this is not a joke

Chapter 534 The Eldest Son

Chapter 534 The Eldest Son
When the two came out side by side, the abnormality of this residence had completely disappeared, the walls were no longer shaking like waves, and the graffiti on the walls were all gone, returning to normal.

Pei Na stood not far from the door, her eyes blinking, staring at Wei An and Lin Rui.

Soon, she put her eyes on Wei An and motioned for him to come over.

After Wei An and Lin Rui spoke a few more words, Xiao Jiejie hung from the ceiling and climbed onto Lin Rui's shoulder.

As Lin Rui's mood changed, Jiejie's expression was no longer fierce, but with a smile, she rubbed her forehead against Lin Rui's cheek.

Soon Wei An came to Pei Na's side, and she heard Pei Na whisper: "It turns out that he still listens to you the most."

Wei An didn't say anything. After Lin Rui returned to his home, he and Pei Na also went downstairs to the red coffin where the cursed corpse was.

Only then did Wei An open his mouth and say: "The things I said to Xiao Rui just now inevitably contain elements of chicken soup for the soul. Xiao Rui has a simple mind and will not think too complicated. But in my opinion, the actual situation may be more complicated than that. It's more serious than expected."

Pei Na frowned and asked, "What's your guess?"

Wei An paused, as if he had sorted it out in his mind, and then replied: "Let's take a look at what clues we know now. The first one is that Lin Rui looks exactly the same as Zongfu. Look, the second is that Lin Rui has some incomplete memories in his mind, it is about the human world, and he can find one of the strongholds of the organization in a trance, and the third is that his special ability is very terrifying, which is currently in our hands. I have never seen any of the strange stories that I have encountered among the indigenous humans, and it is much stronger than the strange ability."

"So we can fully deduce that he does have a relationship with the patriarch. There is no doubt about it. It is perfectly normal to say that Lin Rui is a pawn laid by the patriarch in the ghost story. I have to look at it from my conjecture." If so, he may be the other self that the grandfather reshaped in this strange story in some extremely rare way, a self with powerful abilities and used as a backup."

As soon as these words came out, Pei Na's expression froze instantly.

Even the tall corpse in the red coffin that was closer seemed to be touched by Wei An's speculation, and a yellow mushroom immediately grew on the coffin wall on his right hand, expressing his doubts.

"You said, Xiaorui is her father's backup?" Pei Na kept her voice extremely low, and turned her head to glance at the entrance behind.

However, this place belongs to the territory controlled by the curse corpse. The two chose to speak here because they were worried that Lin Rui would sense it, but there was absolutely no possibility of that happening here.

"Xiaorui is the backup of the patriarch, this is only a possibility." Wei An nodded, "There is another way in my speculation, that is to die for him! If the paternal father is in danger and must die, maybe he will sacrifice Xiaorui to help him. He died instead."

After a pause, Wei An continued: "There is a third possibility. Xiaorui's growth can provide the patriarch with an ability, which is the ability to manifest. If Xiaorui dies, then the special ability of the patriarch at this moment will be destroyed. It will disappear, if Xiao Rui is always there, he can always use this ability, just like the weirdness in the strange talk."

Pei Na took a deep breath and said, "The third possibility is the mildest one, but I can't believe the two possibilities you mentioned earlier."

Wei An said: "In short, we already know that Xiao Rui has been in danger at this moment. We need to investigate this matter and eliminate this danger as much as possible. Then where is Shen Lu, you can contact her, I want to talk to her See you."

Pei Na nodded.

central city.

Same hotel, same room.

After receiving Lin Rui's message, a young woman wearing a cloth cap and mask came to the door of the room, knocked on the door, and soon the door opened, and the woman stepped into the room.

But this time she found that the room was not dim, but the lights were fully turned on, which even made people feel dazzling. Looking hard, she found that Lin Rui was not in the room, and replaced by Pei Na and a strange man she had never seen before .

Surprised, Shen Lu quietly put the small silver pistol she took out just now into her pocket, and said, "Aunt Pei, where's Lin Rui?"

Pei Na shook her head: "We want to see you this time, Lin Rui didn't come."

Then she pointed to Wei An and introduced to Shen Lu: "This is Uncle Wei that Lin Rui has been talking about."

