i'm really only human

Chapter 88 Winning

Chapter 88 Winning
"No wishes?"


Green smoke curled up from the vast land of the barbaric era, and there were rumbles and muffled sounds from the crater from time to time.

The breeze blows the tip of the grass, and the lake water undulates one after another. The water surface is sparkling under the scorching sun, blending with the distant volcano picture, which is very original and beautiful.

The tiger-shaped undead creature shouted and widened its eyes: "My group..."


The double blades of Kalis' bow and arrow were raised high, and the grass clippings were flying, and the tiger-shaped undead creature suddenly stiffened. Looking at the sun, it fell straight to the ground, and was shrouded in the shadow of the sealed stone slab together with the tarantula.

Reflecting the sunlight, the two seal cards were slanted into the grass.

The entire lakeshore became calm again.

Xia Chuan pulled out the card swiping component on the bow and arrow, released the transformation and restored the human form, and the belt also disappeared.

After a pause, Xia Chuan silently scanned the sealed cards scattered along the battlefield, leaning forward to pick them up one by one.

At the end of the ultimate battle, he became the final winner.

But there is always something inexplicable in my heart.

I feel like I have become the big villain and the big devil.

Even though the light is so bright, it still can't stop the loneliness and confusion from the heart.

For a long time, his fighting and killing were based on his own beliefs.

Whether to kill him or not is his own decision.

But this extreme battle... made him feel guilty for the first time.

Undead creatures are obviously different from Grunji and Vampires.

Not to mention other things, the tarantula made him very fond of it, and maybe we could have a few drinks together in another place.

What is the source of this war?What is the meaning?
It stands to reason that he, an outsider, really shouldn't think so much.

No matter how real it is, the dungeon world is just a game to him after all, he can't take even a blade of grass with him except for clearing the level to get the knight system.

But after experiencing it, if you want to take it seriously, you can't do it at all.


Standing alone in the cold wind by the empty lakeside, Xia Chuan finally picked up the plum blossom K that turned into a tarantula.

Counting the clown card, there are a total of 52 cards, and there is only one red heart 2 that he represents.

Xia Chuan turned his head to look at the sealed stone slab that had fallen by the lake bank, and could vaguely feel a sense of observation.

This slate is a prop specially used for extreme battles, and the existence behind it is called "manager" and "ruler", but there is no specific person or thing.

Xia Chuan opened his mouth, and when he was about to get close to the stone slab, his figure suddenly faded away and disappeared on the spot, leaving only the sealed cards scattered on the ground, and the Kalis Awakening Device also fell to the ground along with the Kalis sealed cards.


The surface of the sealing slab was flickering with light, as if some conflict had occurred, and new information was sent to the outside world after a brief shock.

"Human undead win."



this world.

Suddenly, a rapid siren sounded from a certain research base, and a lot of panic shouted one after another, and after a while, the flames and smoke could be seen spreading all over the sky.

"Quickly block the experimental area!"

"Director, the undead creature has come out! Let's retreat first!"

"Who broke the seal? How many?"

"I don't know, at least half of them..."

"What? Half?! Didn't you say to unseal one first?"

"What about the person in charge?"

"Dead, dead..."


The tiger-shaped undead creature ran into the mountainous jungle under the cover of night, and transformed into a short-haired human woman while panting.

"Now is the world ruled by humans? Human undead really won?"

Even after being unblocked for a while, she still hasn't completely calmed down.

Although she doesn't know how many years she has been sealed away, she will never forget the last scene of the Ultimate Battle.

There is actually that kind of guy who breaks the balance.

"Is that guy really not a clown? But what happened afterwards? Why did the human undead win?"

The undead creature looked back at the fire behind it, gritted its teeth and continued to move deeper.

That research has a terrifying aura, and it can't stay here any longer.


The walls of the institute are broken, and sparks fly from exposed wires.

The short-haired young man Shimura walked out of the extremely messy underground laboratory alone, looked at the flustered researchers around him, smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"In this way, you should be able to connect to the world of "Blade", right? The new extreme battle will start soon."

"Captain Shimura!" The director hastily led someone to meet him, "How is the situation?"

"It's all right, there are no undead creatures in it," Shimura nodded, comforting with a trace of regret on his face, "But don't worry, Director, I will personally lead a team to seal them, and try to seal all the undead creatures. return."

"Excuse me, Captain Shimura, please let me know if you need help!"

"Everywhere, everything should be, we are Kamen Riders."

Shimura smiled and shook hands with the director cordially.

No one noticed that some of the remaining sealed cards also disappeared one after another.


Knight school, villa bedroom.

"Callis (99)."

Xia Chuan quickly opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to contain the whole world.

came back.

The first time he sat up from the bed, Xia Chuan felt for the belt of the shuttle that was heating up reflexively. With a slight movement of his mind, the Kalis Awakener emerged instead of the shuttle.

It's the same as in Extreme Wars, the only difference is probably the cards carried in the card box.

Unlike the last handful of cards that were left full, there were only 10 cards after counting twice.

And most of them are undead creatures sealed by himself.

Clown card.

Square K Giraffe Saw Stag Beetle.

Red Heart K Praying Mantis.

Hearts A Calis.

Red heart Q orchid.

Hearts 3 Sharks.

6 Bucks of Spades.

5 locusts of spades.

Spades 3 Lions.

2 of spades lizard.


10 cards sound pretty good, almost all 13 cards are collected, but there are only 4 cards of the heart type, and nearly half of them are cards of blade Kamen Rider sword.

Bucks and Basilisks are even the basic kill decks that Blade plays a lot.


Thinking about the fact that he once held 52 cards in his hand, he seems to have committed a collection addiction and always feels uncomfortable.


Xia Chuan took a deep breath and temporarily forgot about the cards, wiped off his sweat, opened the door and walked out of the bedroom.

"An hour ago, an accident occurred in a research institute located near a mountain dam, and the casualties are still unclear..."

The TV was still on in the living room, but Hiroko Asami was nowhere to be seen, the teacup on the table was still steaming, the shoes in the hallway were messy, it seemed as if there was something urgent to leave.


Xia Chuan glanced at the TV screen along the way.

It seems to be a video taken by mountaineers. The video broadcast in the news materials keeps shouting, and the camera shakes and is not very clear. Only the firelight spreading far away in the night can be seen.


Xia Chuan frowned slightly.

He vaguely heard a subtle voice that did not belong to human language.

Similar to the language used by the undead in Extreme Wars.

Since 3 years ago, there have been more and more similar research institutes, and most of them are located in this island country. It seems that country J is completely regarded as a testing ground, and monsters, monsters, and strange people always appear in country J first.

It's just that his situation is special, otherwise he would have moved to the other side.

"Could it be a research institute for studying undead creatures?"

Xia Chuan looked away from the TV, looked at the time, and found that it had been more than half a day since he started to travel, which was very close to the time he spent in the extreme battle.

"Those guys won't all run over, will they?"

(End of this chapter)

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