Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 227 The Death of Nick Fury

Chapter 227 The Death of Nick Fury
"Bang bang bang-"

When the Glock 26 pistol in Black Widow's hand fired the first bullet, the unsuspecting Nick Fury had already been shot in the back of the head and fell to the ground.

The bullet entered from the occipital bone in the back of his head, and the strong impact brought a red and white brain flower out of his forehead, leaving a hole the size of an egg.


Nick Fury fell heavily on the carpet, with unbelievable shock still in his eyes.

This kind of close-range shooting to the back of the head, let alone Nick Fury, even if Steve Rogers is here, he would be killed immediately if he was shot.

But the black widow didn't stop, she lowered her gun and aimed at the head of Nick Fury's corpse several times

When she emptied the magazine, the head of the famous Mare Falkman burst open like a ripe watermelon, and the red and white liquid splashed onto the ground, instantly soaking a large area of ​​the wool carpet.

Before everyone could react, Black Widow threw away the empty pistol casually, rolled over to Nick Fury's body, pulled out the pistol from Nick Fury's waist with his right hand, and at the same time groped in his arms with his left hand. Out of an old-fashioned BB machine!
"Catch her!"

When the Black Widow stuffed the old-fashioned BB machine into it, the people in the command room of the aerospace carrier had just reacted.

Hill was the first to react. She drew her pistol backhand and fired several shots at Black Widow.

"Bang bang bang!—"

The black widow rolled on the spot, avoiding the bullet fired by Hill, and leaped, knocking down a French member of the World Security Council.

"Don't move, let me go!"

The black widow pulled the gray-haired old man in front of her, aiming the gun at the back of his head.

"Agent Natasha, do you know what you are doing now?"

Hill pointed his gun at the black widow, and asked her with a frosty face.

At this time in the command room, all the agents also pointed their guns at the black widow.

The harsh sirens echoed in the aerospace aircraft carrier, and a large number of armed special services swarmed into the command room.

These armed special agents held the bulletproof shields to protect the congressmen and senior officials in the command room behind them, and while covering their retreat, the modified Kirita energy rifles in their hands were aimed at the black widow one after another.

The black widow strangled the hostage's neck with her left arm, pointed the gun at the back of the hostage's head with her right hand, watched the people in the command room evacuate with cold eyes, and did not take any action.

"Agent Natasha, I don't know why you did this, but you'd better raise your hands and surrender now!"

Hill stood behind the two agents and shouted to the black widow.

A smile appeared on the corner of Black Widow's mouth, "Really?!"

She opened her mouth slightly towards Hill and made a mouth shape: "Boom!"

Hill was a little confused, so at this moment, her feet trembled, and there was a strong vibration from the aerospace carrier under her feet.

Several armed special agents and agents were shaken like an earthquake, their feet were unstable, and they fell directly to the ground.

"What did you do?" Hill tried to stand still, looking at the black widow angrily.

"It's just some time bombs. It is estimated that one of the aircraft carrier's engines has broken down. Hill, you still have another chance! I'll give you 10 minutes to think about whether we should die together or let me go!" Black Widow said with a victor on her face smile.

Because of the convergence of the Nine Realms, the earth is full of raging creatures from the Nine Realms, and the powerful combat forces stationed on the aerospace aircraft carrier all went to perform missions outside.

And the Black Widow stayed on the aerospace carrier because she had just finished the review, which undoubtedly gave the Black Widow an opportunity.

Hill didn't know that the Black Widow was controlled by Boss Tang.

She dare not bet...

After weighing the pros and cons, she could only choose to let her agents make way.

Under the guns of many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, the Black Widow took the hapless French congressman and retreated to the hangar deck of the aerospace aircraft carrier.

There are two latest model Quinjet fighters parked there.

In front of the hangar, agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were surrounded.

And in the command room of the aerospace carrier, the man who has the title of the strongest agent of mankind and doubts everything has turned into a dead body that no one cares about.

The cause of death is many things!I don't know if Nick Fury will investigate Boss Tang if he is given another chance.


Wartheim, the world where the dark elves live, is a dark, lightless area, a paradise for dark creatures.

In the darkness, unable to see, a bat the size of a house silently pounced on a three-legged cow that was eating moss.

In the dark Wertheim, because of the long-term lack of light, the creatures in Wertheim have evolved their unique keen sense of hearing.

The three-legged cow with a shoulder height of more than four meters, the cow's feet under the thick legs are covered with sense organs that can recognize vibrations, and can detect the enemy at the first time.

