I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 117 Detonate the Internet, Mian'er Hurry up and Surrender!

Chapter 117 Detonate the Internet, Mian'er Hurry up and Surrender!

And Hades' haze will also suffocate the entire entertainment industry.

Everything starts with this entertainment variety show "Mysterious Everyday".


Yan Tao smiled and answered Li Tiantian's question.

"Boss! Sister Xiaohan! You!!!"

Li Tiantian looked at her boss and Jiang Xiaohan, and couldn't restrain the excitement in her eyes.

There are only three words for her mood at the moment, which is so cool! !
"Miss Li Tiantian and Mr. Su Wei, I know that you two are a bit depressed to be hidden, but don't blame Mr. Zhang and Assistant Jiang. The main reason is that we signed a non-disclosure agreement, so we can't say this."

Yan Tao is now helping to explain.

“All I can say is it was a pleasant surprise!”

There was also a little excitement on Su Wei's face.

"Director Yan was indeed a little depressed before, but now there are only surprises left!!!"

Li Tiantian replied excitedly.

"At that time, you will all have a chance to make a group appearance. It is three o'clock now, and there are still more than five hours. I hope that the two of you will not announce this news during the five hours. Netizens are in for a surprise.”

Yan Tao explained to Li Tiantian and Su Wei.

"Don't worry, Director Yan, we definitely won't! Now we even took the mobile phone to Sister Xiaohan!!"

I'm going to meet my idol on the show, so what kind of phone do I have with me?

"That's good. Then Mr. Zhang changed the format of the show tonight, but I believe you will be fine. After all, you still have some basic skills as a daily anchor."

In fact, he is not worried about the guest, Boss Zhang.

The delivery level of the other party is online.


And the other party also appeared in the form of a mysterious guest, and this kind of guest usually lasted no more than ten minutes at most.

He was confident that Boss Zhang would be fine.

It's just that the broadcast format has been changed, so we must say hello to the other party.

It's still hours before it starts.

Boss Zhang also has plenty of time to prepare.

"Changed form?"

Zhang Lingtian had an extra puzzled look.

What form has changed?
"It's just that we used to record and broadcast. It originally started at 03:30 in the afternoon, that is, half an hour later, but now we directly turn it into a live broadcast, starting on time at [-] o'clock in the evening."

At this moment, Yan Tao said to him.

"live streaming?!"

Zhang Lingtian was stunned for a moment.

"I believe it's not a big problem for you, Mr. Zhang."

Yan Tao spoke.

He still believed in Boss Zhang.

"It's basically what you said yesterday, right?"

The sudden live broadcast made Zhang Lingtian a little confused.

If it was more than a month ago, he would definitely choose to refuse.

After all, if the time comes to lose face on TV, then this face will be really lost!

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, basically those contents cannot be changed."

Yan Tao nodded very positively.

"Okay! Then I will rehearse and rehearse towards this first."

The previous 200 million seemed easy to get.

But now, Zhang Lingtian feels a little more difficult!
"Yes, Mr. Zhang, if you have anything to do, you can contact me directly at that time. As for the three hours, it is recommended that Mr. Zhang supervise and not use the mobile phone for the time being to avoid the risk of leaking secrets."

After Yan Tao said this sentence, he left directly.

Zhang Lingtian and the others are mysterious guests, so there is not much to rehearse.

But the host's words are different, the other party wants to run through the whole program.

So words are very important.

Since it is a live broadcast, we must absolutely strive to ensure that there are no mistakes.

"Don't worry, Director Yan, no one in our Baishi shop is that kind of person."

Before the boss could answer, Jiang Xiaohan assured him.

How could she not hear it? This Yan Tao just explained it over and over again, but he was afraid that the secret would be leaked, so he continued to explain that they should be optimistic about the two Baishipu members who did not sign the non-disclosure agreement.

She can only say that the other party thinks too much.

Both of their mobile phones are now in her hands.

Basically impossible to leak.

As for Tiantian, although she is a star-chasing brain, her brain is still very normal in the face of big right and wrong.

And that heaven-defying desire to survive will not let the other party influence the boss to make money.

