i'm really only human

Chapter 35 The rookies participating in the war

Chapter 35 The rookies participating in the war
After sending Hiroko Asami away, Xia Chuan wandered the streets of Tokyo alone.

He came to meet Hiroko Asami this time because he wanted to see if there were any other clues about Gu Langji, but there were clues, but they were all information about Gu Langji's death.

Others didn't know, but he knew it when he saw the bloody "signature" left at the murder scene.

This turmoil is not a simple killing of Gulangji, but a cleansing operation by Dacuba against low-level Gulangji.

Xia Chuan's thoughts were racing.

Da Cuba is already very close to the ultimate, it can be seen from the start of wanton massacre of the same race.

When all the Ge-level Gulangi participating in the game perish, Dacuba will completely enter the final stage.

But he also needs to eliminate these Gulangji to become stronger.

Moreover, Dacuba's act of massacring his own clan has added a lot of difficulty to him in disguise. It seems that his promotion path can only be placed on the remaining Ge level Gulangji.

It depends on whether he can improve his physique to lv3.


training base.

After a training match with Class B, the condition of the students improved significantly.

Especially Fujiwara Sanji, who obviously didn't participate in the competition, but was more aggressive than everyone else.

On this day, all the students gathered in Xiachuan Villa before participating in the city patrol.

As a commemoration, Xia Chuan decided to cook in person and prepare a sumptuous lunch to express his heart.

After getting along for so many days, they have more or less feelings.

For these students, however, what comes next is the real test.

Maybe one day someone will be completely lost.

"I didn't expect the instructor to cook by himself." Sakurai Jinghe said unexpectedly.

He had never seen Xia Chuan cook before, and wearing an apron at this time, he looked a little all-rounder.

Elites are elites.

"I've only just started learning," Xia Chuan said while beating eggs, "It's the first time I've been in the kitchen today."


Several students watched Xia Chuan busy in the kitchen in bewilderment.

The villa is full of things, the only thing missing is ingredients, but Xia Chuan doesn't need to buy these himself, just talk to the cafeteria and fresh ingredients will be delivered.

"First time?"

Fujiwara Saiji stared blankly at Xia Chuan skillfully handling the ingredients, and Fujiwara No. [-] figure suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The brother who wants to be the first in everything is no exception in cooking.

Although he didn't put much energy into it later, he was indeed number one in terms of talent, and he was as proficient as Xia Chuan when he entered the kitchen for the first time.

It seems that he has mastered all skills by nature.

From Xia Chuan, he could vaguely see the shadow of his brother, especially the calmness and confidence that emanated from his bones.

It's just that compared to his sharp-edged brother, Xia Chuan is more calm and introverted, just like a mature version of his brother.

And there is a huge difference in identity.

After all, now is not Xia Chuan's era.

The strategic planning officer of the Ford Team in the past, and now the knight school instructor, compared with the captain of the special forces and the older brother of the 4th-level Kamen Rider.

One retreated behind the scenes, and the other was brave and active on the front line.

Although I don't want to admit it, my brother's state is undoubtedly more in line with this era, and he will be stronger in the future.

Even he had to learn from his brother.

"Isn't the instructor very helpless?"

Fujiwara Saiji thought to himself.

Even Ryota Murai knew about Xia Chuan's past, of course it was impossible for him not to know.

"I will replace the mentor to realize the dream, as a Kamen Rider..."


Xia Chuan brought the first dish to the table.

"Special griddle shredded chicken, try it?"

The scent mixed with the hot air made everyone's mouth water.

No matter where you are, Chinese food is always very appetizing.

"looks very tasty."

Fujiwara Saiji collected his thoughts, rushed forward impatiently, picked up the chopsticks and tasted it first.


"How about it?"

Others stared at the motionless Fujiwara Saiji.

Is this delicious or not?

"how to say?"

Fujiwara Zuiji chewed hard.

He retracted his previous thoughts.

Xia Chuan is completely different from his brother.

"Well, mentor..." Fujiwara Saiji said weakly, "The cafeteria is actually quite good."



"Bang bang bang!"

Sumida District.

A large number of iron balls tied with chains suddenly fell from the sky, smashing windows, cars, passers-by...causing huge casualties in a short time, the screams spread far away, and the traffic also became chaotic.

What's even more bizarre is that after landing, the iron balls quickly shrank into pocket pendants.

"The headquarters contacted the whole car, and the police stations reported and sorted out. So far, there have been crushing incidents in nine places in a row. After the on-site investigation, it was found that the incidents were all located on the same straight line..."

"In the surveillance video, a sphere suspected of being a murder weapon was captured for a moment. By analyzing its trajectory results and comprehensive residents' reports, it is speculated that the launch site was in the Tominaga Company Building, Taihei 2-chome, Sumida-ku."

"The nearby knights, please go to the scene immediately..."

"finally come."

Fujiwara Saiji, who was patrolling in Sumida District, heard the news from the locomotive communication. He was instantly refreshed. He let out a sigh of relief. He didn't even want the ice cream he just bought. He directly straddled the locomotive, put on his helmet, and rushed into the passage tunnel. .

Murai Ryota, who was patrolling around Sumida District, also received the news.

Although it was the first time he actually participated in the battle, he was extremely calm at this time.

I met Gu Langji once at the base before, and it was also because the relationship between Gu Langji and Gu Langji got out of control and became a black sky me.

But this time, he will never lose control again.

"Let's go, rookie."

A leading knight greeted Ryota Murai.

Because he happened to be on a mission nearby, he was asked to bring along some rookies from the knight school.

However, he didn't think highly of these students.

What can be learned in school can only be truly grown by actual combat. He doesn't think that newcomers who are more than a month behind can have any promise, they will only be delayed.

It's a pity that an order is an order, and he doesn't want to deduct points for nothing.

"Hey," the leading knight yelled at Ryo Murai, "Call all your classmates over after the incident is over. If you dare to patrol alone without any experience, you are looking for death."

Murai Yoshida did not respond.

Patrol lessons have long been taught in schools.

And he didn't think it was safe to follow these so-called seniors.

It is said that Fujiwara Zuiji just happened to see the scene where these guys were picked up by Kuuga.

The other party did not dare to trouble the second young master of the Fujiwara family, but seemed to be planning to trip up other students during this internship.

According to the teacher's words, these guys are not worthy of being called Kamen Riders at all.


Sumida Ward Taihei 2-chome.

Xia Chuan grabbed Golem and arrived at a square above, and found a turtle-shaped Gulangi being attacked by special forces, and the scene had also been blocked by an enchantment.

This time, the formation of the barrier was quite fast, and he was blocked outside after only a short delay.

How can I get in?
Xia Chuan looked at the locomotive rushing into the barrier below, feeling a little worried.

He, a wild knight, has no right of passage.

Although alliance locomotives have access rights, each locomotive is exclusively bound, and outsiders cannot drive it at all.


The range of the enchantment this time is too small. If the turtle-shaped Gulangi explodes in this closed space, it will probably be terrifying, right?

Open space and closed space explosions are not the same thing at all.

It's better to let the alliance remove the enchantment.

(End of this chapter)

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