i'm really only human

Chapter 64 ROOK 2008

Chapter 64 ROOK 2008

Nago Keisuke panted heavily, and looked directly at Xia Chuan, who was facing ROOK and the warthog-toothed vampire.

In the open field, ROOK and the warthog vampire were confronting each other, and the face of a cowboy boy appeared on the surface of the warthog vampire.

"ROOK? Are you going to hinder me?"

"I heard from the bishop," ROOK sneered, "it is said that there is a guy who is aiming at the king and knows nothing about his heights!"

The Warthog Vampire sneered, completely ignoring ROOK, and moved his claws at random to provoke ROOK.

"Want to try it?"

"Interesting, but you'd better solve the trouble first."

ROOK turned his head sideways, glanced at Xia Chuan who entered the field from the corner of his eye, and his smile became even more ferocious.

"ixa... is here again, looking for death, how about defeating this guy before fighting me?"

"Huh? Human warrior?"

The warthog vampire turned to Xia Chuan noncommittally.

"I heard that this guy killed a lot of compatriots. He really deserves death. It's just right for me to execute the sentence."


Xia Chuan stood still, raised the ixa exclusive holy sword gun mode in his hand, pressed the hilt, and swung it lightly to switch to the sword mode for melee combat.

The gun mode can be used as a long-range attack, but the bullets loaded inside are quite expensive.

After all, it was something borrowed, and now the Blue Sky Club's economy seems to be very bad, and even the development progress of ixa has been slowed down a lot.

He'd better not waste it casually.

And facing a vampire of ROOK's level, the energy bullets basically didn't have much effect except for hurting the opponent.

It's better to use melee mode directly.


ROOK suddenly felt something strange.

This time ixa seems to be...


The warthog vampire was startled, and rushed towards Xia Chuan without looking at ROOK.

As a high-level vampire that can be compared with ROOK, the warthog vampire is even better than ROOK's lion tooth vampire in terms of strength and defense. Especially when it collides, its fierce offensive is like a tank propeller.

The entire ground shook during the collision.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Wild boar?

Xia Chuan also couldn't tell the difference between a warthog and a wild boar. They both seemed to attack in the same way.


Nago Keisuke protected the railing of the steps, and after standing firm, he watched the warthog vampire rush towards Xia Chuan who was standing still.

"Stupid, get out of here!"


Xia Chuan exhaled lightly, and all the surrounding noises subsided.

Move your footsteps to start a fighting stance, hold the hilt of the holy sword with both hands while sinking your center of gravity, and cleverly stagger the warthog-toothed vampire at the moment of the collision.

The blade fell, but the warthog-toothed vampire seemed to have been on guard for a long time, and even strode forward to stop the inertia, and sneered back to dig at the joints of the ixa suit.


Xia Chuan's eyes were calm, and he slapped the opponent's arms and claws quickly to complete the slashing, picking, cutting and continuous swings. Although the attack was also resisted by the Warthog Vampire's arms, the last blow was still successfully slashed on the chest, and sparks flew all over the place. .


Xia Chuan stepped forward, swept his legs and kicked away the warthog tooth blood ghost, and raised the ixa holy sword again.

It looks cumbersome, but it is extremely flexible in close-up attacks, and its speed and strength are above ROOK.

This warthog vampire really has a hand.

Ignoring Nago Keisuke who was yelling on the other side, Xia Chuan pulled out the holy sword whistle from the storage box and inserted it into his belt.

Like the security mode, the ixa system may refer to the kiva system, and the nirvana needs to be activated with the corresponding whistle.

"Ixa Ca-li-bu-r Ri-se Up!"

Outburst mode, Holy Sword nirvana preparation.

As the electronic sound effects of the battle suit sounded, a blazing sun phantom rose behind Xia Chuan, as if to burn up all the filth. While the breastplate was functioning, a large amount of electric energy poured into the holy sword of ixa along the arm of the suit.


Xia Chuan fixed his gaze again, turned the blade of the sword, and slashed fiercely at the Warthog Vampire, who was halfway charged, in the intense light.

Nirvana, Ixa Judgement!