Yan Tao also said just now.

They signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Once said out, it may violate the contract.

If you breach the contract, you may face compensation.

With Li Tiantian's character, it is absolutely impossible for the boss to lose money because of him.

In that case, she felt that she would be reported by the underworld in the next second.

"That's hard work."

Yan Tao who came to the door closed the door for them.

This is a super luxurious suite.

There is a place where stars sleep, and there are also two assistant rooms.

There is a big balcony outside.

There are also reception rooms, entertainment rooms, fitness rooms and more.

To be honest, after they came in, they felt that they were several times more luxurious than the rooms that were second only to the presidential suite when they went out before!
I also don't know who lived in this place before!

This layout is the same as a [-]-square-meter flat.

"There are various facilities in this room, you can play whatever you want to play first."

Zhang Lingtian said to everyone in Baishipu.

Then he walked in another direction.

There is also a studio.

That's right.

This hotel on the toilet table is really awesome.

If it is open to the outside world, 10 yuan a night for this kind of place is not an exaggeration.

"Sister Xiaohan, I suddenly discovered that this rumor is as fierce as a tiger!"

After the boss entered his special studio, he only saw Li Tiantian talking to him at the moment.


Jiang Xiaohan obviously didn't expect Li Tiantian to say such a thing!

"Look at the hot search list right now, they are all talking about our boss going to the Jiangjiang country, and even air tickets are posted, saying that he wants to attend the opening ceremony of the branch tomorrow. The most important thing is that what the other party said is true. Similarly, if I were a netizen, I would probably believe it, but we are on the toilet!"

Li Tiantian spread her hands.

I haven't experienced it myself before, so I don't have a deep sense of it.

Now she really thinks so!

There must be some special power behind it, maybe it's on the platform!
Otherwise, how could this topic detonate the entire Internet.

Speaking of which, the hot search of their boss, the head of the global village, is still on the hot search list from beginning to end.

It's been several days without any change.

I don't know what some people are thinking.

As far as their boss's current mentality is concerned, she, Li Tiantian, doesn't even think that the other party really wants to be the head of a global village.

"I'm also very touched by this, look at the hot searches now! Outrageous!!"

Su Wei showed the tablet.

They just can't use their own social accounts, but they are still provided with tablets on the toilet table.

There are also various software installed on it.

The only problem is that these software cannot be logged in.

Can only be viewed as a visitor.

【1. Global Village Chief】

[2. Boss Zhang and his party appeared at the airport]

[3. Suspected death tour group posted air tickets, destination Jiangjiang country]

[4. Jiangjiang National said he couldn't sleep]

[5. The first big production "Mysterious Everyday" will premiere at [-] o'clock tonight]

[6. Are you looking forward to the guests of "Mysterious Everyday"?It is rumored that the first is Rock! 】

[7. There are currently 500 million people pre-ordering "Mysterious Everyday", and the three lucky ones will get sharing rewards in advance]

[8. Wu Mian, the host of "Mysterious Everyday", was interviewed and said that he would work hard to host, hoping to become an excellent host in the future! 】


Top ten hot searches.

News about their boss directly occupied the top three.

And the third item is actually the air ticket of their so-called death tour group!
In fact they don't even have plane tickets, complete bullshit.

Besides, it's all pinyin!

Can't these netizens think about it a little bit?
What if it is another word?

After all, there are quite a lot of words with the same pronunciation!

"Don't say it, this mysterious every day program is quite willing."

There are three tablets inside.

Jiang Xiaohan also swiped with the tablet at the moment.

I found that on this scarf, the top ten searches about mystery basically accounted for nearly half of it every day.

"That's right, it's almost the same as our boss's hot search."

Li Tiantian agrees.

It is enough to show that Toilet Station still attaches great importance to this program.

"Brother Onion is panicking! He's going to Jiangjiang Country!!"

At 03:30 pm he has a rehearsal.

Although it is live.

But also a dress rehearsal.

Simulate the real program scene.

At this time, they were sitting in a nanny car, swiping their phones.

"Go to Jiangjiang Country? Doesn't the branch say it has the same pronunciation?"

