.

It’s cold!

It's completely cold now!

Although she knew that it was normal for everyone in the entertainment industry to make human beings, she never thought that a Ph.D. would not know HowNet.

Isn't this just telling everyone that there are problems with my thesis and that I am academically misconducted?

"What's your expression like?"

Dr. Tianlin was a little dazed, his newly recruited assistant was a little out of his mind, and he actually looked at him with sympathy.


However 5 minutes later.

After listening to the little assistant's description to HowNet, Dr. Tianlin broke out in a cold sweat! !


And just at this moment, Dr. Tianlin received a call.

It was actually his teacher who called.

"You're fucking out of your mind!!"

As soon as Dr. Tianlin answered the phone, the Ph.D supervisor on the other end yelled at him!

"Old, boss, what's the matter??"

In the studio, someone called the teacher the boss or the boss, and he was stunned by the scolding right now!
"Are you a pig! We received a notice from above to check your thesis! What the hell, can you just keep your mouth shut? Misfortune comes out of your mouth! Do you know that you have hurt others!!"

Tianlin's Ph.D supervisor shouted angrily!
He has just been notified that he himself will be investigated.

Because he is the person in charge of Tianlin's doctoral dissertation, that is, the other party's tutor.

This shit is really a scapegoat!

"Ah! Boss! No way! Then what should I do? Help!!"

Dr. Tianlin was dumbfounded.

I said it more than an hour ago.

so fast!
Everyone knows that there is a problem with their thesis.

Wouldn't it be cool if an outside expert came to investigate this?

"Help! I'm here to remind you, you'd better reduce the impact of this matter as soon as possible, otherwise the Heavenly King and I will not be able to save you! I have to be unlucky with you!"

Boss Chen snorted coldly!
a little.

It was just over an hour before he ended the live broadcast.

More than two hours have passed since the famous scene at eleven o'clock.

This topic quickly became a trending topic on bibs, and countless media reposted it one after another. All of a sudden, the criticism of Dr. Tianlin was overwhelming!
Directly on the noon news of some channels.

[4. I don't know Zhiwangzhai Tianlin! 】

In an instant, Dr. Tianlin became a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat, attracting a lot of forwarding and comments.

In the end, it was ranked fourth on the hot search list, occupying a place in the top ten, and successfully took a photo with Hades.

"Doctors don't know HowNet? Interesting! Suggest a strict investigation!"

"Hahaha, this expression is so funny! Dr. Tianlin, get ready to cool off!"

"You don't know HowNet? HowNet is a website that causes headaches for college students but has to go!"

"Additionally, HowNet is the source of thesis ideas for college students who are about to graduate across the country. In June, they need to translate the rabbit articles on HowNet into rabbit articles. /狗头"

"Hahaha, (钟文→兔文→咔文→兔文) = nice paper!"

"I want to say that Boss Zhang has finally started to rectify the entertainment industry. These so-called actors with doctorate degrees are really crazy!!"

All the water friends are fun people. People who set themselves up as PhDs all day long don’t know what HowNet is. This wave directly made them very happy, and they came here to eat melons immediately.

Some even threw the opening report aside!
It's important to eat melons!

Of course, some people praised Yan Wang for finally starting to rectify the entertainment industry. This is not a so-called Ph.D. who just collapsed his house. After all, the other party didn't even know how.
And he worked so hard to study a graduate student, and now he is writing a thesis until he is bald, just for one graduation!
HowNet has to be opened [-] times a day!
Really comfortable!

However, these applauding netizens don't know that this Dr. Tianlin will usher in a new storm.

Not only the show business circle, but even the academic circle has also suffered a fatal blow!

It has a long history.

Incense every year.

[Zhai Tianlin: Actually, I wanted to make a joke at the time. I knew HowNet, but we never used it. The websites we wrote the most papers on were Google Scholar, BASE, ProQuest, and Research Gate. Please don’t Continue to misrepresent! 】

Seeing that everyone forwarded it one after another, I became a street mouse.

Dr. Tianlin immediately released the public relations of the scarf!

Try to minimize the impact of this incident, and then fade it out of the public eye.

"Hahahaha! If you had said this live, you probably wouldn't have collapsed the house! Now it's a joke from hell."

"Would you like to replay your live broadcast at that time? You said with that expression that you wanted to make a joke, and you thought I was reading psychology for nothing? There must be something wrong with your thesis!"

