this is not a joke

Chapter 51 Why Not Write a Report?

Chapter 51 Why Not Write a Report?
Seeing that Wei An came out so quickly, Wen Qiong let go, but suddenly seeing him turn into this appearance again, Wen Qiong was startled again.

"Son, what's wrong with you...?"

Wei An forced a smile, and replied, "It's okay, I'm just very tired, and I want to have a good sleep."

Wen Qiong had the illusion that Wei An had lost weight, and asked, "How long have you been in there?"

Wei An replied without thinking: "30 days, the time in the ghost talk is inconsistent with the time in real life, so in your opinion, I came out after a while."

"That is to say, the people in the investigation bureau also felt that we came out in a short while?" Wen Qiong seemed to have realized something.

Wei An nodded and said nothing.

Over there, Meng Yibo didn't notice anything unusual here, but after checking the scene, he came over to the mother and son and said, "This is not our worst expected result, at least three people survived."

Only then did he realize that Wei An was in a bad state, and asked, "Wei An, did you get hurt inside? Mental?"

Because Meng Yibo knew that any physical trauma, no matter how serious it was, would heal itself after coming out of the strange talk, only the impact on mental consciousness would not.

That is to say, it seems that Wei An's face is pale, but in fact the problem does not lie in his body, but in his spiritual consciousness that caused the current situation.

Wei An nodded slightly: "I suffered a little mental abuse, but I survived."

"Can this be included in the report..."

Before Meng Yibo could finish speaking, Wei An shook his head and said, "No, I don't want to recall any more."

"Yeah, don't recall, son don't care about them!" Wen Qiong immediately said aside, while watching Wei An with concern.

Even as an authority, you can't force the participants to do things against their own will, unless not doing so will threaten other people's lives, so Meng Yibo shrugged and stopped forcing, just turned his head to look at Wen Qiong .

"Then trouble you to record the memories of this encounter and compile it into a report and give it to us. It doesn't need to be fast, you can write it slowly."

Meng Yibo's tone became surprisingly nice.

After all, now that Wei An has completed three strange stories, he is qualified to be nominated as an investigator. In Zhoucheng, there are only two investigators, he and Jian Hui.

Meng Yibo still remembered that Wei'an didn't seem to like money, so after the scene of the strange talk was dealt with, he was going to go back and make a report, so that he could be authorized to hunt Wei'an from other aspects.

Humans have weaknesses, Wei An is still so young and full of vigor, Meng Yibo thinks it will be very easy to hunt him down.

Thinking of this, Meng Yibo turned his head and looked at Jian Hui who was standing far away and seemed to have an abnormal expression.

Unexpectedly, this strange vegetable market talk has such a strong impact on people's spirits. Even the experienced investigator Jian Hui seems to have suffered "mental trauma", looking awkward, in a trance, and completely out of shape.

Meng Yibo didn't know that Jian Hui had really picked up some ashes this time, and he didn't even get the main mission rewards.

If Jian Hui had survived the strange talk alone, the situation would definitely be different at this moment, at least he was full of energy, bossy, and his eyes were full of the wisdom of a wise man.

But at this moment, with Wei An's mother and son by his side, he didn't dare to pretend.

Coming in front of Jian Hui, Meng Yibo's tone became extremely polite: "Jian Hui, you have worked hard this time! If you didn't disregard personal safety and enter the strange talk, then the mother and son might not be able to survive. The army is drowned in it."

"Hehe, it's easy to say, easy to say." Jian Hui smiled bluntly.

"I'm not in a hurry here. It's okay to give me the report after you go back to rest for two days." Meng Yibo reminded.

"Report? What report?" Jian Hui waved his hand, "I have a headache, I have a sequelae from last time, and I can't remember anything. Please work hard here, I'll go back and rest first."

After the words fell, the person had already walked out of the raw meat area.

Meng Yibo was stunned, wondering why so many people didn't want to hand in the report this time, but luckily, Wen Qiong didn't refuse, so she just waited for her to hand in the report when the time came, and concluded the case before closing it.

The follow-up matters of the vegetable market were handed over to the Administration Bureau and the Public Security Bureau. Although the vegetable market was relatively close to home, because the security was relatively weak, Wen Qiong still insisted on taking a taxi at the entrance of the vegetable market, and the mother and son returned home.

His father, Wei Zhengdong, left the door wide open and walked up and down the house, fidgeting. If the management hadn't restricted other people from going to the vegetable market, the gate over there might have been surrounded by family members by now.

Seeing Wen Qiong and Wei An coming back, Wei Zhengdong was startled, and then he smiled and laughed.

"I just said that Weizhengdong's family is prosperous, so I won't be left alone to grow old! Sit down and rest, son, why do you look so strange..."

The mother and son ignored Wei Zhengdong's chatter because of his excitement, and answered his questions one by one.

Wei An ate something, went back to his room early to rest, and called his colleague Zhou Xin, asking him to ask him to take another five days of personal leave.

Zhou Xin agreed without hesitation, but he told Wei An that Yu Changshun, the manager of the planning department, was already dissatisfied with Wei An's continuous leave. Tell Yu Changshun directly.

But if Wei'an is really inconvenient, Zhou Xin doesn't mind telling Yu Changshun for him, but the effect of asking for leave will be greatly reduced.

Wei An paused, and said: "Just tell Lao Yu that I need to take another five days off. Anyway, I don't get paid for taking personal leave. I don't care about other things. I will explain to him and the HR department after I go back. "

Looking at it now, no matter whether I am a participant or an intruder, I no longer have the opportunity and energy to work in Huafei Game Company, not to mention that guy Meng Yibo has been tempting me with a high salary to lure my not-so-firm heart. .

"Ok, no problem."

After Zhou Xin asked about Wei An's recent situation, he hung up the phone.

Wei An was so tired that he didn't even take the phone away, and he fell asleep as soon as he put it to his ear.

After sleeping until midnight, Wei An suddenly opened his eyes when it was still dark all around.

After opening his eyes, he didn't look sleepy, but remained vigilant and surprised, his eyes turned quickly, and looked to the side.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound beside his bed, like the sound of a lot of clothes rubbing against each other.

Wei An turned his head slowly, and saw that the wardrobe door beside the bed had been opened about half an arm's length away.

The closet was dark, and only some of the clothes piled up near the door of the closet could be vaguely seen.

At this moment, a stray strand of long hair appeared in the dark inside the cabinet, and then a strange woman showed half of her face, which had a large number of mutilations and incomplete flesh.

Her eyes were wide open, she kept a weird smile on her face, her left eye stared at Wei An who was lying on the bed, and slowly stretched out the same mutilated left arm from the closet door, her ring finger and little finger were all broken , thumbnail flipped open.

At the same moment, the woman squeezed out a hoarse voice from her mouth: "I!"

Wei An suddenly sat up from the bed, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he was breathing rapidly. When he looked at the closet again, he found that the closet door was closed. The scene just now seemed to have never happened at all.

After taking a breath, he knew that he had just had a nightmare. Looking at the time again, this sleep was the longest he had slept in this month, from yesterday afternoon to 04:30 in the morning.

 I have some things to talk about, I will open a single chapter to talk to you later.

(End of this chapter)

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