There was a puzzled look in Tie Cong's eyes when he heard this.

Is it really a branch opened by Boss Zhang?
But before, a small circle of them revealed that it was not Jiang Xiaohan who signed the contract. Although he was also 22 years old, his date of birth was different.

Jiang Xiaohan is on August [-]th.

And this Jiang Xiaohan in Jiangjiang country is on July [-]th.

The names are highly similar and the ages are similar, but the dates are different if you look deeper.

"I'm not sure about this, but this ticket is definitely not fake. It's impossible to have such a coincidence that there are four people named 'Lingtian·Zhang' and 'Xiaohan·Jiang'."

Wumian showed two tickets.

They are the pinyin of Jiang Xiaohan and Zhang Lingtian respectively.

They are still in the same car.

The key is that the other party is still sitting in the first-class seat with high privacy.

"It would be a bit of a coincidence to be on an airplane."

Tear Onion nodded.

Is there something tricky in this?
There was a slight error in his internal information channel?

Speaking of which, Jiang Xiaohan, who was born in July, is indeed very similar to Jiang Xiaohan's information.

It might be if Baishipu purposely set a message to confuse.

"It's a pity. In fact, I still really want this Boss Zhang to appear on our show. After all, it's a live broadcast. I believe Brother Onion, your expression will definitely be very exciting."

I only saw Wu Mian smiling presumptuously at this moment.

The main thing is that the relationship between the two is not bad.

Brother Onion can also take jokes at ordinary times.

That's why he made fun of him like this.


You are afraid of such a rich boss Zhang.

The other party is just the owner of a funeral shop.

Even if he knows some fortune-telling, how strong can he be?
If he is so powerful, why not just count the lottery tickets and count himself as the richest man in the world?

As for selling yellow paper in the live broadcast room?
The funniest thing is that Brother Cong also opened a trumpet to place orders.

I bought a lot of shroud yellow paper and the like.

Those who didn't know thought they had committed some serious illness!

"I have a wonderful expression? No, no, I would be surprised at most, but if he really comes, you will be unlucky. Maybe people will know about the shitty things you did. You started in three years, Xiao Wu. "

Tear Onion smiled disdainfully.

Don't say that Hades has gone to Jiangjiang Country now.

Even if the other party really appeared on the show, he basically wouldn't lose his composure.

Mostly just a little surprised.

As for Wumian, it would be miserable.

After all, the living king of criminals.

"Pfft——, I said Brother Onion, you can't expect me to order well all day long? Besides, that criminal's King of Hades is just a coincidence. There are so many criminals in this world. Keep an eye on it, okay?"

I only saw Wu Mian at this moment and said.

Those big criminals let him get away with it?

Although the other party now bears the reputation of the King of Hades, if those big criminals are really taken away, some of them may not say anything, but some of them will definitely die.

Soon the two came to the recording site of the mysterious every day program on the toilet table.

Except for the mysterious guest, the rest of the people have basically arrived.

The first is the program host Wu Mian and Wei Jia, a mode of collocation of a senior host and a novice host.

This is the frame when it first aired.

In the follow-up, it is also possible that a new host will be added.

Then there are the guests.

They are Dr. Tianlin, Bingshuishui, Outstanding Classmate, Yishuang, Tear Onion, and Little Pig.

It can be said that this program is also worthy of the other party's promotion.

Seven fifty in the evening.

"Everyone, get ready."

The stage of Toilet TV.

At this moment, thousands of spectators entered the arena.

The appeal of stars is also extremely terrifying.

The number of reservations for the online live broadcast room has reached tens of millions.

After all, Wumian, Yishuang, Xiaozhu, and Dr. Shuishui Tianlin are all very appealing existences. Of course, Zhuoyue’s students are not so good.

Because he belongs to the rookies who just graduated from drama school.

"Are you about to start?"

"Mystery every day! Three mysterious guests, my God, I'm so curious who they are!!"

"It is said that the first one is Roque, the star of "Limit and Speed". Damn, I love it!!"

"Favorite noodles!!"

"My outstanding brother is the most handsome!"

