Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 396 Spaceship Crash

Chapter 396 Spaceship Crash
An abandoned mineral planet more than ten light years away from the territory of the Nova Empire was once rich in a kind of red spar. This red spar with a stable crystal structure was once an important material for manufacturing the internal energy stabilizer of the Nova battleship.
The most expensive weight per pound can even reach [-] galactic coins.

This mineral planet also prospered for a time because of its rich mineral resources. A large number of miners, buyers, and mining owners made this a prosperous area that was rare in the nearby star field.

However, as the resources of red spar were exhausted, the planet also changed from prosperity to death. Most of the businessmen and mining owners evacuated the place, leaving only some who had nowhere to go and were abandoned on the planet. Miners here.

On this planet riddled with holes, their only livelihood is to look for leftovers left over from machine mining in old mines.

On a planet filled with yellow sand, over-exploitation has polluted the groundwater. The miners living here can only rely on interstellar merchants who come every six months to use the red crystal stones they find in their hands to exchange for what they need for life. supplies and water.

The biggest wish of people living here is to save enough for a ticket to leave this planet, but a ticket for interstellar travel is a high price that people here cannot afford in their lifetimes.

After seeing no hope of leaving, many people could only muddle along and live in a state of drunkenness, spending all the money they saved from mining ore on buying drinks.

On a red stone mountain wall filled with yellow sand, the mining owner's prospecting machine once dug a hole more than ten meters deep in the stone wall. However, they gave up on this place after detecting that the red spar content was rare.

After this mine was expanded from the inside, it became one of the few bars on this abandoned mining planet.

When the star in the sky reappeared in the sky, the temperature on this land also warmed up from more than minus 40 degrees to more than 40 degrees.

Bang, the door of the bar, which was transformed from a shuttle door, was pushed open. There was an alien with a toad head and a flowery shirt and a mechanical transformation of seven or eighty-seven parts of the body except for the head, which were cheap metal prostheses. The man walked out arm-in-arm with the boss behind him scolding him.

Judging by the clattering footsteps of the two of them, it was obvious that they drank a lot of low-quality drinks brewed with thorn palm juice in the bar.

"Digo! Is my eyes deceived? Is there a spaceship there?"

Except for one head, 80.00% of the body parts were transformed into mechanical bodies. The modified man raised his head, looked at the black shadow in the sky, and shook his head.

"Your eyes must be dazzled. There are still two months before those black-hearted businessmen come here. How could they be so kind and come here in advance! Don't you want to pay for fuel?"

The toad man named Diego raised his head while laughing at his companions, and then he froze.

He saw a black spacecraft falling rapidly in their direction in the sky. He blinked his eyes, and he could even see clearly the tail of the black spacecraft, which was ten times farther than the vision range of an eagle on Earth. There was a fire, and sparks kept coming out.

Obviously this was a spacecraft that crashed due to an accident, but it was not known whether the spacecraft hit a meteorite or was attacked by interstellar pirates.

"Looks like our good luck has come!" Toadman Digo licked his lips excitedly. The sun's rays from the star above his head made the corners of his mouth chapped.

But compared to this trivial matter, Diego is more concerned about what kind of benefits this unlucky spaceship can bring him. If it is really a cargo spacecraft, the goods inside might even be able to exchange for him and leave. Tickets here.

Thinking of this, Diego's heart couldn't help but beat fast. This feeling was not brought to him even by the female striptease in the bar last night. This was the taste of money.

"Hey, Abad, wake up, we're going to get rich!"

Diego jumped up and patted the head of his companion who was hunched due to drunkenness, and forcibly turned his head in one direction, "Open your eyes and look, listen, we are going to the place where the spaceship crashed now." direction!"

After speaking, Diego jumped up from behind, jumped on the back of his companion, and hugged his neck tightly: "Abad, start your engine and move forward at full power. Don't be stingy with the energy. We need to kill those hyenas." Before you come, grab all the spaceships! I have a hunch that we will make a fortune this time!"

The soles of the mechanical cyborg's feet sprayed out two blue flames, leading Diego to fly toward the direction of the crash of the spacecraft.

"Wake up, Abad has yawed, damn old Shaq, how much industrial oil has he mixed into the wine! Follow my command, veer twenty degrees to the left! No, no, it's to the left, you It’s to the right!”

The mechanical reformer Abad landed on the back slope of a hillside. At this time, he had regained consciousness. His face with Chinese characters was expressionless, even with a hint of coldness and numbness.

Diego was holding an optical detector, lying on the hillside, watching a dozen old prospecting shuttles approaching the black spacecraft, and couldn't help but complain.

"Looks like we're late! These hyenas have a really keen sense of smell!"

