Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 237 Trapping the Superman of the Buddha Country

Chapter 237 Trapping the Superman of the Buddha Country

At the foot of Mount Fuji, Hawkeye Patton, wearing a light-colored sunscreen windbreaker, held a camera in his hand, and patted left and right from time to time, blending in with a group of tourists, inconspicuous at all.

"Mei, are you sure this is where Natasha last appeared?"

At the request of two Japanese girls in kimonos, Hawkeye took a photo with them, smiled and left their contact information.

Just as the two girls left his sight, the expression in Hawk's eyes suddenly changed, and he looked at the middle-aged woman beside him.

"The Quinjet plane hijacked by the Black Widow crashed near the Western Pacific Ocean. At the time of the accident, only one cruise ship passed by. That cruise ship belonged to Dongying Oshima Co., Ltd."

The female agent known as the cavalry answered Hawkeye's questions while keeping an eye on the surrounding environment and suspicious characters.

Her hands were not idle either, she reached into the travel bag with one hand, and there was a sound of sound machine expanding and closing in the black backpack.

"Oshima Co., Ltd. is an international travel agency. Its head office is at the foot of Mount Fuji. Before you came, I hacked into the surveillance system of the Dongying Metropolitan Police Department. The last time the Black Widow appeared on the surveillance system was with the tour group on Mount Fuji."

"What did she come to Mount Fuji for? Could it be that the mastermind controlling her is from Japan?"

After listening to Agent May's words, Hawkeye frowned. He and Natasha were friends in need, but also close comrades-in-arms, the kind who could sacrifice their lives for each other.

He didn't believe that Natasha would betray for no reason, she must be controlled by someone.

"Then we can only be sure if we find her herself!"

Agent May handed the backpack to Hawkeye, and under the cover of the backpack, handed him a black pistol.

"There are only two magazines, so save them. In order to hide from the situation, I can only find the arms dealers in Japan!"

Kaka, Hawkeye took the pistol and pulled the gun body skillfully.

"The military's standard pistol?!" Although Hawkeye likes to use bows and arrows, ordinary pistols are no problem for him.

He only listened to the sound of the gun mechanism spring a few times, and he was sure that this M9 pistol came from a regular federal arms company, not a small workshop product.

Kaka!Agent May was also sorting out her equipment, and she cast Hawkeye a look.

"I've inquired that the upline of the arms dealer is the famous arms dealer Yuri, his reputation can be guaranteed, and he doesn't know our identities!"

"Where are we going next?" Hawkeye stuck the gun into his back and looked at Agent May.

People like May and Coulson are all Nick Fury's confidantes. After Nick Fury noticed that Hydra had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., he secretly stripped his confidants out.

These agents have all experienced the test of mind readers, so there is no need to doubt their loyalty.

But after Nick Fury's death, most of this group of people took refuge in the new director Maria Hill, and there are probably not many people who really want to avenge the old director.

Even Hawkeye himself, compared to the truth of Nick Fury's death, what he wants to do now is to save Natasha from unknown enemies.

The two climbed to the top of Mount Fuji with the flow of tourists. Agent Mei held a tablet computer in his hand, which contained pictures taken by various surveillance cameras on Mount Fuji.

"She went here, the mountain behind is an unopened area!"

Agent Mei pointed to the video on the tablet and said to Hawkeye. Hawkeye looked at the screen in the surveillance video. The familiar figure disappeared after bypassing a cherry blossom tree.


Hawkeye made his decision without any hesitation.

Taking advantage of the vacancy in the crowd of tourists, the two turned around the cherry blossom tree and walked into a deserted mountain road.

The mountain path is difficult, but both Eagle Eye and Agent Mei are well-trained crystal clear, and it is not too difficult for them to climb this kind of mountain path.

However, the further you go along the mountain road, the more bumpy the path becomes, and even at the end, it is covered with thorns and weeds, and there is no shadow of the road in the chaotic world.

"There are traces of being trampled on here. Someone has been here. Judging from the affected area and the recovery of the shrubs, it took no more than two days!"

Agent May squatted down, carefully observed a trampled bush, and analyzed,
"Then follow the trail!"

After Hawkeye greeted him, he took the lead and walked in front, followed by Agent May.

The two soon came to an undulating ridge along the trample marks observed. Agent Mei wiped the sweat off her face, and she looked at the endless green sea of ​​trees at her feet in the distance.

"There is a sea of ​​green trees and trees. If she goes there, we will really be looking for a needle in a haystack!"

Inside the Imperial Organization Mt. Fuji Observatory

Dr. Serizawa is reviewing the trajectory of Godzilla's activities in recent years on a computer.