"Dr. Tianlin is an eternal god! A rare doctoral degree in the entertainment industry! If you don't agree, let's argue!"

"I'm here for the Goddess of Ice Water!!"

"Come on cool, our fans will always support you!!"


A star is a star.

As soon as the show started, the fans of each family started to check in frantically.

"Every audience in front of the TV and friends in the live broadcast room, good evening everyone!"

At 20:00, Wei Jia came out with a microphone.

And the light also hit him.

"Welcome everyone to watch the first live variety show created by Toilet Station, mysterious every day!!"

The second one to speak was Wu Mian.


Wu Mian is worthy of being a traffic niche.

As soon as the other party's voice fell, shouts came from the audience below.

"Then let's introduce the guests on the field now! Xiao Wu, who do you think we should start with? I don't know how to make a choice right now, choose suffering!"

Weijia looked at Wumian.

All the guests are already on stage.

"Then let's introduce a little brother first. First of all, his appearance is really good, and his acting skills are also very good. At the same time, his education is beyond our reach. Come, we welcome..."

Wu looked in the direction of Dr. Tianlin.

Dr. Tianlin picked up the microphone and pursed his lips slightly.

Then bow.

"Outstanding classmate!!"

Wumian shouted!

Dr. Tianlin spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and he almost lost his old waist when he bent and bowed.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The scene burst into laughter.

"Brother Wumian can do it!"

"This reversal is really unexpected!"

"My brother not only sings well, but also has first-rate cooking, and he is also very talented in hosting. Is this what God rewards us with?"

"Dr. Tianlin is embarrassing, hahaha, don't play like this! Trick me!"


Zhuo Zhuo was stunned for a moment.

"Dr. Tianlin has been waiting for a long time, and he flickered when you said that."

Partner Wei Jia said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Xiao Wu, you are too bad."

Torn onions didn't hold back either.

Don't say it, this job is fine.

Guests like Yishuang and Bingshuishui also laughed loudly.

"It's okay, it's okay, Dr. Tianlin, we have to hold on to this waist."

Dr. Tianlin covered his face, his expression collapsed, and he looked ashamed to see others.

Little Pig supported each other with a happy face.

"No, no, of course it's our Dr. Tianlin! Come on, let's welcome our Dr. Tianlin with applause! He's really amazing!"

Wumian stretched out his hand to Tianlin.

He also worked very hard for hosting.

After all, he still wants to fully blossom in the entertainment industry.

Dr. Tianlin clasped his hands together, took the microphone and bowed, with the smile that had just been teased still hanging on his face.

"Come on, let's take a look at a short clip of our Dr. Tianlin's work. His acting skills are really great!"

Wei Jia said.

And this program played a huge video screen live.

"I am the Son of Heaven, holding the token in my hand, I won't let you kneel, who of you dare to kneel!!"

"Zheng Er, tell me who hurt you, the crown prince will definitely tear him to pieces!!"

"May I ask you to bring it yourself or give it to someone else? If you bring it yourself, choose this kind of relatively round bracelet, because you are fatter."

There are several scenes about Dr. Tianlin's acting.

"I saw King Lanling, Dr. Tianlin's acting skills are really good."

"The first one is the prince of Lanling, and the second one is the idiot of Dadang's family. You can switch freely."

"Hahaha, that's right, our Dr. Tianlin is a rare top student in the entertainment industry."

After these clips came out, online water friends also commented one after another.

"Brother Tianlin, I found that your acting career is really quite wide. You can be both upright and happy, and you can go in all kinds of ways."

The real hosts are only him and Wei Jia.

For other guests, they have to conduct interviews and chats, and at the same time strive to find joy in the mystery.

"That's actually not Xijiao, the other party is an autistic patient."

Dr. Tianlin said.

"It can indeed be performed. It is worthy of being the officially certified winner of the Idol Award and Actor Award."

Weijia answered.

The others nodded.

I have to say that Dr. Tianlin is indeed very powerful.

Tianlin smiled modestly.

"Of course, there is also our official doctoral certificate! Let's take a look!"

The guard's voice fell.

