Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 46. 44. Armor, and the Foundry Master

Chapter 46. 44. Armor, and the Foundry Master

Endurance, Space Marine armor room.

just now.
Dim room, dim candlelight, gathered in the center of the room.

Blanca led Hades in, and Hades' tall stature was a little abrupt in the room.

The veteran led Hades into a low platform surrounded by candles.

Just now, Hades has been asked to put on a thick black lining of bionic polymer armor, and was also asked to write down a sentence.

However, Hades didn't know what the Gothic phrase meant at all, and was only asked to say it at the end.

At least explain to him what this sentence means?

Does this feel like signing a deed of sale? !
Jia Luo looked at Hades in the dark of the room, and he could smell the slight nervousness emanating from the recruit's sweat.


Jia Luo still has certain expectations for this recruit who will finally fight with the Primarch.

He hoped he was not mistaken.

Enrique, Foundry Master of the [-]th Company, came in, followed by a technical sergeant.

Wearing mk3 power armor, the countless waiting arms on the power backpack on the back trembled slightly as the casting master walked.

The technical sergeant walked to Branca, and after a while, he led Hades to recite the oath of loyalty.

Generally speaking, the Armoring Ceremony for a new soldier will be led by the Mechanic Sage of the Mechanicus to recite the oath of loyalty, but now it is just the transition period of the Legion, a large number of recruits have entered the army, and the Mechanic Sage still needs to be responsible for the legion's equipment supply, the work was simplified and then performed by the Tech Sergeants of each company.

Enrique came directly to Jia Luo, and the two stopped in the dark, waiting for Hades' armor ceremony.

In Jia Luo's helmet, there was a piercing electric sound on the personal communication channel.

Enrique's voice sounded, low Gothic low and clear,
"Blanca again failed to explain the oath to this recruit."

Jia Luo's gaze was still on Hades in the center of the room, on the black armor lining, the light spots of candles flickered on it.

"You've got your eye on him."

This is an affirmative sentence, not a question sentence, Jia Luo's calm and steady voice sounded.

Enrique would not say something that seemed to explain something to a recruit.

The voice in the channel hesitated for a moment, then sounded again.

"My colleagues from other companies and I went to Barbarus to collect their technology."

"This recruit. Not only was he the one who accompanied the Primarch to the summit in the end, he also designed the armor on them."

The admirable technical level is not only a reasonable armor structure, but also a special technology is used in the ceramic steel, and a local fern fiber is properly mixed in proportion to increase the overall toughness of the armor.

Enrique still remembers seeing the prototype of this set of armor, and the very detailed and precise draft, and the expressions of the casting masters looking at each other.

They thought this would be the technology left over from the planet. Although this design is far behind the current technology of the empire, it can be seen from the economic structure on Babarus that the local people do not have the ability to develop this equipment by themselves. possible.

But later it was discovered that a local Death Guard rebel had designed it himself.

What surprised Enrique even more was that the designer of this armor turned out to be the only recruit in his company.

He didn't know that Jia Luo would give him such a big gift.

In fact, in all fairness, the teachings followed by the Mechanicus are to reproduce the "primary appearance of machines" that originally existed in the universe in accordance with the wisdom of the God of Mechanisms.

They were not creating, they were just being inspired by the God of Myriad Machines, and restored the original appearance of these equipments.

Bold innovations and transformations are not allowed, it is a wicked sacrilege.

However, there is always a small distance between ideal and reality.

Compared with the mechanical sages singing hymns in the foundry, there are always too many accidents and variables on the battlefield where artillery fire is roaring.

Suppose you have a Predator tank in your hand, and a Predator tank with scrapped tracks and completely unusable.

Then, your squadron is asked to take down a barrier at a narrow pass.

At this time, as the technical sergeant of the squadron, do you remove the turret from the tank that is about to be scrapped and install it on another one?Or is it on it?
That must be on it.

But that falls under the category of "blasphemy."

This caused the technical sergeants in the legion to not have a good reputation on the side of the Mechanician.

And Enrique has been following up and analyzing Primarch Mortarion's strategic preferences during this time.

The Forgemasters and Techmarines of the Death Guard found that Mortarion preferred the deployment of infantry to the heavy use of armored vehicles and transports.

This means that in the Death Guard Legion, the status of marginalized technical sergeants who already believe in Mechanicus will be further downplayed.

At this time, Enrique, the foundry master, appeared in front of him, a recruit who was very talented in mechanical research and rumored to have a good relationship with Mortarion.
Even if he has a little creative flaw, it's completely harmless
Jia Luo's voice interrupted Enrique's thinking,
"During the recruit training period, don't bother him."

On Enrique's body, the red lights of various devices flickered,
"I know that."

The deep, forceful words of the tech sergeant broke the silence in the room.

On the low platform surrounded by candles, Hades stood on it, and the heavy armor was assembled piece by piece by the machine servants.

"Hades from Barbarus."

The technical sergeant said in the complicated and gorgeous High Gothic language,
"In the name of Mortarion and the Emperor."

"Would you like to be his silent warrior?"

"Are you willing to be his unbreakable sharp blade?"

"Are you willing to give your all for the empire?"

The last piece of armor was assembled as the words fell, and two machine servants walked in slowly with deflagration guns in their hands.

In the shadows, Jia Luo and Enrique looked at the figure on the low platform.

"For the Emperor."

Indistinctly, the voice with a Barbarus accent read out his oath.

 Happy reading (ω)

(End of this chapter)

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