Chapter 80 Exit ([-])

A cup of clear tea, wearing a cloak of clouds, water and blue sky, Tang and Song sat on a red sandalwood chair, gently frothing the foam in the tea cup with the tea cup.

Following Tang Song's movements, a clanging sound resounded in the room.

Looking at this boss with a very different temperament, for some reason, Ryan always had the illusion that the boss was going to fly lightly.

"Boss, the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. came here just now!"

Ryan walked to Tang Song, picked up the teapot on the table and refilled Tang Song with water.

"People from S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Tang Song shook his finger, and a crisp bell sounded at his fingertips.

Ryan couldn't help but look at the boss' fingers, only to realize that
On the boss's index finger, there is a brass bell the size of a finger belly wrapped with a red thread.

The small yellow bell was glowing with golden luster, and it was faintly engraved with the inscriptions of birds and beasts. The bell rang in his ears, and Ryan was in a trance for a moment, like falling into a dream.


A cough woke Ryan up from his trance, and the sound of running water sounded. He lowered his head, only to realize that the water in the tea kettle in his hand had flowed all over the table.


Ryan quickly put down the teapot in his hand, took out a rag and wiped the table.

"Don't be so troublesome!" Tang Song stretched out his hand and drew a few strokes in the air, and the dots of light lit up, forming a talisman.

The tea spilled on the table suddenly seemed to be attracted by an invisible force, and gathered into the air, forming a water ball the size of a fist.

"Boss, your "Tao" is complete?!"

Ryan looked at the water polo in front of him in shock, and said in awkward Chinese.

Since getting the magic trick, in order to let Ryan and others better understand the essence of the magic transformation, Tang and Song Dynasties specially invited several professors of Chinese literature from * country.

Two of them are masters who specialize in the study of ancient literature, teaching Ryan and Frank to learn Chinese.

A class costs 5000 US dollars, and these professors can only spare four days a month. Tang Song specially chartered a plane to pick up these professors from Beijing to New York every month.

From the words that Ryan is awkward but understandable, Ryan has learned well. Of course, this may also be due to his super brain.

But it can be seen that the money of Tang and Song Dynasties was not wasted.

"Success, it's still early, it's just the first step of the Long March. I'm just taking advantage of the kung fu of refining the Great Desolation Clock to sort out what I've learned and gain some insights!"

Tang Song shook his fingers, and the water polo floating in mid-air, under the control of his true energy, changed into various shapes, water pig, water ape, water bird...

These water polo-changing animals are walking and jumping in mid-air, with realistic postures, just like living things.

Ryan, who was on the side, looked at the water polo that turned into an eagle and spread its wings in front of him, and was a little speechless for a while.

"The true method of black water in the gods and demons can transform into a black dragon. This kind of gods and demons are born to make clouds and rain, and control thousands of waters. Your gods and demons can reach this level after practicing to the third level!"

Tang Song waved his hand, and the strange fish that changed from the water polo suddenly scattered into countless drops of water.

swoosh swish...

Countless drops of water shot out from the half-opened windows, and the sound of howling wind made Ryan's face tremble.

His super brain quickly judged from the sound of these water droplets lasing that the kinetic energy produced by these water droplets is absolutely no less than some standard-caliber automatic rifles.

"You said people from S.H.I.E.L.D. came to the door?"

After Tang Song cleaned up the water stains, he slowly picked up the teacup, and the crisp bell sounded, but when he heard it in Ryan's ears, he no longer had that haunting sense of strangeness.

"Yes, boss, as you expected, it is about our sale of Stark Industries stock!"

Ryan said: "According to what you said, I told them about Obadiah!"

Da da da!
Tang Song tapped his fingers on the sandalwood tabletop, "How much money is left in our account?"

The so-called clean money, Ryan naturally understands what it means, that is, regular, legal, laundered, and liquid funds that can withstand investigation.