A postgraduate admission notice appeared on the big screen that had just played a clip of the other party's program.

There is also a bright red seal on it.

【Graduate admission notice】

[Student Tianlin: With the approval of our school’s postgraduate admissions leading group, you are admitted as a doctoral student in film studies of our school’s “School of Performing Arts”]

【Film Academy (Chapter)】

Dr. Tianlin's certificate was displayed.

"I heard that Brother Tianlin is now the only actor who has obtained a doctorate certificate."

Wu Mian asked next to him.

"It seems to be the only one."

"Good acting skills, good looks, high education and high education, there is really no way out."

"How many windows God has opened for him, I'm so envious!"

"It's not the only one, I remember a miserable guy who was also a Ph. It turned out to be useless!”

"Pfft——, there is such a thing? This director is so cheap!!"

"No, no, actually the director is very smart, because this talent is the one who failed the ranking. If he failed the ranking, he would naturally be full of knowledge and useless, and he would feel melancholy?"

"Fuck! This is not so cheap anymore, it is really cheap!"

After all, it is a live broadcast.

Everyone spoke freely in the live broadcast room.

"Dr. Tianlin is really awesome!"


They are watching a show after dinner.

Li Tiantian praised.

In her opinion, anyone who can get a Ph.D. is a boss!

She has a headache for her undergraduate thesis.

As for Zhang Lingtian, he is still doing various drills in the spirit of dedication.

Live broadcast.

Although I have experienced many battles, it would be embarrassing if something happened.

So be on the safe side.

As for playing time.

He is the last one.

Got to play around 09:30.

Take it easy!
There is time.

In order to maintain the mystery, now he is all in the hotel.

"He is film studies at the Academy of Acting, but we basically have to learn everything, including audio-visual language, film sound, film marketing, film performance, etc."

Dr. Tianlin replied now.

"Then, brother Tianlin, I want to ask is it difficult to get a doctorate? What is his admission ratio?"

Wu faced an interview look.

Others were also curious.

After all, a doctorate is the existence with the highest diploma.

Many people have been tortured to the point of life or death by their undergraduate thesis, and the postgraduate thesis is even more skinny!
But Dr. Tianlin has graduated this year! !

That doctoral dissertation is a big head to think about!
"For our department, there is only one, and if you apply for a doctorate, there are about two hundred."

Dr. Tianlin replied.

"200:1! Awesome!"

Weijia is incredible.


There was another burst of applause at the scene.

"It's amazing, standing next to the big doctor, we scumbags are trembling for no reason!!"

Wu Mian also expressed shock.

"There is a specialization in the art industry, Brother Wumian, don't panic!"

"That's right, with Brother Wumian's level, you can be considered a bigwig in the music industry! I believe you can also become a bigwig in the host world!"

Hearing that Wu Mian surrendered his identity.

Fans rushed to comfort him.

Indeed, their Wumian brother's education has always been a flaw, that is, a high school education.

"The next one, the next one! I just got a Ph.D. with a high degree of education, and many of my seniors at the scene! For example, Teacher Shui Shui, Teacher Xiaozhu, Shuang Shuang, and Brother Cong Evil, my goal .”

Dr. Tianlin folded his hands and looked humble.


Sauce Country!
"That's right! Someone is sabotaging it!!"

Sovereign Master Xi also held a televised speech at eight o'clock on time!
"We have bad guys inside!"

"That's right! We have to trust Sleeping Boss!"

"Didn't you say that Zhang Lingtian was coming over! Why didn't you see them when the funeral was opened!!"

The televised speech was broadcast live nationwide.

Quite a few people posted comments on social media!
"I can clearly tell everyone that my competitor is playing tricks on these things! He wants to use public opinion to wash away the dirt on himself and divert everyone's attention!"

Sovereign Rare is showing his cards right now!
"Ganniang! Laxie old man, you are slandering!!"

The boss in the nursing home is completely angry!

The other party is blatantly slandering him!
It just doesn't make sense!
His hair is flying with anger!

In particular, there are still a large number of people who have no brains who believe in each other.