"They are in trouble. This is the ship of the Iron-blooded family. No, judging from the painting of the ship, this is the ship of the Dark Iron-blooded family. Diego, we need to get out of here -"

Abad stood on the hillside, looking at the smoking black spaceship from a distance. When he saw the full picture of the spacecraft, his expression suddenly changed. He grabbed Digo's hand and turned to leave.

"Hey, wait, Abad, what is the Dark Iron Blood? We can't leave here. This spaceship is related to my ticket!"

As a native living on this planet, Diego didn't know what dark iron blood was, and he didn't understand why the friend in front of him changed his tone when talking about dark iron blood.

He only knows that the spaceship in front of him may be the key to leaving this planet. He does not want to stay on this planet with exhausted resources and no future for the rest of his life, even if this planet is his home planet.

"The Iron Bloods are hunters in the universe. They take pride in hunting powerful prey and collecting their bones. The Dark Iron Bloods are more cruel than them, not just these hyenas. If they regard this planet as a hunting ground, then this planet All the creatures are in trouble!" Abad's expression became more and more serious.

"But if they were really so powerful, why were they beaten down?" Diego couldn't help but retort.

Abad glanced down at him: "That means the enemies they encountered are more dangerous, so we must leave this planet as soon as possible!"

"Leave, Abad, do you know what you are talking about? The money we have saved over the years is not enough to buy the most ordinary shuttle engine."

Diego tugged on his empty pocket, and then spread his hands towards Abad.

"I have a spaceship!" Abad said flatly, raising his head and staring closely at the group of shuttles that were gradually approaching the black spaceship.

"What? I didn't hear what you just said clearly. Abad, tell me, you just said that you have a shuttle. Is there something wrong with my ears?"

When Diego heard Abad's words, he jumped up and said with an exaggerated expression.

"Shut up, don't talk, let's start!" Abad glared down at Digo, telling him to shut up.

Diego was startled by the seriousness in Abad's eyes. He had never seen his alcoholic friend show such an expression before. He was so frightened that he immediately closed his mouth and lay on the hillside looking down.

On the yellow sand plain, the dozen or so shuttles had parked next to the black spaceship. On board the shuttles were dozens of big men holding various types of energy guns.

These people come from various interstellar civilizations. Their predecessors or ancestors were miners here, and they were forced to stay on this planet because they had no money to buy ship tickets.

However, unlike those miners who hunt for treasures in the slag in the mines, these people got entangled together and formed a gang. They made a living by robbing other people's harvests. They were a well-known bully gang on the entire planet.

"Hi!" Diego knew most of the people here. From a distance, he saw Felin with four arms leading the way, holding an old mining cutting machine. The nozzle of the cutting machine sprayed out a red laser. He stopped cutting the hatch of the spacecraft. With his excellent vision, he could even see the model mark on the cutting machine clearly.

"What a waste. The complete cabin door of the spaceship can be exchanged for a good floating vehicle in the hands of those black-hearted businessmen!"

Diego grumbled softly, feeling that the cutting machine seemed to be cutting his flesh, which made him feel distressed.

Abad ignored him this time, but focused on looking at the spacecraft, especially the hatch.
The hatch of the spacecraft was quickly cut in a full circle by the laser. The four-armed film used an electromagnetic device to attach to the hatch, then immediately hid aside and waved to a shuttle.

As the shuttle accelerated, the chain connected to the electromagnetic device immediately straightened, and in an instant the laser-cut hatch of the spacecraft was pulled out, revealing the airtight cabin inside.

The moment the spaceship door was opened, a group of hyenas immediately surrounded it with energy guns, pointing the muzzles of the energy guns at the airtight cabin to prevent any living fish from slipping through the spacecraft.

The hyenas who have been able to hang out on this abandoned mineral planet for so long are not the gangsters on the streets of New York who took drugs and dared to rush into other people's stores to buy for zero dollars with guns raised. They have a certain knowledge of robbery. Set up a skilled process.

In fact, these hyenas were careful enough. When a red dot appeared on the head of a stone man, the group of people launched a concentrated fire attack on the hatch without hesitation.

Dozens of energy guns fired at the cabin door.


The red light solidified, and the stone man's head instantly shattered with a slight explosion, and the headless body fell toward the ground.

"Be careful, enemy attack!"

Before the remaining people could react, a ray of cold light shot down from the top of the spaceship. Amidst the humming sound, the full moon-like flywheel wreaked havoc through the crowd with its cold light.

Wherever the cold light passed, the heads of figures one after another fell directly to the ground and shattered into powder. The reason why their heads were shattered was because the flywheel contained an extremely cold air.

