Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 30 The Inquisition Visitor

Chapter 30 The Inquisition Visitor
The basement in the backyard of the manor, which was originally used to store munitions, was now empty.

In an area of ​​two to three hundred square meters, there is only a plasma furnace with a full sense of technology.

The plasma furnace is heating at the maximum power, and the high temperature in the furnace exceeds 2000 degrees, which burns the furnace wall red.

In the depths of the furnace, several groups of solutions were separated by partitions.

Tang Song stood shirtless in front of the plasma furnace, pinching seals with his hands continuously, and shot out a series of spirits, and the aura of aura submerged in these liquids.

Time passed little by little, and as the speed of the formula in Tang Song's hand became faster and faster, there were faint rays of light in the middle of the six-color liquid.


After an unknown amount of time, Tang Song yelled sharply, bit the tip of his tongue, and spurted blood from the tip of his tongue.

As his mouthful of blood spurted out, the six-color liquid in the plasma furnace condensed into two golden pills the size of pigeon eggs.

The golden pill looks like gold but not gold, like jade but not jade, and its surface is like amber. If you look carefully, there is faint smoke flowing on it, forming three talismans.


Tang Song looked at Jin Wan, and was overjoyed. With a move of his finger, the imperial object technique was displayed.

The oak barrel on the side was directly lifted by a transparent palm.

A bucket full of [-] jins of blood was poured into the plasma furnace, and a white gas suddenly rose, filling the entire basement in an instant.

After the quenching was completed, Tang and Song's two-handed spirit art changed, using the magic weapon's storage formula, and pointed it into the plasma furnace for a little traction.

Two streaks of golden light shot out from the furnace, and landed on Tang Song's palms.

Holding two sword pills in his hand, Tang Song couldn't put it down.

Although these two sword pills are in terms of grade, they are just ordinary instruments with three layers of restrictions engraved on them.

Compared with those bronze armored corpses sacrificed in Tang and Song Dynasties, skeleton demons and the like are not much stronger.

However, the magical weapons recorded in the Heshan Jing are all things that are eager for quick success and instant benefit. They are powerful and can be used for body protection, but in terms of potential, they are not as good as the two sword pills made by Tang and Song Dynasty.

Holding the sword pill, Tang Song poured two streams of Taibai essence into it, and the two sword pills emitted a dazzling white light.

Tang Song raised his hand and shot out the two sword pills.

Two white rainbows shot out, and the concrete floor shot out two bowl-sized holes like tofu.

The sun shines in through the hole, and Tang and Song can even see the shrubs and flowers in the manor through the hole.

Under the control of Tang and Song Dynasties, these two sword pills pierced through the two-meter-thick cement slab and the four- to five-meter-thick soil layer.

Two white brilliance circled and interlaced in the sky, and the extremely sharp sword energy cut the clouds in the sky to pieces.

After a while, the freshness passed and Tang Song took the sword pill.

The two sword pills were stored in the palm of the hand, and with the white light blooming, Tang Song had two more swords as thin as cicada's wings.

The sword is three feet long, with white in the blue, giving a faint sense of transparency.

Tang Song held a sword in one hand and waved it with both hands, and the whole basement suddenly had sword aura intertwined.



In the basement, there was a sound of intensive footsteps, and someone was knocking lightly on the door of the basement.

Tang Song said 'um': "Come in, what's the matter?"

Ryan walked in, bowed slightly and said:
"Someone in the monitoring room saw something unusual on the ground, are you okay?"

Tang Song glanced at the almost messy ground that was destroyed by him, and said lightly:
"I'm fine, I'm just experimenting with something new!"


"Boss, Father De Cler is here. He wants to see you!" A bodyguard appeared at the door of the basement and bowed slightly to Tang Song.

"Decler, what is he doing here?"

Tang Song tidied up his clothes, put on a crisp white suit sent by the bodyguard, stretched his neck, and followed Ryan out.


Father De Cler did not come alone. Beside him was a man in his fifties who was over 1.9 meters tall. Weird look.

Judging from the standing position, De Kler's status is obviously not as high as this man's.

Frank was standing next to him five meters away, looking at the two politely but forcefully.

Tang Song came to the living room and directly used his spiritual knowledge to see through this person.

Well, Tang Song discovered something very interesting, he smiled, and said in a provocative manner:

"Please sit down, Ryan, and ask for some drinks, Father, this is..."

Before Father De Cler could answer, the man sat down on the sofa opposite Tang Song and said in a deep and powerful voice, "Call me West, I'm from the Vatican!"

Tang Song hummed, nodded lightly and said, "Then, Mr. West, what can I do for you? What does the Holy See ask of us?
Are you asking for a salary reduction?You are from the Vatican, but I have reached a cooperation with the Diocese of New York, but if it is a request from the Holy See, I will consider your reasonable demands. "

On the side, Father De Cler had an embarrassed smile on his face.

There was no expression on West's thin face:

"Our Inquisition will not interfere with the affairs of the New York Diocese!
I came here for the coming of the blood god. Mr. Tang, you are doing really well now. In just ten days, you have wiped out seven vampire lairs. Even our Inquisition may not be able to do so cleanly in this regard. !

But I came here to assess the risk of the coming of the blood god, and what's more, are you sure you can stop this coming of the blood god? "

Tang Song leaned back and twisted his upper body in order to sit more comfortably.

Ryan pushed a small trolley of wine over, mixed three glasses of wine himself and handed them to Tang Song, West and De Cler.

Tang Song raised his glass to signal, West smiled back, took a sip, then looked at Ryan with a little surprise, and said:
"Good wine, Mr. Tang, you have a very good bartender."

Tang Song smiled proudly and said:
"So, Mr. West, what do you need?
Or, what guarantee do you want me to give you? "

West shook his head in surprise and said:

"Guarantee, I don't need any guarantee,
Let me get straight to the point, I will stay in New York during this time, if there is any sign of the blood god coming, you will not be able to solve it!Our Inquisition will directly take over the affairs of New York. . . "

Tang Song made a slight gesture and laughed loudly:

"No problem, no problem, haha, we have an old saying in the East, we don't have diamonds, we don't do porcelain work, if we don't have the ability to do it well, we don't dare to take this business rashly."

In the Inquisition, Tang Song raised his glass and invited West in front of him to toast together.

Tang Song glanced at Father De Cler at the side, seeing his bitter face, Tang Song was thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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