"Yeah, Uncle Wei'an, Lin Rui often mentions you." Shen Lu nodded immediately, forcing a smile on her face.

After the door of the room was closed, the three of them came into the room and sat on the cloth sofa and beside the bed.

"You don't need to be called Uncle." Wei An smiled, "Although Xiao Rui has grown up very fast, his mind is still immature. You are different."

Shen Lu nodded hurriedly, her smile was still forced, and she looked a little at a loss. In Pei Na's eyes, her appearance gave people a feeling that she suddenly met her parents-in-law unprepared.

At this moment, Pei Na got some confirmation of her original guess.

"We came here specially to meet you this time, so we won't beat around the bush." ​​Wei An said directly, "How did you betray your patriarch?"

"Ah?" Shen Lu was startled, her eyes were wide open, she looked at Wei'an and then at Pei Na.

The embarrassment just now has been completely replaced by surprise.

"You don't need to hide this matter." Wei An said: "An organization like Zongfu will definitely not allow anyone to withdraw without reason. Even if the organization agrees to withdraw, your memory will definitely be erased, and it is even possible to kill you directly, not Let you just leave in peace."

Pei Na was ready to question this point yesterday, but when Lin Rui left suddenly, she was worried that something would happen to Lin Rui, so she had to leave with her, and then she was going to ask Wei An after meeting Shen Lu for the second time.

Shen Lu looked embarrassed, and nodded after a while: "Yes, I have something to hide about this matter. They want to kill me, and they think they have killed me, so I can live until now."

After talking, Wei An and Pei Na finally figured out the ins and outs of this girl.

Indeed, as she said, Shen Lu is in charge of analyzing the plots of ghost stories within the organization. These tasks are similar to the research team of ghost story rules of the management bureau, but the management team is obviously more professional.

However, the plot analysis of ghost stories is still an extremely core job, and Shen Lu is also a key post in it.

In the process of analyzing the ghost talk plot in the real world, she discovered that someone inside the organization secretly transmitted information to the gate of hell through the plot, and she was also discovered by that person.

In order not to arouse suspicion, the man offered a lot of temptation, letting Shen Lu choose to cooperate with him, because there would be extremely high rewards every time in the process of transmitting information to the gate of hell, but Shen Lu did not agree.

Originally, she was going to report to the top of the organization immediately, but she didn't expect that person to go ahead and slander Shen Lu with forged evidence and use the plot analysis work to secretly convey important information that the organization had to the gate of hell.

That person had a high status in the organization, and Shen Lu immediately lost the opportunity and was unable to stand up at all.

But fortunately, she also left a way out for herself. When she was doing plot analysis work before, she had mastered the escape techniques of the participants in the strange talk.

So I deliberately entered a ghost talk to complete the task, and actually arranged an escape hatch in advance, and then she died as a participant because she did not complete the task.

In fact, Shen Lu left behind a corpse that had been prepared in advance and could only exist in ghost stories, and then quietly left by herself through the exit.

"Can you create the corpses of participants that can only exist in ghost stories?" Wei An was surprised.

Shen Lu nodded: "As a key internal organization of the organization, we rarely master this technology, but ordinary participants cannot do this, and neither can I. Normally, only the eldest son of the organization can do this , By virtue of their own advantages, they can create the illusion that they are dead, and there are even complete corpses left, which cannot be found out even if the organization does not check carefully."

"The eldest son can create the illusion that he is dead in the ghost talk?! There is a complete body as a cover?" Wei An frowned.

At this moment, an unknown feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

"What are the conditions for becoming the eldest son? You just said that they can rely on their own advantages, so what are their own advantages?" Pei Na's thinking was the same as Wei An's, and she also captured this key information.

Shen Lu said: "The eldest son used to be a normal human being, but after the death of the human world, he was transformed into the eldest son through his father. After becoming the eldest son, they can only exist in the world of ghost stories. This is their unique advantage, and the corpse I left behind is also the same. It was left by a certain eldest son, but I let the body be burned at the time and did some blurring of identity characteristics."

At this moment, Wei An felt more and more uncertain. He looked at Pei Na, and saw that Pei Na was also looking at him.

The figure of a person rose in the hearts of the two of them at the same time.

Ying Xi!

 Happy Lantern Festival everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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