"Not counting your deposit in Wells Fargo Bank, there are still 1000 million on the account!" The super memory brought by the super brain allows Ryan to clearly remember every liquid fund without any pause, he said to Tang Song An exact number came out.

"Use all the money to sweep the goods and buy shares in Stark Industries!"

Tang Song shook the small bell in his hand, and the bell wrapped in red thread was thrown out from time to time, and then brought back again.

Although Tang Song couldn't remember how long Tony Stark stayed at the base of the Ten Rings, but as soon as he returned to New York, the stock price of Stark Industries would double immediately.

Naturally, he would not miss this opportunity.

"Yes! Boss!"

Now the entire Wall Street is looking down on Stark Industries. In the eyes of many professional evaluation agencies, without Tony Stark, the value of Stark Industries will be discounted by at least [-]%.

As soon as the news of Tony Stark's disappearance spread, the stock of Stark Industries has almost halved so far.

It is really not a wise move to buy Stark Industries' stock at this time, but Ryan did not question the boss's decision, but took note of the boss's words and planned to execute them immediately.

My boss has a secret, which Ryan and the others have known for a long time, but their small gang, from the very beginning of keeping warm, their relationship has now reached the level of almost family members.

Ryan positioned himself as the boss' butler!

As a big butler, he never questioned the boss's decision, even if the decision was wrong.

He defined his duty as checking for gaps and making up for omissions, and fulfilling the boss's orders perfectly.

In the end, if it is really found that the boss's decision is wrong, Ryan will find a way to make everyone feel that what the boss did is right.

"I've been in retreat for the past few days, has anything happened?"

"Boss, the government dispatched a special force to clear up some rising gangsters.

The Mafia in Russia and Kinmen in South Korea have suffered heavy losses.

Now most of Jinbin's territory has been taken by us, but there are still some industries that need to be decided by you! "

Tang Song listened to several sites reported by Ryan, such as the casino in Las Vegas, the fan channel in Mexico...

Except for the casino shares in Las Vegas, most of these sites are indeed regarded as non-performing assets left by Jinmao.

Like a few powder passages, for them, it is really tasteless, tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard it.

"Take your time, don't rush!"

Tang Song waved his hand: "You can't become a fat man with one mouthful, and the current territory is enough for us to digest for a while!

"Well, give Willy those few fan channels for Mexican songs," Tang Song rubbed the black jade wrench on his thumb, pondered for a moment, and decided.

"I've already lent him the manpower! Tell him, if you can't take down a few fan channels,
I wouldn't mind someone else being the godfather of the Gambino family! "

"Yes, boss!"


"Have you sent out all the gifts I asked you to prepare?"

On the Rolls-Royce driving to the manor, Tang Song, who had changed into a suit, closed his eyes and rested, while Ryan was driving in front.

Hearing Tang Song's question, Ryan said:

"The gift has been deposited in the Swiss bank. In addition to a batch of bearer bonds, Magneto sent a batch of gold. I have already had people melt it into gold bricks and deposit it in the treasury.

I have reserved a safe for those high-level government officials you mentioned! "

"it is good!"

The Great Wilderness Bell rang softly, which made Tang Song's mind clearer.

The Great Desolation Clock, the World of Yan Fu, a magic weapon refined by a wanderer in the Great Desolation.

The reason why Tang and Song chose to refine the Great Desolation Clock was because this man in the Great Desolation had once seen the real body of a certain innate pure yang treasure.

This Great Desolation Clock is an imitation of the Xiantian Pure Yang Supreme Treasure.

Uh, the one made by Boss Tang is the Pin Xixi version.

However, at the beginning of this magic weapon, there are twelve blessings of prohibition, which can protect the body, absorb the soul, and calm the mind. Boss Tang's current cultivation level is enough.

"During this time, the 36 armored corpses I refined are about to be completed, let Kane and the others prepare more blood food for the armored corpses..."

(End of this chapter)

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