this is not a joke

Chapter 546 Seeing Chen Fang Again

Chapter 546 Seeing Chen Fang Again
If the chanting just now seemed to be ringing in the ears, then after the last line of the libretto, the voice seemed to be ringing in Wei An's heart.

He looked down, did not look directly at the figure that suddenly appeared in the room, but saw a pair of three-inch golden lotus.

According to inference, there is a high probability that this person is Gui Ying's resentful soul deity.

At this time, the chanter was wearing a long white robe, with long sleeves dragging on the ground, and his head was also lowered slightly, but his vicious eyes were examining everything in the room, including the only wooden bed and the darkest corner of the house. four corners.

"Vilang, Weilang..."

A familiar voice called that before sounded.

Soon the chanter raised her head completely, because she suddenly found that after she yelled a few times, the room was empty!
As if he didn't want to believe it, the singer walked around the room, but he didn't see anyone.

But judging by her weird induction, there should be someone in this room, and like those previous participants, this was the first night that person stayed in the old house.

After going around the room again, the singer didn't see any other figures, so she squeezed out through the crack of the door.

Although it seems that the gap between its body and the gap between the door is completely out of proportion, it is the entire extrusion visible to the naked eye, and there is a creepy squeezing sound during the period.

Coming to the side courtyard, the singer went to the fourth room and squeezed in through the crack of the door.

But the people in that room had already left at night, and their whereabouts were unknown.

After coming out of this room, the singer's voice sounded again, faintly spreading throughout the courtyard room.

"Heaven sees pity, sorrow is deep, the suffering in the world, no one can overcome..."

While singing sadly, he walked slowly to other places.

Wei An, who had been standing in his room all this time, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked down at the invisibility spell under his feet, but he didn't walk out of the invisibility spell immediately, but still stood like this.

The moment the singing sound went away, a rustling sound came from the crack of the door again, and I saw the strange boy who led me here during the day, just like Gui Ying's wraith just now, directly passed through the crack of the door. His body squeezed into the room.


The weird boy with blush and lipstick stood in the room and looked around, as if surprised by Wei An's sudden disappearance.

He also walked around the room to check around the room like Guiying Wraith just now, and after making sure he couldn't find Wei An, he squeezed out through the crack of the door again and disappeared quickly.

Wei An simply sat under the invisibility spell and waited for a long time.

It was not bright at this time, and it was impossible to know what time it was in the morning, but Wei An was careful and did not leave the invisibility spell.

Now the ghost of Guiying and the strange boy may think that they, like the blind man in the fourth room, also ran out to hide at night.

Because this is the first night I entered the ghost talk, logically speaking, I shouldn't think of leaving the only residence at night and running to hide outside the dangerous place. Most people will choose to stay in this room immediately.

That's why the boy was surprised and couldn't believe that he had made the choice to escape on the first night.

After an unknown amount of time, a heavy breathing with a nasal sound came from the side courtyard opposite, which was not much different from the sound Wei An heard during the day.

The voice was always outside the atrium, and did not come to his side courtyard. Wei An speculated that the guy would not come over like Guiying Wraith and the Weird Boy.

Because according to the previous rules, at this moment, my new guest is here, Guiying and Tongzi will focus on taking care of themselves, and it will not be the guy's turn to come over.

Wei An temporarily left the invisibility spell, and lay down on the crack of the door of the room to observe carefully outside.

At this time, the gate of the side courtyard was not completely closed, revealing a palm-wide gap, allowing him to vaguely see the situation in the atrium.

I saw something walking there, and Wei An knew it was the normal-looking young man he had seen during the day, but it seemed that the swaying figure was much larger, and it didn't look like a human figure.

"Here, you are here, I can feel you!"

The young man's voice sounded at this moment, and it was indeed him walking back and forth outside the atrium, but his figure was a little strange.

Wei An's first reaction was to think that this guy was looking for him, but after a little observation, he found that the other party was looking outside and did not enter this courtyard. It seemed that he was looking for someone else.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound from the wall near my room in the side courtyard, and soon a figure slid down gently without making too much noise.

Because the young man kept talking to himself outside, his own voice was louder than the noise here.

After the man sneaked into the side courtyard, he covered his stomach with one hand and pressed so hard that his body was bowed like a shrimp, and his hair was loose, looking extremely embarrassed.

Wei An noticed that this person was slender and thin, and he held a knife in his left hand. Judging from the length and handle of the knife, it looked a bit like...

"Tang Dao?!"

Wei An was shocked, and then looked carefully at the slender figure.

The loose long hair and blood stains on the face have already covered most of the face, but after a closer look, the outline of the face can still be vaguely recognized.

"You are here, I can feel it, don't hide..."

The voice of the young man in the middle courtyard still came, and a tall figure walked back and forth between the cracks in the door.

At this moment, Wei An realized that what this guy was looking for was the person in front of him who had sneaked in over the wall.

And this person is none other than the investigator Chen Fang, whom I haven't seen for a long time and who is growing very fast!
Chen Fang was a clerk in a milk tea shop at the beginning. After encountering the strange talk of "Green Leaf Milk Tea Shop" with Wei An, she later met the conditions for entering the bureau and is now a third-level investigator.

How could he know that when he was seen by Wei An again, he would be in such a mess now!

Wei An immediately opened the door of his room, and quickly waved to Chen Fang who was clearly about to lose his hold.

He didn't speak, because this place is too close to the atrium, only separated by a wall, and at the moment, the gate of the side courtyard is still ajar, and outsiders may find this place at any time.

As soon as Chen Fang raised her head, she saw someone waving to her. Her eyes were fixed, and she was initially alert, but when she saw that the waving person turned out to be Wei An, she was overjoyed and approached immediately as if in a dream.

Wei An took two steps forward and grabbed Chen Fang's arm, and soon he found that his hands were covered in blood.

This is not the time to be surprised, so he helped Chen Fang into the room, quickly closed the door, and put the bolt on.

The next second, the half-covered door of the side courtyard was pushed open by something, and the head of the young man from the opposite side courtyard poked in, with a stiff smile on his face, as if he had drawn a face.

"You are here, you are here, come out! Don't let me find you, or your life will be worse than death."

Words slowly came out of that split mouth, matched with a creepy smile.

After saying this, the young man seemed to be sure that there were no strange boys or Guiying Wraith Village in this side courtyard, so he opened the door completely and walked in with a twist.

This guy looks half as tall as he was during the day, and his body and limbs are much thicker, but it feels extremely unnatural, as if his whole body has been stretched and widened.

(End of this chapter)

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