"Now you know, HowNet is the thing that ruins your reputation! You Dr. Water Pen! I hope that the strict investigation will give our students justice!!"

"Check the weight of tens of millions of articles, the first article on HowNet. I don't know what it is, but Tianlin tears two lines."


Scarf, no one believes this Dr. Tianlin, after all, the expression on the other side is really real!
In particular, there are psychologists who make various analyzes in the comment area.

Xiangjiang Airport.


Zhang Lingtian and his group had already set off for the airport. Watching the news ferment, Li Tiantian knew that her house had collapsed.

Dr. Tianlin is a fountain pen, and their boss is a liar!

It was agreed that there will be no accidents in the entertainment industry, and my idol will be fine, but what about now?What has become of this!

Proper liar! !

He is Hades!
The kind that after the death sentence is issued, the guilt sentence is issued! !

"Get on board."

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian's voice sounded.

It turned out that it was their boarding time.

From the VIP box, they boarded the plane through a special passage and flew to Chunjiang.

The trip to the Xiangjiang River is completely over at this moment.

In the evening, the sun sets.

[1. Dr. Zhai Tianlin, who is called No.1 Doctor of Actor in today’s live broadcast room, claims that he doesn’t know HowNet. Is it possible that he doesn’t know HowNet in the domestic academic environment?How much do you think the other party's degree is worth?As for the subsequent rumor rebuttal, do you think it was public relations? 】

Compared with the scarf, I seem to be more enthusiastic about this issue.

This directly rushed to the top of the hot search list, and the popularity reached an unprecedented 5000 million! !
"Tsk tsk tsk, Dr. Tianlin, HowNet is Zhihu, also called Bhu, or Station B!"

"Good guy, thanks to Dr. Tianlin. Originally, our school's repetition rate was 30%. Just an hour ago, a new notice was issued, asking for 25%. I have already dropped a handful for the 5% repetition rate. hair!!"

"Sister, you can just laugh at the 25% rate. In the notice just now at noon, our duplicate check rate cannot be higher than 5%."

"Dude, is your teacher asking you to recreate a field?"

"Ahhh! I really want to send blades to someone in Zhai. The first draft of the thesis has been revised at least 10 times. The teacher just nodded this morning, and was asked to overhaul by the instructor 5 minutes ago. The entire group was spared and all were approved. One pass...I hate him to death!!! I'm just a hot fresh graduate, I really just want to get a diploma \(〇_o)/!"

"Thank you, Dr. Tianlin, I just received a notification that I need a blind review and a random inspection as a garbage undergraduate. I really miss Gan Linniang!"

"As a teacher who is presenting students' papers, I also want to greet Dr. Tianlin. I'm going to throw up after reading the papers in the afternoon!"


After the matter of Dr. Tianlin came out, the school urgently set up an investigation team in the afternoon.

And spot-checked each other's papers.

The link between school and school is very close.

According to some internal information, the higher ups are very furious! !

This academic paper is not to mention a doctoral degree, even a postgraduate degree is enough!
So the other party is serious academic misconduct!
At the same time, the higher authorities made a decision to strictly investigate from now on! !
Which university has a problem, which university should be dealt with.

So both the school and the dissertation advisor panicked in this wave!

The papers that were originally intended to be ignored with one eye turned a blind eye were all tightened up at the moment.

For example, the student who asked for a major revision after the morning passed in the afternoon, and the instructor of the other party also expressed that he would like to greet Dr. Tianlin.

Originally drinking a cup of tea comfortably, the students passed away after drinking water.

The result is so special to be notified.

Whoever's student paper is unqualified, whoever is drawn later will be dealt with!
Including but not limited to notification of criticism, disqualification of master and doctoral supervisors, dismissal of appointment, etc.

Hot searches on the Internet at [-]:[-], investigation team established at [-]:[-], spot checks at [-]:[-], colleges and universities notified at [-]:[-], and dissertation tutors at [-]:[-] began to carefully read the students' first drafts of thesis.

The fastest 04:30 sent a modification notice.

Slower ones are at five or six o'clock.

"This person is really stupid and memorized. There are so many people watching the live broadcast, and so many questions are five pages long. You just saw this one. If you see it, you can see it. If you don't understand what it means, don't read it out. , You just read it out again Σ(д;) and convinced you, it’s really destined to be planted (_ゝ`).”