The dark mephit, a creature with its own radar senses, is the tyrant of Wertheim. In Wertheim without light, bats are undoubtedly a big advantage. The hunting senses evolved over thousands of years make the dark mephit fan the bat The vibration of the wings was almost reduced to a minimum.

When the three-legged cow felt the sound of breaking through the air, it was too late!
The sharp and hollow teeth of the dark mephit have just pierced into the three-legged bull's body, and are devouring its flesh and blood.

boom!The space was wrinkled like the surface of the water, and a dilapidated battleship appeared in this canyon. The bow of the ship directly crushed the dark mephit, killing the dark mephit and the half-dead three-legged bull. It crashed into a puddle of meat.

Malekith's face was stern, and his heart was full of anger. Before they invaded Asgard, they were driven back in Midgard.

Damn Mephisto lied to him, the Midgardians were not as weak as he said.

Not inferior to their energy weapons, and the group of extraordinary humans who have mastered supernatural powers.

Damn, if it wasn't for the missing ether particles, how could he be beaten by a group of Midgardians.

Malekith covered his shoulders with his hands, and there was no pain anywhere on his body. That green-skinned monster, and that human being who could emit laser rays,
You just wait, as long as you get the ether particles, one day, I will let you see what is real darkness.

Before Malekith could adjust his mentality, the space was like a pond after the rain, with layers of ripples.

Dozens of S.H.I.E.L.D. armed agents chased them along the dimensional space on the Kirita imitation airship produced by the Tang Corporation.

"Damn it! You bullied people too much, kill them!"

Malekith roared angrily, and he appeared outside the battleship. The talent of the dark elves made Malekith a duck to water in the dark.

Straits of black air seemed to turn into tentacles in the darkness, protruding out furtively, and the sharp black spear pierced into the chest of the agent on the airship.

Dozens of dark elves cooperated with each other, screaming silently from their mouths, and dark mephits flew out of the canyon.

Thousands of mephits attacked the airship.

While Malekith was chanting words, clusters of black fog thicker than night enveloped the entire canyon. In the black fog, the infrared device on the airship seemed to be out of order.

The light blue tail flames emitted by the motor boat were like lights in the darkness, and there were explosions in the air from time to time.

Under the attack of these dark mephits, the human soldiers who lost their sight quickly became the food of these dark mephits amidst bursts of screams.

"A dull environment is not good for us!"

At the junction of Wartheim and the earth, this end of the human world, the superheroes who had just repelled the invasion of the dark elves looked at each other in dismay as they watched the picture before the flying motorboat was blown up.

"Since the enemy has already exited the earth, we only need to guard this space channel to prevent them from coming back. Fighting away is not good for us!"

Captain America, holding a vibrating gold shield, looked at the dark environment on the surveillance screen and shook his head:
"According to Professor Eric's analysis, the astronomical vision of the Nine Worlds Lianzhu can't last for too long. As long as we stick to this period of time, when the Nine Worlds are staggered, our mission will be completed!"

"Maybe we can take the initiative!" Tony Stark objected. "It's not our style to be passive and defensive all the time!"

"Since these long-eared black skins dare to invade the earth, we must beat them back, captain, don't forget our name, Avengers!
Just now our comrades were eaten alive by these bat-like monsters!We will avenge them! "

"I think Mr. Stark is right. We can't put the battlefield on the earth. Instead of passive defense, we should take the initiative!"

It was T'Challa the Black Panther who spoke. The reason why he was on Tony Stark's side was naturally because of the Nine Realms development plan formulated by Boss Tang.

This plan is only circulated at the top of the World Security Council, but because of the ease of relations between Wakanda and other countries this year, Wakanda has also become a member of the World Security Council as it wishes.

Several complete worlds to be developed are an irresistible temptation for any qualified leader.

Tony Stark's remarks about revenge for his comrades seemed to have moved the US team. He held up his shield and looked around.

At this time, in front of the open space next to the fold of space, it was surrounded by extraordinary combat forces on alert, such as Thor in the Avengers, Hulk, Hawkeye, and Cyclops in the X-Men.
The stone man and burning man in the Fantastic Four, the former brotherhood of mutants, and now the mutant squad led by saber-toothed tiger, the president's guard of Utopia.

On the other side, the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D. who came to support, Frank the Punisher, was explaining something to Lucian, the special service captain of the action team. Behind Lucian were dozens of heavily armed and sturdy soldiers who came to support,
Among these soldiers, there were a few tall figures who were fully armed so that not a trace of skin was exposed.