The ancient Titan Godzilla that lived in the deep sea.

In the past few years, he discovered that the activities of this titan, which looks like a dinosaur in ancient times, have certain rules.

Almost every year, Godzilla will follow a fixed route and travel around the world in the deep sea.

Of course, its travel is not the same as travel in the conventional sense. It travels between continents along the deep sea and the holes in the earth that may exist on the bottom of the sea, just like patrolling.

This mode of action often lasts for a month, and then Godzilla will mysteriously disappear.

Dr. Serizawa suspects that the Titan has its own lair in the hollow hollow layer of the earth, but with the current speed of technological development on the earth, it is almost impossible to find Godzilla's lair in the vast ocean.

So, he set his sights on Godzilla's journey around the world again.
Then, he made a big discovery.

Dr. Serizawa first discovered the doubts in the journey of the Titan. When Godzilla travels around the world, he will stop in several places for a very short time. Those places include Mona Island, Skull Island and the Antarctic continent, as well as South America. , North Africa and several places in Northern Europe.

What these places have in common is that there are traces of confirmed or suspected Titan activities.

Godzilla is like a jailer, and like a king patrolling the territory, it seems to be observing the activities of other titans.

This undoubtedly gave the imperial organization a new research direction.

The Emperor Organization has been looking for ancient Titans all over the world, but they have only collected information on a few Titans that can only be observed, and the rest either come from illusory legends, or they only found clues.

However, because of replaying the trajectory of Godzilla's activities, they were able to discover some Titans that had not been found before.

For example, Ghidorah at base zero is what they observed by observing Godzilla's stop.

Dr. Serizawa replayed Godzilla's trajectory over and over again, trying to find a new titan.

In two months it will be time for Monarch to apply for funding.

If they can no longer find anything of value, then the Emperor Organization will hand over a very bad answer when faced with the questioning of the World Security Council.

Although those politicians reserved enough patience for the Emperor Organization because of the possible dangers brought by the Titans,

But facing the Titans, they have been unable to produce any results except defense, which will undoubtedly reduce the importance of the Emperor Organization in their minds, which will directly lead to a series of bad situations such as a reduction in investment in research funds. .

After all, scientists are human beings, and scientists also need to live.

Especially in the current general environment, all countries and organizations have set their sights on outer space,

The total amount of funds is so much, once they use all the money to develop the aviation industry, the funds of the Emperor Organization will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

Ishiro Serizawa, who had been facing the computer screen all morning, rubbed his brows with some headaches.

He couldn't help but think of the man he met at Yashida's house back then.

When he visited Yashida Shingen at the beginning, he wanted to get a sponsor from Yashida Industry, but it was a pity that he heard the news of Yashida's accident not long after he left Yashida's house.

But afterward, the Chinese man named Tang Song contacted him and expressed his willingness to fund his research.

Because he didn't know the origin of the other party, Serizawa Ioshiro didn't agree to it at the beginning, and now that the research funds are stretched, he suddenly felt that it would be nice to have a generous boss behind him!
While Dr. Serizawa was thinking wildly, the communicator in front of him suddenly rang.

"Doctor, someone has crossed the restricted area!"

"It's those tourists again, notify the nearby forest police and take them away!"

Dr. Serizawa angrily picked up the communicator and ordered the guards.

Because it is located in the well-known scenic spot of Mount Fuji, there are many tourists who do not take unusual paths every year, wanting to climb the undeveloped wild area attractions and break into the restricted area set by them.

To deal with this kind of stray tourists, their observation station already has a complete set of countermeasures, which usually means notifying the nearby forest police to expel them.

"Doctor! They seem to have guns!"

"Where are you?"

Hawkeye led Agent May to look for the Black Widow along the ridge, and he had a small military telescope in his hand, looking in all directions.

"Hey! Is there something there?"

Suddenly, the eagle's eyes stopped, and he saw a cave of three to four meters in the volcanic rock left behind by the magma.

"May! There!"

Agent Mei followed the eagle's eyes and saw the cave in the valley halfway up the mountain.

The two climbed up and began to move towards the valley. Out of caution, both put their guns within easy reach.

All this was captured by several hidden cameras in the crevices of the rocks.

"The volcanic rock doesn't solidify for a long time. Could it be that Mount Fuji has erupted in the past two years?"

Hawkeye and Agent Mei quickly came to the cave. Hawkeye squatted down suspiciously, pulled out a dagger and scraped some powder on the rock formation, and twisted the stone powder with his hands.

Agent May took out a searchlight from his backpack and shone down along the cave.

The beam of the searchlight shone in the cave, and a figure flashed in front of the beam.