"I hope everyone will believe me. Our Jiangjiang country is the greatest country in the world, and we will always be great. Zhang Lingtian is nothing more than a lie and a paper tiger made up by others! It's a pity that some people are still willing to believe a A paper tiger! How ridiculous!"

Rare suzerain white brows.

Although the speed of speech is not fast, but the tone is very thick.

At the same time, the other party also carried a bit of sarcasm.

This scene made the boss understand again.

I can't wait to fight with each other on the spot!

It's a pity that his various accounts are now restricted, and there is no possibility of speaking out.

As for the international version of Douyin.

It was heartbreaking that he was there yesterday, everyone came to mock and watch the show.

"I just wanted to answer this question, but I didn't expect someone to ask it again. The real three-day period is the real three-day period for the release of funerals that are circulating on the Internet. In fact, I want to tell everyone, don't be distracted by some people. , We don’t have any so-called prophets in Jiangjiang country! They are all disguised by people with intentions! I can assure you that nothing will happen to our Jiangjiang country in the next three days!!”

Sect Master Xi said to him at this moment, with a very serious look on his face!

"The big boss personally promises, I feel more at ease now!"

"That's right, it's just a conspiracy by someone with a heart!"

"I hope that this kind of person will be expelled from Jiangjiang's membership and kicked out!"

"Phew, I'm so worried, it turned out to be a scene made by a clown!"

"Next time if I vote, I will still vote for you, Sleeping Boss. You are the one who kept us from going down the old path."


After Sect Master Xi's remarks came out, he immediately received the support of many people.

Some people even directly stated that they would vote for the other party next time!
"In fact, I have thought about today's speech for a long time. Why did I choose this time? In fact, I just want to tell you that there is no god in this world except our Jiangjiang country, because with the characteristics of our Jiangjiang country, there are gods in our country. side, the rest are paper tigers after all!"

Sect Master Xi continued.

It's just cheering up in front of the TV.

The effect is also very amazing.

After this speech came out, many people believed the other party, and instantly got rid of their panic.

Reversed the trend towards foot pot chickens.

As for the boss of the nursing home, he is already irritable!
Things smashed up a bunch!
He swore that he must find a way to leave this nursing home.

Or call some reporters over!
Otherwise, what greets him is ruin, imprisonment, and even high compensation!
"See, George, solving the crisis is as simple as that."

As for his opponent Xi Suzerain, after doing all this, the time came to nine o'clock.

After getting off the TV speech, Sect Master Xi smiled slightly and looked at his assistant, George.

The other party called him at night in a panic before.

Actually no need at all.

Didn't the other party say that the funeral shop is about to open?

Then he will hold a televised lecture at that time.

All troubles will be easily solved.

"The boss is amazing!"

George had nothing but great admiration.

"Learn more, you are still young."

Sovereign Master Xi finished all this and went to have breakfast.

And these news were also sent back to the country.

【Soaring: Rare Sovereign Speech】

This is a soaring topic for bibs.

"Good guy, is it fake?!"

"It's a waste of expression, I thought Boss Zhang and the others really went to Jiangjiang Country!"

"Who is it? It's a rumor, you know, but what kind of air ticket is posted!"

"Now this network is becoming more and more unreal, but where did Boss Zhang and the others go to build a team? Why is there no news at all!"

"Whatever, let's continue to watch the variety show tonight. The mystery is not bad every day. Now the first 'S'-level mystery guest has appeared, and it is the star of "Limit and Speed", Rock!"

"Hahaha, I'm also watching. These guests are instantly transformed into a star chasing scene, but I didn't expect that the other party is actually one of Brother Onion's favorite actors."

The soaring topic made many netizens feel that they were cheated.

A waste of time and expressions.

But let's not say, this new variety show "Mysterious Everyday" is doing really well.

Many people were directly fanned.

And unlike the Happy Stupid Camp, which has a lot of acting elements, this show focuses on reality.

In the case of live broadcast, the expressions of each actor are really very real.

Especially when everyone saw that when the actors saw their idols, they had the same expression as the rest of them, that kind of expression of little surprise and excitement.