Looking at the strong combat power and high morale around me, Captain America also had the feeling that I had the advantage in this battle. He raised his shield and was about to say something.

A burst of rapid phone calls suddenly rang.

There were more than one wave of phone calls, and Frank, the current deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., received the call first.

"What? How is it possible? Who is the murderer?"

While speaking, Frank looked at the Avengers.

Captain America and Tony Stark were a little baffled by the vigilant look in Frank's eyes.

Until Hawkeye Button received the call.

"What? Impossible? Agent Natasha, how could she betray, how could she attack Chief Fury!"

Soon after the news spread that Natasha the Black Widow had attacked Nick Fury, the scene was in chaos.

The U.S. team had to take Hawkeye and rush back to the aerospace carrier in a Quin-jet fighter to deal with and investigate the truth of the matter.

In order to prevent the dark elves from counterattacking, Hulk, Thor, and Tony Stark stayed behind to assist in the defense.

Frank, who was in command of the scene, directly issued an order to attack Wertheim.

"Boom boom boom!"

After the space folded for a while, dozens of unmanned steel soldiers rushed into this dark place.

After these steel soldiers rushed into Wartheim, they immediately opened their weapon lairs, and hundreds of mini missiles instantly bombarded them in all directions.

Many mini-missiles mixed with bright light bombs and shock bombs landed among the densely packed dark mephits.

The violent roar of the explosion sounded in this silent place, and the noise of the explosion instantly confused the group of dark mephits.

Seeing this scene, Malekith was furious, and his dark mist instantly enveloped the dozens of steel soldiers.


At the intersection of Earth and Weltheim, in front of a Quinjet fighter jet, Deputy Director Frank of S.H.I.E.L.D. looked at the snowflakes on the command screen in front of him. With a toothpick in his mouth, he decisively pressed the self-destruct button on the Iron Soldier .

An electromagnetic signal strengthened by Ivan Vanke traveled through space and activated a secret program on the Iron Soldiers.

"Boom boom boom boom-"

The eyes of dozens of steel soldiers glowed red at the same time, and Malekith only felt panicked, but he still didn't understand what was going on.

A strong light flashed, and dozens of sun-like fireballs rose in the dark world at the same time, turning into mushroom clouds soaring into the sky.

The radiation of the strong light explosion shook Watheim for more than a hundred miles. Countless native creatures of Watheim lived in the dark and depended on the dim light.

"Obstacle cleared, the second echelon!"

After using the steel soldier's self-detonation to clear the obstacles, following Frank's order, the second wave of attackers entered Wertheim on a flying motorboat.

Malekith was worthy of being a strong man of Odin's father generation. Even though he was in the center of the explosion, the self-detonation of dozens of steel soldiers did not kill him.

However, the weather-beaten spaceship was directly reduced to a pile of fragments in the explosion.

Malekith's body was filled with black mist, and the continuous black mist spread from all sides, making up for his injured body.

At this moment, a ball of fire rushed into this dark world.

The Human Torch in the Fantastic Four stood in the mid-air of the dark world, his body was filled with light and heat, and he turned into a human-shaped torch. While providing illumination for the follow-up troops, he threw balls of fire at Malekith.

Iron Man followed in his Iron Suit, followed by the Hulk in vibranium gloves and dozens of human soldiers in flying motorboats.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Tony Stark controlled the steel suit and fired several missiles at Malekith. Hulk jumped up and smashed Malekith with his huge fist.

Malekith controlled the Human Torch that turned the dark mist into sharp swords and shot it towards the sky. At the same time, he resisted the missiles fired by Tony Stark, and fought with Hulk with his fists.

boom boom boom…

The missile fired by Tony Stark's steel suit landed on Malekith, instantly blasting his body into pits and pits.

However, the surrounding dark mist instantly enveloped him, and the wound on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye in an instant.

bang bang bang...

Malekith and Hulk were punching each other.

Malekith deserves to be one of the most powerful in the Nine Realms. Even if he lost the ether particles, under the siege of many superheroes, he still fought back and forth with the Hulk without losing the wind.


There was a loud shout in the air, and a figure swung the hammer quickly, triggering a thick thunderbolt towards Malekith.

In the secret darkness, no one noticed that Lucian, who rushed into the dark world with a large army, disappeared into the darkness with his ghost wolf soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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