Mei's eyes widened for a moment.

"It's the Black Widow, she's down there."

Hawkeye's heart skipped a beat, and he was suddenly filled with ecstasy.

At this moment, on the mountain wall tens of meters away from them, a camouflaged stone door was pushed open from the inside, and several white soldiers with assault rifles came out.

"This is a military restricted area, who are you, put down your guns!"

Several soldiers raised their guns and aimed at the two Hawkeyes.

"Bang bang——" Hawkeye pulled out the pistol from the back of his waist, pointed at several soldiers, and fired several times.

Several soldiers were shot directly to the ground.


Hawkeye greeted Agent May, turned over and jumped down the cave. He had just observed the situation in the cave with Agent May's searchlight.

It is not deep from the bottom of the cave, only three to four meters away at most.

But Hawkeye obviously overestimated the solidity of the rock at the bottom of the cave, and when he and Agent May jumped down, a dangerous, weak cracking sound sounded under his feet.

Hawkeye lowered his head in horror, and saw that the seemingly stable rock formation had already appeared densely packed with cracks like spider webs.


Hawkeye pulled Mei Ba and ran away, but just after he took two steps, the rock behind him broke open completely.

More than half of his body fell below the rock formation. At this critical moment, Agent May threw the backpack in his hand with one hand, and one shoulder strap of the backpack was hung on a raised rock.

The two were lucky enough to stop their fall.

After the two of them worked hard, they finally climbed to a safe rock and looked down.

"My God!"

Agent May exclaimed.

Under the cave, there is a sea of ​​magma, hot magma is flowing, and several huge snake heads are looming in the magma.

Agent May's body trembled a little.

"It's Yamata no Orochi, a monster in Japanese legends, there really is a monster like Yamata no Orochi hidden in Mount Fuji!"

Yamata no Orochi?Hawkeye looked at the looming monster in the magma.

The black body was floating in the fiery red magma, like driftwood. Hawkeye's eyesight was excellent, and he could clearly see the black scales on the snake's body.

Observing a titan at such a close distance is a very challenging task for the human will,

"It's a giant titan. I didn't expect that there is an observation post organized by the emperor. The soldiers outside seem to be members of the emperor's organization!"

Hawkeye is a high-ranking agent in S.H.I.E.L.D. He naturally knows about the Emperor's organization and the Titans they observe, but the location of the Emperor's observation station has always been a secret.

He had never seen the true face of a giant titan, and now that he witnessed a giant titan with his own eyes, even Hawkeye's hands trembled a little.

"What should I do now, it makes me feel bad."

Although Mei didn't know what a titan was, she didn't want to stay in this ghostly place for a moment in the face of a monster that could swallow her in one bite.

"Titan, why did Natasha lead us here?"

Hawkeye took out his mobile phone and pointed it down, wanting to take a photo of the titan and send it to Coulson.

But when he took a photo of the giant snake in the magma and wanted to send it, he found that there was no signal here.

"Barton, long time no see!"

Just when Hawkeye was about to find a way to leave here, a familiar figure came out from the shadow of the cave opposite him,

"Natasha!" Hawkeye looked at the Black Widow in astonishment, and Agent May next to him immediately pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the Black Widow.

"Natasha, you did the assassination of Chief Fury, why did you do it?"

Hawkeye searched for so long before finding the trace of Black Widow. He looked excitedly at this former comrade-in-arms, wanting to hear an explanation.

The Black Widow shook her head, her exquisite face was somewhat playful: "Barton, I remember that when we were on a mission, you once said that if the two of us die together, it is also a kind of fate! You can't count your words. count?"

Without waiting for Hawkeye's answer, the Black Widow took out a bundle of flashing red cluster bombs from behind, and threw them down the cave under the horrified gazes of Hawkeye and Mei.

"Bang bang—"

Mei emptied the magazine at Black Widow in an instant, and the first shot hit Black Widow's chest. Hawkeye next to her suddenly raised her arm, and let her remaining shots hit the rock above. .

Just when Hawkeye snatched the gun from Mei's hand, a violent explosion exploded under his feet.

The fiery magma shot up into the sky, the rocks shattered, and the black-scaled snake head tens of meters thick crushed layers of rocks, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the three people above it into its mouth.


All the rock formations at the bottom of this valley bulged outwards, and in the turbulent rock formations, accompanied by the hot magma soaring into the sky, the huge monster with eight heads and eight tails was completely awakened.


A helicopter from the Emperor Organization had just taken off from the hillside not far from the valley when a huge black-scaled snake head suddenly protruded from a cloud of volcanic ash and bit the helicopter in its mouth.