ROOK raised his hand to block the dazzling glare, and looked straight at the warthog-tooth vampire who was engulfed by the lightning and exploded into countless pieces of colored glass. Then his face was stiff, and he stared at Xia Chuan ixa with a bit of confusion and fear.

How could Ixa be so strong?
"You bastard, could it be..."

"ROOK," Xia Chuan put away his sword blade, and turned his gaze to ROOK with a trembling voice, "I haven't seen you in so many years, you still like to play some boring games, and you haven't made any progress."

ROOK narrowed his eyes sharply, as if he had returned to that rainy night 22 years ago, and his chest, which had been hit hard, began to feel a sharp pain again.

"It really is you, Shenyong Shinji!"


Nago Keisuke looked blank for a moment, then looked at Xia Chuan again in shock.

Shen Yongxin II should be the first generation of ixa wearers who have been sacrificed.

how come……

"The other party is more qualified to use ixa than you."

Thinking of what Shimago said, Nago Keisuke's complexion changed, he took a breath from the bottom of his heart, and faced Xia Chuan with his tongue tied.

"You, you are... Shen Yongxin Er?!"

"What happened to Shenyong Shinji?"

Tooth Bat III flapped its wings in mid-air. It didn't quite understand the reaction of the people below, but it noticed the abnormal movement of ROOK.



ROOK roared and turned his head up into a lion-toothed vampire, and made an attack gesture amidst the exclamation of the toothed bat III.

But unexpectedly, before Xia Chuan could move, ROOK suddenly jumped up and ran away in the opposite direction without delay.

"This guy?"

Tooth Bat III opened his mouth, and it took him a while to react, and immediately flew towards the Lion Tooth Vampire in embarrassment, using his minions to strike repeatedly.

"Don't try to escape! I'll bite!"

"Kivat (toothed bat)!"

After a brief rest, Hong Du came over to take a look because he was a little worried, and happened to block the direction of ROOK's escape, and hurriedly greeted the angry Bat III when he saw this.


Tooth Bat III came back to his senses, and excitedly flew over ROOK to Hongdu's hand.

"Change my teeth to the bat!! Bite!"


Xia Chuan pulled out the ixa punch to cancel the transformation, and the battle suit on his body converged and turned into a rotating half cross and disappeared together with the belt. He just quietly watched Hongdu transform into kiva to face ROOK.

Moon Rider should be regarded as the Chinese name of Kiva, and it is also a powerful knight in the front row in the Kamen Rider series.

It is rare to really see the battle of this knight system.

After a pause, Xia Chuan turned his gaze to Nago Keisuke who was standing there blankly.

"You are the current ixa, the Nago Keisuke that Mr. Shimamori mentioned, right?"

"Ah, yes!"

Nago Keisuke had a stiff face, he didn't know where to put his fingers, and he was a little nervous and didn't dare to look directly at Xia Chuan.

"I actually just now..."

"You really want this?"

Xia Chuan held up the ixa punch with his fingers, and immediately attracted Nago Keisuke's fiery gaze.


Nago Keisuke swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

My mind was full of the battle just now.

They all use the ixa burst mode, he is definitely not so relaxed, maybe he doesn't even have the chance to use the ultimate move.

"I... Senior is more suitable for ixa than me, in the future..."

"I just borrowed it temporarily, and I will return it to the Blue Sky Club in two days."

Xia Chuan threw the ixa punch to the stunned Nago Keisuke.

"Can ROOK be handed over to you? I'm tired."

"Senior... I know!"

Nago Keisuke clenched his fists tightly, watched Xia Chuan nod heavily, took a deep breath, and transformed into a serious face to join the battle between Kiva and ROOK.

"Come on, junior."

Xia Chuan didn't pay much attention to Nago Keisuke's reaction, he just looked at Kiva's battle calmly, and his expression changed slightly after Hongdu advanced and transformed into a golden Demon King Kiva.

It is meaningless to do anything in this timeline now, at most it is to collect some information, and there is no need to care about other aspects.

There is no hope for Hongdu.

His target is the dark kiva from the 1986 timeline.

The main body of the dark kiva is the tooth bat II, which is easier to change the dresser than the tooth bat III.

(End of this chapter)

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