i'm really only human

Chapter 66 Castle

Chapter 66 Castle
"What outbreak mode?"

Hong Yin also cautiously took out her ixa punch, and looked blankly at Yuli Aso.

"Does ixa have this mode?"

"My mother arranged 3 modes when designing ixa, and the burst mode behind the security mode is the real ixa."

Aso Yuri also took out his weapon for defense.

"Now the side effects of the security mode have not been eliminated. It is impossible for the outbreak mode to appear. Ixa can't bear it, and the wearer is even more impossible, unless..."

"Unless I'm from the future?"

Xia Chuan's ixa battle suit disintegrated and shrunk into a half-cross return belt, facing the two of Aso's friends amidst the falling leaves blown by the forest breeze.

"Meet you again, both of you."

"You... Mr. Shenyong?!"

The weapon in Yuli Aso's hand slipped, and Hong Yin beside him was also stunned.

"How is it possible?" Hongyin also rubbed her eyes, and looked around the surrounding woods again, "I see, it must be a damn hallucination again, yes, it must be true..."

"Don't look at it," Xia Chuan shook his head helplessly, "The person who created the illusion is gone, and that guy doesn't have such a great ability to predict the future."

"That makes sense," Hong Yin also asked suspiciously over the dazed Aso friend, "but how can I believe that you are Shen Yong? The real Shen Yong..."

"I'm not dead, I just disappeared," Xia Chuan raised the ixa gun in his hand, "This can't be faked, right?"

"It's true that you can't fake it, but," Hongyin was even more puzzled, "Where will Lantian get the funds to make a second ixa system? Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Didn't I say it? I'm from the future."

Xia Chuan put away the ixa blunderbuss, and looked at the forest road revealed by the death of the Silkworm Moth Vampire.

Without the interference of phantoms, the entire forest became much brighter, and the top of the towering castle could be seen from a distance.

"Come on, I'll go with you guys."

"Wait," Hong Yin also hurriedly caught up, "Let's go together...do you know what we are going to do?"

"I don't know, but the target should be that castle, right?"

Xia Chuan walked through the savagely growing bushes and walked straight towards the castle along the path of fallen leaves.

The development of the story seems to be a bit different from "kiva", but it doesn't matter, as long as it is a boss fight.

If there is a boss to fight, there is a chance to clear the level. If it doesn't work, he can only start by defeating kiva.

He doesn't really want to go the last step if he can.


Behind him, Aso picked up the fallen Vampire Slayer, and heaved a sigh of relief to follow Xia Chuan and the others.

"Now is not the time to think about other things, save Maya first..."

"Hey, Kaminaga! What are you thinking? Finally came back..."

Hong Yin also reached out to grab Xia Chuan's arm, and suddenly there was a sound of flapping wings, and black shadows flashed across the surrounding treetops.

"What the hell?"

Ignoring Xia Chuan's side, Hong Yin also looked at the black shadow solemnly, and found that the red and black toothed bat that had landed on the branch directly in front of him changed suddenly.

"King's servant?!"

"I'm not a servant," the Tooth Bat said. "You can't win the king. Go back. If you continue, you will die in vain."

"You guy..."

"I'm just delivering a message for Zhenye, and I won't meet again in the future. It's good for you and Zhenye."

"Are you kidding me?!" Hongyin also glared at the red-and-black-toothed bat, "What happened to Zhenye?"

"Maya has lost the queen's power and is imprisoned in the castle. It's all because of you..."

"Then I can't leave Zhenya alone!"

Hongyin also grabbed the ixa punch and interrupted the red-and-black-toothed bat's words.

"I must rescue Maya! King, let me defeat you!"

"The tone is not small."

The red-and-black-toothed bat snorted and laughed again and again.

"My words can turn you into a dark kiva, maybe there is a chance of winning, but if a human becomes a dark kiva, he will lose his life, how about it? Do you want to think about it?"

"What?" Hong Yin also looked surprised, "What do you mean?"