The helicopter was slammed onto the wall of Mount Fuji by Yamata no Orochi, and the helicopter carrying four or five evacuees organized by the Emperor directly turned into a ball of fire.

South Korea, Seoul

At the instigation of Yashida Mariko, Boss Tang, who had just tasted a South Korean rice bowl, got up from the bed.

Putting on pajamas and walking towards the living room, sitting on the sofa in the living room, Tang Song spread his hands, and a phantom loomed in his palm.

Looking at the soul of the black widow in his palm, Tang Song smiled slightly, and the soul of the black widow turned into a ray of light and sank into the restraint behind him.

Among the yin and yang fishes behind him, streamers of light and phantoms manifested, which were the lights and shadows forbidden by the spell he practiced.

Among them is a golden wheel exuding golden Buddha light. Among the layers of golden Buddha light, there are fist-sized relics shining, and golden lotuses are holding up a magnificent scene of Lingshan.

This golden wheel is the spell practiced in the Tang and Song Dynasties - the Great Curse of the Heart Demon!
The most vicious part of the evil spell of the heart demon curse is that the person who is cast by the spell will not be freed from his soul even after death. He will become a follower of the caster and offer incense to him.

Of course, Buddhism calls this Purdue, and the shelter of these cursed souls can also be called the Buddha Kingdom.

"Boss, the matter is settled, but that thing came out, and Mt. Fuji is at risk of erupting!"

Not long after, Bai Youling called Tang Song's cell phone.

"I see!" Tang Song just replied flatly, and hung up the phone directly.

In Tony Stark's sea view villa, a group of people are sitting around the living room, and a recording is playing in the audio equipment in front of them.

"Don, Nick Fury is investigating you. He got the news that two days later, you have a batch of goods to leave from the pier!"

"Cargo, Mr. President, my company has to deliver a lot of things every day, and I can't do many things myself. Is there anything illegal in our company?"

"There is no best, I just remind you, don't be caught by Nick Fury, he is investigating the terrorist attack at the State Guest House recently!"

"He should really check it out. Who would have thought that Hydra was hiding in their S.H.I.E.L.D. I suspect that they planned the terrorist attack back then!"

"I'm afraid—"

"Okay, Mr. President, don't worry about it. After the terrorist attack, the CIA and the National Security Agency have checked it countless times. Even if Nick Fury wants to plant you, you must be able to find an entry point. .”

"That's good! But you have to be careful not to be targeted!"

"Tang, the general election is coming soon, I need your support, not only in terms of political donations, your Tang Group is developing very fast in the federal territory.

The votes of your employees and their families, and the people you can influence"

"The rest is some general election political deals! You have listened to it several times, can you hear anything?"

After Tony Stark turned off the audio, he looked at Phil Coulson and Steve Rogers who were sitting across from each other.

The first person to speak was Pepper Pepper, who was sitting next to him. She spread her hands: "They obviously have something in their words. We can confirm that there is collusion between them, but we want to correct them for being related to Nick Fury's death. Far from enough."

"If you look at this audio alone, even the judge can't convict them, and we can't even produce any evidence except that the president is suspected of leaking secrets!"

"Judging from this recording, the president leaked Agent Natasha's actions and the actions failed, so Natasha probably fell into Tang Song's hands!"

"The death of Chief Fury should also have something to do with him!"

Phil Coulson was a little emotional.

"But, agent! We have no evidence, and even this recording is illegal. Stealing the president's call records, if we really want to take this recording, we will all go to jail!"

Tony Stark rubbed his brows: "Jarvis, is there a way to crack Don's private phone?"

"Sorry! Sir, their artificial intelligence calculation speed is faster than mine, and I have no way to crack their core firewall!"

"It looks like I have to upgrade the program for you!" Listening to Jarvis's words, Tony Stark stood up and clapped his hands.

"The recording is useless, we can only start from other places, I have a suggestion, we split into two, Captain, you and Agent Fil go to secretly collect evidence of Tang's crime, I will continue to study the anti-Tang and Song suits, we How about going hand in hand?"

"That Chinese named Tang Song is very strong!?" The US team heard that Tony Stark was going to study the steel suit to deal with Tang Song. He raised his head and looked at Tony Stark.

"It's not a matter of being strong or not, Captain, let's put it this way, in Wertheim, the strength he showed, um, have you read DC comics!"

"You, me, plus Hulk, Thor, and Hawkeye, we are like those pylons in the Justice League, and Don, he is the thigh, the god of the world!"

Tony Stark's metaphor gave the US team a clear understanding of Tang Song's strength for the first time. After all, the comic character Superman was born in 1938, and he was also a DC comic fan at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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