It turns out that Mystery has introduced all the guests in just over an hour every day.

After that, Dr. Tianlin tore onions, ice water, piglets, Yishuang, and outstanding classmates.

Although they are not sorted according to coffee position, the newcomers are still ranked last.

This newcomer is an excellent classmate.

The other party is also a student who just graduated from the Drama Academy this year.

"I am very grateful to the program team for inviting me to come over as a mystery guest, and I am also very happy to meet you. Well, we are now filming the seventh part."

Rock thanked him in the live broadcast at this moment.

"Part [-]! Woohooo, looking forward to it!!"

"I really love watching "Limit and Speed". Can I ask when it will be released?"

"so hot!"

The topic in the live broadcast room turned to Rock.

"Mr. Rock, everyone wants to know when your seventh film will be released?"

Wei Jia turned into an interviewer and asked questions.

And Wu Mian even went all out, pretending to be carrying the camera.

"Not bad."

Before the program group was worried that the two would not be able to hold on to the scene.

Now it seems that this program has been very successful.

All the things about their programs on the hot search list were bought with money.

But now it has taken the initiative to rush to the hot search list.

This proves that their show is a hit.

For tonight, their show received 200 million rewards from fans alone, and now they have more than 500 million people, and their popularity exceeds [-] million!

This is only the data of the online live broadcast platform.

There are even platforms to talk about broadcasting rights.

Why, because so many people can also bring a lot of traffic to the platform.

It seems that this is going to be stable.

It's already nine twenty by now.

This Roque is almost the same.

Yan Tao stared ahead.

Said something on the radio.

"As for when it will be released, it depends on them."

"Yes, because of the rush schedule, I have to go back at eleven o'clock tonight."

Rock answered the topics of the audience and the host.

"Okay! Then we thank the first mysterious guest for coming today! Thank you for the wonderful answer he gave us!"

There are a total of eight people on the field.

Everyone applauded at the moment.

"Thank you, I will come again next time if I have a chance, and try to have a cup of coffee with Mr. Scallion."

Roque stepped off.

"Then who is our second SS-rank mystery guest!!"

Weijia asked.

"Yeah, who is it!!"

Wu Mian is also very curious.

"Who the hell is it? Can you two stop being a fool, everyone is in a hurry, okay?"

The little pig urged him with a different appearance.

"Quickly tell me, which international boss is it?"

Yishuang asked with a grinning smile.

The ice water water is also curious.

"Want to know +1."

"Shooting off and beating him to death!!"

""Mysterious Everyday" really cost money! I want to know who the SS rank is!"

The audience was largely unanimous.

"We don't know either!"

Wu Mian and Wei Jia said at the same time.

The main reason is that the two of them really don't know.

"However, we have a privilege, that is, we can unveil the 'SS'-level mystery guest! Please look to the big screen!!"

The shot was shown on the big screen.

It was a card with 'SS' grade written on it, and then a few question marks.


"Ahh! It's Jorah!!"

"Oh my god! It's actually Jorah! I was fascinated by his handsome figure back then!!"

"The real person is really handsome! My mother, the toilet seat is a fairy! You can invite this kind of fairy boss!!"

Both online and offline were stunned.

Because they didn't know it in advance, the host and guests were shocked.

I shouted in my heart that the program group is awesome, and invited the protagonist of Tarzan Orangutan, Jorah!

So it was a great question.

The audience also felt that tonight's show was really happy.

【3. Come and guess who the SSS-level mystery guest is? 】

And the last mysterious guest has not been revealed.

Who is this mysterious guest has attracted everyone's curiosity for a while!
It even rushed to the third place in the hot search list!

After all, the first one is Roque, the second one is Jorah, and the third one can handle this force!

"iron Man?"


"The Wolf of Wall Street?"


"Sylvester Stallone?"

"Ahhh, I can't guess it, it doesn't feel shocking enough!!"


Water friends guessed.

But it's not shocking enough! !
Everyone was eagerly waiting for the third 'SSS'-level mystery guest card to be revealed.

As for Zhang Lingtian, he has come backstage now.

So did Jiang Xiaohan and the others.