Diego looked at the dozens of headless ice sculptures standing around the black spaceship from a distance, with their mouths open enough to fit into his fists. With his eyesight, he couldn't even find the person who killed these hyenas?
But he soon found the "murderer". On the top of the black spaceship, a tall figure with pigtails and a mask lifted his optical invisibility, raised his hand to catch the flywheel in his palm, and jumped from the spaceship. Next, he stood at the door of the cabin and looked around warily.

Within the spaceship, several similarly dressed figures soon walked out. They exchanged words with each other, then quickly dispersed, boarded the shuttle left by the hyenas and disappeared into the vast yellow sand.

"Abad! They have all left, should we go to the spaceship and have a look!" Digo blinked and looked at Abad.

Abad lowered his head and warned him with a serious face: "We have to get out of here!"

"But, there should be no one on the spaceship now, and even if there is nothing valuable on the spaceship, the energy guns left by the hyenas alone are enough to exchange for some energy fuel!"

Abad ignored Digo, a little toad's plea, and threw him directly on his shoulder, flying towards the direction he came from at low altitude. Digo couldn't help but look back in the direction of the black spaceship.

He suddenly blinked his eyes and felt a chill coming from his back. He saw the air on the hillside where he had just been lying ruffled, and a tall figure who was a full head taller than the other Predators appeared out of nowhere. There, he watched them go away coldly.

His excellent vision even allowed him to clearly see the tall figure's cold and expressionless eyes.


Diego trembled and told Abad about this. The mechanical transformation man Abad's head froze. The next moment, the power of the thrusters under his feet was directly increased to the maximum. Diego could even hear him clearly inside his body. The sound of parts hitting each other.

Shadow Storm stood on the red rock and looked at the abandoned, desolate planet. He ignored the two little mice that ran away. He clicked on the computer assistant on his wrist.

Pulling up a virtual screen, he started sending messages out and gathering people. Since the supreme evolution regarded him as prey, let's see who is the prey.

Not long after Shadow Storm sent out the message, all the Dark Iron Bloods in half the galaxy received the message.
The one who was hunting immediately gave up on the prey he was about to get, and the one who was driving the spaceship immediately changed direction and headed for the coordinate point sent by Shadow Storm.

For the Iron-Blooded Clan, which advocates martial arts, it was a great shame and humiliation for Shadow Storm to be captured. However, Shadow Storm, who gained new strength in the Tang and Song Dynasties, returned to the Dark Iron-Blooded Clan and relied on the power to break through its own limits, easily overpowering the entire clan. The dark iron-blooded clan.

And after he obtained the permission of the Tang and Song Dynasties, he taught the art of nurturing the Hundred-step Flying Sword to the dark iron-bloods who were loyal to him. The worship of him by those dark iron-bloods who had gained new powers did not decrease but increased.

For the sake of his own evolution, even the two dark iron-blooded elders who had differences with Shadow Storm in the past were convinced by him and joined his command.

With Shadow Storm's order, it could be said that tens of thousands of Dark Iron Bloods from across half of the galaxy rushed to this star field.

"The Iron-blooded race is also a super race that has evolved over millions of years. Especially the leader, the Iron-blooded race, his evolutionary genes should be very interesting!"

On a fortress spaceship as large as an asteroid, a man in red armor was looking at his experimenters. The Sovereigns controlled the gene accelerator and experimented with his theory of species evolution.

Each experimental subject exploded into a bloody mass in the experimental cabin. Looking at this bloody scene, the man did not even blink.

This man in red armor is the Supreme Evolution, an earthling. To be precise, he was once an American and lived in Manchester, London. His original name was Herbert Edgar Wyndham. He was once a genetic Science expert, biology expert, inventor, he was conducting genetic experiments in his mother's basement in the suburbs of London very early on, and successfully created a gene accelerator.

While trying to create new species, he also modified his own genes, allowing him to continuously evolve and possess immeasurable superpowers. Later, by chance, he left the earth and established his own company in the galaxy.

In this attack on the Fallen Star, the reason why he chose to leave was not because he was afraid of the East Galaxy Company, but because he found a better experimental subject, the Predator who kept tracking his traces.

It was an excellent experimental subject. In order to prevent him from noticing, he deliberately made an escape gesture.

Sure enough, under his deliberate temptation, the experimental subject fell into his trap. In this desolate star field, the spacecraft was severely damaged by his design and landed on this desolate planet.

Then let him see if the experimental subject he selected can withstand the influence of his genetic accelerator.

"M.O.D.O.K., take people to this planet and capture the Iron-blooded one. I will live!"

Next to the Supreme Evolution, there is a large head suspended, a head that is five or six times the size of an ordinary person. It looks very weird against his small body.

This big head was wrapped in golden armor. After hearing the order of the supreme evolution, he opened his white teeth and revealed an evil smile.

"As ordered!"

(End of this chapter)

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