"Ahem, to be honest, it's true that he still has the courage to start a live broadcast..., since the live broadcast is ready, it's outrageous not to make some drafts and preparations in advance to deal with the situation."

"It can only be said that the ignorant are fearless."

Unbelievable, of course some people choose to sympathize with him.

I feel that luck is too bad.

It's exactly six o'clock.

[Film Academy's periodic report on the investigation results of the actor Tianlin incident. 】

The Film Academy released a phased investigation report.

Academic misconduct is confirmed.

Seven forty-five.

【News Feeds】

"In addition, at today's press conference of the Education Department, the spokesperson also responded to the recent hot incident about actor Zhai Tianlin's alleged academic misconduct. In view of the serious impact of the matter, an investigation team was immediately established and the relevant units were asked to conduct a thorough investigation. , while reaffirming 'zero tolerance' for academic misconduct!!"

There was actually something about Dr. Tianlin being broadcast up there, and the host was talking about it right now.

Suddenly the screen switched to a blue screen.

That's the spokesman for the Education Department.

"I believe that everyone has also seen the phased investigation statement issued by the Film Academy. What I want to reiterate here is our attitude towards academic misconduct, which is zero tolerance. Such behaviors that ignore academic rules and undermine fairness must never occur. If we find one, we will directly investigate it, and we will never tolerate it! At the same time, we will once again promote academic standardization and conduct a nationwide large-scale spot check!"

The spokesperson said very seriously at the press conference at the moment.

"After finishing the noon news, go to the evening news, and after finishing the evening Shanghai Overseas News, Dr. Tianlin: Am I so influential as an actor?"

"No drafts, if I were him, I would never set up a doctor's persona, and I would move behind the scenes after a few years of acting and earn enough money, so I can feel comfortable!"

"That's right, doctor, the way he speaks is not the same. I really want to pretend that you should read more books anyway, and his speech is not like a doctor's speech at all. Anyway, I find it very strange watching the live broadcast."

"Let me tell you a joke. The doctor of film studies said that he was reading an economic work, and the economics student next door was shocked."

this night.

Whether it's a scarf or a hustle or a group chat, the chats are very hot.

Many people said that they would offer incense to Dr. Tianlin!

Of course, his personal social account also attracted a lot of messages.

I saw him lying on the seat at the moment, facing the computer screen, feeling very complicated.

He never thought that he would be ruined because of a sentence from HowNet.

In the wechat is the voice message just sent by the tutor, as well as the message sent to him by the investigation team established by the school.

"Tianlin, hurry up and send an apology letter."

The company also urged him to send a letter of apology as soon as possible, trying to minimize the impact.

Nine p.m.

【Zhai Tianlin: Letter of Apology】


At nine o'clock, he finally sent out a letter of apology.

In it, Dr. Tianlin issued an apology statement for the academic turmoil, saying that it was vanity and luck that made him lose himself, and was willing to actively cooperate with all investigations by the Film Academy, and formally applied to withdraw from the postdoctoral research station.

This night's trending search is also very exciting.

【1. triple kill】

【2. Global Village Chief】

【3. Zhaitian Forest】

[4. Mysterious every day, the third guest has an accident]

[5. Boss Zhang did not refute the rumors]

【6. Letter of Apology】

【7. Announcement of the survey results of the Academy of Film】

[8. Ping An Baishipu branch opening big bargain, celebrities hold a 1% discount for funerals]

【9. Understand that the boss is critically ill】


Mystery has already received three verdicts every day, and Dr. Tianlin's apology statement has also been issued.

Of course, in addition to this, everyone found that Knowing the Boss is also on the hot search!
And the word critically ill was used.

All of a sudden, everyone clicked in, wanting to know what happened.

【Boss Zhi secretly held a press conference. Unexpectedly, the virus has evolved to level 3 in the nursing home all day long. Boss Zhi, who has a level 1 antibody, unfortunately won the bid again. 】

Click on Boss Boss' hot search, and there is a scene of Boss Boss getting tubes all over his body!
It looks miserable, and it looks like it's not long to live.


Nathan is back! !
Looking at the boss in front of the hospital bed, his heart ached to the point of suffocation.

After finally turning the situation around, how did he win the bid again!

What would happen to their great cause without the backbone of the boss!
"The boss seems to want to say something?"

Fanny noticed that the boss was moving his mouth.

"Boss, you say, I will listen."

Nathan brought his ear closer.

"Damn old man with diarrhea! Fuck me!!"