After all, there will be a chance to show his face in a while.

"Now we are going to reveal the third and last mystery guest!!!"

The guard's voice was hysterical.

The whole person is like a chicken blood!
"I can assure everyone that Teacher Wei Jia and I have no idea at all, because the director's mouth is very strict, we can't smell who it is no matter how we ask! I believe everyone can see it from my surprised expression tonight, I guess someone must have made a meme."

Wu Mian said to him at this moment.

"Hahaha, I was discovered! I made a lot of emoticons tonight!"

"Me too, this live broadcast is really worth watching, the emoji library is full."

Netizens said.

The other guests were also very curious.

Who could this third mystery guest be.

Who has such a high level of compulsion, can be worthy of the title of SSS-level mystery.

"Friends, just now our director said that everyone should listen to the other party's voice first, so let's say hello to this SSS-level mysterious guest together."


Wu Mian and Wei Jia led the guests and said.

"Hi everyone! I'm surprised to be on this show, and I'm very grateful to the director team for their arrangement."

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian's voice sounded.

"Okay! That's the expression!!"

Director Yan Tao was happy in the background.

Because after Zhang Lingtian's voice came out, all the presenters and guests were stunned.

Each expression is different.

And very exciting.

"This, this is our own??"

Weijia froze for a moment.

"It's my own, otherwise the language is too good, or someone who was born here and left like me."

Wu Mian was also a little dazed.

"Suddenly, I feel that the sound is very pleasant, and it is very magnetic."

Yi Shuang froze for a moment.

She simply thought it sounded good.

Feel like a handsome guy!
Ice Water also nodded.

It sounds really good.

"Actually, I've only heard such a magnetic voice from Boss Zhang."

Tear Onion said something faintly at this moment.


However, what he said directly froze the atmosphere!
The audience is also very quiet!

"I'm fucking!"

"Tearing Cong said so, I think this Nima really sounds like Boss Zhang's voice!"

"No way, Boss Zhang is here to participate in the entertainment program? I don't think it's possible!"

"It's crazy, it's crazy if the director team invites Boss Zhang over here!!"

Online barrage is also significantly less.

Perhaps many people are recalling the voice of Boss Zhang.

"Hahaha, everyone, don't get excited, the main reason is that it looks a little like me just as a joke."

Watching the atmosphere suddenly become awkward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Tear Onion is now in a hurry to smooth things over.

How could it be Boss Zhang?

The other party has gone to Jiangjiang Country.

"Principal Onion, you guessed it right with just one voice, it seems that we are destined."

Just at this moment, a young man with a sky-high appearance came onto the stage with a microphone.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at the tearing onion.

The 'SSS' level cards are also flipped over.

There are three words 'Zhang Lingtian' written on it impressively!
"Fuck me!!"

Because it was a live broadcast, the mouth shapes of many people on stage were directly translated!

That look is as surprised as it gets!


The scene immediately fell silent!


The program team is crazy!
He actually found Hades! !

"Boss Zhang!!"

"I'm calling you guys! You actually called Boss Zhang over!"

"Come on, the entertainment industry is going to be cold, Boss Zhang is killing people!"

"So who's the next lucky one!"

"To be honest, brothers, my brain is already hot. This Bozhen Nima is telling a horror story, not to scare people like this!"



As soon as Boss Zhang came out, he detonated the whole Internet!

They know the mystery!

This show also focuses on mystery!
But Nima directly invited Hades over here, and there is no news yet, are you going to go to heaven mysteriously!Director team! !
This is scary! ! !
Netizens are roaring.

"No, no, boss Zhang, we have no fate at all!"

At the scene, Tie Cong took a breath and shook his head, then looked at Wu Mian!
That look seemed to say, brother, surrender yourself! !

This is life! !
It is you who really have a fate with Hades!
As for if he dared not, he would go to hell!

 I went to the team building last night, and then I didn’t have any manuscripts. Today I was fishing at work to write, and I continued to write after get off work. I wrote 10400 words at the last second!Finally completed the task, ask for votes, ask for votes!Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket!Guys! !worn out! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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