"Because I also hate what King did to Maya, that's all," the red-and-black-toothed bat continued, "I can lend you power, but even if I suppress the dark kiva power, it's still... ..."

Hongyin also looked calm: "No problem, as long as I can save Maya, I'm willing to do anything."

"Okay, come with me."

The red-and-black-toothed bat flapped its wings and left the treetops, flying to the front of the crowd to lead the way.

This is Tooth Bat II?

Xia Chuan thoughtfully looked at the red and black toothed bat.

The appearance is similar to that of Tooth Bat III, but the appearance is not so lively and young, and the voice is also very depressed.

The third generation is like a young man in his early years, while the second generation is like a middle-aged man who has experienced a lot of weather.

This is the core of the dark kiva transformation.


Hong Yin also reached out to stop Xia Chuan and Aso Yuri.

"This is about me and Zhenye, and it has nothing to do with you. I have already realized the consciousness of risking my life for the one I love. You are different. Let's stop here. Can the blue sky be without you?"

"Sound also..."

"It's not just your private business."

Xia Chuan grabbed Aso Youli, who was hesitant to speak, and said to Hongyin.

"Now you are also a soldier of the Blue Sky Society, aren't you? And my goal is to be king. I can't miss such a good opportunity."

"Shenyong, you..."

Hong Yin also opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but saw Xia Chuan had already followed the red-and-black-toothed bat one step ahead.

"Let's go, let's go to the castle first." Xia Chuan quickened his pace and said.

He has been delayed for quite a while, if the shuttle fails again this time, he doesn't know what will happen later.

Best not to take any chances.


The red-and-black-toothed bat glanced at Xia Chuan, didn't say much, and led the way on its own.

It just wants to help Maya, and it doesn't matter if there are more or less people. It can't be King's opponent anyway, but it can buy some time as cannon fodder.


There was a leading party, and the group easily sneaked into the castle.

De Lanlong, the carrier of the castle, was sleeping soundly, and no guards were seen inside.

"Hurry up," Tooth Bat II urged, "king is out temporarily, you don't have much time, leave immediately after saving Maya!"


Hong Yin had also seen the medieval decorations in the castle, and suddenly asked Xia Chuan.

"Kaminaga, can I trouble you to save the wolf and the others? They seem to have been turned into decorative props and placed in the hall of the showroom."

"of course can."

Xia Chuan and Yuri Aso stayed behind, and after entering the luxuriously laid out hall, they saw 3 props placed in the center at a glance.

There is a special force that seals the space, making the wolf and the others look like dead objects.

"God forever!"

Aso Youli stood guard at the door, and before Xia Chuan picked up the three props, he exclaimed, slammed and threw out the metal long whip to attack again and again.


At some point, a group of vampire guards appeared in the aisle, swarming along the aisles.

"A mere human dares to break in, it's really courting death!"

"Let's go, Shenyong!"

Xia Chuan looked back at Yuli Aso who was guarding the gate, and directly broke the window and threw the three props outside.

The next wolf's words suddenly rang in his ears.

"She was severely injured in the castle battle, which caused the root cause of her illness to be planted..."


Seeing that a sharp sword was about to pierce Aso Yuri's abdomen, Xia Chuan straddled his body and grabbed Aso Yuri's arm, avoiding the vampire's attack by a hair.

"Let me do it."

Raising his hand, the shock wave of the ixa punch sent several vampire guards flying. Xia Chuan walked out of the hall of the showroom, faced the attacking vampires around him, and calmly pressed the punch to authenticate his transformation.


"Fi-st On!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The ferocious shock wave exploded, and the vampire guards were hit by the magnetic explosion caused by the ixa explosion mode before rushing forward, and fell down in pieces along the corridor.


at the same time.

The intertwined timelines of 2008 changed silently.

On the edge of the coastal cliff where the tombstone was originally erected, the tombstone belonging to Yuri Aso disappeared like a phantom, as if it had never appeared.

"Did you make it?"

In the future, the wolf's complexion moved slightly.

"Sure enough, that guy is not affected by the fate line at all."

(End of this chapter)

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