Knowing that the boss forced himself to spit out such a sentence!

If it weren't for the old man who had diarrhea, he would never have become what he is now. He really wanted to tear him apart.

"This... Boss, I actually think it's more like being targeted by Boss Zhang."

Nathan was a little dazed when he heard the boss yelling at Suzerain Xi, but he thought it was reasonable for the boss to be targeted by Boss Zhang.

"Boss Zhang? Then you, then go to apologize to Boss Zhang. Remember, victory belongs to us!!"

Understand the boss's urging.


In the next second, the sound of the instrument became hurried.

"Rang Rang, now I understand that the boss must be treated! Otherwise, the body will suffer irreversible damage!"

The private medical team enters the scene.

Start renewing your life for knowing the boss's second stroke!

Ever since, Nathan, who just came back this morning, embarked on a trip to the rabbit country again.

Ping An funeral shop.

Nine o'clock is the time to go to work.

At 09:30, Zhang Lingtian and the others started the live broadcast. After all, the show was over, and it was time to return to normal life.

"Everyone, don't get me wrong! I have nothing to do with thunderstorms in the entertainment industry, and I'm not as amazing as everyone thinks."

I didn't expect that a lot of netizens in my live broadcast room were talking about the entertainment industry.

And ask him to explain.

How can he explain it.

"Boss Zhang, so who is the next thunderstorm?"

"Rectify the entertainment circle and the academic circle, give a thumbs up to Boss Zhang."


"I really can't laugh in the senior year, but I want to have some fun. Since I have killed the fourth verdict, Boss Zhang must have it! Who is it? Ice water? Yishuang? Outstanding classmate? Or pig? Or Guards?"

Zhang Lingtian's live barrage has become a place for entertainment and gossip.

"The next thunderstorm? I don't know who the next thunderstorm will be. Maybe we can just say that Dr. Tianlin was an accident?"

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

"Accident? Indeed! My tax bureau! Quite a surprise! Wait until noon!!"

"I'm a paparazzi! Wait until noon, you shocking melon!!"

"I won't lie to you, this wave of Yan Wang's rectification of the entertainment industry is a real blow!"

However, just after his words fell, someone quickly posted some barrage in the live broadcast room.

The time is concentrated at noon.

"Boss, what's going to happen at noon? Is there a thunderstorm?"

I was going to sell it.

In the end, we all went to gossip.

After more than an hour of warm-up, Zhang Lingtianxia started broadcasting.

It was exactly eleven o'clock at this time.

Li Tiantian was very curious.

Jiang Xiaohan was also full of curiosity.

"I don't know either, it's fine if you don't look at it."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

He has learned smart.

Do not deny.

Just watch quietly.

He didn't believe in his heart that there would be a big thunderstorm at noon.

However, at twelve noon.

Shishipu, who was having lunch, turned on the TV.

The next moment I was dumbfounded.

This is the most searched picture of bib.

[3. The tax bureau found out that the famous artist Bing Shui Shui evaded [-] million taxes]

[4. Outrageous!Yishuang actually has a child]

[5. Wei Jia's endorsement company is thundering!Countless investors pull banners on Toilet TV to seek justice]

[6. Outstanding classmate blew himself up for cheating in the college entrance examination in the live broadcast]

[7. Dr. Tianlin's doctorate degree was revoked, and his supervisor was disqualified as a doctoral supervisor]

[8. Xiaozhu was exposed to cheating on many women, known as the master of time management from morning till night]


This noon, the star finally rushed to the top ten of the hot search list.

And all of a sudden occupied six!
This is a scene that has never appeared since Hades became popular.

[Wu Mian: I am the host for the first time today, every day is mysterious, I wish the show better and better. 】

Mysteriously, accidents happened one after another in the program group every day.

Now only the Wu noodles and shredded shallots are left.

"Mian'er, you have to hold on! Now it's just you and Onion!"

"Don't let anything happen to you! Thanks to Hades, this show has uncovered too many crimes!"

"I'll pray for your safety in the temple! Don't let anything happen to you, brother, and you'll be fine after three days!"


At this moment, everyone came to leave messages under Wumian's scarf.

[Wu Mian: Everything is fine, please rest assured. 】

Wu Mian also released a scarf at this moment.

Indicates that everything is fine.


 I wrote 8200 words today, and I am polishing the plot and correcting typos~
(End of this chapter)

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