Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 12 11. What kind of gold finger is this, refund the money! ! !

Chapter 12 11. What kind of gold finger is this, refund the money! ! !
The dim and short day on Barbarus slowly came, and the weary people awoke silently from the nightmare of the night.

The sound of people's activities gradually appeared in the stronghold.

But none of that has anything to do with Hades at the moment.

In Hades' earthen house, Hades lay cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and meditated, motionless, barely breathing, as if he was dead.

After experiencing the subspace suddenly, Hades gradually felt his "power".

He has become "whole".

Just like a psyker can perceive his own psychic power and soul, Hades can also perceive his "untouchable power".

Psykers can perceive psychic energy, they can perceive psychic energy surrounding them, and after training, they can also use and control psychic energy.

And an untouchable like Hades, like a psychic, felt his own power.

He can clearly "see" circles of black light radiating out from himself as a sphere. The farther away from him, the lighter the black and gradually dissipate. What he sees is a normal world.

And the closer you get to him, the closer the world is to black and white, distorted, and it becomes a pure black hole near Hades' body.

He tried to perceive himself, and found that he was also an empty existence.

Is this the Untouchables?

Hades continued to hold his breath, and with the expansion and concentration of perception, the black light emitted from Hades began to fade, but at the same time, the distance that the black light could reach was gradually extended.

He also tried to change the shape of these black substances, but found that he could not reproduce the state of the battle at that time, and his black domain was still honestly spherical.

As the black field stretches, Hades can even "see" some faint white light a little further away.

And this is already the farthest limit that black light can reach, and Hades can't perceive it any further.

And when the black light barely touches the white light, it automatically starts to erode the white light a little bit. Because Hades dilutes the black light to the limit and the distance is slightly farther, this kind of erosion is almost better than nothing.

But Hades could clearly perceive that he was "swallowing" the white light.

He first perceived the white light in a little confusion——

——Wait, this white light is at this position. Is it his neighbor Razel?

So he's corrupting a human soul? ? ! !
Hades took back his "black field" in an instant. He tried hard to compress his black area, but in the end Hades tragically found that he could only control it within a spherical area with a radius of five meters. If it shrinks back, it seems that it can't be done—the black has almost formed a substantial hollow.

Hades opened his eyes suddenly, sweating coldly, he seemed to realize why people spontaneously hated him, stayed away from him, and even hurt him.

Is this just a subconscious self-preservation behavior of human beings when their souls are hurt, because Hades has been eroding their souls unconsciously before? !

Wait, what about Herrera, who had always had a good relationship with him? ? ?
Hades suddenly didn't dare to think about it anymore.
Be sensible. Be sensible.
Hades began to think carefully about his normal life in his previous memory, and then realized that his previous power was too weak, far from the scale after the battle with the alien lord Lazar.

In other words, he may have caused soul damage to others before, but not as much as the harm he may cause now.

Hades breathed a sigh of relief.

But a sense of remorse still floats in his heart. If you treat him well, those who are close to him will suffer the greatest unconscious harm from him.

Is this the Untouchables?

In the setting, ordinary soldiers who fight with the untouchables may lose their fighting spirit at least, or even convulsions and coma at worst.And if you stay within the reach of the Untouchables for a long time, it can even make you delirious.

Even though my physique was still weak before, and I opened it subconsciously to the maximum range of perception, after all, it is very possible to often act together, accumulate small things, and overwork to become sick.


Is this the so-called golden finger of the traverser?How did it become a double-edged sword when it came to him?
Hades tried in vain to narrow his black domain again, but it was obvious that the black domain trembled, and the range did not change significantly.

Maybe he should practice more often? .
Just when Hades was immersed in thinking, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"Hades, it's me~ Why haven't you gone to work in the field yet? Are you still hurt?"

"I cooked some porridge for you, open the door quickly."

Herrera's voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and Hades suddenly felt a little white light. He was shocked, and immediately stood up and ran to the corner farthest from the door.

Immediately the door was out of his reach.

Fuck...how can I do this?
Hades broke out in a cold sweat, he pretended to clear his throat,

"Um... Herrera, put the bowl outside, I'm not feeling well, I don't think about it, please bring me some porridge."

Herrera's worried voice sounded again,
"Is it really all right, Hades? How about you open the door and I'll show you?"

"It's okay, it's really okay, I'm just too tired, I've been sleeping just now, I don't really want to get out of bed and open the door."

"Okay." Seeing Hades insisting on this, Herrera was worried, but she didn't think too much about it, thinking that Hades was really tired.

"I put the porridge on your window sill, remember to drink it while it's hot."

"good good good good."

"Then I'm leaving, you have a good rest."

"Bye, bye, bye, bye."

It wasn't until Herrera's footsteps gradually faded away that Hades opened the door cautiously. The bowl of steaming white porridge was placed on the window sill. There was a lot of white rice in it, which didn't look like the amount for breakfast.

Hades recalled the cluster of white light in Herrera just now, which was obviously much dimmer than the cluster of his neighbor Razel.

Hades' heart twitched.

Madame, what the hell is this?

Shouldn't he be touching other people?

Full of anger and self-abandonment, Hades began to violently try to compress his own domain again, green exploded, sweating profusely - but in the end, the range of the domain remained unchanged.

Hades fell back into the house exhausted, hugging his head in despair.

There is only one way, and that is to leave this human stronghold.

In fact, if he doesn't think about contacting people at all... his "untouchable" ability is actually quite useful.

At present, any creature on Barbarus has a soul. Hades knows that he must not be able to swallow them instantly, but as long as he compresses the black to a certain extent, he should be able to suppress the opponent to some extent.

And the powerful untouchables can even make soul creatures subconsciously "erase" their own existence in their minds, thus achieving 100% "invisible camouflage".

Hades figured in his mind that if he insisted on staying in this stronghold, if he didn't want to hurt others, he would have no way to perform combat missions—the Death Guards needed at least two people to fight as a group, and they could only engage in some activities far away from the crowd. And do not touch the task of combat at all.

such as farming
Uh. Hades doesn't want to stay here and plow the ground until the Emperor arrives.
Although he has always claimed to be No.1 in paddling water and fishing, and although his previous combat missions were to chop up miscellaneous soldiers and so on, if Hades is really struggling to live like this. I'm sorry, he really can't do it.

What's more, he himself now has the ability of "untouchable".

People with this ability are not born to live in normal human society, they are destined to become warriors.

Maybe I should give it a go?
During the training and battles of the death guards, Hades was no longer the thin boy who could only flee in a hurry in the face of the pale laugher.

Now holding a scythe, he can even harvest the lives of a group of pale laughers.

You must never passively wait for disaster to come to you. Before that, you must seize every minute and every second to become stronger.

Never passively wait! ! !

Hades looked around his hut. There was only a bed and a table in the room. There were neatly stacked notes on the table, farming tools quietly hanging on the wall, and beside the door, the rope he usually twisted was coiled in a circle. These simple and monotonous things have been the whole of his life these past few years.

Hades stood up, determined.

 Hey, hey, when I wrote the settings, it was still not complete, here is a patch.

  The protagonist is "similar to an untouchable person", so please consider this as a "system" cheat (;Д`)
  The protagonists in the back are the two golden fingers. I'm very sorry, because the author's poor brain really can't figure out how to fight the world without the golden finger war hammer.

  Otherwise, this is too grimdark, but there will be a time when the protagonist is cheated by "Gold Finger". (Probably, as long as I don't change the outline.)
  Fuck, I seem to be able to sign a contract, let me study how to sign, Fuck, take the first step!
(End of this chapter)

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